
【题目】Yesterday night, over a dinner with my elder brother’s family, a topic of happiness came up. My wife, Marla, a psychologist, was sharing Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of “flow” with us. Marla explained that according to the research on flow, people are happiest when they are absorbed in a task that is just challenging enough for them to experience a sense of mastery(熟练).

A few moments later my brother, Yuri, offered the following opinion: “The first and only, necessary and sufficient factor for happiness is to stop associating happiness with pleasure. The two — happiness and pleasure — have nothing to do with each other.” This morning, with my cup of coffee, I searched through a pile of books on my bedside table and—at the bottom—found a book by Bertrand Russell, I started reading but didn’t finish. In it, I found the following thought:

“The human animal, like others, is adapted to a certain amount of struggle for life, and when by means of great wealth homo sapiens can gratify all his whims (突发奇想) without effort, the mere absence of effort from his life removes an essential ingredient of happiness.”

The conversation came full circle: people are happiest when they are in a state of flow (Csikszentmihalyi’s language )…which is the effortful devotion in a moment…which has nothing to do with pleasure.

Indeed, as Yuri insisted : happiness–as–pleasure is a myth; the association between happiness and pleasure is nothing but a semantic(语义的) habit; psychologically, the two—happiness and pleasure—are arguably different; and breaking up this association between pleasure and happiness might, in fact, be a powerfully first step in pursuit of happiness.

As I look back on that exchange, I recall that there was an effort, a struggle to find a common understanding about this seemingly difficult idea—a struggle that made me happy.

1The author wrote this text mainly to ________.

A. look back on the happy night

B. advise readers to read Bertrand Russell

C. tell readers how to be happiest

D. show different opinions on family gathering

2According to Marla, people feel happiest when they ________.

A. get what they want without effort

B. master the happiness around them

C. involve themselves in a challenging task

D. experience things that can bring pleasure

3What writing style is used by the author to explain happiness?

A. Giving examples. B. Using quotes.

C. Making comparisons. D. Offering arguments.

4The best title of the text may probably be ________.

A. The struggle for life B. Happiness as pleasure

C. A topic over the dinner D. The effort for happiness






【解析】文中作者介绍了happiness pleasure的不同及如何得到快乐的方法


推理判断题。根据第一段people are happiest when they are absorbed in a task that is just challenging enough for them to experience a sense of mastery.第四段people are happiest when they are in a state of flow ( Csikszentmihalyi’s language )第五段breaking up this association between pleasure and happiness might, in fact, be a powerfully first step in pursuit of happiness.等内容可知,作者主要是想告诉我们如何最快乐,故选C.


细节推理题。根据第一段Marla explained that according to the research on flow, people are happiest when they are absorbed in a task that is just challenging enough for them to experience a sense of mastery(熟练).可知Marla认为人们最高兴的是专注于一项具有挑战性和体验熟练感的任务,故选C.


推理判断题。根据第二段my brother, Yuri, offered the following opinion: “The first and only, ……I found the following thought: …… 可知在解释happiness时作者运用了引用,故选B.


主旨大意题。文中作者介绍了happiness pleasure的不同,如何得到快乐的方法,D项:The effort for happiness指为幸福付出的努力,能概括全文作为标题,故选D.


When I was in middle school, I got mad at my parents because they would never give anything to the homeless that passed by us.
On a family vacation in Washington D.C., there was a 1 man down the street. My family2 with our eyes at our feet. On our final day in the city, when my 3 went for an evening walk, I ran out of our hotel room 4 and ran down the street to the homeless man.
He looked at me with curiosity, surely not5 anything from a middle school girl. I asked him what he would have for 6. He replied he would have hamburgers.
I ran into the grocery store down the block and 7 five hamburgers and many other foods. I ran back with a grin(咧嘴笑) on my face and 8 the grocery bags full of food to him. His 9 has been in my mind ever since.
I ran back to the 10 as soon as possible. When my parents 11, my dad told me he had a 12 for me. He asked if I still 13 the homeless man down the street from our hotel and I shyly 14. He then told me, with a grin on his face, a story of15 as they were returning from their walk the homeless man was 16 grocery bags full of food with other homeless people around and they were all smiling and laughing as they 17. I smiled at my dad but never to this day have told him the 18 story of that homeless man.
I still haven't forgotten that man's smile but I wish I had the 19 to do this more often. One 20fearless act by a middle school girl can begin a series of effect of smiles and dignity(尊严). So please, share a smile and give some dignity to the homeless.
(1)A.friendly B.homeless C.generous D.thankful
(2)A.sat down B.walked past C.turned up D.joined in
(3)A.classmates B.brothers C.students D.parents
(4)A.secretly B.surely C.hopefully D.luckily
(5)A.taking B.losing C.expecting D.charging
(6)A.pleasure B.service C.dinner D.gift
(7)A.bought B.cooked C.borrowed D.stole
(8)A.lent B.sold C.posted D.handed
(9)A.humor B.sorrow C.anger D.smile
(10)A.hotel B.church C.school D.town
(11)A.left B.discovered C.returned D.arrived
(12)A.present B.story C.reward D.book
(13)A.missed B.hated C.admired D.remembered
(14)A.nodded B.promised C.described D.explained
(15)A.how B.why C.when D.where
(16)A.collecting B.accepting C.sharing D.heating
(17)A.played B.ate C.begged D.walked
(18)A.moving B.familiar C.sad D.true
(19)A.confidence B.courage C.determination D.wisdom
(20)A.funny B.interesting C.small D.crazy

【题目】Having a shy style isn’t necessarily a problem. It’s OK to take time to warm up to new people and situations. 1 Some people want to feel less shy so they can enjoy socializing and being themselves around others. Here are some tips on overcoming shy feelings.

2 Practice social behaviors like eye contact, confident body language, introductions, small talk, asking questions, and invitations with people you feel most comfortable around. Smile and build your confidence.

● Think of some conversation starters. Often the hardest part of talking to someone new is getting started. Think of conversation openers, like introducing yourself, giving a compliment (赞美), or asking a question. 3

● Rehearse (排练) what to say. When you are ready to try something you’ve been avoiding because of shyness — like a phone call or a conversation, write down what you want to say. Read it out loud in front of a mirror. Then just do your social activities. 4Few of the things that more confident people do are perfect, either.

● Give yourself a chance. 5 Practice socializing with these new people and get to know them slowly. People who are shy often worry about failing or how others will judge them. Don’t let these worries and feelings keep you from trying.

A. Start small with people you know.

B. Then you can start smiling and saying “hello” in real life.

C. One of the best ways to get over shyness is to believe in yourself.

D. Find group activities where you can be with people who share your interests.

E. Being ready with a conversation starter makes it easier to approach someone.

F. Don’t worry if they’re not exactly like you have practiced or they’re not perfect.

G. But shyness prevents some people from being as comfortable as they’d like to be.

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