
8.Correctly understanding the signals that people give away with their body language is a useful skill to understand what they are really thinking,regardless of what they are saying.But research has proven that some body language is often misunderstood.
The Eyes of a Liar
Most people say that someone cannot look another person in the eyes and lie,but that is not true.It has been found that some liars have no problem staring someone in the eyes and lying.
And what about people who avoid eye contact (接触)?Are they dishonest?In fact,nervousness and shyness can make people drop their eyes,even when they're telling the truth.
Eye Contact is Good
Many believe that more eye contact is better.However,directing a fixed stare at another usually makes the other person uncomfortable.Eye contact that lasts a few seconds is best for showing attention and sincerity.Any eye contact longer than that may be regarded by the other person as rude or aggressive.
Hands Behind the Back
Some people mistake a person putting their hands behind their back when standing as a sign of power.This type of body language is actually not a sign of strength but that of someone who is not trustworthy.People like to see a person's hands in order to know what they are doing with them.To gain others'trust,a person should keep their hands front.
Fast-Talkers Can't Be Trusted
Many people have been faced with,a fast-talking salesman who has tried to fool them into buying something.But fast-talk doesn't necessarily mean someone is trying to bamboozle you.On the contrary,slower speakers who take too many pauses may be trying to make up details as they go along.
Remember to take all things into consideration-cultures,societies,personal habits-and use as much information as possible when judging another person based on his or her body language.

32.Which of the following is true about eye contact?B
A.People who avoid eye contact are dishonest.
B.Proper eye contact shows attention and sincerity.
C.A long stare at others is considered good manners.
D.Looking into someone's eyes can make them tell the truth.
33.When communicating with others,we should keep our hands front toC.
A.show our belief in themB.defend ourselves from harm
C.show that we can be relied onD.prove that we are powerful
34.The underlined word"bamboozle"in the last paragraph can be replaced by"D".
35.What can be the best title of the passage?B
A.Ways to Use the Right Body Language
B.Misbeliefs about Some Body Language
C.How to Judge a Person by Body Language
D.Body Language Gives Away Your Real Thoughts.

分析 本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,正确理解人们用身体语言放弃的信号是一种有用的技能,可以理解他们真正的想法,不管他们在说什么.但研究证明,一些肢体语言经常被误解.本文以此展开,主要讲述了对某些肢体语言的误解.

解答 32.B.推理判断题.根据Eye contact that lasts a few seconds is best for showing attention and sincerity.Any eye contact longer than that may be regarded by the other person as rude or aggressive.可以推测出,适当的眼神交流展示的关注和诚意.故选B.
33.C.细节理解题.根据People like to see a person's hands in order to know what they are doing with them.To gain others'trust,a person should keep their hands front.可知,与他人沟通时,我们应该把手放在前面,表明我们可以信赖.故选C.
34.D.词义猜测题.根据上下文内容可知,But fast-talk doesn't necessarily mean someone is trying to bamboozle you.句意为但是快速通话并不一定意味着有人试图欺骗你.故bamboozle意为欺骗,故选D.

点评 本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,题目涉及多道主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

