


I never know how well Mother could keep a trust until I was going through her things after she died. I discovered something I had 21 for?gotten, something that happened to me as a child.

One night, as I lay in bed  22  my sisters and I had said our prayers,I recalled the events of the day and how 23 I had behaved towards Mother. "I must make things right before going to sleep," I thought.

Quickly I  24  out of bed and picked up a pencil and paper, then tip?toed (踮着脚,蹑手蹑脚)into the hall. The 25 from the living room shone dimly (昏暗地),I knew Mother was downstairs mending socks.

I quickly  26 a note asking Mother to forgive me for being so  27 I didn't want my brothers and sisters to know our  28  so I added a postscript (附言,补充):"Please don't let anyone see this. " Then I quietly moved  29   my parents' bedroom and put the letter under Mother's pillow.

   The next morning, when I  30  my bed after breakfast, I unexpectedly  31  a note under my pillow. Mother wrote that she loved me and 32 me.

 This became my   33   of apologizing whenever I talked back or disobeyed. Mother always left a note, but she never  34  our under-the-pillow messages in front of the family. Even when we were  35  , she never mentioned them when we brothers and sisters recalled our childhood.

 When Mother  36  , I had to go through her personal belongings. In her desk was a bundle (捆,包)of notes tied with a faded ribbon (带子).On top was a message in her handwriting. It read, "In the event of my death, please  37    these."

 I 38 the packet and glanced at the handwriting on the bottom. To my surprise, I 39 my childish writing, "PS Please don't let anyone see this. Love, Edie."

 I gently placed the unopened bundle in the 40 along with other things for the rubbish burner. " Lord," I prayed, " make me like my mother."

