
Music died here last spring, or rather, it was killed by members of the school committee who ignored the importance of music and drama as part of the high-school curriculum.
The committee decided that teaching students how to take a standardized test is more important than a curriculum in which students can explore their interests in the arts as well as academics. Because the school system is running out of funding, it needs to make sure that students pass the mastery test or even more money will be lost. If students fail the state standardized test, it is not the fault of drama and music classes— they are failing because the “ academic” classes are not sufficient.
It is painful to think of how many students will be discouraged from singing, acting, and playing instruments because school programs are no longer offered. Many families cannot afford private music lessons, and many potential musicians and artists may not find their calling if they are not exposed to it in school. The fact that the school committee thinks the arts are not worth the investment will certainly make some students believe the arts are not worth their time or support and the cycle will continue.
Teaching for a test does not shape students into complete, well rounded people. It blocks the natural sense to create and express feelings through art— there is more to life than the analytical thinking that math and English provide. What happens after a test? Sure, a student might graduate, but they will have limited knowledge — certainly not a good preparation for the real world.
小题1:Music and drama are not included in the high-school curriculum mainly because________.
A.the school committee pays no attention to them
B.the school is afraid of losing financial support
C.the students are not interested in both of them
D.the state standardized test is more important.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The sufficiency of the classes determines students’ performance in the mastery test
B.students can be musicians and artists only if they can afford private music lessons
C.The school committee completely influences students’ attitude towards the arts
D.Quite a few students are discouraged from music and art in today’s school system.
小题3:We can learn that music and art can ________.
A.make students round-shaped people in future
B.provide students with analytical thinking
C.motivate students in creativity and expression
D.prevent students graduating from high school
小题4:The best title of the passage can be ________.
A.Who Killed Music and Drama?
B.Can Curriculum Go Without Music?
C.Why is Music So Important?
D.How To Prepare For the Real World?

小题1:B 细节题。根据第2段3,4行it needs to make sure that students pass the mastery test or even more money will be lost.所以他们在课程里采把音乐和戏剧排除在外,可知B正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据第三段1,2行It is painful to think of how many students will be discouraged from singing, acting, and playing instruments because school programs are no longer offered.可知D正确。
小题3:C 推理题。根据最后一段第2行It blocks the natural sense to create and express feelings through art可知文学与艺术可以激发创造性和表达,故C正确。
小题4:B 主旨大意题。文章讨论的正是课程里能不能没有音乐?
While watching the Olympics the other night,I came across an incredible sight.The 1 was swimming and started with only three men.For one reason or another,two of them had a 2 start,so they were disqualified.That would have been difficult enough,not having anyone to  3 against.
I watched the man 4 off the blocks and knew immediately that something was wrong.Now I’m not an expert 5 but I do know a good dive 6 a poor one,and this was not exactly medal 7 .I listened to the crowd begin to 8 this poor man who was clearly having a 9 time.Finally he made his turn to start back.It was 10 .He made a few desperate strokes (划水) and you could tell he was exhausted.
But in those few 11 strokes,the crowd had changed.No longer were they laughing,but beginning to 12 .Some even began to 13 things like,“Come on,you can do it!”,and he 14 finished his race.The crowd went 15 .Even though he recorded one of the 16 times in Olympic history,this man gave more heart than any of the other 17 .
In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals,feeling they have 18 been cheated out of gold,or when they act so 19 in front of their competitors,it is nice to watch an underdog (失败者),a man that gave his all—knowing that he had no chance,but competed because of his 20 and the spirit of the games.
A.fight B.struggleC.defend D.race
A.swimmerB.coach C.judgeD.adviser
A.fromB.in C.beyond D.between
A.featureB.qualityC.example D.sign
A.break offB.stand byC.laugh at D.focus on
A.hopeful B.pitifulC.boringD.skillful
A.flexibleB.smartC.awkward D.excellent
A.speak B.present C.concludeD.yell
A.wildB.angry C.sadD.grey
A.fastestB.luckiest C.hardestD.slowest
A.advantageB.independenceC.determination D.principle
Good posture certainly shows good health. It also adds to a body's energy and beauty. The body is not handsome when the back is bent and neck thrusts forward. Bad posture suggests the impression that a person is tired,lacking in energy,bored,or weak. Tiredness may sometimes be the cause of bad posture. Most often,however,it is due to careless and poor health habits. Whatever it causes,bad posture affects one physically. The muscles are stretched and pulled into unnatural positions,which can lead to poor base of the body's various systems.
Nutrition is the study of how the body takes food and uses it. This science provides information about the kinds of food a person must eat to improve and maintain good health. Such knowledge helps him develop and form people habits to his problems of healthful living. People habits of nutrition can be developed by paying attention to:(1) the variety of food included in the diet;(2) the quality of each kind of food eaten. A diet,or the food regularly eaten,must contain all the necessary factors.
