
3. The leaders always spoke highly of       which made others unhappy.(play)


3. the role he played




I never know how well Mother could keep a trust until I was going through her things after she died. I discovered something I had 21 for?gotten, something that happened to me as a child.

One night, as I lay in bed  22  my sisters and I had said our prayers,I recalled the events of the day and how 23 I had behaved towards Mother. "I must make things right before going to sleep," I thought.

Quickly I  24  out of bed and picked up a pencil and paper, then tip?toed (踮着脚,蹑手蹑脚)into the hall. The 25 from the living room shone dimly (昏暗地),I knew Mother was downstairs mending socks.

I quickly  26 a note asking Mother to forgive me for being so  27 I didn't want my brothers and sisters to know our  28  so I added a postscript (附言,补充):"Please don't let anyone see this. " Then I quietly moved  29   my parents' bedroom and put the letter under Mother's pillow.

   The next morning, when I  30  my bed after breakfast, I unexpectedly  31  a note under my pillow. Mother wrote that she loved me and 32 me.

 This became my   33   of apologizing whenever I talked back or disobeyed. Mother always left a note, but she never  34  our under-the-pillow messages in front of the family. Even when we were  35  , she never mentioned them when we brothers and sisters recalled our childhood.

 When Mother  36  , I had to go through her personal belongings. In her desk was a bundle (捆,包)of notes tied with a faded ribbon (带子).On top was a message in her handwriting. It read, "In the event of my death, please  37    these."

 I 38 the packet and glanced at the handwriting on the bottom. To my surprise, I 39 my childish writing, "PS Please don't let anyone see this. Love, Edie."

 I gently placed the unopened bundle in the 40 along with other things for the rubbish burner. " Lord," I prayed, " make me like my mother."

21.  A. long          B. just       C. never      D. often

22.  A. before         B. after      C. until    D. since

23.  A. well          B. politely    C. happily    D. badly

24.  A. jumped                    B. fell

   C. moved                   D. slipped (溜走)

25.  A. moon          B. light     C. needle     D. thread

26.  A. found         B. sent       C. wrote      D. took

27.  A. lazy          B. late       C. careless       D. naughty

28.  A. mistake       B. business      C. relation      D. love

29.  A. out of        B. around      C. into        D. behind

30.  A. searched      B. left        C. made        D. went to

31.  A. wrote         B. left       C. found       D. gave

32.  A. missed        B. understood    C. supported      D. forgave

33.  A. way           B. secret      C. favourite       D. trick

34.  A. spoke about      B. passed round    C. gave out      D. read aloud

35.  A. happy          B. curious    C. grown       D. interested

36.  A. went away        B. passed away    C.died away     D. broke away

37.  A. destroy        B.  keep        C. hide       D. read

38.  A. picked up                  B. handed in

    C. looked through               D. turned over

39. A. recognized       B.lost     C.realized    D. liked

40.  A. drawer       B.wastebasket   C.bedroom     D. bookshelf

 The Voice of America began during the World War II,when Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international 1 American officials believed they should 2 the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in 3 " The 4 may be good or bad,but we shall tell you the truth.”Within a week,other VOA 5 were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.

After the World War ended in 1945, some Americans felt VOA's 6 had to be changed, 7 the Soviet Union(苏联)became enemy of America. They wanted toSo?viet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

  In the early days VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was 9 "Music USA",Another new idea came along in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know 10 English to completely understand its 11 English broadcast. So VOA 12a simpler kind of English, 13 uses about 1,500 words and is spoken 14 , Of course, it is special English.

  In the 15 of most VOA listeners,the most 16 program is the news report. News from around the 17 fly into the VOA news room in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in 18 cities and also from other 19 like BBC. VOA writers and editors use these materials to 20 news reports,which are being broadcast in 43 languages.
(   ) 1. A. knowledge    B. culture C. support    D. information

(   ) 2. A. match    B. answer     C. join    P. interrupt

(   ) 3. A. time    B. short      C. English    D. German

(   ) 4. A. news    B. announcement  C. effects    D. opinions

(   ) 5. A. stations    B. news    C. announcers    D. programmes

(   ) 6. A. language    B. position   C. purpose    D. result

(   ) 7. A. imagining    B. supposing C. considering    D. fearing

(   ) 8. A. reach    B. satisfy      C. attract    D. interest

(   ) 9. A. known    B. reported    C. called    D. decided

(   ) 10. A. American    B. British    C. standard    D. enough

(   ) 11. A. normal    B. fast         C. official    D. informal

(   ) 12. A. invented    B. discovered    C. borrowed    D. found

(   ) 13. A. it         B. who          C. which    D. that

(   ) 14. A. slowly    B. formally      C. normally    D. loudly

(   ) 15. A. place        B. course         C. opinion    D. advice

(   ) 16. A. difficult    B. important    C. favorite     D. common

(   ) 17. A. world       B. country        C. universe    D. city

(   ) 18. A. all         B. major       C. famous    D. various

(   ) 19. A. broadcasts    B. forms     C. newspaper    D. countries

(   ) 20. A. write        B. announce      C. get    D. prepare

 When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn't the first time I had been 1 Like most English children I learned French at 2 and I had often been to France, so I was 3 speaking a foreign language to people who didn't understand 4 . But when I went to America I was 5 looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without a 6 problem.

