
Blind imitation is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their own unique worth, imitation appears attractive; to those who know their strength, imitation is unacceptable.
In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone else's way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child's bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.
In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地)hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.
In the field of entertainment, our culture praises and admires celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.
Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.
Study your role models, accept the gifts they have given, and leave behind what does not serve you. Then you can say, “I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors' tragedies and declare victory, and know that they are cheering me on.”
(1)Imitation proves useful when you _______.
A.know you are unique
B.lose the balance of life
C.begin to learn something new
D.get tired of routine practice
(2)To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should _______.
A.forget daily fear and pain
B.choose the right role models
C.ask others for decisions
D.stay away from stars
(3)According to the author, the world moves on because of those who are _______.
A.desperate to influence others with their knowledge
B.ready to turn their original ideas into reality
C.eager to discover what their ancestors did
D.willing to accept others' ideas
(4)What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?
A.To highlight the importance of creativity.
B.To criticize the characters of role models.
C.To compare imitation with creation.
D.To explain the meaning of success.

(1)C细节理解题。根据文章第二段In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful.以及例子说明,模仿在开始学习新东西是有用的。故选C。
(3)B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.可知,世界之所以一直前进是因为有创造力的人总是设法把自己的想法变成现实,故选B。


We live in a sweet world. An average American kid consumes(消耗) more than 20 teaspoons of sugar per day, and adults eat 50% more sugar today than they did in the 1970s. We all know that too much sugar isn't good for us. Researchers at the University of Utah used mice to make a study to prove the toxic effects of eating more sugar. They found it could influence people's health seriously.
During the 58-week-long study, mice were fed a diet containing 25% more sugar. This percentage is equal to a healthy human diet along with three cans of soda daily. The team found that these mice were twice as likely to die as mice without eating so much sugar. Though the mice did not show signs of obesity or high blood pressure, male mice produced 25% fewer offspring(后代) than the other mice.
The reason why mice were chosen for research by scientists is not far to seek. “Mice have the genetic(基因)structure similar to humans'. Most substances(物质) that are harmful to mice are also harmful to people; it's likely that those important physical problems that cause the rising death rate among mice can also influence people,” says the study author James Ruff of the University of Utah. Findings from this study reveal negative effects that are not as detectable as weight gain or heart problems. Sugar can contribute to long-term changes in the body that can affect development and even shorten lives.
Different types of sugar have different effects on the human body. Some of the sugar we consume comes from foods we might expect—candy, soda, and cookies. But much of the sugar that we eat is hidden. Food companies add large amounts of sugar to items we may not classify as sweets. To help cut down extra sugar consumption, nutrition experts suggest looking at the ingredients on food packages. Cutting sugar out of the American diet altogether may be difficult, but making every effort to control our nation's desire for sugar will avoid a sweeter future.
(1)The underlined word “toxic” in Paragraph1 probably means “__________”.
(2)According to Paragraph2, we can know __________.
A.mice eating more sugar will live longer
B.the study on mice lasted less than a year
C.the study showed the bad effects of more sugar on mice
D.mice eating more sugar will become fatter and fatter
(3)Why did the scientists choose mice to do the study?
A.Because a substance may have the same effects on mice and humans.
B.Because mice have a longer lifespan(寿命) than other animals
C.Because mice can take in the harmful substances easily and quickly.
D.Because mice are sensitive to the sweet taste.
(4)It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.
A.sugar from candy, soda and cookies is helpful for us
B.we should never believe what food companies said
C.most types of sugar have similar effects on people
D.it's necessary to control people's wish for sugar

【题目】The day was Thankful Thursday. It’s a weekly ___________ that my two little girls and I began years ago. Thursday has become our day to go out and make a positive ___________.

My girls shouted “McDonald’s, McDonald’s” as we ___________ along a busy Houston road. Suddenly I ___________ that almost every crossing I passed through was ___________ by a panhandler(乞丐). And then it hit me! All these panhandlers must be hungry, too. Perfect! After we ate, I ordered a (n) ___________ lunches and we set out to deliver them. We would pull alongside a panhandler, make a contribution, and tell him or her that we hoped things got better. Then we’d say, “Oh, by the way … here’s lunch.”

