


To keep the creative juices flowing, employees should be receptive to criticism

Researchers have been curious about whether negative feedback really makes people perform better, particularly when it comes to completing creative tasks. The literature has been mixed about this. In a recent investigation, Kim, who in May will join the Cambridge Judge Business School as an assistant professor, observed –– through a field experiment and a lab experiment –– and reported on how receiving negative feedback might impact the creativity of the recipients(接受者).

In both studies, Kim found that negative feedback can inspire or prevent creative thinking. What is most important is where the criticism comes from. When creative professionals or participants received criticism from a boss or a peer, they tended to be less creative in their subsequent work. Interestingly, if an individual received negative feedback from an employee of lower rank, they benefited from it and became more creative.

Some aspects of these findings seem intuitive(凭直觉的). “It makes sense that employees might feel threatened by criticism from their managers,” says Kim. “Supervisors have a lot of influence in deciding promotions or pay raises. So negative feedback from a boss might cause career anxieties.” It also stands to reason that feedback from a co-worker might also be received as threatening because we often compete with our peers for the same promotions and opportunities.

When we feel that pressure from above or from our peers, we tend to fixate on the stressful aspects of it and end up being less creative in our future work, says Kim.

What Kim found most surprising was how negative feedback from their followers (employees that they manage) made supervisors more creative.

“It’s a bit counterintuitive(反直觉的) because we tend to believe we shouldn’t criticize the boss,” says Kim. “In reality, most supervisors are willing to receive negative feedback and learn from it. It’s not that they enjoy criticism –– rather, they are in a natural power position and can cope with the discomfort of negative feedback better.”

The key takeaways: bosses and coworkers need to be more careful when they offer negative feedback to someone they manage or to their peers. And feedback recipients need to worry less when it comes to receiving criticism, says Kim.

“The tough part of being a manager is pointing out a follower’s poor performance or weak points. But it’s a necessary part of the job,” says Kim. “If you’re a supervisor, just be aware that your negative feedback can hurt your followers’ creativity. Followers tend to receive negative feedback personally. Therefore, keep your feedback specific to tasks. Explain how the point you’re discussing relates to only their task behavior, not to aspects of the person.”

In short, anyone who wants to offer negative feedback on the job should do so attentively and sensitively and to promote creativity at work, we should all be receptive to criticism from supervisors, peers and followers.

To keep the creative juices flowing, employees should be receptive to criticism

Introduction to the topic

Experiments are conducted to find out whether negative feedback 1 people’s performance or not.

Negative feedback can inspire or hold back creativity, 2 on where the criticism comes from.

3 of the study

Criticism from a boss or a peer 4 creativity, while negative feedback from lower rank employees will be 5.

Our work is greatly influenced by our supervisors, so their criticism might bring about anxieties.

6 for the phenomena

We compete with our peers for the same opportunities, thus feeling 7 by their negative feedback.

Supervisors are in a favourable 8 and can learn from their followers’ negative feedback.

Enlightenment from the study

When offering criticism to followers or peers, bosses and coworkers need to keep it 9 to their tasks.

Recipients should adopt a positive 10 towards others’ criticism.


1improves / betters





6Explanations /Reasons








理解概括题。第一段第一句Researchers have been curious about whether negative feedback really makes people perform better, particularly when it comes to completing creative tasks.可知,研究者们在研究负面的反馈能否使得人们表现更好,也就是提高,negative feedback是不可数名词,故填improves/betters


理解概括题。结合第二段的In both studies, Kim found that可知在说硏究的发现,故填 Findings


题理解概括题,也考察固定搭配。第二段第二行 What is most important is where the criticism comes from可知,负面反馈对于创造力是引发还是抑制取决于批评的来源,也就是基于批评的来源,depend on“取决于based on“基于。故填depending/based


理解概括题。第二段的When creative professionals or participants received criticism from a boss or a peer, they tended to be less creative in their subsequent work.可知,批评来自上司或者权威人士会抑制降低创造力,主语是不可数名词,故填prevents/checks/hurts/reduces/lowers


理解概括题。第二段最后一句 Interestingly, if an individual received negative feedback from an employee of lower rank, they benefited from it and became more creative.可知,相反,从更低级别的下属那里得到批评会从中获益,be动词后接形容词做表语,故填beneficial/inspiring/ helpful