  How 7I was!The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a 8 telephone to give my American friend Danny a 9 and tell her that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked 10 he could help me. "Yes”,I said, "I want to give my friend a ring.”"Well,that's 11," he exclaimed. "Are you getting to marry? But aren't you a bit 12?" "Who is talking about marriage?" I replied. "I 13 want to call my friend up to tell her Fve 14 Can you tell me where there's a phone 15 ?”"Oh!" he said, "there's a phone downstairs."

When at last we did meet up,Danny explained the 16 to me. "Don't worry," she said to me. "I had so many 17 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use 18 in meaning from us British. You'll soon get used to 19 funny they say. Most of the 20 British and American people understand each other!”

(   ) 1. A. out    B. away    C. outside    D. abroad

(   ) 2. A. work    B. home      C. school    D. church

(   ) 3. A. fit for   B. used to    C. fond of    D. good at

(   ) 4. A. English   B. French    C. Russian    D. Latin

(   ) 5. A. anxiously   B. really    C. quietly    D. hardly

(   ) 6. A. time    B. safety      C. language    D. money

(   ) 7. A. sorry    B. foolish    C. unlucky    D. wrong

(   ) 8. A. cheap    B. modern     C. public    D. private

(   ) 9. A. surprise    B. call      C. chat    D. notice

(   ) 10. A. how        B. if       C. where    D. when

(   ) 11. A. necessary    B. sure     C. nice    D. ring

(   ) 12. A. short    B. little      C. old    D. young

(   ) 13. A. suddenly    B. just      C. strongly    D. barely

(   ) 14. A. succeeded    B. returned    C. arrived    D. called

(   ) 15. A. box        B. call       C. book     D. shop

(   ) 16. A. misunderstandings    B. difficulties   C. mistakes  D. experiences

(   ) 17. A. trouble    B. difficulties    C. things    D. fun

(   ) 18. A. strangely    B. terribly    C. differently    D. wrongly

(   ) 19. A. anything    B. something    C. nothing    D. everything

(   ) 20. A. chance    B. situation     C. condition    D. time

 There were still six miles to walk,and I came along as fast as I could. The night grew darker and darker,and I wished for my 1 ,because I knew that some of the bears had come out of their winter caves. I had seen their 2 when I went to town in the morning.

  Bears are hungry and cross at this time of year;you know they have been 3in their caves all winter long with nothing to eat,and that makes them thin and hungry when they wake up. I did not want to meet 4 .

  I hurried 5 as quickly as I could in the dark. By and by the stars gave a little light. It was still black as pitch(漆黑的)6 the woods were thick, 7 in the open places I could see dimly(朦胧地).I was 8 when I came into an open place where the stars gave me this faint light.

  All the time I was 9 ,as well as I could, for bears. I was listening for the sounds they make when they go 10 through the bushes.

  Then I came11 into an open place,and there,right in the middle of the road,I saw a big,black bear.

He was standing up on his hind legs,looking at me. I could see his eyes12 I could see his pig snout( 口鼻部).I could even see one of his claws, in the starlight.

  My13 stood straight up. I stopped in my tracks, and stood still. The bear did not move. There he stood, looking at me.

  I knew it would do no good to try to go around him. He would follow me into the dark woods, where he could see 14 than I could.

  I had to pass that bear,to get home. I thought that I could 15 him,he might get out of the road and let me go. So I took a deep16,and suddenly I shouted with my strength and ran at him,waving my 17 He didn't move.

At last I looked around,and I got a solid heavy branch that had been broken from a tree by the weight of 18 in the winter.

  I lifted it up in my hands,and ran straight at that bear. I swung(挥舞)my branch as 19 as I could and brought it down. Bang!On his head.

  And 20 he still stood, for he was nothing but a big,black, burned stump(树桩)!

(   ) 1. A. food    B. book    C. gun    D. pen

(   ) 2. A. roads    B. tracks  C. paths    D. ways

(   ) 3. A. sleeping    B. living C. moving    D. fighting

(   ) 4. A. it    B. him        C. that    D. one

(   ) 5. A. up    B. along        C. through    D. across

(   ) 6. A. when    B. if       C. where    D. and

(   ) 7. A. but    B. and       C. since    D. as

(   ) 8. A. afraid    B. surprised  C. concerned    D. glad

(   ) 9. A. waiting    B. watching  C. searching    D. hoping

(   ) 10. A. carelessly   B. silently    C. quickly    D. slowly

(   ) 11. A. back        B. out       C. again    D. along

(   ) 12. A. closed    B. shine      C. open    D. move

(   ) 13. A. hair    B. body      C. legs    D. nerve

(   ) 14. A. less    B. more      C. better    D. worse

(   ) 15. A. beat    B. kill      C. fight    D. frighten

(   ) 16. A. shout    B. breath     C. look    D. thought

(   ) 17. A. gun    B. head      C. arms    D. legs

(   ) 18. A. bear    B. leaves     C. snow    D. rain

(   ) 19. A. hard    B. well      C. quickly    D. suddenly

(   ) 20. A. thus    B. then      C. here    D. there

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