
I.阅读理解[2015 •山东潍坊高三一模]

Can you imagine a world without chocolate? It's not something I'd like to do, so I was relieved to read that there's a university with a programme to safeguard the future of chocolate!

The University of Reading, in England, has just opened a new clearing house for all the world's new cocoa varieties. 丁hey must be quarantined(隔离)before they can be grown. Why? Cocoa production hit a record high of 4. 4 million tons last year but about 30% of the precious crop is regularly lost to pests and diseases. Now we don't want that, do we?

Demand for chocolate has been increasing faster than the world's supply of cocoa and researchers think that new varie?ties are key to solving this problem.

The University of Reading has been protecting the quali?ty of the new crops since 1985, after it took over the task from the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew, London. And it has improved its facilities. The leader of the institution's co?coa project, Professor Paul Hadley, says, "One of the main issues concerning cocoa improvement is the supply of reliably clean, healthy and interesting cocoa material.,,

The cocoa centre has a collection of 400 plant varieties and the greenhouse uses a lot of energy to keep them in tropi?cal conditions. After up to two years in quarantine, clean and safe seeds are sent to some 20 countries, including several in West Africa. That's where 75 % of the cocoa used for choco?late worldwide comes from. The crop is extremely important for the local economy: it employs about two million people.

Professor Hadley says he works with a small team of skilled technicians who look after the collection. And more of us seem to count on them now.

The scientist says, "There is some concern within the in?dustry that demand is increasing constantly, particularly in countries like China, where the standard of living is increas?ing and people are getting a taste for different kinds of choco?late. "

1.  What is the text mainly about?

A.     Safeguarding cocoa seeds.

B.     Planting cocoa worldwide.

C.     Keeping cocoa in greenhouses.

D.     Finding the new market for cocoa.


2. The institution's cocoa project is to_____________ .


A.     have cocoa skin removed

B.     offer more jobs to people

C.     ensure the quality of cocoa

D.     supply cocoa for two million people

3. What does the last paragraph tell us?


A.     The taste of chocolate is changing.

B.     Demand for cocoa is increasing fast.

C.     People are concerned about cocoa varieties.

D.     Chinese have a long history of eating chocolate.

4. What's the purpose of the text?

A. To educate.                          B.  To advertise.

C.  To warn.                           D.  To inform.



1. A 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的"…to safeguard the future of chocolate!"可知,本文主要讲述保护巧克力的未来,即保护可可种子。故选A项。

2. C细节理解题。根据第四段第一句"The University of Reading has been protecting the quality of the new crops since 1985 ..."可知,这个项目的目的是确保可可的质量。故选C项。

3. B段落大意题。根据最后一段中的"…within the industry that demand is increasing constantly…"可知,本段的主要意思是人们对可可的需求不断上涨。故选B项。

4. D推理判断题。本文主要介绍了雷丁大学的一个保护可可品种和质量的项目,其目的就是告诉读者一些事情。故选D项。


1L完形填空[2015 •长春普通高中三检]

 Don't let Aurora's small stature (身材)fool you—her spirit is strong. She is one of 140 chickens 9 from a farm. When we saved her, she was tiny and sick and it seemed 10 that she would survive. Having never got the right__11__ , many of the chickens were sick and some __12__ died.

  At a young age, Aurora and her sisters and brothers were __13__ by their mum. Luckily, another mother __14__ their care. Aurora seemed the last to __15__ food and atten?tion. She grew at a much slower__ 16___ than her brothers and sisters did. Everything seemed ___17__ her.

At the young age of seven months, Aurora had lost two mums and was ___18__ to find a place with the other chickens.

 Aurora __ 19__ found comfort with an old chicken named Margaret, staying under her wings during the cold nights, ___20___ Margaret was so old that a few months later she died. Aurora, in her own way, thinks of Margaret. Every evening,you will find her in the___ 21___ spot where she keeps Margaret company.___22__ when the other chickens try to ___23___her away, Aurora comes back.

As Aurora grows, we become 24 at her love of living.  Nothing__25__ her.  

So remember,when life seems so __26___ that you can't take it, think of Aurora. She has lost her mums, watched her sisters and brothers die, and __27__ from serious illnesses. Yet she enjoys the small, sweet __28__ life has offered—safety, food, warmth and good friendships.

