
When I was in middle school, I got mad at my parents because they would never give anything to the homeless that passed by us.
On a family vacation in Washington D.C., there was a 1 man down the street. My family2 with our eyes at our feet. On our final day in the city, when my 3 went for an evening walk, I ran out of our hotel room 4 and ran down the street to the homeless man.
He looked at me with curiosity, surely not5 anything from a middle school girl. I asked him what he would have for 6. He replied he would have hamburgers.
I ran into the grocery store down the block and 7 five hamburgers and many other foods. I ran back with a grin(咧嘴笑) on my face and 8 the grocery bags full of food to him. His 9 has been in my mind ever since.
I ran back to the 10 as soon as possible. When my parents 11, my dad told me he had a 12 for me. He asked if I still 13 the homeless man down the street from our hotel and I shyly 14. He then told me, with a grin on his face, a story of15 as they were returning from their walk the homeless man was 16 grocery bags full of food with other homeless people around and they were all smiling and laughing as they 17. I smiled at my dad but never to this day have told him the 18 story of that homeless man.
I still haven't forgotten that man's smile but I wish I had the 19 to do this more often. One 20fearless act by a middle school girl can begin a series of effect of smiles and dignity(尊严). So please, share a smile and give some dignity to the homeless.
(1)A.friendly B.homeless C.generous D.thankful
(2)A.sat down B.walked past C.turned up D.joined in
(3)A.classmates B.brothers C.students D.parents
(4)A.secretly B.surely C.hopefully D.luckily
(5)A.taking B.losing C.expecting D.charging
(6)A.pleasure B.service C.dinner D.gift
(7)A.bought B.cooked C.borrowed D.stole
(8)A.lent B.sold C.posted D.handed
(9)A.humor B.sorrow C.anger D.smile
(10)A.hotel B.church C.school D.town
(11)A.left B.discovered C.returned D.arrived
(12)A.present B.story C.reward D.book
(13)A.missed B.hated C.admired D.remembered
(14)A.nodded B.promised C.described D.explained
(15)A.how B.why C.when D.where
(16)A.collecting B.accepting C.sharing D.heating
(17)A.played B.ate C.begged D.walked
(18)A.moving B.familiar C.sad D.true
(19)A.confidence B.courage C.determination D.wisdom
(20)A.funny B.interesting C.small D.crazy


(1)考查形容词。A. friendly友好的; B. homeless 无家可归的; C. generous慷慨的; D. thankful感谢的。根据第二段最后一句中ran down the street to the homeless man.可知在大街上有一个无家可归的人。答案为B。
(2)考查动词短语。A. sat down 坐下; B. walked past 走过; C. turned up 出现; D. joined in加入。我们小心翼翼地走过。答案为B。
(3)考查名词。A. classmates 同学; B. brothers 兄弟; C. students学生; D. parents父母。我父母晚上去散步,我秘密地跑出宾馆,沿街跑向无家可归的人。答案为D。
(4)考查副词。A. secretly 秘密地; B. surely 当然; C. hopefully 充满希望地; D. luckily幸运地。我父母晚上去散步,我秘密地跑出宾馆,沿街跑向无家可归的人。答案为A。
(5)考查动词。A. taking 拿走; B. losing 失去; C. expecting 期盼; D. charging充电。他充满好奇地看着我,确定不会期盼从一个中学生女孩那里得到任何东西。答案为C。
(6)考查名词。A. pleasure 快乐; B. service 服务; C. dinner 晚餐; D. gift礼物。我问他晚餐想吃什么。答案为C。
(7)考查动词。A. bought 买; B. cooked煮; C. borrowed借入; D. stole偷。我跑向杂货店买来汉堡包和其他吃的东西。答案为A。
(8)考查动词。A. lent借出; B. sold 卖; C. posted贴出; D. handed递送。我把装满食品的袋子递给他。答案为D。
(9)考查名词。A. humor 幽默; B. sorrow 悲伤; C. anger 生气; D. smile微笑。根据上句中I ran back with a grin(咧嘴笑) on my face可知从那以后他的微笑就留在了我的脑海中。答案为D。
(10)考查名词。A. hotel宾馆; B. church 教堂; C. school 学校; D. town城镇。我尽可能快地回到宾馆。答案为A。
(11)考查动词。A. left 离开; B. discovered 发现; C. returned 返回,归还; D. arrived到达。当我的父母返回来的时候,我的父亲说他给我讲一个故事。答案为C。
(12)考查名词。A. present 礼物; B. story故事; C. reward 回报; D. book书。当我的父母返回来的时候,我的父亲说他给我讲一个故事。答案为B。
(13)考查动词。A. missed错过,想念; B. hated 厌恶; C. admired 钦佩; D. remembered记得。他问我是否还记得那个无家可归的人,我胆怯地点头。答案为D。
(14)考查动词。A. nodded 点头; B. promised 许诺; C. described 描述; D. explained解释。他问我是否还记得那个无家可归的人,我胆怯地点头。答案为A。
(15)考查宾语从句。父亲告诉我,当他们回来时,那个无家可归的人和周围的无家可归的人是怎样分享食物的。how引导的介词宾语从句,答案为A。(16)考查动词。A. collecting 收集; B. accepting 接受; C. sharing 分享; D. heating加热。父亲告诉我,当他们回来时,那个无家可归的人和周围的无家可归的人是怎样分享食物的。答案为C。
(17)考查动词。A. played 玩; B. ate 吃; C. begged 祈求; D. walked散步。当他们吃的时侯,非常开心地笑着。答案为B。
(18)考查形容词。A. moving动人的; B. familiar 熟悉的; C. sad 伤心的; D. true真实的。我冲着父亲微笑着,但从来没告诉他关于那个无家可归的人的真实故事。答案为D。
(19)考查名词。A. confidence自信; B. courage 勇气; C. determination 决心; D. wisdom智慧。我仍然没有忘记那个无家可归人的微笑,但我希望我有勇气经常做更多这样的事。答案为B。
(20)考查形容词。A. funny可笑的; B. interesting 有趣的; C. small 小的; D. crazy疯狂的。一个小女孩的无畏行为可以开始产生一系列的微笑和尊严的影响。答案为C。