We handed our final contribution to a small woman and then immediately headed back in the opposite direction for home. ___________, the light caught us again and we were stopped at the same crossing where this small woman stood. I was ___________ and didn’t know quite how to behave.

She made her way to our car, “No one has ever done ___________ like this for me before,” she said with ____________. Feeling uneasy, and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, “So, ____________ do you think you’ll eat your lunch?”

She just looked at me with her huge, tired brown eyes and said, “Oh honey, I’m not going to eat this lunch.” I was ____________, but before I could say anything, she continued, “You see, I have a little girl and she just loves McDonald’s, but I don’t have the money. But you know ____________ ? Tonight she is going to have McDonald’s!”

I don’t know if the kids ____________ the tears in my eyes. So many times I had questioned whether our acts of kindness were too ____________ or insignificant to really effect change. Yet in that moment, I recognized the truth of Mother Teresa’s words: “We cannot do great things — only small things with great love.”

1A. tradition B. ceremony C. custom D. habit

2A. decision B. choice C. contribution D. plan

3A. walked B. ran C. wandered D. drove

4A. reminded B. realized C. understood D. thought

5A. crowded B. occupied C. discovered D. laid

6A. additional B. expensive C. cheap D. special

7A. Unfortunately B. Luckily C. Unexpectedly D. Hopefully

8A. excited B. embarrassed C. frightened D. annoyed

9A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

10A. amazement B. fear C. sorrow D. amusement

11A. what B. how C. where D. when

12A. shocked B. confused C. pleased D. worried

13A. whether B. if C. what D. that

14A. realized B. felt C. noticed D. recognized

15A. many B. small C. big D. simple

【题目】In Cairo, formal education is very important. There are twelve years of formal education in Egypt, and public schools are free, though the government does not have enough money. Many families can afford to send their children to private schools. Toward the end of high school, children planning to go to college should take an exam required. The results of that exam determine which college each student will attend and also which fields of study are open to that student. Top students can attend the American University in Cairo, which teaches its course in English. Other universities in the Cairo area include Cairo University, with over 30,000 students, Ain Shams University and Al–Azhar University. Many Children do not complete school or go on to college but learn a trade or apprenticeship in business instead.

Education comes from the family—this is where children learn about social values. The family is very important in Egyptian society. Though modern families are adopting the idea of the “nuclear family” common in the West, the traditional Egyptian family unit consists of parents, grandparents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws and all sorts of people. Even though the modern family unit tends to be smaller, families usually live close together and visit each other often.

Unlike in the West, children usually live with their parents until they get married, even through college. It is very rare that children move out and establish their independence before they get married. Usually, this only happens if the child goes abroad to save money before getting married. Many young Egyptian men work for a few years in the rich countries of the Persian Gulf, where wages are much higher than they are in Egypt, and this allows them to have a better start when they return to Egypt and get married.

1If Egyptian children graduate from high school, _______.

A. some of them will decide not to attend university

B. all of them will take an exam for entering collage

C. some of them want to attend university in America

D. many of them can’t afford their higher education

2If you are an excellent student, you will _______.

A. be sent to American universities for study

B. be admitted to Cairo University

C. take class taught in English in Cairo

D. get a high–paid job in the future

3Where do the Egyptian children learn about social values?

A. Egyptian society. B. The family.

C. The West. D. All sorts of people.

4In Egypt some young people go to the Persian Gulf because they_______.

A. need to gain rich experience there

B. want to establish their independence

C. intend to show respect for their parents

D. wish to have a better life in the future

【题目】Do people travel to the other side of the globe until a one-year-old baby? Is it a smart idea? I wonder if I was crazy. I had various adventures—hut this trip would be different. This South American adventure would be a unique life experience of mine. I had given up many activities in order to please a little person, because Anders’ needs had to come first. At 30 years old, it was a difficult change for me, and I was occasionally annoyed when I realized that my son had taken away so many things from me.

