









When talking about travel, we may immediately think of its advantages.








15.Bali is a tiny island that is part of Indonesia(印度尼西亚) today.It is a pretty island that has many mountains and a pleasant climate.For a long time,Bali was cut off from much of the world.
The people of Bali were happy and had a peaceful life.They were not allowed to fight.At one time there had been terrible wars on Bali.Then the people decided it was wrong to fight or have wars.They made rules to keep apart those people who wanted to fight.
Bali was divided into seven small kingdoms.The land around each kingdom was kept empty,and no one lived there.Since the kingdoms did not share the same borders(边界),the people could not fight about them.
On Bali,even children were not allowed to fight.If two children started a fight over a toy,someone separated them.When two boys argued,they would agree not to speak to each other.Sometimes they did not talk together for months; this gave the boys a chance to forget their anger.
Families who were angry with each other also promised not to speak.Their promise was written down,and the whole village knew about it.If they broke their promise,they had to offer gifts to their gods.

28.Bali is an island belonging toC.
29.The people of BaliD.
A.fought for a long time
B.quarreled about their borders
C.is cut off from much of the world
D.lived a happy and peaceful life
30.How did the people of Bali prevent fighting from breaking out?D.
A.They shared the same borders.
B.The island was divided into seven kingdoms.
C.They made strict rules to punish those who wanted to fight.
D.Land was kept empty around each kingdom and no one lived there.
31.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?D.
A.At one time there were terrible wars on the island.
B.You'll hardly see children fighting on the island.
C.Bali is a beautiful island with many mountains and nice weather.
D.People had to offer gifts to the villagers if they broke their promise.

A new American weather satellite could save more lives by better predicting extreme weather conditions. It will be in orbit(轨道)some 36,000 kilometers above Earth’s surface. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, also known as NOAA, has been working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on the project.

NOAA officials are calling the new satellite GOES-R. That is short for a much longer name—the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series. NOAA said GOES-R could improve the nation's ability to observe weather conditions and make weather predictions. It said the satellite's operation would lead to more exact and timely weather forecasts watches and warnings.

The government agency said the satellite will require testing of its six instruments and will be ready to work “within a year."

"The next generation of weather satellites is finally here." said NOAA Administrator Kathryn Sullivan. She described GOES-R as one of the most complicated Earth-observing machines ever created. Sullivan said its instruments will be able to study Earth five times faster and with four times more detail than any other NOAA satellite currently in operation. She believes this will make the United States an even stronger, more “Weather-Ready" nation.

A NOAA statement said the greater detail will help improve the agency’s study of ocean storms, as well as “the prediction and warnings of severe weather. "In addition, GOES-R will be able to provide improved rainfall estimates (预计), which will lead to more timely and detailed flood warning. The statement also said that GOES-R will give better estimates of wind strength, as well as better measurement of fog, ice or lightning strikes.

Craig Fugate serves as administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He says that the GOES-R satellite will improve the ability of people and organizations across America to prepare for, and react to, weather-related disasters.

1.What’s the purpose of this new American satellite?

A. To test new instruments. B. To improve people’s lives.

C. To forecast weather disasters. D. To replace old weather satellites.

2.What benefit will the U. S.

A. get from the satellite’s operation?

A. The advantages to own the most advanced technology.

B. More accurate and timely weather information.

C. The ability to monitor the earth from high space.

D. More powerful ability to control the weather.

3.What do you know about the satellite from Paragraph 5?

A. Which aspects the satellite can improve.

B. When the satellite can find severe weather.

C. How the satellite helps to study the oceans.

D. How long the satellite forsees a weather disaster.

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Weather Predictions Expected to Improve with New U. S. Satellite.

B. Fighting Disasters Needs More Exact Weather Predictions.

C. New Science and Technology Used in New Weather Satellite.

D. American Weather Prediction Takes a Lead in the World.

For many years,drivers of electric trains in the UK were at risk from bird strikes.When they were travelling at high speeds,a____hitting the front of the train could____the windscreen of the driving cab.I once had a pigeon break the offside window into pieces at only 40 mi/h.The pigeon didn't____,but I did—I am alive!

In an effort to provide a better degree of____and reduce delays,of course,research was done to find a ___toughened glass windscreen for____.As part of this research,____was sought from airline suppliers,who said that a good test for ant new glass type was to fire a chicken at high speed____the window material.The____was soon set up and a number of dead chickens obtained.

Even though it was of a standard used by____,the test with the first chicken showed that the glass was not____enough.A second test____broke the glass.Another test damaged the third windscreen!Repeated____showed that no glass could____the chicken being fired at it.More advice was sought from the airline people,who could not understand____the glass they offered could withstand(禁得住)airborne bird strikes but____failing the railway tests. They decided to come to____test.

The railway research team set up a____test and sent someone to obtain more chickens.____the chickens arrived,it was then that the airline experts realized what was wrong.They told the railway research team."You know,you do____to defrost(解冻)the chickens first."

1.A. device B. chicken C. bird D. stone

2.A. keep out B. pass through C. escape from D. take away

3.A. fly B. appear C. fall D. survive

4.A. safety B. speed C. travel D. temperature

5.A. heavy B. bright C. suitable D. flat

6.A. passengers B. drivers C. animals D. pilots

7.A. information B. energy C. courage D. advice

8.A. off B. towards C. beyond D. across

9.A. test B. research C. business D. organization

10.A. government B. army C. railways D. airlines

11.A. popular B. attractive C. tough D. transparent

12.A. also B. then C. ever D. only

13.A. changes B. attempts C. events D. ideas

14.A. reflect B. prevent C. separate D. resist

15.A. whether B. how C. why D. when

16.A. avoided B. kept C. stood D. stopped

17.A. witness B. cancel C. prove D. correct

18.A. strange B. strict C. new D. necessary

19.A. The moment B. Now that C. Even if D. In case

20.A. manage B. agree C. expect D. have

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