19.Maintown Public Library
Job Application
Job Description
Thank you for your interest in the Part-Time Public Library Clerk position.The application contains personal information followed by a few short-answer questions; your answers to these questions will help us determine if you are a good candidate for the position of Public Library Clerk.
Job Duties
Answer readers'questions in person,by telephone and through e-mail
Organize and shelve books and media
Provide general research assistance
Collect fees,and issue overdue notices
Assist with children's programs
Applicant Information
Name:Rosa Chan
Current Address:1928W.Franklin Avenue,Maintown,WA 99571
High School: Maintown High School
Did you graduate?I will graduate in two years.
E-mail address:rchan@m*hs.edu
What days and hours (Monday through Saturday) are you able to work?
I am available Monday and Wednesday afternoons after 4:00P.M.and all day Saturday.
Personal Responses
1.Why do you want to work at the Maintown Public Library?
I consider myself a keen reader,a quality I feel a library clerk should possess.Although my reading preferences span a variety of genres,I consider mystery and science fiction among my favourites.Additionally,I volunteer in my school library as an assistant after school; therefore,I have experience using a library catalogue and check-out system,assisting others in researching topics through the Internet and shelving books.My school librarian,Mr.Morris,has trained me to process new books for delivery to the floor.I feel my experience would translate well to the public library system and ensure that the public library gains a valuable employee.
2.What do you enjoy about visiting the Maintown Public Library?
A library is a place of learning and reflection,so it should be comfortable and welcoming.From the large windows to the plush armchairs to the well-organized layout of the shelves and open spaces,the bright,cheerful atmosphere of our town's library makes me want to extend each of my visits.All my friends have Maintown Public Library cards.
3.How do you define good customer service?
Good customer service means customers leave the library feeling they have accomplished their initial goals for visiting the library that day.In order to assist in this endeavour,a library clerk should determine a customer's needs and make those needs a priority.Whether patrons have come to the library to browse for a book,or they are researching a topic through the Internet or other media,my job would be to assist them in their search.
4.A reader complains about the library services or products.How would you respond?
I would first apologize for any inconvenience,and then I would work to solve the problem.The key to solving problems is listening and asking questions.Using the knowledge I have gained through working in my school's library and any skills gained through work in the public library,I would work to handle the issue for the reader.If I am unsure of how to solve the problem,I would ask the librarian for help.Finding a solution to a reader's issue will help create a positive environment and ensure that every reader feels comfortable in asking staff for assistance.
Please review the following information and sign below.
I certify that I have answered and provided all information honestly and accurately,to the best of my knowledge,and I give my permission to the public library to contact my references.
Applicant's signature:Rosa Chan
36.The main idea of Rosa's answer to Question 1is thatD.
A.she likes assisting readers and finding solutions to issues.
B.she interacts well with others and can use the Internet.
C.she can use a library catalogue and shelve books.
D.she enjoys reading and has library experience.
37.How are Rosa's answers for Question 3and Question 4similar?C
A.Both show that satisfied library customers leave with their needs met.
B.Both show the importance of understanding various media in the library.
C.Both show the importance of customers asking library staff for assistance.
D.Both show that library clerks need to know how to deal with customer complaints.
38.Which detail proves Rosa is well qualified for this job?C
A.Rosa wants to create a positive environment for customers.
B.Rosa volunteered as a library assistant for two years.
C.Rosa enjoys the cheerful atmosphere at the library.
D.Rosa reads many different kinds of books.
16.Hard to believe that that something as simple as making a pizza can change a life.But that's exactly what's happening behind the walls of the Cook County Jail(监狱).
It's all part of a program called Recipe for Change.The man behind the program is well-known Chicago Chef(大厨) Bruno Abate.Besides running his own restaurant,Abate spends 5 days a week in jail teaching prisoners the art of pizza and change."The prisoners are human.They deserve a chance and they deserve to change their life,"Abate said.And that's one reason he started his Recipe for Change three years ago.