21.  A. long          B. just       C. never      D. often

22.  A. before         B. after      C. until    D. since

23.  A. well          B. politely    C. happily    D. badly

24.  A. jumped                    B. fell

   C. moved                   D. slipped (溜走)

25.  A. moon          B. light     C. needle     D. thread

26.  A. found         B. sent       C. wrote      D. took

27.  A. lazy          B. late       C. careless       D. naughty

28.  A. mistake       B. business      C. relation      D. love

29.  A. out of        B. around      C. into        D. behind

30.  A. searched      B. left        C. made        D. went to

31.  A. wrote         B. left       C. found       D. gave

32.  A. missed        B. understood    C. supported      D. forgave

33.  A. way           B. secret      C. favourite       D. trick

34.  A. spoke about      B. passed round    C. gave out      D. read aloud

35.  A. happy          B. curious    C. grown       D. interested

36.  A. went away        B. passed away    C.died away     D. broke away

37.  A. destroy        B.  keep        C. hide       D. read

38.  A. picked up                  B. handed in

    C. looked through               D. turned over

39. A. recognized       B.lost     C.realized    D. liked

40.  A. drawer       B.wastebasket   C.bedroom     D. bookshelf




21.A 根据'下文的"...something that happened to me as a child."可知,"我"发现了一些"我"已经遗忘很久


22. B 根据空后的"…my sister and I had said our prayers -"再根据常识可知,睡觉应该是在祈祷之后.故选


  23 D 根据下文的'"I must make things right before going to sleep..."'可知,作者白天做了错事,意识

到自己对妈妈的态度 很差。

24. D根据下文的"…then tiptoed (踮着脚,蹑手蹑脚)into the hall."可知,作者从床上溜了下去,故选择D。

  25. B根据下文的"…the living room shone dimly (昏暗地)."可知是灯光,故选择B。

  26. C根据下文的a note,可知这里是指写了一张便条。

27. D根据上文可知,作者希望被妈妈原谅,所以这里指的应该是自己的顽皮,故选择D。

28. B 根据下文的"…'Please don't let anyone see this.'"可知,作者不希望别人看到字条,故作者认为这是


29. C根据下文的my parents' bedroom可知,作者是进人父母的房间,然后把便条放在妈妈的枕头下,故选择C。

30. C根据下文的after breakfast以及发现妈妈的回信可知,作者是在整理床铺时发现的回信。make one's bed整理……床铺。故选择C。

31. C根据下文的a note under my pillow可知,作者发现了一张便条,故选择C。

32. D 根据上文的a note asking Mother to forgive me可知,作者写便条主要是为了请求母亲的原谅,母亲回


33. A 通过下文的"…apologizing whenever I talked back or disobeyed."可知,这巳经成为作者道歉的方


34. A 根据下文的"…she never mentioned them when we brothers and sisters re?called our childhood."可


35. C 根据下文的" when we brothers and sisters recalled our childhood."可知, 当时是回顾童年,故作


36. B根据第一段可知,母亲去世了,故选择B,

37. A根据上文可知,母亲从未说出两人之间关于便条的事情,这说明母亲是一个遵守承诺的人,这里说毁掉便条,因为母亲想遵守和作者的约定,不让其他人知道便条的事。所以选择八。

38. D 根据下文的"…glanced at the handwriting on the bottom."可知作者此B寸的动作是把这梱便条翻过来看,故选择D。

39. A 根据下文的"…my childish writing, 'PS Please don't let anyone see this. Love, Edie.'"可知,作者认出是自己的字,故选择A。

40. B 根据下文的"…along with other things for the rubbish burner."可知,这些都是要烧掉的东西,故应该是丢在废纸篓最为合适,所以选择B。


C [2015 •黑龙江省佳木斯市第一中学高一下学期期中]

The SAT is one of two major tests for the entrance to American colleges and universities. The other test is called the ACT. More than 2 million students take the SAT yearly, including about 100,000 foreign students. The or?ganization of the SAT will change the entrance test in 2016. The College Board announced that the new SAT will no longer test students on rarely used words. But it will include passages from American historical documents or from writings on freedom and human rights.

The College Board says words on the new test will be related to usage. Students will be asked to tell the mean?ing of words according to the context of the reading passa?ges. Nigerian student Peace Umoru is in her first year at Howard University. She says the rarely used words are the hardest part for international students. The new test will be easier because of the reform.

Eddie West is with the College Board. He says the new test will better predict a student's performance in col?lege. The changes are moving the test in a positive direc?tion. The new SAT pays more attention to skills and abili?ties that students need to succeed. The addition of material about American historical documents could make the test harder for international students. After all, they live in different countries with different cultures. But it's a good chance for them to understand the Declaration of Inde?pendence or Martin Luther King's work, or anything else that might be tested.

Students from other countries, particularly those who did not grow up learning English, may feel it is more diffi?cult. For them, the test is in a foreign language. But the College Board says it has formed a free, online educational service. Khan Academy will provide preparation material linked to the newly designed SAT.

24.  What will be tested in the new SAT?

  A.  All the different meanings of a word.

B.  The rare usage of the common words.

C.  The difficult words for foreign students.

D.  The proper meaning of the words in the passages.

25.  The new SAT could be more difficult for international students because _______ .

  A.  they are short of skills and abilities

B.  they often perform badly in college

C.  they know nothing about American history

D.  they have different cultural backgrounds

26.  What's the main idea of the text?

  A.  How to prepare for the new SAT.

B.  The SAT will change the entrance test in 2016.

C.  Advice for foreign .students on passing the SAT.

D.  Tests for entrance to American colleges and uni?versities.


My grandmother was from a town in Michigan. Summer after summer, I enjoyed staying with my grandparents as a young child. I was from the city and loved the small town they lived in. People knew everyone, their kids, their pets, their ancestors. The bond with them continued to grow as I grew and they got older. Grandma was always using her hands for something ex?citing. She would make little sandwiches and we'd have tea parties. She'd make beautiful quilts for each one. I remember the small thimble (顶针)she would use while doing her needle work.

A few years ago, when grandma left this earth, I bid farewell to a loving grandmother. How quickly our lives can change. We had just had tea together a couple of months earlier, on her 91st birthday.

I missed her very much. On one particular birthday, when I was feeling a little low, something happened to make me feel like she was sharing that special day with me. I was arranging some colourful pillows that she had made, and suddenly I felt something inside one pillow. It was small and hard. I moved the object to a seam (接缝)that I carefully opened, and to my delight out came a tiny silver thimble ! How happy I was to find some?thing that had been a part of her. Not realizing it had fallen off her finger, I pictured her sewing it in that little pillow that I just happened to place on my bedspread that day. I carefully laid the thimble alongside the others I've col?lected over the years, where 1 could continue to see the gift God chose to re?veal to me. What a precious memory of a very special lady who somehow, I knew, was laughing in delight at sewing her thimble inside my pillow.

I made some tea, using my best china, as grandma always did* and en?joyed my tea and grandma's thimble. What a wonderful birthday that was!

9. The author liked staying with her grandparents because •

A.  they often bought her some gifts

B.  she was curious about people and things there

C.  she could have tea parties and eat sandwiches

D.  she could learn to sew quilts

 10.  How did the author feel when she found the silver thimble?

A. Sad.                          B. Proud.

C. Lucky.                       D. Cheerful.

11.  It can be inferred from the passage that the silver thimble_ .

  A.  was the item the author had been trying to find

B.  was the most treasured possession of grandma

C.  was very precious to the author

D.  was a birthday gift grandma had given the author





The West is full of fast food and large amounts of food which contribute to many women's being fat. While many are fat, thin women are admired and seen as healthier. This has led to a culture of gym-going, strange die?ting methods and, frequently, eating disorders. In the East, women tend to be smaller and many women take pills to keep their slim figures as they get older. However, you're mistaken if you think thinness is the beauty stand?ard all over the world. The BBC reports that in Mauritania, Africa, the op?posite is true.