Many physicians believe that overweight is one of the greatest dangers to good health. This condition often leads to a shorter life. An overweight person is also easier to suffer disease, and various disorders of the digestive system. A person’s weight directly has something to do with the amounts of food he eats.
All foods can make a person fat if too much is eaten. In reducing,the safe weight loss is about two pounds a week. The sensible way to lose weight is to decrease the gaining starchy(含淀粉的) foods,fats and sweets in the diet.
小题1:According to this passage, which of the following is suggested about the good health habits?
A.Good way of holding your body. B.Balanced food.
C.Right body weight.D.All of the above.
小题2:According to this passage,bad posture is most probably caused by_______.
A.tiredness,boredom and weakness
B.lack of energy
C.careless and poor health habits
D.overworking and illness
小题3:Which of the following eating habits is NOT proper in terms of maintaining good health?
A.Vegetables,meat and water only.
B.A suitable quantity of each kind of food.
C.Fats being part of diet.
D.Various foods included in the diet.
小题4:We can infer from the statement “all foods can make a person fat if too much is eaten” that________.
A.to lose weight you had better eat properly for daily meals
B.the most effective way to lose weight is to have no fat and sweet
C.even vegetables can make you put on weight , so there is no need to have fat and sweet.
D.a shorter life is a sure result of overweight

Most of my earliest childhood memories are of the beach — in the hot sun, building sandcastles, burying Dad in the sand.
Now the coast has a pleasant and relaxing attraction beyond words. I look forward to a windy cliff-top walk or a rainy day rock-picking just as much as those rare moments when I get to a short sleep in the sun. But there’s nothing more pleasurable than turning up at a beach to find it deserted.
These are my favourite secret beaches — ones either not well known or take a bit of effort to get to. Most of those listed scored highly in the Marine Conservation Society Good Beach Guide 2009; the others are too secret even for them.
Sennen Clove is just a mile northeast of Land’s End, the westernmost point of mainland England. It’s a beautiful spot, with white sands, deep green sea and amazing sunsets over the Isles (群岛) of Scilly, 28 miles away.
The west-facing beach is popular with surfers, with bigger waves and winds often found at the Gwenver end. There’s a beach restaurant with good views of the bay and the sunsets.
The smallest of Isles of Scilly, Bryher is a mile long, half a mile wide — and a natural wilderness of unbelievable scenery. Walk along the narrow sandy roads to the eastern seaboard and you come to two quiet beaches.
Green Bay has views over to the palm trees of Tresco’s Abbey Gardens, and a little further south is Rushy Bay, a beautiful beach facing the deserted island of Samson.
On Bryher, farm shops sell locally grown produce, and they trust you to leave the money in the pot. It’s that kind of place.
小题1:The best title for this passage is ________.
A.The Beautiful British Isles
B.Secret Beaches on the British Isles
C.The Most Pleasurable Place in Britain
D.My Experience of Searching Beaches
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The author is a tourist guide in a tourist agency.
B.The author likes walking on a rainy cliff-top most.
C.The author wrote the article to advertise for the beaches.
D.The author loves beaches that are not known to most people.
小题3:Which of the following maps can correctly describe the geography position?
(LE="Land’s" End    SC="Sennen" Cove        IS="the" Isles of Scilly)

小题4:In the author’s view, farmers on Bryher are ________.
Many people say pennies are not worth saving. After all, a penny is only worth a cent. But one unusual penny turned out to be worth a lot more when a coin collector paid $1.7 million for it earlier this month.
The coin is one of a kind. It is the only penny that the Denver mint(铸币厂) made out of copper, instead of steel, in 1943. Because it is unique, it is also very valuable. No penny has ever sold for so much money.
The Changing Penny
The Lincoln penny first appeared in 1909. For 34 years, the one-cent coin was made out of copper. Then, in 1943, the penny changed. World War II was going on, and copper was needed for equipment. So for one year, pennies were made out of steel instead. At least most of them were.
Only a few coins were made out of unused copper. There are three main mints, or places where coins are made, in the United States. Of the known copper pennies from 1943, twelve were made in the Philadephia mint, and five were made in the San Francisco mint. Only one was made in the Denver mint.
Nobody knows for sure why a copper penny was made at the Denver mint in 1943, coin dealers Andy Skrabalak told Time for Kids. “There is a rumor that a mint employee made the coin in the middle of the night.”
A Special Set
The coin collector who bought the $1.7 million penny wants to remain unknown. But the reason for the trade is known. He already had two copper pennies from 1943 – one from the San Francisco mint and one from the Philadephia mint. To complete the set, he needed the Denver penny. The three coins will go on display at a coin exhibition in Tampa, Florida.
The collector who sold the penny is also keeping his name a secret. It took four years to convince him to give up the rare coin. Now that he has finally donating all of the money to charity.