 9.  A. raised                B. purchased
    C.   rescued             D. collected

10.  A. hopeful                B. proper
    C. possible               D. unlikely

  11.  A. touch                  B. care

    C. gift                   D. partner

12.  A. sadly                  B. angrily
    C. coldly                    D. calmly

13.  A. punished                B. refused

    C. abandoned                  D. scolded

14.  A. took on                  B. put forward
    C. looked after             D. brought about

15.  A. get                  B. eat
    C.draw                  D. offer

16.  A. cost                 B. rate
    C.  standard              D. value

17.   A. for                  B. around
     C.  about               D. against

18.   A. arranging               B. choosing
   C.  struggling              D. affording

19.  A. lately                   B. eventually
   C. constantly               D. frequently

  20. A. unless    B. so     C.  because        D. but

21. A. same                 B. relevant
   C.  similar             D. normal

22. A. Still                 B. Thus
   C.Even                  D. Yet

23. A. clear                 B. put
   C. turn                   D. push

  24. A. nervous                B. amazed

   C.excited                 D. disappointed

25. A. helps                    B. attracts
   C. impresses                  D. stops

26. A. tough                   B. different
   C. smooth                  D. boring

27. A. waked                     B. made
   C. recovered                 D. learned

28. A. chances                   B. pleasures
   C. dreams                    D. services


After my brother died in an accident , my mother was very sad. I was only 4 years old at the time, but I still understood the 9 in my mum's attitude towards safety. 10 , eve?rything around us was potentially 11

I grew up with a lot of 12 and rules that were meant to 13 me. For example,I was not 14 to walk home from school by myself, even though everyone I knew already did. I couldn't     15     evening parties or go to summer camp,16   what if something had happened to me?

As I got older, the list of things to 17 got longer. I became a natural 18 I was concerned about things like getting cancer,losing my wallet,being caught in car accidents and earthquakes ― 19 big and small, real and 20 The funny part is that you'd never know it by looking at my life,because I'm constantly 21 myself to do the things that frighten or worry me. In fact, I've developed a 22 for myself{ if it scares me?then I have to do it 23 once. I've done lots of things that would have 24 my mum: I've rid?den a motorcycle.,I've travelled alone, and I've performed stand-up comedy.

Courage isn't a natural attribute(品质)of human beings. I believe that we have to practise being courageous. The more 25 I do things that scare me or that make me 26 , the more I realize that I can do a Jot more than I originally thought I could do.

Even though I inherited(经遗传获得)my mother's cautious  27 , I've also come to believe that fear can be a good thing,if we 28 it. Believing that has made my world a lesss cary place.

9. A. hint                                      

  B. change
  C. scene                                  

  D. lesson


 B. Logically
 C. Fortunately                        

 D. Suddenly


 B. inspiring
 C. convenient                        

 D. dangerous


  B. considerations

  D. comparisons

13. A.limit             

   B. help
   C. protect                              

   D. train

14.A.  allowed                              

 B. encouraged


 D. advised

15. A.  arrange                              

   B. attend

   D. support

16.A.  but                                     

  B. though
  C. or                                     

  D. because

17. A.hope                                 

   B. fear
   C. count                                

    D. bear

18. A.  worrier                             

  B. dreamer
  C. adult                                 

  D. thinker

19. A.  ideas                                 

 B. affairs
 C. actions                             

 D. disasters

20. A.  special                             

  B. common
 C.  imaginary                        

  D. practical

21.  A.  expecting                         

  B. warning
  C. forcing                            

  D. promising

22. A.  rule                                  

  B. form
 C. case                                 

  D. hobby

23. A.  in all                               

   B. at most
  C. after all                           

   D. at least

  24. A.  threatened                        

    B. shocked

 C. confused                         

  D. entertained

25. A.  rarely                               

  B. quickly
  C. often                               

  D. fairly

26.A.  confident                         

  B. uncomfortable

  D. generous

27.A.  nature                             

  B. duty

  C. work                               

  D. task

28. A. know                                

  B. get
  C. avoid                                 

  D. face


A [2015 .洛阳高三二模] One winter, my cousin and I were playing toy blocks in the yard. My mum was out for shopping to get groceries and my dad was asleep upstairs in his room. Suddenly, it started to snow. First it was just a little. But then it started to pour heavily.

 Then, we put the finishing touches to our blocks and headed back inside. Right when I opened the sliding glass door, my cousin fell down on the slippery wooden stairs. I let go of the door, my worst mistake, you see. The door locks automatically ? but I had put a rock right next to the door so it wouldn't close. But while I was running to my cousin's aid, I'd accidentally kicked the rock.

