
16.Hard to believe that that something as simple as making a pizza can change a life.But that's exactly what's happening behind the walls of the Cook County Jail(监狱).
It's all part of a program called Recipe for Change.The man behind the program is well-known Chicago Chef(大厨) Bruno Abate.Besides running his own restaurant,Abate spends 5 days a week in jail teaching prisoners the art of pizza and change."The prisoners are human.They deserve a chance and they deserve to change their life,"Abate said.And that's one reason he started his Recipe for Change three years ago.
And in the Cook County Jail,help comes in the from of pizza.Chef Abate and his team donate their time to teach prisoners how to cook the pies.Those pizzas are then sold to other prisoners in the jail.There are six to choose from,all costing 5 to 7 dollars.It is a big win for prisoners like Sterling,who has dreams of opening his own restaurant."I want to start my own restaurant and maybe hire some of these guys to help me out,"Sterling said.And that's what this is really about,giving prisoners the skills needed to land a job once they get out.
Like Sterling,Karim also has dreams of running a restaurant."Growing up I really didn't have a father figure growing up.But Abate always talked about change and mistakes.When you fall,there is nothing but up."Karim said.
And helping those who fall get back up is a task that Chef Abate hopes everyone will support."All the restaurant in Chicage,supermarkets,if you need some people,I can teach them for you.Let me know what you need.Here we are."Abate said.
22.Abate started Recipe for change toD.
A.make himself well-known
B.sell his pizza to the prisoners
C.earn more money for the prison
D.give prisoners a chance to change
23.The underlined"these guys"in paragraph 3 probably refers toB.
A.chefs like Abate
B.the fellow prisoners
C.workers in the prison
D.Abate's team members
24.From the last two paragraph we learn AbateC.
A.once made mistakes himself
B.is looking for a new business partner
C.wants more people to help those who fall
D.intends to open more restaurants in Chicage
25.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?C
A.Life in the Cook County Jail
B.A Well-known Chicago Chef
C.Pizza Changing Prisoners'Life
D.Dreams of Running a Restauran.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了Abate通过教导犯人们制作披萨给他们一个改变的机会,并呼吁更多的人给他们机会.

解答 22.D.细节理解题.根据第一段Besides running his own restaurant,Abate spends 5 days a week in jail teaching prisoners the art of pizza and change."The prisoners are human.They deserve a chance and they deserve to change their life可知Abate开始教犯人们厨艺是为了给他们一个改变的机会;故选D.
23.B.词义猜测题.根据文章I want to start my own restaurant and maybe hire some of these guys to help me out,"Sterling said可知"我想自己开一家餐厅,也许雇用这些人来帮助我;指的是犯人们;故选B.
24.C.细节理解题.根据最后一段And helping those who fall get back up is a task that Chef Abate hopes everyone will support可知他希望更多的人来帮助那些犯人们;故选C.
25.C.推理判断题.根据文章Chef Abate and his team donate their time to teach prisoners how to cook the pies.Those pizzas are then sold to other prisoners in the jail可知最佳标题是披萨改变了监狱犯人们的生活;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

