
【题目】Everyone wants to achieve true happiness in life. But the biggest factor holding most of us back is actually our ownselves. The Huffington Post released a list of seven mistakes we need to let go of in order to become happier people. Let’s take a look.

1.Placing too much emphasis on fulfillment (成就感)

Those who put a lot of pressure on themselves to be happy feel more lonely on a daily basis than those who do not, according to research conducted at the University of Denver, US.

2. Keeping it all in

Keeping it all together during tough times can hurt you. Crying is the body’s emotional response to outside triggers (诱因).By suppressing it, you may be damaging your mental and physical health.

3. Looking at your smart phone all the time

Connecting with others may be the key to happiness, but a recent University of Michigan study found that the more time participants spent on social networking sites, the less happy they felt.

4. Not moving

It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is a big part of happiness. Something as simple as a walk can help you increase your creativity and expose you to essential vitamins.

5. Not reflecting on the past

In a 2013 study on nostalgia (怀旧) and emotion, participants reported a higher sense of physiological comfort when they looked back on the past. Affection for heartwarming memories helps people relate their past experiences to the present in order to create a greater sense of meaning.

6. Resisting change

A study on the psychology of choices shows that the human brain naturally tries to avoid loss—but that resistance can cause stress. Whether it’s fear of the unknown or fear of losing what you currently have, the pressure to hold on to the present can harm your future life satisfaction.

7. Not being mindful

Setting aside time for meditation (沉思) allows your body to relax, cultivates an attitude of gratitude and lowers your stress level, according to researchers at University of California, Los Angeles, US.

【1】What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To inform readers of the benefits of being happy.

B. To explain why our happiness depends on our own actions.

C. To point out the things we do that prevent us from being happy.

D. To discuss some typical characteristics of happy people.

【2】The underlined word “suppressing” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to .

A. speaking of B. holding back

C. thinking about D. taking no notice of

【3】According to the article, to be a happy person, it is important for us to .

A. set goals and achieve as much as we can

B. avoid recalling the past

C. do exercise in our spare time

D. spend more time on social networking sites

【4】According to the article, meditation is helpful mainly because .

A. it increases our creativity

B. it makes us less afraid of the unknown

C. it helps us relax and thus reduce our stress

D. it allows us to relate our past experiences to the present








【1】C 主旨归纳题。由第一段的“The Huffington Post released a list of seven mistakes we need to let go of in order to become happier people. Let’s take a look.”可以推知作者的写作目的C项为正确答案。故选C

【2】B 词义猜测题。前面一句提到“Crying is the body’s emotional response to outside triggers”,在困难的日子里,哭泣是身体对于外界刺激的一种情感反应。 ,你可能就会损害你的身心健康。根据上下文句意,可知B项为最佳选项,suppress表示“压制”。故选B

【3】C 推理判断题。由第四点可知C项为正确答案。由第一点处的“Those who put a lot of pressure on themselves to be happy feel more lonely”可知A项不对; 由第三点的“a recent University of Michigan study found that the more time participants spent on social networking sites, the less happy they felt”可知B项不对;由第五点的“participants reported a higher sense of physiological comfort when they looked back on the past”可知D项不对。故选C

【4】C 细节理解题。由最后一段“Setting aside time for meditation allows your body to relax, cultivates an attitude of gratitude and lowers your stress level”可知冥想可以让身体放松,培养感激之情和减少压力。C项为正确答案,故选C


【题目】Keeping pace with teachers is a fine way to study English. Teachers are experienced and their plans are systematic. But remember to work in a way that suits you. It's important to learn from past mistakes as well. Keep a notebook to make a record of the mistakes you make-it'll help you avoid making the same ones later.

The time of life may be hard,but you're not alone. You may be busy studying,but you can show your care by calling your friends or sending short messages. Don't let your friendships die.

It's as important to live well as it is to study well. Going to bed no later than 11:30 pm is vital(极重要的). It puts you in the right mood for the next day. You needn't follow a special diet,but make sure you are eating nutritious meals each day.