理解概括题。6段开始到倒数第二段开始硏究为何会有这种现象,也就是该现象的原因或者解释,故填Explanations/ Reasons


原词重现题。第三段最后一句 It also stands to reason that feedback from a co-worker might also be received as threatening because we often compete with our peers for the same promotions and opportunities.可知,人们和平级有竞争关系,因此被批评时也会产生威胁感,feel是系动词,故填threatened


原词重现题。第六段最后一句…rather, they are in a natural power position and can cope with the discomfort of negative feedback better. 可知,相反,他们处于自然的权力位置,可以更好地应对负反馈的不适。因此推断管理者处于有利的位置,可以从追随者的负面反馈中学习。故填position


原词重现题。根据第八段倒数第二行Therefore, keep your feedback specific to tasks.可知,批评的时候要针对任务或者说局限于任务本身,用形容词作宾语补足语,故填specific/limited


理解概括题。最后一段最后一句…we should all be receptive to criticism from supervisors, peers and followers.说明批评的接受者对于批评要抱有一个积极的态度去接受,形容词修饰名词,故填attitude


【题目】Why Old Books Are Better Than New Books

Books, both old and new, are great things, but our culture emphasizes that“newer” things are often better. It's hard to say no to your favorite contemporary writer or an amazing up-and-coming author's latest publication, but it's always worth picking up an old book between reading newer ones.1.

They are free

The old classics are usually free or deeply discounted at used book stores.2.The first obvious place would be your local library, which I think is the most important institution of our time. There are some lovely“free bookstores” online such as Project Gutenberg and Bartleby, which provide free e-books.

They show a different way of life from another time

Older books are valuable because they show life from another time.3 .Everyone knows about these stories. Each book has a tale to tell from that point in history. In this sense, reading an old book is almost like visiting an interpretative museum.

4old classical books have stood out of time, but new books are still in a contemporary period with readers. "The ages bear evidence to the accuracy of their ideas, "Michael Hyatt writes about old books.5.There is no test for old novels to pass because the best ones have been passed on by many generations.

A.You'll remember it forever

B.They don't need to prove themselves

C.It doesn't mean it has lost its relevance

D.There are many ways to find these free books

E.Here's why old classic books stand out from new books

F.Ideas constantly float through our heads daily, but the best stand the test of time

G.Many books are stories or fairy tales from the past, like Beowulf and To Kill a Mockingbird

【题目】 Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced that the UK will host the first ever Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit(峰会) in London this October.This global summit aims to put mental-health care on an equal footing with the physical kind.

But there is a long way to go. One in four people will experience a mental-health problem at some point in life. In rich countries mental illnesses account for more suffering and premature death than heart disease, strokes(中风) or cancer. Meanwhile the central-African countries have just one mental-health professional per 100,000 people, a fiftieth as many as Europe has. (Less than 1% of foreign aid for health care goes towards mental health.)

As developing countries handle infectious diseases, mental health will consume a greater share of budgets and attention there. By 2020 mental-health conditions may account for 15% of the global burden of disease, but even in rich countries many people with common problems still go without treatment.

It is clear that mental illness is fast becoming one of the global health challenges of the 21st century. Until recently, this hasn’t had the profile it deserves on a global stage. The ministers gathering in London must produce new money and focus—and not just another declaration. The summit is also expected to help countries learn from each other to find the best ways to deal with increased rates of depression and anxiety among young people.

1Which of the following best explains “on an equal footing” underlined in paragraph 1?

A.Standing up for.B.Being as important as.

C.Standing in one’s shoes.D.Having an advantage over.

2What is the purpose of holding the meeting?

A.To find more foreign aid for health care.

B.To make a declaration on mental illnesses.

C.To solve the physical problems of the youth.

D.To stress the importance of mental health.

3Which disease causes more premature death in rich countries?

A.Heart disease.B.Cancer.

C.Mental illness.D.Stroke.

4What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.Effective measures should be taken on mental health.

B.The problem of mental illness has drawn enough attention.

C.People in developed countries suffer less mental illnesses.

D.Mental-health diseases have taken up about 15% of the global illness cases.

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