小题1:Why is the Lincoln penny worth over one million dollars?
A. Because it has a history of thirty-four years.
B. Because it was made out of a rare material.
C. Because it was made on one night of 1943 by the Denver mint.
D, Because it was the only coin Denver mint made out of copper in 1943.
小题2:Before the Lincoln penny was sold, people thought one-cent coins __________.
A.were worth collecting for selling later
B.were surely valuable if not made out of steel
C.wouldn’t be sold for large amounts of money
D.were only useful for some coin museums
小题3:At least how many copper coins were made in 1943?
小题4:What can we learn about the collector who sold the penny?
A.He already had two copper pennies from 1943.
B.He wanted to complete the set of copper pennies.
C.He didn’t want to sell his penny in the beginning.
D.He was a well-known coin dealer in Tampa, Horida.
Frequently Asked Questions
TEENSGIVING is an exciting yearly event where hundreds of New York City teens gather together annually for a remarkable day of community service. This year, TEENSGIVING in SRING 2010 participants will once again better New York City and impact thousands of lives!
SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2010
Where is TEENSGIVING?                
All over New York City. Everyone will meet at the 92nd Street Y (92nd and Lexington) at 9:00 AM for the event kick-off. Then, all TEENSGIVING volunteers will disperse across the city to work with our partnering agencies where they will make a HUGE difference and have fun!
Who participates in TEENSGIVING?
Hundreds of teenagers from around the city. Teens come from the 92nd Street Y, various city schools, youth groups, and organizations in the area. In addition, many adult volunteers (aged 21 and older) will donate their time to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010.
What projects do participants do at the agencies?
Sample projects include painting park benches, planting gardens, visiting and playing with underprivileged children, assembling craft kits for children in hospitals, assisting at animal shelters, working at soup kitchens, delivering meals and celebrating with families at homeless shelters.  
Do I get anything for participating in TEENSGIVING?
Yes! Everybody benefits! Teen volunteers will receive *6 hours* of community service credit, good towards honor society, high school graduation and college application requirements. Adult volunteers will be “thanked” with a light breakfast, a gift certificate for their troubles, and the satisfaction of helping our city’s youth contribute to their community. In addition, all teen and adult volunteers will receive a cool TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 T-shirt.
This sounds awesome! How do I register for TEENSGIVING in SPRING2010? Interested teens and/or adults should e-mail the TEENSGIVING Coordinator Josh Hyman at jhyman@92Y.org(subjet:TEENSGIVING) to receive more information and to register for this fantastic event!
**Teens can also contact their school’s Community Service Advisor**
TEENSGIVING is sponsored by the 92nd Street Y.
小题1:TEENSGIVING is an event which is held ______.
小题2:Teenagers may do all the following in the event EXCEPT ____
小题3:An adult volunteer may get ____ for his time devoted to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010.
小题4:The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to _______.
Paparazzi, or "paps", are photographers who take pictures of famous people when they are not at the center of public attention. Paps are different from professional photographers or journalists because they never take ordinary photos.
The goal for paparazzi is to get pictures that no one else will get and then sell the pictures to the buyer who offers the most money —normally a small newspaper, magazine or website.
There is no law against paparazzi taking pictures in public places. However, there are laws that protect certain individuals. For example, child protection laws stop improper (不合适的) pictures of anyone under 16 from being published.
There is also no law that stops paparazzi from following celebrities (名人) and taking their pictures either. However, if paps are secretly following them and taking pictures of their faces, they could get into trouble.
Most paparazzi hang out on streets and hot spots for celebrities, waiting for the opportunity to take a picture of a star. Many stay on the streets until the early hours of the morning when celebrities are leaving nightclubs and looking a little worse for wear. However, some have other ways to make sure they get pictures. Many paps are in contact with "informers" who know the locations of celebrities at any given time. They then pass the information on to paparazzi. An informer could be anyone —from a restaurant waiter to a salesman.
Most of the time, paparazzi get a bad reputation for following celebrities. But sometimes stars or their managers will contact paps themselves and tell them exactly where and when they will go.
What a love-hate relationship between paparazzi and celebrities!
小题1:Which of the following things paparazzi might do would be against the law?
A.Taking pictures of famous people in public places.
B.Getting unsuitable pictures of a 10-year-old actress published.
C.Following a famous woman singer secretly and taking her pictures.
D.Hanging out at the places where celebrities often appear.
小题2:In order to earn big money a pap has to ________.
A.get the only first-hand pictures
B.sell the pictures to a big newspaper
C.make friends with famous people
D.know the locations of celebrities
小题3:The fifth paragraph mainly tells us ________.
A.how paparazzi get the pictures
B.how dangerous paparazzi’s job is
C.how much paparazzi pay for the pictures
D.how paparazzi contact informers
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Paparazzi always take pictures when famous people are tired.