I used to be the messiest person alive. Over the years, through watching others and by trial and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organize them and follow through with them.
Make an outline of everything you need to have and do to make your plan happen. Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.
Detail everything thoroughly and read over it so you can start coming up with some mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.
You should ensure that if for some reason way one doesn't work, you have way two and way three to lean back on. Therefore, different ways are needed at hand. It's just a matter of being organized. Chances are that there is always more than one way of doing things, and chances are that if one of those ways doesn't work, one of the others will.
Committing yourself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary. It will show that you not only have initiative to get things rolling, but that you are interested in the results obtained with making the move to get everything done.
If you make a commitment to finish before aspecific time, make sure that you carry that out, and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for yourself.
Don't try to tackle (处理) more things all at atime. All that does is delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.
Carrying out an effective plan requires being as organized as possible. You will only achieve this by sticking to the order of the plan and not deviating or trying to do more at a time.
Last but not the least, you should never abandon things mid-project. It will only annoy everyone around you including yourself. Unfinished plans are a waste of time, energy and, in some cases,even money.
So,don't be afraid of organization. The older we get,the more necessary it becomes to have the skills to follow through with confidence and to be able to carry through plans in an organized and manageable way. It pays to be organized, after all.
Title: Tips on how to bein your life

down your plan
List everything you need Listyou will follow
To make your plan happen
Prepare threeways to carry out your plan
Tothat you can have some other choices when one way doesn't work
to finish at least part of your plan if not all
Do everythingyour own time-frame
To show yourself you are determined to get things stared and caring about the results
Do one thing at once
Stick to the order of you plan
To save your interest, motivation and energy
Finish what you have started
To get your planout thoroughly

You shouldn't be afraid of organization because it's really worthwhile.

【题目】Yesterday night, over a dinner with my elder brother’s family, a topic of happiness came up. My wife, Marla, a psychologist, was sharing Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of “flow” with us. Marla explained that according to the research on flow, people are happiest when they are absorbed in a task that is just challenging enough for them to experience a sense of mastery(熟练).

A few moments later my brother, Yuri, offered the following opinion: “The first and only, necessary and sufficient factor for happiness is to stop associating happiness with pleasure. The two — happiness and pleasure — have nothing to do with each other.” This morning, with my cup of coffee, I searched through a pile of books on my bedside table and—at the bottom—found a book by Bertrand Russell, I started reading but didn’t finish. In it, I found the following thought:

“The human animal, like others, is adapted to a certain amount of struggle for life, and when by means of great wealth homo sapiens can gratify all his whims (突发奇想) without effort, the mere absence of effort from his life removes an essential ingredient of happiness.”

The conversation came full circle: people are happiest when they are in a state of flow (Csikszentmihalyi’s language )…which is the effortful devotion in a moment…which has nothing to do with pleasure.

Indeed, as Yuri insisted : happiness–as–pleasure is a myth; the association between happiness and pleasure is nothing but a semantic(语义的) habit; psychologically, the two—happiness and pleasure—are arguably different; and breaking up this association between pleasure and happiness might, in fact, be a powerfully first step in pursuit of happiness.

As I look back on that exchange, I recall that there was an effort, a struggle to find a common understanding about this seemingly difficult idea—a struggle that made me happy.

1The author wrote this text mainly to ________.

A. look back on the happy night

B. advise readers to read Bertrand Russell

C. tell readers how to be happiest

D. show different opinions on family gathering

2According to Marla, people feel happiest when they ________.

A. get what they want without effort

B. master the happiness around them

C. involve themselves in a challenging task

D. experience things that can bring pleasure

3What writing style is used by the author to explain happiness?

A. Giving examples. B. Using quotes.

C. Making comparisons. D. Offering arguments.

4The best title of the text may probably be ________.

A. The struggle for life B. Happiness as pleasure

C. A topic over the dinner D. The effort for happiness

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