6.Each Sunday,people can hear the music of the Mission Dolores Basilica in San Francisco.The Spanish missionaries(传教士)built the church in 1791.It was the start of a special kind of neighborhood:the Mission District.
The area is a place with a long and varied history.One community member says that it's important for people to understand the many levels of history in the neighborhood.He feels that this knowledge is a big part of understanding what it means to be a real San Franciscan.
One of the most interesting parts of the district is its people.Over the years,immigrants have come to the area from Ireland,Germany,and Italy.But the most recent immigrants are mainly from Latin America.It's easy to see the style that these recent additions give to the neighborhood.You can see it in the art on the walls,taste it in the food,and hear it in the music!
Juan Pedro Gaffney,the director of the Spanish Choir(唱诗班)of San Francisco,says that the people there share the pain and the happiness of their friends and family members and that music has always been a basic part of cultural identity in the district.He feels that the music of the district is colorful and lively.
But it isn't just its music that's colorful and lively.Its art is full of life as well.
The local art community stays close to the area's culture and tradition.A local arts organization often leads people on walks through the district.They visit streets like Balmy Alley,which is famous for its murals (壁画).Even though the meanings behind the murals are always changing,they are still very powerful.One artist explains that they are fighting for fairness in the community and to help the environment through murals.Apparently,they're something the community likes.
Many of these artists feel that the district is a successful neighborhood where new immigrants are welcome."People see that they're not so different from each other,"says one artist."There are a lot of things that bind(捆绑)the immigrants through culture and tradition."
68.The underlined phrase"this knowledge"in Paragraph 2refers toD.
A.having memories of the Spanish missionaries
B.knowing the history of the Mission Dolores Basilica
C.realizing what it means to be a real San Franciscan
D.understanding the many levels of history in the neighborhood
69.The author shows the multi-culture of the Mission District from the aspects ofB.
A.literature and sports
B.music and murals
C.buildings and clothes
D.customs and festivals
70.It can be inferred from the passage that in the Mission DistrictA.
A.immigrants from different cultures live in harmony
B.LatinAmerican music and foods are the most attractive
C.the Spanish Choir stands out in the competition of different cultures
D.new immigrants have to give up their own culture to be welcome
71.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.The Mission Dolores Basilica
B.A Special Type of Neighborhood
C.Music of the Mission District
D.The Spanish Choir of San Francisco.
4.Ten philosophers were imprisoned together in one cell (小牢房).They decided that somehow they should (36)D.They sat and made a big plan.They made a duplicate (可复制的)key of the prison door key.Finally,they chose the date of the escape.The whole plan was clearly (37)A.They decided that on the particular night,two of them would open the prison door with the duplicate key and (38)C to the others.The others would escape and these two would follow after (39)Athe door behind them.
The (40)B of escape arrived and two of them went to open the door.The rest of them waited and waited but never got any signal.Three hours (41)D.Suddenly,the two who had gone to open the door came back and said,"We have to (42)B to escape.It can't happen today.We will have to do it some other day."The others (43)C,"Why,what happened?"They replied,"What could we do?The careless guards (44)C to lock the prison door!"
Those who philosophize can not think of anything (45)A!It has to be the same old (46)Bsetup.If there is some change or some new (47)C,they can not think (48)D to deal with it,because they are not (49)A.They are like a (50)Acircuit.We have also become like philosophers when dealing with our lives.We are stuck in (51)D of the past.We are (52)Din the moment.If anything new happens,we are (53)C.
So,what should we do?(54)Beverything,consider each other as equals and be open to (55)A.If you are open and available,your are no more a philosopher.You are ready to open up to life with love.
37.A.laid outB.brought inC.carried outD.stuck to
53.A.in needB.in chargeC.at a lossD.at risk
11.My dad always collected coins.He would walk to his long-time bankers and(41)Dthey put at least some new coins aside for him(42)Bcoins were issued.He gave them to every(43)Cmember.It gradually became a special family(44)Bto get coins from Dad.
When my dad died,I felt a sense of(45)D.My father and I had been so close.I was lost without his(46)Cand support.I wondered if I would (47)Afeel my dad around me again,watching over me.It was right after Hurricane Katrina.At the end of a motivational meeting,I felt so (48)Das I looked at these devoted volunteers.To my surprise,when I glanced at the (49)B,I saw a coin from the state where my dad was(50)C and raised.
Later,I went to the bank to (51)Ca check.The bank manager,who had known me,called me into her office,showing me the coins for all the states my dad had (52)B.
Ever since that time,I have always(53)Acoins at the most extraordinary times,when I needed support the most.(54)C,nowadays when I need emotional support during a tough time,a coin will always (55)Din a strange place.
Now every time a coin appears in our house,one of my(56)Csays,"Oh,it's Grandpa!"We all feel a sense of (57)Aevery time a single coin turns up in a (n) (58)A  place.We have all accepted it as a (59)Bof love,guidance and support from Dad-and(60)Bcoin makes us smile.