The person who plays well,studies well. Having a lot of schoolwork doesn't mean having to give up other activities. Playing basketball or having a talk with your classmates can relax yourself. Time out is not a waste of time but helps you study more efficiently.

Besides taking the big exam,you have other choices for college. I took the independent enrollment exam held by Peking University and some other students even were preparing to study abroad. Pay attention to any relevant(相关的)information you can find,whether it's from school,the news media or other sources.

【1】What should you do if you want to keep your friendship fresh?

A.Have frequent talks with them.

B.Always have lunch with them.

C.Remain them at some distance.

D.Keep connection by some ways.

【2】The third paragraph is mainly about________.

A.study B.friendship C.relaxation D.health

【3】Which one is the closest meaning to “Time out” in Paragraph 4?

A.Sleep. B.Exercise. C.Continuation. D.Pause.

【4】The passage is mainly written by a(n)________.

A.editor B.student C.teacher D.parent

【题目】Welcome to your future life!

You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. Your face is firm and young-looking. In 2035, medical technology is better than ever. Many people your age could live to be 150, so at 40, you’re not old at all. And your parents just had an anti-aging(抗衰老的) treatment. Now, all three of you look the same age !

You say to your shirt, “Turn red.” It changes from blue to red. In 2035, “smart clothes” contain particles(粒子) much smaller than the cells in your body. The particles can be programmed to change your clothes’ color or pattern.

You walk into the kitchen. You pick up the milk, but a voice says, “You shouldn’t drink that!” Your fridge has read the chip (芯片) that contains information about the milk , and it knows the milk is old . In 2035, every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.

It’s time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just tell your “smart car” where to go. On the way, you can call a friend using your jacket sleeve(袖子). Such “smart technology” is all around you.

So will all these things come true? “For new technology to succeed,” says scientist Andrew Zolli , “it has to be so much better that it replaces what we have already.” The Internet is one example --what will be the next?

【1】We can learn from the text that in the future__________.

A.people will never get old

B. everyone will look the same

C. red will be the most popular color

D. clothes will be able to change their pattern

【2】What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A. Milk will be harmful to health.

B. More drinks will be available for sale.

C. Food in the grocery store will carry electronic information.

D. Milk in the grocery store will stay fresh much longer.

【3】What is the text mainly about?

A. Food and clothing in 2035.

B. Future technology in everyday life.

C. Medical treatments of the future.

D. The reason for the success of new technology.



The next time you go into a bank, a store, or a supermarket, stop and listen. What do you hear? 【1 It’s similar to the music you listen to, but it’s not exactly the same. That’s because this music was especially designed to relax you, or to give you extra energy. Sometimes you don’t even realize the music is playing, but you react to the music anyway.

Quiet background music used to be called “elevator music” because we often heard it in elevators. But lately we hear it in more and more places, and it has a new name “Muzak”. About one-third of the people in America listen to “Muzak” every day. The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with short pauses in between. It is always more lively between ten and eleven in the morning, and between three and four in the afternoon, when people are more tired. 2

If you listen to Muzak carefully, you will probably recognize the names of many of the songs. Some musicians or songwriters don’t want their songs to be used as Muzak, but others are happy when their songs are chosen. Why? 3

Music is often played in public places because it is designed to make people feel less lonely when they are in an airport or a hotel. It has been proven that Muzak does what it is designed to do. Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the pleasant sound of Muzak in the background. 4 Supermarket shoppers buy 38 percent more groceries.

5 They say it’s boring to hear the same songs all the time. But other people enjoy hearing Muzak in public places. They say it helps them relax and feel calm. One way or another, Muzak affects everyone. Some farmers even say their cows give more milk when they hear Muzak!

A. Some people don’t like Muzak.

B. The music gives them extra energy.

C. Music is playing in the background.

D. Factory workers produce 13 percent more.

E. Muzak tends to help people understand music better.

F. They get as much as $4 million a year if their songs are used.

G. Muzak is played in most of the big supermarkets in the world.

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