
6.They ________a great deal of money to improving the working condition of the railway station.(  )

分析 考查动词辨析,句意:他们投入大量的钱来改善火车站的工作条件.

解答 答案A,devote…to (doing) sth.投入,致力于做某事,spend…(in)doing sth花费(时间、金钱)做某事,cost 花费,consume消耗,消费.只有devote和to doing连用.

点评 动词要注意和介词的搭配.

Do you like to go to the cinema or watch a film online?People have different answers to the question.
Some people think that going to the cinema is a better choice.To begin with,the screen is much larger than what we have at home.The image and sound effects are amazing,which are totally different from what we feel at home.Besides,it's a good way to communicate with friends if you invite them to go with you.Other people,however,hold the view that they prefer to watch movies at ho me.It's convenient and money-saving to watch films online.You can enjoy the films you choose without being disturbed in such a quiet place.
It is my opinion that although the tickets are very expensive,I will go to the cinema instead of watching films online.In this way,I will have a good opportunity to communicate with my parents or friends.What's more,the magic of silver screen is so fascinating that it cannot be replaced by other ways of watching films..
16.In ancient Egypt,the pharaoh (法老)treated the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace,if he brought good news.(71)G  
That spirit spread over today′s conversations.Once a friend and I packed up some peanut butter and sandwiches for an outing.As we walked out the door,a smiling neighbor said,"Oh,boy,bad day for a picnic.(72)B"I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut better and sandwiches.Not for his stupid weather report,but for his smile.(73)DAs I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Greyhound counter,the sales agent said with a broad smile."Oh,that bus left five minutes ago."Dreams of head-cutting!
It′s not the news that makes someone angry.(74)E  Big winners know,when delivering any bad news,they should share the feeling of the receiver.
Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy,I would have appreciated his warning.Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left,I probably would have said,"Oh,that′s all right.(75)A"Big winners,when they hear bad news,deliver bombs with the emotion the bombarded (被轰炸的) person is sure to have.

A.I will catch the next one.
B.The weatherman says it′s going to rain.
C.Receiving bad news requires great courage.
D.Several months ago I was racing to catch a bus.
E.It′s the unsympathetic attitude with which it?s delivered.
F.Delivering bad news properly is important in communication.
G.However,if the exhausted runner brought unhappy news,his head was cut off.
11.February 8,1922,was a big day at the White House.On this day President Harding had a radio installed.At the time,radio was the hottest technology there was.The White House was on the cutting edge.Almost two years later,Calvin Coolidge,who followed Harding,was the first president to broadcast from the White House.
Before that historic broadcast,radio had played a big role in Coolidge's victory in the 1924presidential election.The night before the election,Coolidge made history when the largest radio audience ever tuned into the broadcast of his final campaign speech.Coolidge won the election easily,and in March,Americans listened for the first time to their president take the oath of office on the radio.
Back in the 1920s,radio was in what is now called its"golden age".Broadcasting was more than a business or a job-it was considered to be a very attractive profession.Many local stations had a staff orchestra,and some had their own dramatic groups.Each station had its own group of fans who tuned in each week to listen to their favorite programs.Radio was at its peak then,and its influence is much like that of TV or the Internet today.
Starting in the 1920s,people gathered around the radio to listen to programs or the news,much like we gather around the TV.With its new popularity,radio became a powerful communication tool in politics.Franklin Delano Roosevelt,who became president in 1933,used the radio to deliver regular updates to the American public.In his first address,he explained his plan for fighting the Great Depression.
Today,although we still have radio addresses by the president,more people see the president speak on television than listen to him on the radio.In 1939,Roosevelt was the first US president to deliver a televised speech.The"golden age"of radio was about to fade as television entered its"golden age".

60.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?C
A.The White House was at the edge of disaster.
B.The White House was in the Great Depression.
C.Radio was a most advanced technology in the 1920s.
D.President Calvin Coolidge was the first to use radio.
61.Which of the following is TRUE about radio in its golden age?D
A.It was the only tool to deliver a speech.
B.Working on radio was the most attractive job.
C.The effect of radio was stronger than TV and the Internet.
D.Using radio to communicate in politics was very popular.
62.Who was the first president to deliver his speech on TV according to the passage?D
A.President Harding.
B.President Cleveland.
C.President Coolidge.
D.President Roosevelt.
63.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.The use of radio.
B.The story of radio.
C.The function of radio.
D.The influence of radio.

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