
16.In ancient Egypt,the pharaoh (法老)treated the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace,if he brought good news.(71)G  
That spirit spread over today′s conversations.Once a friend and I packed up some peanut butter and sandwiches for an outing.As we walked out the door,a smiling neighbor said,"Oh,boy,bad day for a picnic.(72)B"I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut better and sandwiches.Not for his stupid weather report,but for his smile.(73)DAs I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Greyhound counter,the sales agent said with a broad smile."Oh,that bus left five minutes ago."Dreams of head-cutting!
It′s not the news that makes someone angry.(74)E  Big winners know,when delivering any bad news,they should share the feeling of the receiver.
Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy,I would have appreciated his warning.Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left,I probably would have said,"Oh,that′s all right.(75)A"Big winners,when they hear bad news,deliver bombs with the emotion the bombarded (被轰炸的) person is sure to have.

A.I will catch the next one.
B.The weatherman says it′s going to rain.
C.Receiving bad news requires great courage.
D.Several months ago I was racing to catch a bus.
E.It′s the unsympathetic attitude with which it?s delivered.
F.Delivering bad news properly is important in communication.
G.However,if the exhausted runner brought unhappy news,his head was cut off.

分析 本文属于议论文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了好消息使人高兴,坏消息令人气愤的主题,但是对于坏消息的表达是需要技巧的,表现出真诚的同情遗憾能让听到消息的人不那么恼怒,幸灾乐祸则会刺激他们.

解答 71-75GBDEA
71.G 考查上下文联系.前面提到跑步者带来好消息的后果,所以后面连接的是传递坏消息的后果,也就是被砍头.故选G.
72.B 考查上下文联系.根据后面的"Not for his stupid weather report"可知,前面提到的是天气预报.故选B.
73.D 考查上下文联系.根据后面的"Oh,that bus left five minutes ago"可知,我正赶着去公共汽车站.故选D.
74.E 考查上下文联系.根据前文内容可知,作者本身已经很窘迫了,对方还要损他,可知这是一种没有同情心的态度.故选E.
75.A 考查推理判断.根据常理,售票员变相指责作者,作者应当会气得去坐下一班车.故选A.

点评 七选五"这样的题型,主要目的在于"考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握.解题时最主要的两个步骤就是1.理清文章的逻辑和结构,2.在所给的原文中找出关键词或者说是线索词.文章的整体思路能帮助你在答案中筛选出符合逻辑的选项,关键词则能帮助你确定更多的细节,排除相近的选项.这些技巧多练练就能孰能生巧.

6.A classic joke goes like this:A nurse rushes into an exam room and says,"Doctor,doctor,there is an invisible man in the waiting room."The doctor says,"Tell him I can't see him."Pretty simple,right?
Here is how I tell it:"A nurse-her name is Joyce-feels a presence in the waiting room.She looks around but sees nothing.She jumps up from her desk,carefully replaces her chair,and runs down the hallway to the doctor's office.She knocks on the door.No response.He's not there.Where can he be?She continues down the hall,admiring a picture of an 18th-century Mississippi boat along the way."By the time,my audience has left,but I go on."She bursts into the exam room and says,‘Doctor,doctor!'The doctor,I should mention…"
You get the idea.I can't leave a simple joke alone.
I'm not the only joke-challenged member of the family.My sister's worse than I am.Her problem:She can't remember them."‘A nurse rushes into an exam room and says…'Uh,let me start all over again.‘A nurse rushes into a waiting…'No,it's not the waiting room.She just came from the waiting room.Let me start all over again.‘A doctor rushes into…'No,wait…"
My uncle's different."Okay,this is a good one.Ready?No,really,ready?Okay,‘A nurse…'Got it?A nurse?Okay,ready?‘A nurse rushes into an exam room and says:Doctor,there's an invisible man in the waiting room.'Now,this is where it gets funny.Ready?'No one is ever ready,so they leave before he gets to the funny part.
No one in my family has ever finished this joke.
Next time you see my family and someone is telling a joke,do yourself a favour:Make yourself invisible.

19.What's the passage mainly about?D
A.How to tell a classic joke.
B.The author has a happy family.
C.Telling a classic joke is not easy.
D.The author's family are not good at telling a joke.
20.When the author tells a joke,he tends toA.
A.add too many extra details
B.forget it
C.act like the host of a show program
D.leave it alone
21.The last sentence implies thatD when the author's family tell a joke.
A.you should stop them
B.you can't see anything
C.you will become invisible
D.you would not like to listen.
7.Imagine this:You're at the movies seeing the latest box-office hit.The leading actor Chases down(找到) the film's bad guy before winning over the beautiful leading lady.What does he do next?He sucks on a cigarette.
What's wrong with this picture?Doesn't the beautiful woman see her hero's yellow teeth?Doesn't she smell his smoky breath?And wouldn't the good guy have trouble chasing,since smoking causes a person to cough?
But you don't see any of that when someone smokes cigarettes in the movies.And there is a lot of smoking in movies.Actors light up in more than 50percent of youth-rated (G,PG,PG-13)movies,according to the American Legacy Foundation,which aims to put an end to smoking among young people.That means that Hollywood is showing 14 billion images of smoking to young people every year.
All that exposure to on-screen smoking can influence teens to smoke.The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) argues that 44percent of teens who begin smoking do so because they've seen smoking in movies.The CDC reports that teens are two to three times more likely to start smoking after seeing repeated smoking scenes in movies than teens who are lightly exposed to smoking in movies.
Several organizations are working to remove smoking in youth-rated movies.And adults are not the only ones who care about this issue.Many teens are actively involved.Livia Clandorf,16,of Chatham,New York,is a member of Reality Check,an organization that educates teens about what it considers to be the manipulative(巧妙处理的)practices of tobacco companies.Livia participated in an event called a"movies stomp(跺脚)."Reality Check rents out a movie theater and screens a youth-rated film that shows smoking.Every time audience members see smoking,they stomp their feet and show disapproval by shouting"boo".

28.What is the picture you are asked to imagine like according to the author?D
A.It's touching
B.It's beautiful
C.It's frightening
C.It's Unreasonable
29.What does the underlined part"light up"in paragraph 3mean?B
A.Guide with a light.
B.Begin to smoke.
C.Show pleasure.
D.Provide light.
30.What can be inferred from the CDC's words?C
A.Over 50 percent of teens smoke.
B.Teens should watch more movies.
C.Many movies cause teens to smoke.
D.Teens are less likely to smoke than adults.
31.When will participants in a"movies stomp"stomp their feet?D
A.When they are active.
B.When they are excited.
C.When they feel like smoking.
D.When they see smoking scenes.

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