In Mauritania, mothers force their daughters to eat a lot of food so that they get as fat as possible. The fatter they are, the more likely they are to marry well. Fat is also considered healthy, because in a country where HIV/AIDS is a very real problem, thin people are often sick and dying. However, "healthy" fat women are suffering from some problems of their own and many are dying in their 40s of weight-related diseases.

The Mauritanian government is trying to warn its people of the dangers of being overweight but it's not easy to change cultural views. Many women worry that if they lose weight, their husbands will leave them for fatter, more attractive women.

It seems that while education about the dangers of being too thin and too fat is very important, what the world really needs is to become less pre?occupied with the size, shape and weight of women's bodies. The promotion of healthy practices is easy but changing cultural beauty standards takes more time, imagination and effort.

1.  According to the article, why are women usually fatter in the West?

  A.  They don't exercise enough.

B.  Large food portions and fast food are common.

C.  They use unhealthy dieting methods.

D.  They believe that being fat is beautiful.

2.  What examples does the writer give of unhealthy weight-loss methods in the East and West?

  A.  Strange dieting methods, exercising, taking pills and eating too much.

B.  Taking pills, watching what you eat and exercising.

C.  Strange dieting methods and warning people about the dangers of be?ing overweight.

D.  Gym-going, strange dieting methods, eating disorders and taking pills.

3.  Why are girls forced to eat a lot of food in Mauritania?

  A.  They believe that fat people won't get HIV/AIDS.

B.  They believe that they can lead healthier lives.

  C.  They believe if they grow fat, they may possibly marry good hus?bands.

D.  They believe that they won't get sick very often.

 4.  According to the article, why do some women in Mauritania not want to lose weight even though they know being fat is unhealthy?

  A.  They worry that their husbands will leave them if they're thin.

B.  They really like being beautiful.

C.  They really like eating a lot of food and being fat.

D.  The government forces them to eat a lot so they won't get sick.





The search for life in the universe took a step forwards last month with the opening of the Allen Telescope Array(艾伦望远镜阵歹!]) in Hat Creek, California. The telescopes were partly made possible by a gift of twenty-five million dollars from Paul Allen. The total cost of the project is already fifty million dollars.

At present, there are 42 radio telescopes working at the Hat Creek ob?servatory. The signals they receive are combined to create what is equal to a single, very large telescope. The telescope will be used to observe objects like exploding stars, black holes and other objects that are predicted but have not yet been observed. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute says this is the first telescope whose main purpose is to search for signals from intelli?gent life in space. The SETI Institute is based in Mountain View, Califor?nia. The organization supports the search for other life forms in the uni-verse.

What makes the Allen Telescope Array unusual is that it can collect and study information from a wide area of the sky. In addition, the 42 tele?scopes can study information about several projects at the same time. That means studies of large areas of the sky can be made faster than ever before.

Some officials think the Allen Telescope Array will be completed in three more years. 350 individual radio telescopes are planned. The new abil?ities of the Allen Telescope Array will make searching for stars similar to the sun much faster.

An earlier search by SETI, Project Phoenix, studied about 800 stars to a distance of 240 light years. The project ended in 2004. With the Allen Telescope Array, astronomers hope to gather thousands of times more in?formation in the search for life beyond our planet.

1. The main purpose of the Allen Telescope Array is_____ .

  A.  to serve for the research of weather predication

B.  to prepare for the wars against life from the universe

C.  to search for signals from intelligent life in space

D.  to observe exploding stars, black holes and other objects

2. From this passage we know that_______ .

  A.  the 42 radio telescopes at Hat Creek observatory can work together

B.  the total cost of the project came from Paul Allen

C.  Hat Creek observatory can receive signals from all parts of the world

D.  Hat Creek observatory is operated by an American named Paul Allen

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

  A.  The Allen Telescope Array takes much more room than former telescopes.

B.  The Allen Telescope Array is still being built at present in the United States.

C.  Another 42 radio telescopes will be fixed in the Allen Telescope Array.

D.  The SETI Institute is against the search for other life forms in the universe.

4. With the help of the Allen Telescope Array, ____ .

  A.  astronomers can gather more information than before from other planets

B.  humans will have more chances to live on other planets than before

C.  humans will be able to find more natural resources on other planets

D.  scientists will be able to find more natural resources from other planets

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