And in the Cook County Jail,help comes in the from of pizza.Chef Abate and his team donate their time to teach prisoners how to cook the pies.Those pizzas are then sold to other prisoners in the jail.There are six to choose from,all costing 5 to 7 dollars.It is a big win for prisoners like Sterling,who has dreams of opening his own restaurant."I want to start my own restaurant and maybe hire some of these guys to help me out,"Sterling said.And that's what this is really about,giving prisoners the skills needed to land a job once they get out.
Like Sterling,Karim also has dreams of running a restaurant."Growing up I really didn't have a father figure growing up.But Abate always talked about change and mistakes.When you fall,there is nothing but up."Karim said.
And helping those who fall get back up is a task that Chef Abate hopes everyone will support."All the restaurant in Chicage,supermarkets,if you need some people,I can teach them for you.Let me know what you need.Here we are."Abate said.
22.Abate started Recipe for change toD.
A.make himself well-known
B.sell his pizza to the prisoners
C.earn more money for the prison
D.give prisoners a chance to change
23.The underlined"these guys"in paragraph 3 probably refers toB.
A.chefs like Abate
B.the fellow prisoners
C.workers in the prison
D.Abate's team members
24.From the last two paragraph we learn AbateC.
A.once made mistakes himself
B.is looking for a new business partner
C.wants more people to help those who fall
D.intends to open more restaurants in Chicage
25.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?C
A.Life in the Cook County Jail
B.A Well-known Chicago Chef
C.Pizza Changing Prisoners'Life
D.Dreams of Running a Restauran.
3.While happiness does not happen by chance,you don't need to change our entire life to find it.Start your journey to a happier you by developing these easy habits.
Work Out Often
Staying active can make you feel more enthusiasm for daily activities.So hit the gym or take up a sport that suits you best.Working out does you more good than burning off calories and strengthening your muscles.(36)CThat's why healthy people are generally 20% happier than unhealthy people.
(37)AUsing your skills to assist the less fortunate can boost your happiness.After all,it is joyful to bring some life and light back into someone's life.You can start small,like preparing a meal for your elderly neighbor.
Enjoy Friendship
Everyone can find himself stuck in trouble now and then.Enjoy an evening talking about your lives with your friends.Often they know you well enough to give you sound advice.(38)D
Plan Your Day
Having a set schedule can reduce stress throughout your day.Plan each day's work before stepping into the office.(39)GStaying organized by planning ahead can help you enjoy each moment.
Turn Off the TV
Turning on the TV for"noise"or relaxation can actually be harmful to your health and your happiness.Don't turn on the TV while you're cooking or doing the housework.Try turning on some soft music to relax.Turn off the TV and give yourself some reflective (沉思) time to read a book or play a game with your family.(40)E
A.Lending a helping hand proves to be a reward in itself.
B.You are only one step away from achieving more happiness.
C.It also brings about a feel-good reaction that promotes happiness.
D.Take it and switch the conversation to something more lighthearted.
E.These activities deserve your focus and will reduce your stress levels.
F.Regular exercise helps you keep a better figure and makes you stronger
G.Spare a few minutes each evening to ready items you need for the next day.
13.In many cases,you ability to understand the local language directly affects the quality of your travel experience.For some travelers,the challenge of learning a new tongue is one of the joys of travel,and as a result,they spend much of their time in conversations with local citizens.Others will find that just learning to read the most common signs and use every-day greetings is enough?
No matter which view you agree with,it's necessary to take some time to learn some of the simple phrases of the new language before you go.One way of finishing this task is by listening to the new language.A phrase book can help expand your vocabulary,but hearing the sounds of the different spoken words is an excellent activity that can be done right in the comfort of your home.You can see movies in the new language or listen to the tapes or CDs.You can also download some listening material from the Internet.Just spending 15minutes a night will improve your language skills.
When you arrive in the new land,begin by greeting new friends in their own tongue.This may come easy or it could take some time to learn,but it's interesting.If you can't do this,then it means that you will need more practice and patience to learn these very important words.You can go out during the day and begin one-one-one conversations with shop owners,business-men hand taxi drivers.This should not be one until you have learned some of the most common phrases,but one you begin to go shopping in a second language your communication skills will start to improve rapidly.You can also watch the local TV or listen to the local radio.For example,the advertisements(广告)will help you recognize the correct pronunciation of local street names.

