
Do you like to go to the cinema or watch a film online?People have different answers to the question.
Some people think that going to the cinema is a better choice.To begin with,the screen is much larger than what we have at home.The image and sound effects are amazing,which are totally different from what we feel at home.Besides,it's a good way to communicate with friends if you invite them to go with you.Other people,however,hold the view that they prefer to watch movies at ho me.It's convenient and money-saving to watch films online.You can enjoy the films you choose without being disturbed in such a quiet place.
It is my opinion that although the tickets are very expensive,I will go to the cinema instead of watching films online.In this way,I will have a good opportunity to communicate with my parents or friends.What's more,the magic of silver screen is so fascinating that it cannot be replaced by other ways of watching films..

分析 这是一篇关于人们选择不同观影方式的作文.根据题目要求可知用第一人称和一般现在时态.内容包括:一提出话题;二分析人们喜欢去影院看电影的原因;三分析人们喜欢在网上看电影的原因;四自己的看法.
1.The image and sound effects are amazing,which are totally different from what we feel at home. 句子里which引导非限制性定语从句,代指主句The image and sound effects are amazing;what引导宾语从句 we feel at home,表示"我们在家里观看的感受".
2.It is my opinion that although the tickets are very expensive,I will go to the cinema instead of watching films online.句子里 It 做形式主语,代指主语从句that although the tickets are very expensive,I will go to the cinema instead of watching films online;主语从句里 although 引导让步状语从句 the tickets are very expensive; instead of 表示"而不是".

解答 Do you like to go to the cinema or watch a film on line?People have different answers to the question.(提出话题)
     Some people think that going to the cinema is a better choice.To begin with,the screen is much larger than what we have at home.The image and sound effects are amazing,which are totally different from what we feel at home.【高分句型一】Besides,it's a good way to communicate with friends if you invite them to go with you.(分析人们喜欢去影院看电影的原因)Other people,however,hold the view that they prefer to watch movies at ho me.It's convenient and money-saving to watch films online.You can enjoy the films you choose without being disturbed in such a quiet place.(分析人们喜欢在网上看电影的原因)
      It is my opinion that although the tickets are very expensive,I will go to the cinema instead of watching films online.【高分句型二】In this way,I will have a good opportunity to communicate with my parents or friends.What's more,the magic of silver screen is so fascinating that it cannot be replaced by other ways of watching films.(自己的看法)

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6.A classic joke goes like this:A nurse rushes into an exam room and says,"Doctor,doctor,there is an invisible man in the waiting room."The doctor says,"Tell him I can't see him."Pretty simple,right?
Here is how I tell it:"A nurse-her name is Joyce-feels a presence in the waiting room.She looks around but sees nothing.She jumps up from her desk,carefully replaces her chair,and runs down the hallway to the doctor's office.She knocks on the door.No response.He's not there.Where can he be?She continues down the hall,admiring a picture of an 18th-century Mississippi boat along the way."By the time,my audience has left,but I go on."She bursts into the exam room and says,‘Doctor,doctor!'The doctor,I should mention…"
You get the idea.I can't leave a simple joke alone.
I'm not the only joke-challenged member of the family.My sister's worse than I am.Her problem:She can't remember them."‘A nurse rushes into an exam room and says…'Uh,let me start all over again.‘A nurse rushes into a waiting…'No,it's not the waiting room.She just came from the waiting room.Let me start all over again.‘A doctor rushes into…'No,wait…"
My uncle's different."Okay,this is a good one.Ready?No,really,ready?Okay,‘A nurse…'Got it?A nurse?Okay,ready?‘A nurse rushes into an exam room and says:Doctor,there's an invisible man in the waiting room.'Now,this is where it gets funny.Ready?'No one is ever ready,so they leave before he gets to the funny part.
No one in my family has ever finished this joke.
Next time you see my family and someone is telling a joke,do yourself a favour:Make yourself invisible.