Argentina is a long way from my home. It was even longer when I was on the plane and sharing a seal with such an active little boy, but Anders and I made it without angering any other passengers or getting any dirty looks. And we look a rest on a regular schedule.

I wanted to do some hikes in Argentina and drive ten hours to the coast to see penguins. However, when I thought about my travel partner, I gave up these ideas. Instead, we just hung out by lakes, picking up stones and throwing them in the water. I took short hikes, running with Anders in die backpack, knowing that I had two hours before his tolerance gave out and the complaining started.

I discovered that traveling with a baby opens new doors that aren’t there for a solo traveler or couple. Anders helped me to slow down and look at the landscape closely. I got to see Argentina through someone else’s eyes. The traveling wasn’t as fast-paced as it would have been if I had been alone, but the details were amazing. Now I just have to absorb that insight into our life back home.

1What was the change for the author when she turned 30?

A. That she abandoned many activities to look after her son.

B. That she longed to take adventures without her son.

C. That her son took away everything from her.

D. That her son occasionally annoyed her.

2What do we know about the author and her baby during the flight?

A. They made a travel schedule.

B. They shared a seat with each other.

C. They enjoyed a very pleasant flight.

D. They couldn’t tolerate other passengers.

3Why did the author give up her ideas mentioned in the fourth paragraph?

A. Her baby didn’t like them.

B. Her baby’s tolerance gave out.

C. She desired more interesting activities.

D. She wanted to have her baby share the activities.

4What does the author suggest travelers do in the end?

A. Travel with a baby.

B. Spend more time accompanying children.

C. Enjoy the details in their life.

D. Appreciate the scenery through a baby’s eyes.

Dear Editors,
On my way to work every morning I drive by a farm where I can see some horses off in the distance in the woods. They are there every single morning no matter how cold or rainy or windy it is. There is a shed(牲口棚)on the farm, but it doesn't look to me that the horses are ever taken into the shed. Is this right? I don't think horses should be treated like this.
Dear Sam,
Thanks for taking an interest in these horses. Problems about the care of horses are different from cats and dogs. Think of wild horses that spend their whole lives outdoors finding whatever food and shelter(遮蔽物)they can on their own. The point is that horses don't require as much shelter as a lot of other farm animals. However, that doesn't mean that they don't need some shelter.
It is hard to tell from your letter whether the situation for these horses is unacceptable. Above all, do you know the people who own the horses well enough to just talk to them as a neighbor and express your concern (关注)? Maybe they will tell you that the horses do go in the shed at night.
If direct contact (联系)is not a choice and you can see that the horses' situation is poor, then call 911, report the situation and ask law enforcement officers (执法官员) to look into it.
If you just can't see enough to prove such a report, call the Oswego Court Humane Society on 207-1070 for help from the Large Animal Assistance Project (LAAP). A volunteer from the project will help solve the problem.
Speaking of volunteer assistance, since you appear to be a horse lover, why not talk to the LAAP about volunteer opportunities for you? It's big job, but totally rewarding, and the project always needs knowledgeable horse people to help.
(1)Sam writes to the editors in order to ____________.
A.ask how to keep horses in changeable weathers
B.discuss whether some horses are badly treated
C.express his strong interest in keeping horses
D.describe some beautiful horses he has seen
(2)Compared with cats and dogs, horses ________.
A.need less shelter
B.prefer living indoors
C.can predict bad weathers
D.like finding food by themselves
(3)What do the editors advise Sam to do first?
A.To ca ll 911 for help.
B.To find a volunteer from the LAAP.
C.To contact the horses' owner directly.
D.To call the Oswego County Humane Society.
(4)In the last paragraph of the second letter, the editors _______.
A.hope Sam can be more knowledgeable
B.stress the importance of volunteering
C.encourage Sam to join the LAAP
D.suggest Sam change his job

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