25.What does the underlined word"tongue"in Paragraph 1 refer to?A
A.language             B.sign           C.vocabulary         D.greeting
26.When could a traveler start one-one-one conversations with local people?D
A.When he has mastered enough grammar rules
B.The moment he steps in the place he is visiting
C.After he has many movies in the local tongue
D.Once he has learned some of the most common phrases
27.What's the last paragraph mainly about?C
A.How to prepare for traveling
B.How to enjoy oneself during traveling
C.How to learn a new language during traveling
D.How important it is to learn a new language well.
20.A.What accounts for this culture of generosity?
B.This belief is central to the national character.
C.How can a sense of generosity be cultivated?
D.Americans'generosity is rooted in selfless behavior.
E.America's philanthropic nature is not restricted to the rich.
F.The formal practice of philanthropy traces its origin to a Founding Father.

Charity-Humanity's most kind and generous desire-is a timeless and borderless virtue,dating at least to the dawn of religious teaching.Philanthropy(慈善行为)as we understand it today,however,is a distinctly American phenomenon,inseparable from the nation that shaped it.From colonial leaders to modern billionaires like Buffett,Gates and Zuckerberg,the tradition of giving is woven into the national DNA.
(67)F Benjamin Franklin,an icon of individual industry and frugality(节俭)even in his own day,understood that with the privilege of doing well came the price of doing good.When he died in 1790,Franklin thought to future generations,leaving in trust two gifts of 1,000l b.of sterling silver-one to the city of Boston,the other to Philadelphia.According to his instruction,a portion of the money could not be used for 200 years.
While Franklin's gifts lay in wait,the tradition he established evolved alongside the young nation.(68)E Often far less famed me.n and women have played a critical role in philanthropy's evolution.One of my personal heroes is Julius Rosenwald,who helped construct more than 5,300schools across the segregated(种族隔离)South and opened classroom doors to a generation of African-American students.
(69)A The answer is not just to benefit others.Tax reduction,for one,encourages the rich people to give.And philanthropy has long helped improve the public image of everyone from immoral capitalists to the new tech elite.More troubling,however,are the foundational problems that make philanthropy so necessary.Just before his death,Dr.Martin Luther King Jr,wrote,"Philanthropy is praise-worthy,but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary."
Franklin's gifts represent a broader principle.We are guardians of a public trust,even if our capital came from private enterprise,and our most important obligation is ensuring that the system works more equally an more justly for more people.(70)B America's greatest strength is not the fact of perfection,but rather the act of perfecting.
A metal statue of a Greek soldier was discovered in northern Xinjiang,China.Researchers explained that not doubt this was a result of Alexander the Great's influence.
Alexander the Great was the son of a Greek king who defeated much Greek cities in battle.In the age of 20,he became king after his father died.However,many cities rose up against Alexander,so he led an army to take it back.Though his army had only 3,000troop,he won every battle.He took his army into the Middle East,Egypt,and then India.It seemed that something could stop him from conquering the entire world.However,his own army grew tiring of endless battles and refused to go any farther.Later he came down with a fever and had died in 323BC.
Alexander the Great spread the Greek culture from Europe to Africa and Asia.The statue of the Greek soldier probable came to China in the 4th century BC as result of trade.
20.It was a winter morning,just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005.While most people were warming up their cars,Trevor,my husband,had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work.On arrival,he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does.After putting in 10hours of labor,he returned to find his bike gone.
The bike,a black Kona 18speed,was our only transport.Trevor used it to get to work putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family.And the bike was also used to get groceries (食品杂货),saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.
I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I to the newspaper and told them our story.Shortly after that,several people in our area offered to help.One wonderful stranger even bought a bike,then called my husband to pick it up.Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job.It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.
People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another,but but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so.This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity (人性) as a whole.And it has influenced (影响) us to be more mindful of ways we,too,can share with others.No matter how big or how small,an act of kindness shows that someone cares.And the results can be everlasting.

32.Why was the bike so important to the couple?A
A.They used it for work and daily life.
B.It was their only possession.
C.The man's job was bike racing.
D.It was a nice Kona 18 speed.
33.We can infer from the text thatC.
A.the couple worked 60 hours a week.
B.people were busy before Christmas
C.life was hard for the young family.
D.the stranger brought over the bike
34.How did people get to know the couple's problem?C
A.From radio broadcasts.
B.From TV news.
C.From a newspaper.
D.From a stranger.
35.What do the couple learn from their experience?B
A.Strangers are usually of little help.
B.An act of kindness can mean a lot.
C.News reports make people famous.
D.One should take care of their bike.

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