

The next time you go into a bank, a store, or a supermarket, stop and listen. What do you hear? ¡¾1¡¿ It¡¯s similar to the music you listen to, but it¡¯s not exactly the same. That¡¯s because this music was especially designed to relax you, or to give you extra energy. Sometimes you don¡¯t even realize the music is playing, but you react to the music anyway.

Quiet background music used to be called ¡°elevator music¡± because we often heard it in elevators. But lately we hear it in more and more places, and it has a new name ¡°Muzak¡±. About one-third of the people in America listen to ¡°Muzak¡± every day. The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with short pauses in between. It is always more lively between ten and eleven in the morning, and between three and four in the afternoon, when people are more tired. ¡¾2¡¿

If you listen to Muzak carefully, you will probably recognize the names of many of the songs. Some musicians or songwriters don¡¯t want their songs to be used as Muzak, but others are happy when their songs are chosen. Why? ¡¾3¡¿

Music is often played in public places because it is designed to make people feel less lonely when they are in an airport or a hotel. It has been proven that Muzak does what it is designed to do. Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the pleasant sound of Muzak in the background. ¡¾4¡¿ Supermarket shoppers buy 38 percent more groceries.

¡¾5¡¿ They say it¡¯s boring to hear the same songs all the time. But other people enjoy hearing Muzak in public places. They say it helps them relax and feel calm. One way or another, Muzak affects everyone. Some farmers even say their cows give more milk when they hear Muzak!

A. Some people don¡¯t like Muzak.

B. The music gives them extra energy.

C. Music is playing in the background.

D. Factory workers produce 13 percent more.

E. Muzak tends to help people understand music better.

F. They get as much as $4 million a year if their songs are used.

G. Muzak is played in most of the big supermarkets in the world.















¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿If you believe you have failed, then you have. If you believe you don¡¯t have the ability to succeed, then you don¡¯t. _¡¾1¡¿__The moment you decide to give up or to stop working toward your goals, failure is born.


Most people give themselves an out without even realizing it. They are willing to work hard on reaching their goals, but only until the going gets too rough or their energy dies down. Don¡¯t do that! __¡¾3¡¿__ Never quit, never admit failure, and never lose heart.

Don¡¯t believe in a clear finish line for goals.

It¡¯s a good idea to set a general timeline(ʱ¼ä±í), but remember that something will be beyond your control. __¡¾4¡¿_If you lock yourself into a given timeline, you might make yourself feel like a failure! Instead, get a general idea of when you¡¯d like your goal to be completed. Then take it one day at a time and focus on making progress instead of reaching the finish line in as little time as possible.

Be sure that you don¡¯t see difficulties as failures.

Difficulties mean only one thing: it¡¯s not time for your goal to be completed yet. That¡¯s it! It doesn¡¯t mean you failed; it doesn¡¯t mean you are weak; it doesn¡¯t mean you¡¯ll never achieve your goals. __¡¾5¡¿__You¡¯ve got to keep moving forward and find a way over, around, or through the difficulties.

A. Never give up on yourself.

B. Failure only exists in your own mind!

C. That¡¯s exactly how failure makes us feel.

D. It simply means you have not done enough yet.

E. You can never say exactly when your goal will be reached.

F. Make up your mind to make your goal happen, no matter what!

G. Work hard towards your goal, and you will be likely to get good results.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Everyone wants to achieve true happiness in life. But the biggest factor holding most of us back is actually our ownselves. The Huffington Post released a list of seven mistakes we need to let go of in order to become happier people. Let¡¯s take a look.

1.Placing too much emphasis on fulfillment (³É¾Í¸Ð)

Those who put a lot of pressure on themselves to be happy feel more lonely on a daily basis than those who do not, according to research conducted at the University of Denver, US.

2. Keeping it all in

Keeping it all together during tough times can hurt you. Crying is the body¡¯s emotional response to outside triggers (ÓÕÒò).By suppressing it, you may be damaging your mental and physical health.

3. Looking at your smart phone all the time

Connecting with others may be the key to happiness, but a recent University of Michigan study found that the more time participants spent on social networking sites, the less happy they felt.

4. Not moving

It¡¯s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is a big part of happiness. Something as simple as a walk can help you increase your creativity and expose you to essential vitamins.

5. Not reflecting on the past

In a 2013 study on nostalgia (»³¾É) and emotion, participants reported a higher sense of physiological comfort when they looked back on the past. Affection for heartwarming memories helps people relate their past experiences to the present in order to create a greater sense of meaning.

6. Resisting change

A study on the psychology of choices shows that the human brain naturally tries to avoid loss¡ªbut that resistance can cause stress. Whether it¡¯s fear of the unknown or fear of losing what you currently have, the pressure to hold on to the present can harm your future life satisfaction.

7. Not being mindful

Setting aside time for meditation (³Á˼) allows your body to relax, cultivates an attitude of gratitude and lowers your stress level, according to researchers at University of California, Los Angeles, US.

¡¾1¡¿What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To inform readers of the benefits of being happy.

B. To explain why our happiness depends on our own actions.

C. To point out the things we do that prevent us from being happy.

D. To discuss some typical characteristics of happy people.

¡¾2¡¿The underlined word ¡°suppressing¡± in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to .

A. speaking of B. holding back

C. thinking about D. taking no notice of

¡¾3¡¿According to the article, to be a happy person, it is important for us to .

A. set goals and achieve as much as we can

B. avoid recalling the past

C. do exercise in our spare time

D. spend more time on social networking sites

¡¾4¡¿According to the article, meditation is helpful mainly because .

A. it increases our creativity

B. it makes us less afraid of the unknown

C. it helps us relax and thus reduce our stress

D. it allows us to relate our past experiences to the present

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿The Cambridge Science Festival Curiosity Challenge

Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge!

The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) is pleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge. The challenge invites , even dares school students between the ages of 5 and 14 to create artwork or a piece of writing that shows their curiosity how it inspires them to explore their world.

Students are being dared to draw a picture, write an article, take a photo or write a poem that shows what they are curious about. To enter the challenge, all artwork or pieces of writing should be sent to the Cambridge Science Festival, MIT Museum, 265 Mass Avenue,

Students who enter the Curiosity Challenge and are selected as winners will be honor at a special ceremony during the CSF on Sunday, April 21st. Guest speakers will also present prizes to the students. Winning entries will be published in a book. Student entries will exhibited and prizes will be given. Families of those who take part will be included in celebration and brunch will be served.

Between March 10th and March 15h, each winner will be given the specifics of the closing ceremony and the Curiosity Challenge celebration. The program guidelines and other related information are available at :http:// cambridgesciencefestival.org.

¡¾1¡¿Who can take part in the Curiosity Challenge?

A. Cambridge locals. B. School students.

C. CSF winners. D. MIT artists.

¡¾2¡¿When will the prize-giving ceremony be held?

A. On February 8th. B. On March 10th.

C. On March 15t D. On April 21st.

¡¾3¡¿What type of writing is this text?

A.An exhibition guide. B. An art show review.

C. An announcement. D. An official report.

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