Now, my cousin and I were locked outside. And unfor?tunately it started to get really windy. It was really freezing with the snow. First we started to call my dad, but he was sleeping soundly. I mean he was sleeping through a tornado soundly. It was of no use.

 Then I tried to climb over the fence but it didn't work be?cause the fence was iced up by snow and wind, and the fence was six feet high. So, I climbed up to my tree house and brainstormed some ideas on ways to get in. At one point, I was seriously considering jumping out of the tree house and use the trampoline(蹦床)to jump over the fence.

   So, we got to work. First, I took out the trampoline. Then I started to jump. First try―I almost cracked my head. Second try―this time I convinced my cousin to do it but at the last second, he chickened out. Third try―I jumped and missed but at the last second, my hand caught the fence, and with a lot of pushing I finally climbed over the fence and luck?ily, I fell on a big snowdrift.

  Finally, my mum came back. Then I got inside and un?locked the door for my cousin to get in. Then we shared this story with my mum and dad.

1.When the author wanted to jump in, the main problem was that .


A.    the fence was icy

B.     the fence was slippery and high

C.     the trampoline couldn't bear the weight

D.    the trampoline was too small

2. The attitude of the author's cousin towards jumping on the trampoline seems .

A. passive                        B. positive

C. indifferent                      D. objective

3. The underlined words " chickened out" in Paragraph 5 most probably mean " ".

A. fell down                     B.cried out

C. jumped up                     D. backed out

 4. Which would be the best title of the text?


A.     Climbing fence in the snow

B.     An adventure in the yard

C.     Friendship produces pleasure

D.     We are independent


A [2015 •甘肃天水高三二联] Our world natural park is one of the most famous parks in the world. Millions of visitors from different countries visit this park each year. In order to protect it, please do as fol?lows:

?Protect the natural and cultural heritage. Don't dam?age or deface any buildings* displays and other facilities. Take care of all plants. Put rubbish in the bins provided.

?Take care when you are going up and down steps or stairs and when you are walking nearby the waters.

?Please buy tickets before entering the scenic spot. One ticket is only for one person.

Adult; $60 per ticket.

Children over 6 and under 18 : half price.

People over 60 and children under 6 : free.

?If you are going into the wooded and hilly lands, for your own safety, please go with three people at least and don't take any tinder(弓|火物)along with you. The hill is steep, so please take care of yourself.

?This scenic spot is the reserve of water source. No fishing, swimming, washing and any behaviour that are harm?ful to the water source. Meanwhile, please follow the man?agement rules of the scenic spot conscientiously.

?Opening time:

From Monday to Friday: 8-00—18:00. From Saturday to Sunday : 6:00―24:00.

?Small animals such as rabbits, peacocks, squirrels, frogs must be taken care of. None of them shall be killed.

If you have any trouble in visiting our world natural park, please call 477-866-7044.

Our staff will do our best to help you.

1.How much will be paid for a 65-year-old man with his 8-year-old grandson?

A.  $30.                                B. Free.

C.   $60.                               D.  $ 120.

 2.On weekends, the opening time is ____________ _ hours longer

than that on weekdays.

A. 4                                   B. 6

C. 10                                  D. 8
3.  Which of the following can you do in the natural park?

A.     Taking some tinder.

B.     Hiking.

C.     Damaging some facilities.

D.     Littering.

Ⅱ.阅读七选五[2015 ?宁夏银川一中高三第四次月考]


Coconut oil has become popular as healthier oil in cook?ing* cleaning and even as part of a natural beauty product. At room temperature except in warmer climates, it hardens, but naturally becomes liquid as the temperature rises. 8

Healthy fat is an important part of the diet, and coconut oil is one source of the healthy fat. Coconut oil is also nature's richest source of medium-chain fatty acids (脂肪酸). This oil's health benefits include, but are not limited to, im?proving heart health, helping chemical reactions in our bodies, keeping a healthy weight, helping weight loss and supporting the immune system. 9

Coconut oil is all-natural and does not contain the chemi?cals you will find in most shampoos and body washes. It is a wonderful body wash that can be applied directly to your skin to keep your skin wet. 10 Using it in your mouth for twenty minutes is a much better method of cleaning the entire mouth and removing bacteria.

Strong chemical cleaners are not safe or healthy for you, your family or the environment. 11 It can be used to clean and shine furniture or leather. You can even use coco?nut oil as a spot remover.

12.Do you use it for cooking, cleaning or as a natu?ral beauty product?