B.Stars hate paparazzi and don’t want to be followed.
C.Paparazzi and famous people rely on each other sometimes.
D.Informers might get paparazzi into trouble.
The British are being encouraged to holiday at home as a major tourism drive offering Olympic themed discounts is launched next week.
A new campaign offering 20. 12% discounted bills at participating venues (场所) will be announced publicly for the first time by Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt on Wednesday to encourage "staycations".
The scheme includes hotel accommodation, meals, guided tours and entry to attractions, with discounts funded by the industry. Government officials said more than three million hotel rooms were already lined up under the project, which is being backed by a range of companies, including Butlins. Attractions, such as the London Eye and Alton Towers, are also taking part. Reduced prices will also be offered on stays on the Royal yacht Britannia, now harboring in Leith, Edinburgh, and visits to Chatsworth, the historic house in Derbyshire.
Tourists will be able to take advantage of the discount by using a dedicated website before the end of the Paralympics on September 9 to make bookings for this year and 2013.
Mr. Hunt said, "With the Diamond Jubilee and the 2012 Olympic Games, this year is the perfect opportunity for more of us to holiday in the UK "
Mr. Hunt has travelled the UK, urging companies to take part in the scheme, telling them, "It's now or never for London tourism. We will never have a year like 2012 to show the world that this is, quite simply, the most exciting, vibrant, cosmopolitan city on the planet. The unavoidable complaints in the run up to an Olympics must not cloud the scale of the opportunity —including our biggest ever tourism marketing campaign to make sure we get a lasting benefit from being in the global spotlight. "
The scheme will be promoted by a £3 million television advertising campaign — the first of its kind in the UK.
The government hopes the " Holidays at Home are Great" campaign — launched by Visit England — will create 12, 000 jobs, create 5.3 million extra short overnight breaks, and generate £480 million in extra spending over three years.
小题1:What Mr. Hunt said indicates that        .
A.he has no interest in the scheme
B.he supports the idea of staycation
C.he doubts the benefit of the scheme
D.he cares most about London tourism
小题2:What does the underlined sentence (in Para. 6) mean?
A.London tourism will never have a precious opportunity.
B.It is too golden an opportunity for London tourism to lose.
C.It is now too late for London tourism to take this opportunity.
D.London has ever had a valuable opportunity like the one in 2012.
小题3:How will the "Holidays at Home are Great" campaign probably benefit London?
A.It will offer 20. 12% discount to travelers' expenses.
B.It will attract more international travelers to visit London.
C.It will create more job opportunities and bring in more money.
D.It will prove London the most exciting, vibrant, cosmopolitan city on earth.
小题4:In which section of a newspaper will this article be presented?
The clothes you wear. The food you eat. The color of your bedroom walls. Where you go and how you get there. The people you hang around with. What time you go to bed. What do these things have in common, you’re asking? They’re just a few examples of the many hundreds of things that your parents controlled for you when you were a child.
As a kid, you didn’t have a say in everything; your parents made decisions about everything from the cereal you ate in the morning to the pajamas you wore at night. And it’s a good thing, too—kids need this kind of protection on their own.
But finally, kids grow up and become teens. And part of being a teen is developing your own identity—one that is separate from your parents’. But as you change and grow into this new person who makes his own decisions, your parents have a difficult time adjusting(调整).
In many families, it is this adjustment that can cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents. And issues like the type of friends you have or your attitudes to partying can cause bigger arguments, because your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are.
The good news about fighting with your parents get more comfortable with the idea that their teen has a right to certain opinions. It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles, though. In the meantime, focus on communicating with your parents.
Sometimes this can feel impossible—like they just don’t see your point of view and never will. But talking and expressing your opinions can help you gain more respect from your parents.
Keep in mind, too, that your parents were teens once and that in most cases, they can relate to what you’re going through.
小题1:In the first two paragraphs, the writer________.
A.complains that parents control kids too much.
B.proves that kids have no right to give their opinions.
C.describes how carefully parents look after kids
D.explains that it is necessary for parents to control kids
小题2:A lot of fighting breaks out between teens and parents because________.
A.parents aren’t used to losing control of kids
B.teens like to have everything decided
C.parents blame teens for not respecting them
D.teens are eager to develop their own identity
小题3:In the opinions of the writer, parents control teens in order to ________.
A.prevent them from having their own ideas
B.protect them from being hurt
C.make them respect parents in family
D.make sure that children have a good future.
小题4:The underlined word “this” in paragraph 6 may refer to “________”.
A.arguing with friends
B.fighting with your parents
C.communicating with parents
D.adjusting to new roles
小题5:What might be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.What do parents control their children for?
B.How parents take are of children?
C.How to get rid of your parents’ control?
D.Why do I fight with parents so much?

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