
【题目】A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China—“tuhao”—which loosely means “nouveau riche”. There have been more than 100 million references to the word “tuhao” on social media since early September.

It’s being used to describe everything from the new people’s daily building, to expensive celebrity weddings full of millionaires, and the new gold-colored iPhone.

In Chinese “tu” means earth and “hao” means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from a poor peasant background, and have made it rich quickly—but don’t quite have the manners to go along with it. “It’s like the term ‘nouveau riche’”, says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham, “but has even more negative meanings, suggesting a certain vulgarity(粗俗).”

“Tuhao” is actually an old word, dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty—1,500 years ago, but it has always meant something rather different. During the communist revolution, from the 1920s to early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry(乡绅)who would often do bad things to those beneath them.

This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke about a rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice, expecting to be told to live a more simple life. The monk replies instead with a sentence, “Tuhao, let’s be friends!”

Chinese Internet users are highly creative in their use of language, and are constantly inventing, and re-inventing words as a way of getting past censorship(审查) rules. But in this case, its popularity seems to be down to the fact that it expresses China’s changing society so well—many people sneer at those with wealth, but are secretly jealous.

【1】What is the best title of the passage?

A. Tuhao, a newly popular word in China

B. The long history of Tuhao

C. The new usage of Tuhao

D. Tuhao, a newly-invented Chinese word

【2Which of the following may NOT be considered “tuhao”?

A. A vulgar nouveau riche.

B. A landholder.

C. A quick-rich peasant without proper manners.

D. A Buddhist monk.

【3】The last but one paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A. what the new usage of the word is

B. how the word becomes popular again

C. why the unhappy man went to the Buddhist monk

D. what advice the monk gave the unhappy man

【4】What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean?

A. Respect. B. Envy. C. Laugh. D. Disbelieve.








【1】A 标题选择题。根据本文中出现最多的词是“tuhao”并且由第一句话A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China—“tuhao”本文主要讲的是“tuhao”成为受欢迎的一个词。故选A。

【2】D.细节判断题。由原文“ rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice”可知是一个富有的不愉快的人去向大师寻求建议,而并非这个大师是土豪。故选D

【3】B 主旨大意题。由原文new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-share可知由于新用法的出现使这个词再次走红。故选B

【4】C 词义猜测题。由原文even more negative meanings, suggesting a certain vulgarity(粗俗).可知土豪是个贬义词,是用来讥讽的。故选C


【题目】Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and complex part of his body — the brain.

It may be surprising to learn that it isn’t age that makes you lose your memory. The reason could be that you have a "lazy" memory, not an old one. Like your body your memory improves with exercise. Once given plenty of exercise, the brain keeps its power. Before discussing how to improve the memory, let’s look at how the brain works. There are two sides to the brain, the left and the right. The right side deals with the senses (what we see, hear, feel and smell). It's the creative and imaginative side. The left side is concerned with logic. It analyzes information and puts it in order.

Some recent research suggests that we remember everything that happens to us. The problem most of us has is recalling events. Most forgetting takes place immediately after learning. An hour after learning something new, more than 50% has been forgotten. After a month, 80% has been forgotten, and so on.

This shows revision is very important. If you revise new material you have learnt, you remember much more. So it's of vital importance to revise newly learned material often, and have frequent breaks. We best remember what we learn at the beginning of a learning period and at the point where we stop. After the break, revise what was learned before the break and then continue learning the new material. These breaks should happen every 20 or 45 minutes.

Other experiments have shown the brain needs time to "digest" what has been learned. The time necessary for this is 5 to 10 minutes. After the break, the memory will have absorbed what it has just learned, and more will be remembered. During this period it is important to exercise the right side of the brain, because the left side is used during the learning period. Therefore you should relax. Listening to music, breathing in fresh air, and looking at a picture are all ways of using the other side of the brain. So when you are studying alone, make a plan which shows when to have breaks and to revise newly learned material immediately before you begin studying again. If you do in this way, your memory will improve.

【1】According to the text, you lose your memory by ________.

A. getting too old B. hardly using your brain

C. working too hard D. using your brain too much

【2】To fight forgetting effectively, we're advised to ________.

A. go back to what was learned regularly

B. break down materials into small pieces

C. focus on both ends of a learning period

D. take breaks to give the brain a good rest

【3】 During the learning process the brain need breaks to ________.

A. use the right side of the brain

B. revise newly learnt materials

C. take in what has been learnt

D. relax the left side of the brain

【4】Where is this text most probably taken from?

A. Science fictions. B. Students’ literature.

C. An advertisement. D. A science report.

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