41.A.point outB.talk aboutC.look atD.make sure
55.A.break outB.end upC.fade awayD.show up
1.It is 8:45 a.m.and a line of hungry children eagerly await breakfast outside a classroom.Moments later they burst in,running over to a table covered with cereals,spreads,milk and juice to enjoy a satisfying,healthy breakfast.
This is familiar for Cannel McConnell,founder of The Magic Breakfast,a charity that delivers morning meals to children who would otherwise go without.
Ms McConnell created her organization 16 years ago after hearing from school staff that they had to feed their pupils before lessons started,as many were so hungry as to sleep in class.
The Magic Breakfast has a simple goal:to remove child hunger in the mornings by 2020.It is an example of one of many organizations using fresh produce to handle food poverty.
The charity has 200 partner schools in the capital and another 280 across the rest of England.There are 60 London schools on the waiting list.On average,49 pupils receive breakfast in each school,meaning the charity helps 9,800 young people in London every day.
Ms McConnell says the Magic Breakfast has made a notable impact:"Every morning pupils come in,eat breakfast and socialise with one another.In terms of their academic development,they are sharper as the breakfast gives them the energy to get through the day and to learn."
When asked about the obstacle to their goal,McConnell says,"The big thing we need,quite simply,is cash.The consequence (后果) of child hunger is that they will fail at school and we have to deal with fallout.Feeding hungry children so they can learn is no tough task.Breakfast is an ideal solution.As well as cash,we are looking for firms to donate food.I'd love for people to support us.And I'd love for us to proudly say we have sorted this problem out."
28.How does the writer introduce the topic?B
A.By giving an explanation.
B.By describing a scene.
C.By analyzing causes.
D.By making comparisons.
29.Which of the following is not mentioned about Ms McConnell's organization?D
A.Its difficulties.
B.Its purpose.
C.Its influence.
D.Its staff.
30.What does Ms McConnell mean by saying the words in the last paragraph?A
A.She's calling on more people to help with her charity.
B.She feels greatly concerned about the future of her charity.
C.She's confident of providing enough breakfast for British children.
D.She feels proud to have solved the problem of child hunger in England.
31.What can be a suitable title for,the text?C
A.Hungry children:a tough problem for London
B.Free meals:a way to remove child hunger in England
C.The Magic Breakfast:a charity feeding hungry school children
D.Carmel McConnell:considerate founder of The Magic Breakfast.
8.Correctly understanding the signals that people give away with their body language is a useful skill to understand what they are really thinking,regardless of what they are saying.But research has proven that some body language is often misunderstood.
The Eyes of a Liar
Most people say that someone cannot look another person in the eyes and lie,but that is not true.It has been found that some liars have no problem staring someone in the eyes and lying.
And what about people who avoid eye contact (接触)?Are they dishonest?In fact,nervousness and shyness can make people drop their eyes,even when they're telling the truth.
Eye Contact is Good
Many believe that more eye contact is better.However,directing a fixed stare at another usually makes the other person uncomfortable.Eye contact that lasts a few seconds is best for showing attention and sincerity.Any eye contact longer than that may be regarded by the other person as rude or aggressive.
Hands Behind the Back
Some people mistake a person putting their hands behind their back when standing as a sign of power.This type of body language is actually not a sign of strength but that of someone who is not trustworthy.People like to see a person's hands in order to know what they are doing with them.To gain others'trust,a person should keep their hands front.
Fast-Talkers Can't Be Trusted
Many people have been faced with,a fast-talking salesman who has tried to fool them into buying something.But fast-talk doesn't necessarily mean someone is trying to bamboozle you.On the contrary,slower speakers who take too many pauses may be trying to make up details as they go along.
Remember to take all things into consideration-cultures,societies,personal habits-and use as much information as possible when judging another person based on his or her body language.

32.Which of the following is true about eye contact?B
A.People who avoid eye contact are dishonest.
B.Proper eye contact shows attention and sincerity.
C.A long stare at others is considered good manners.
D.Looking into someone's eyes can make them tell the truth.
33.When communicating with others,we should keep our hands front toC.
A.show our belief in themB.defend ourselves from harm
C.show that we can be relied onD.prove that we are powerful
34.The underlined word"bamboozle"in the last paragraph can be replaced by"D".
35.What can be the best title of the passage?B
A.Ways to Use the Right Body Language
B.Misbeliefs about Some Body Language
C.How to Judge a Person by Body Language
D.Body Language Gives Away Your Real Thoughts.

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