19.What's the passage mainly about?D
A.How to tell a classic joke.
B.The author has a happy family.
C.Telling a classic joke is not easy.
D.The author's family are not good at telling a joke.
20.When the author tells a joke,he tends toA.
A.add too many extra details
B.forget it
C.act like the host of a show program
D.leave it alone
21.The last sentence implies thatD when the author's family tell a joke.
A.you should stop them
B.you can't see anything
C.you will become invisible
D.you would not like to listen.
10.Yesterday I donated(捐赠)some unwanted items to Habitat for Humanity where the items would be repaired and sold.As I was carrying the items downstairs,I thought about my childhood.
I grew up in a very poor area.We lived in a house with 2 bedrooms and 8 children.The dinning room was changed into a bedroom.Money was tight and my mum was never in a position to donate to charity.My father was a painter and decorator and worked really hard.Though he was doing his best,we were poor,we needed too much food.
One day,I looked out of my bedroom window into the entry(人口处).An elderly lady was walking up the entry to go to the shops.As she passed our house,she stopped.An old table cloth which we had thrown away caught her eye.She started searching through our dustbin,the dustbin of poor people.She was pleased with her find,took the table cloth from the dustbin and made her away back home with it.
As a child this totally shocked me.I knew we were a working class family living in a very poor area but I never believed someone else would want what we had thrown away.
So,why am I telling you this?The reason I am sharing this with you is that it is a huge reminder that no matter how poor we appear to be,there will be many who are worse off.They don't have to be homeless,but they really lead a poor life.There are always people needing help and we can give them a hand.

24.Why did the author live a hard life as a child?D
A.She lived in a very poor area.
B.Her father couldn't earn much money.
C.She needed to donate money to charity.
D.There wee too many children in her family.
25.What caught the elderly lady's attention?A
A.A thrown-away item.
B.Some dustbins.
C.The signs of the shops.
D.The author's bedroom window.
26.What made the author shocked?D
A.There are so many poor people.
B.The old lady liked the table cloth.
C.The table cloth was a useful item.
D.There were poorer people than her family.
27.What can we learn from the story?A
A.We should be content with what we have and be ready to help others.
B.We should donate what we have.
C.We should throw away useless things.
D.We should save money.
20.We often close ourselves off when unfortunate events happen in our lives; instead of letting the world soften us,we let it drive us deeper into ourselves.We try to deflect the hurt and pain by pretending it doesn't exist,but although we can try this all we want,in the end,we can't hide from ourselves.We need to learn to open our hearts
to the potentials of life and let the world soften us.
Whenever we start to let our fears and seriousness get the best of us,we should take a step back and re-evaluate our behavior.The items listed below are ways you can open your heart more fully and completely.
Breathe into pain
Whenever a painful situation arises in your life,try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt.When the sadness strikes,take a deep breath and lean into it.When we run away from sadness that's unfolding in our lives,it gets stronger and more real.We take an emotion that's fleeting and make it a solid event,instead of something that passes through us.
By utilizing our breath we soften our experiences.If we dam them up,our lives will stagnate,but when we keep them flowing,we allow more newness and greater experiences to blossom.
Embrace the uncomfortable
We all know what that twinge(刺痛) of anxiety feels like.We know how fear feels in our bodies:the tension in our necks,the tightness in our stomachs,etc.We can practice leaning into these feelings of discomfort and let them show us where we need to go.
The initial impulse is to run away-to try and suppress these feelings by not acknowledging them.When we do this,we close ourselves off to the parts of our lives that we need to experience most.The next time you have this feeling of being truly uncomfortable,do yourself a favor and lean into the feeling.Act in spite of the fear.
Ask your heart what it wants
We're often confused at the next step to take,making pros and cons lists until our eyes bleed and our brains are sore.Instead of always taking this approach,what if we engaged a new part of ourselves that isn't usually involved in the decision making process?
I know we've all felt decisions or actions that we had to take simply due to our"gut"impulses:when asked,we can't explain the reasons behind doing so-just a deep knowing that it had to get done.This instinct is the part of ourselves we're approaching for answers.
To start this process,take few deep breaths then ask,"Heart,what decision should I make here?What action feels the most right?"
See what comes up,then engage and evaluate the outcome.
Title:Open Our Hearts
Background information
★Unfortunate events often(71)drive us deeper into ourselves;
★We can't hide ourselves(72)despite the fact that we pretend not to have been hurt;
★We should take a step back and re-evaluate our behavior whenever fears and seriousness(73)defeat us.
(74)Approaches to helping open our hearts★Breathe into pain★Try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to(75)cover up the hurt whenever a painful situation arises in our lives;
★Utilize our breath and we can(76)producemore newness and greater experiences in the future.
★Embrace the uncomfortable★We can practice leaning into the feelings of discomfort and(77)finda way out in our lives;
★Running away only(78)prevents/stopsus  experiencing the parts of our lives that we need most.
★Ask your heart what it wants★To treat the process of decision making from a different(79)angle;
★See what(80)happens/occurs,then engage and evaluate the outcome.

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