

I never know how well Mother could keep a trust until I was going through her things after she died. I discovered something I had 21 for?gotten, something that happened to me as a child.

One night, as I lay in bed  22  my sisters and I had said our prayers,I recalled the events of the day and how 23 I had behaved towards Mother. "I must make things right before going to sleep," I thought.

Quickly I  24  out of bed and picked up a pencil and paper, then tip?toed (踮着脚,蹑手蹑脚)into the hall. The 25 from the living room shone dimly (昏暗地),I knew Mother was downstairs mending socks.

I quickly  26 a note asking Mother to forgive me for being so  27 I didn't want my brothers and sisters to know our  28  so I added a postscript (附言,补充):"Please don't let anyone see this. " Then I quietly moved  29   my parents' bedroom and put the letter under Mother's pillow.

   The next morning, when I  30  my bed after breakfast, I unexpectedly  31  a note under my pillow. Mother wrote that she loved me and 32 me.

 This became my   33   of apologizing whenever I talked back or disobeyed. Mother always left a note, but she never  34  our under-the-pillow messages in front of the family. Even when we were  35  , she never mentioned them when we brothers and sisters recalled our childhood.

 When Mother  36  , I had to go through her personal belongings. In her desk was a bundle (捆,包)of notes tied with a faded ribbon (带子).On top was a message in her handwriting. It read, "In the event of my death, please  37    these."

 I 38 the packet and glanced at the handwriting on the bottom. To my surprise, I 39 my childish writing, "PS Please don't let anyone see this. Love, Edie."

 I gently placed the unopened bundle in the 40 along with other things for the rubbish burner. " Lord," I prayed, " make me like my mother."

21.  A. long          B. just       C. never      D. often

22.  A. before         B. after      C. until    D. since

23.  A. well          B. politely    C. happily    D. badly

24.  A. jumped                    B. fell

   C. moved                   D. slipped (溜走)

25.  A. moon          B. light     C. needle     D. thread

26.  A. found         B. sent       C. wrote      D. took

27.  A. lazy          B. late       C. careless       D. naughty

28.  A. mistake       B. business      C. relation      D. love

29.  A. out of        B. around      C. into        D. behind

30.  A. searched      B. left        C. made        D. went to

31.  A. wrote         B. left       C. found       D. gave

32.  A. missed        B. understood    C. supported      D. forgave

33.  A. way           B. secret      C. favourite       D. trick

34.  A. spoke about      B. passed round    C. gave out      D. read aloud

35.  A. happy          B. curious    C. grown       D. interested

36.  A. went away        B. passed away    C.died away     D. broke away

37.  A. destroy        B.  keep        C. hide       D. read

38.  A. picked up                  B. handed in

    C. looked through               D. turned over

39. A. recognized       B.lost     C.realized    D. liked

40.  A. drawer       B.wastebasket   C.bedroom     D. bookshelf

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