

Last night I am getting ready for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted (打扰) me. The noise went on and on. It was too loud that I could hardly pay attention to my study any longer. But I went to my neighbor’s house and say to him, “Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? I’m preparing for tomorrow’s examination.” Hear these words, his face turned to red. And he said, “OK, I will. I’m very sorry to have made so much noise. Just now, the football game was very wonderfully. I was too exciting to control myself. I won’t do that again. Good lucky in your coming examination.” After that, I went on with his study.













【1】amwas 本句有时间状语last night,说明一般过去时,故把am改为was

【2】tooso 固定句式sothat如此以至于;声音是如此之大以至于我不能专注于学习。

【3】ButSo 上下文之间存在着因果关系,因为对方的声音太响,所以我向邻居反映。故把But改为So。

【4】saysaid 并列连词and连接的两个动词的时态一致,故把say改为said

【5】HearHearing 本句动词和后面的句子主语构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词作时间状语

【6】red前面的to去掉 本句中的turn是系动词,后面用形容词构成系表结构,不需要加to

【7】wonderfullywonderful 本句中使用形容词wonderful和was连用,构成系表结构。

【8】excitingexcited 对指人的主语进行说明,要使用过去分词转换的形容词来修饰。

【9】luckyluck 形容词good要对名词luck进行修饰。

【10】hismy 本句的主语是I,这里是指继续我的学习。


【题目】The oldest and most common source(来源) of renewable energy known to man, biomass is one of the most important forms energy production in the United States and elsewhere. Since such a wide variety of biomass materials is everywhere ---- from trees and grasses to agricultural and city ---- life wastes ----biomass promises to play a continuing role in providing power and heat for millions of people around the world.

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists(UCS), biomass is a kind of renewable energy source that produces no carbon dioxide(二氧化碳), because the energy it contains comes from the sun. When plant matter is burned, it gives off the sun’s energy. In this way, biomass serves as a sort of natural battery(电池) for storing the sun’s energy. As long as biomass is produced continuously ----with only as much grown as is used--- the “battery” lasts forever.

According to the Energy Information Administration, biomass has been one of the leading renewable energy sources in the United States for several years running through 2007, making up between 0.5 and 0.9 percent of the nation’s total electricity supply. In 2008----although the numbers aren’t all in yet----wind power probably took over first place because of the rapid development of wind farms across the country.

Producing power from biomass helps reduce some 11 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. Some homeowners also try to make their own heat by using biomass materials. Such practice may save homeowner’s money, but it also produces a lot of pollution. So, the best way is to encourage power plants to use it.

【1】Why is biomass considered as a sort of natural battery”?

A. It burns merely plant matter.

B. It keeps producing electricity.

C. It stores the energy from the sun.

D. It produces zero carbon dioxide.

2We learn from the text that in 2008 ______.

A. Wind power would be the leader of renewable energy.

B. there was a rapid growth of electricity production

C. biomass might become the main energy source

D. 0.5~0.9 of power supply came from biomass

3Why does the author encourage power plants to use biomass?

A. To prevent the waste of energy.

B. To increase production safety.

C. To reduce pollution.

D. To save money.

4Where does the text probably come from?

A. A research plan. B. A science magazine

C. A book review. D. A business report.


Successful students are highly motivated(激励) by an inner drive to study well.They have a specific career goal in mind. 【1】 So they form their own good study habits, plan ahead and stick to their study timetable on their own initiative.

If you want to be a successful student, motivate yourself and know that it is only you who are responsible for your study.There are some great ways to improve your motivation.

You should write down your educational goals, which makes them become clear. Imagine your success. Experience the feeling of reaching your particular goal. 2

Seek advice and learn from the good students in your class.

Successful students tend to study hard.They pay attention to class as well as taking notes. 3 Outside class they find a quiet place to study, because they know that academic life comes before their social life.

Set your goals. After setting goals it is important to write them down for many reasons. Goals that aren’t written are only wishes. It helps you make a commitment(承诺) to yourself.


No one wants to regret not doing something they could have done.

Successful students manage their time well by setting up a weekly timetable. They make the best use of their study time. 5 Most of the suggestions mentioned above can improve your motivation.

A.Give yourself rewards.Each time you complete a lesson, do something special for yourself.

B.It gives you a way to see your progress.

C.They make study time productive and not necessarily long.

D.You will be proud of yourself when you achieve success.

E.They know that they are responsible for their success or failure.

F.When you set your goals,make sure that your goals are specific and realistic.

G.They arrive at the classroom early and sit in the front.

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