A.     It can also take the place of mouthwash,

B.     Instead, clean with greener methods, like coconut oil.

C.     There are a number of health benefits of using this oil in your daily life.

D.     How do you use coconut oil in everyday life?

E.     Coconut oil removes more bacteria.

F.      So you can replace most of your cooking oil with coconut oil for better health.

G.     It can change our immune system.

B [2015 •安徽合肥高三二检]

Severely disabled people may soon be able to use their noses to write, drive a wheelchair or surf the Internet, thanks to a device(装置)developed by doctors in Israel.

The device will be used by breathing in and out through the nose, according to a study. Healthy people who tested the device quickly learned to play computer games and write sentences by sniffing. Encouraged by the results, the re?searchers decided to test their device on people who are para?lysed (雜 疾的) but whose intelligence remains normal. Ten paralysed people who tested the device quickly learned to use their noses to write words, open a web page, copy words and put them into a search engine.

With their success in helping severely disabled people to communicate, the researchers decided to make use of the new technology to design an electric wheelchair to be driven by sniffs.

Ten healthy people easily mastered sniff-driving a wheel?chair through a maze, and a 30-year-old man who had been paralysed from the neck down for six years was as good a sniff-driver as the healthy participants at his second attempt. In other words, a paralysed person could use the sniff con?troller to drive an electric wheelchair.

At the moment, sniff-controlled technology is still in the stage of development, and the Weizmann Institute of Science has already applied for a patent on the device. "I'll be very happy if it can help us to make money, but the real problem is that I hope someone will develop it, because this would help a lot of people," said Sobel, one of the lead researchers of the study.

4.What's the purpose of the passage?

 A.     To introduce a new invention.

B.     To equip the disabled with life skills.

C.     To show the nose's special functions.

D.     To instruct doctors to apply for a patent.

5.In the test, the paralysed people with normal intelligence can use their noses to .

 A.     type long sentences quickly

B.     play computer games easily

C.      enter a website without much difficulty

D.     communicate with others successfully

 6.With the help of the sniffing device, a 30-year-old disabled man_________ .

 A.     spent six years learning how to drive a wheelchair

B.     failed to drive through the maze at his first attempt

C.     took the wheelchair controlled by healthy participants

D.     managed to drive an electric wheelchair by sniffing

7.From the last paragraph* we can infer that the sniff-con-trolled technology___________ .

 A.     will be applied to other fields of research

B.      needs further developing to serve more people

C.      has become a patent invention

 D.   shows the wisdom and talents of Israeli doctors

Item 78431 The Video Camera Pen

$129. 95 ;Available for Immediate Shipment; Order by Phone :1-800-321-1484

This is the pen that has a built-in video camera, capturing(拍摄,录制)videos or still images with a click of its button. Ideal for use while secured in a pocket, it can capture up to five hours of video. Its battery provides up to two hours of power before requiring a recharge.

Item 78098 The Wristwatch Camcorder

$149. 95; Available for 3-day Shipment; Order by Phone :1-800-321-1484

This is the men's watch with an unnoticeable camera located at the two-o'clock position, yet the watch's hands never make it covered. So you'll be always ready to capture a famous person or a pet's ridiculous actions. The camera's rechargeable battery provides up to two hours of use from a four-hour charge.

Item 77918 The only 55 Inch Widescreen Personal Movie Theater

$ 249. 95 ;Available for Immediate Shipment; Order by Phone:l-800-321-1484

This is the only personal media viewer that provides a private viewing experience just like watching a widescreen 55 inch television from 10 meters away. It connects to a video iPod, iPhone, portable DVD player with two AA batteries providing up to six hours of continuous operation.

Item 77281 The Digital Phone Album Watch

$ 99. 95 ;Available for Immediate Shipment; Order by Phone :1-800-321-1484

This is the watch that vividly displays 120 of your favorite digital photographs. You can download digital photographs to the watch. The watch can be viewed in the Photo Album mode (模式) or digital mode( time and date view). A six-hour charge provides up to 10 days of use.

1.What's the purpose of this passage?

A. To advertise some goods.

B. To compare some goods.

C. To teach how to operate the items

D. To show how fashionable the items are.

2.What do Item 7.8431 and Item 78098 have in common according to this passage?

A. They both sell well.

B. They both can take photos.

C. They both have unusual appearances.

D. They are both cheap.

3. If you're a movie fan, you probably show strong interest in .

A. Item 78098 B. Item 78431

C. Item 77281 D. Item 77918

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. In fact, Item 78098 cannot tell time.

B. Item 77918 works as a DVD player.

C. In a way, Item 77281 is user-friendly

D. All the items include rechargeable batteries.

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