
【题目】 Have you ever thought that music can have an effect on animals? Dr. Fisher has put music in over 1,100 animal shelters, saying that it makes dogs and cats quiet and even cuts down on barking. Fisher asked artists around the world to share dog-and-cat friendly music. She gives it free to animal shelters.

One fan was Tina. Winter temperatures at the rural shelter for six dogs and six cats usually ran below zero and the wind blew nearly every day. To calm the animals, Tina tried the radio. Besides poor reception, the news and sports had people shouting and crying loudly. “The difference is great. ” she said. So she and her husband had to buy a second player for the cats. “When we play songs they like, they go and sit by the speakers. ” Tina said.

No one has studied the impact of Fisher’s music idea. But others have looked at how music and noise in general affected animals. A study found that animals were more likely to sleep and less likely to bark when Mozart, Beethoven and other similar music were playing, but not when heavy metal and other sounds were.

A survey of more than 500 shelters guided by Fisher validated her idea, finding barking reduced by half and animals more relaxed. It just destresses them.

Beyond the music, the shelter staff do what they can to reduce stress for the dogs, including toys, food and spending time with them. “Reducing their stress helps them show off their personalities and they can get adapted more quickly,” said Fisher. “The music also helps relax staff members and that benefits the animals too.”

1When dogs listen to dog friendly music. They will _______.

A.calm downB.get excited

C.become cleverD.never bark

2The underlined word “validated” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “_______.”



3What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Reducing stress is of great benefit to the dog.

B.The dogs in the shelter are fond of toys.

C.It is hard for the dogs to be adapted.

D.The staff members also like classical music.







1细节理解题。根据第三段中A study found that animals were more likely to sleep and less likely to bark when Mozart, Beethoven and other similar music were playing, but not when heavy metal and other sounds were.可知,一项研究发现,当播放莫扎特、贝多芬和其他类似音乐时,动物更容易睡觉,吠叫的可能性更小,而当播放重金属和其他声音时,动物就不会这样了。由此可知,当狗听舒缓的音乐,如莫扎特、贝多芬,他们会冷静下来。故选A

2词义猜测题。根据后文finding barking reduced by half and animals more relaxed可知,在Fisher的指导下,对500多家动物收容所进行了调查,结果证实了她的想法,狗叫声减少了一半,动物们也更放松了。由此可知,划线单词意思为“证明”。故选C

3细节理解题。根据最后一段中The music also helps relax staff members and that benefits the animals too.可知,音乐也能帮助员工放松,这对动物也有好处。由此可知,减轻压力对狗有很大好处。故选A


【题目】 In 2005, Winston Duncan was traveling with his mother in Southern Africa when he saw an old lady and young boy walking down a road together. He thought of his own grandmother and wondered how he could help the old lady and others in Africa who have to walk a long way.

Duncan, who lived in Washington State was 10 at the time, and his solution was to give them bikes. With his mom, he started Wheels to Africa, an organization that for the past 14 years has taken bicycles donated from residents of the. Washington area and shipped them across the world to people in need.

Most of the 8000 bikes they have collected have gone to countries in Africa, helping cut down hours of walking for students and other postmen. But last week, Duncan, travelled with a handful of volunteers and 400 bikes to a destination much closer to his home yet still in need: Puerto Rico. More than a year after it was destroyed by Hurricane Maria, the island suffers from transportation problems.

"It was a little chaotic (混乱的) — as soon as they got their bikes, they were just having fun riding around the parking lot," said Austin Higgins, a New Jersey resident who recently joined Wheels to Africa as its photographer and videographer. "Some people who received bicycles were almost speechless, and some of them cried, because it was something they had requested for Christmas from Santa Claus," he said.

The donated bikes included some high-end racing models, which went to teenagers interested in pursuing serious cycling.

Duncan recently graduated from Bard College and is in Arlington working at a political consulting firm. He now encourages kids in the Washington area to get involved with the organization, and some have joined him on trips to Africa and on this trip to Puerto Rico.

"I wanted to try to get people to think about giving back,” he said.

1Why did Winston Duncan start Wheels to Africa?

A.He hoped to make his grandmother feel happy.

B.He was fond of collecting different types of bikes.

C.He wanted to help the poor people to live better.

D.He was greatly supported by his mother to do so.

2What can we learn about Wheels to Africa?

A.It has been managed for fourteen years.

B.It has delivered about 400 bikes to Africa.

C.It has many young kids as its members now.

D.It collects bicycles from all the areas in the U. S.

3What can we infer from Austin Higgin's words in Paragraph Four?

A.The delivery usually meets with some trouble.

B.The people who got bikes were excited and grateful.

C.It was very difficult for Duncan to collect enough bikes.

D.People in Africa required him to dress up as Santa Claus.

4What is probably the best title of the text?

A.Wheels to Africa.B.Trip to Puerto Rico.

C.Duncan, a Generous Person.D.Hurricane in Puerto Rico.

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