
1.It is 8:45 a.m.and a line of hungry children eagerly await breakfast outside a classroom.Moments later they burst in,running over to a table covered with cereals,spreads,milk and juice to enjoy a satisfying,healthy breakfast.
This is familiar for Cannel McConnell,founder of The Magic Breakfast,a charity that delivers morning meals to children who would otherwise go without.
Ms McConnell created her organization 16 years ago after hearing from school staff that they had to feed their pupils before lessons started,as many were so hungry as to sleep in class.
The Magic Breakfast has a simple goal:to remove child hunger in the mornings by 2020.It is an example of one of many organizations using fresh produce to handle food poverty.
The charity has 200 partner schools in the capital and another 280 across the rest of England.There are 60 London schools on the waiting list.On average,49 pupils receive breakfast in each school,meaning the charity helps 9,800 young people in London every day.
Ms McConnell says the Magic Breakfast has made a notable impact:"Every morning pupils come in,eat breakfast and socialise with one another.In terms of their academic development,they are sharper as the breakfast gives them the energy to get through the day and to learn."
When asked about the obstacle to their goal,McConnell says,"The big thing we need,quite simply,is cash.The consequence (后果) of child hunger is that they will fail at school and we have to deal with fallout.Feeding hungry children so they can learn is no tough task.Breakfast is an ideal solution.As well as cash,we are looking for firms to donate food.I'd love for people to support us.And I'd love for us to proudly say we have sorted this problem out."
28.How does the writer introduce the topic?B
A.By giving an explanation.
B.By describing a scene.
C.By analyzing causes.
D.By making comparisons.
29.Which of the following is not mentioned about Ms McConnell's organization?D
A.Its difficulties.
B.Its purpose.
C.Its influence.
D.Its staff.
30.What does Ms McConnell mean by saying the words in the last paragraph?A
A.She's calling on more people to help with her charity.
B.She feels greatly concerned about the future of her charity.
C.She's confident of providing enough breakfast for British children.
D.She feels proud to have solved the problem of child hunger in England.
31.What can be a suitable title for,the text?C
A.Hungry children:a tough problem for London
B.Free meals:a way to remove child hunger in England
C.The Magic Breakfast:a charity feeding hungry school children
D.Carmel McConnell:considerate founder of The Magic Breakfast.

分析 本文介绍了"神奇的早餐"这一致力于帮助贫困孩子解决学校里早餐问题的慈善组织.

解答 28.B.理解推断题.由第一段段意可知,作者描述了一个孩子们奔跑着吃早餐的场景来引出话题,故选B.
29.D.理解推断题.由The Magic Breakfast has a simple goal,可知第三段讲的是目标,Ms McConnell says the Magic Breakfast has made a notable impact,可知第五段讲的是影响,When asked about the obstacle to their goal,可知最后一段讲的是组织的困难,只有人员未提及,故选D.
30.A.细节理解题.由最后一段As well as cash,we are looking for firms to donate food.I'd love for people to support us,除了现金,我们正在寻找公司捐赠食物.希望人们支持我们,可知她希望更多人帮助她做慈善,故选A.

点评 本篇内容比较适中,对于考生的能力要求不高,只要认真细致阅读,不难发现答案.可以先看题目再读文章,这样可以提高阅读的速度.还要准确定位考点.特别是推理题,要结合上下文的暗示做题,掌握方法是关键.

Forget the pyramids,Tahrir Square and the Nile.Egypt is ready to ditch Cairo and build a shiny new capital if the government has its way.
Fed up with pollution,traffic jams,a packed population with soaring rents,Egypt is teaming up with a developer in the United Arab Emirates to build a city in what could be one of the world's most ambitious infrastructure programs.
The yet-to-be-named city will spread out over 150square miles,or roughly the size of Denver,and could eventually be home to 7million people,the developers and government announced Friday.
The current capital of Cairo,while full of history and vibrant charm,is home to more than 18million people,and living in and getting around the city can be maddening and frustrating.The government says the idea is to reduce congestion in Cairo,which is projected to double in population in the coming decades.
An exact location was not announced,but the city is expected to be built east of Cairo.It will be closer to the Red Sea--between two major highways--the Suez and the Ain Sokhna roads.
The ambitions are big.In addition to the new embassies and government buildings,it plans to have an international airport bigger than Heathrow,solar energy farms,40,000hotel rooms,nearly 2,000schools and 18hospitals--all linked together by over 6,000miles of new roads.
But if th e dream is big,the bill will be bigger.
The total cost is estimated at U.S.$45billion,Minister of Housing Mostafa Madbouly announced at an economic development conference in Sharm el-Sheikh.
The revealing of the new capital was paired with a glamorous website showing a luxurious and technological urban view of glass towers and pools.
The plan is backed by a group that describes itself as"a private real estate investment fund by global investors focused on investment and development partnerships"led by Emirati developer Mohamed Alabbar.
Alabbar made his name as the founder of Dubai's Emaar Properties,primarily known for developing the world's tallest building,the Burj Khalifa.
Egypt is not the first country to plan on moving its capital from established big cities to rural greener pastures.Myanmar(缅甸) has only recently completed its move from Yangon to the new city of Naypyidaw.Nigeria moved to Abuja in the 1990's,and Brazil carved its capital Brasilia out of the wilderness over 50years ago.
And then there was another crazy idea of building a capital city on a square of swampland that seemed mainly to be a boondoggle for wealthy land speculators(商人) at the time.
That city?
58.Egypt is ready to join hands with some experienced developers to build a new capital mainly because of the following EXCEPTC in the old capital.
A.pollution and population   
B.its location and higher rents
C.its long history and charm
D.traffic jams and crowdedness
59.The underlined sentence in the passage means that it isA.
A.a new city with expensive infrastructure programs
B.a new city with beautiful glass towers and pools
C.an enterprising dream with abundant funds
D.a noble dream with rich cooperative teams
60.Which city was the outcome of a crazy idea at that time?D
9.A long time ago there lived a farmer in a village.One day,while (51)D in the fields,the farmer's son  (52)B and broke his leg.The villagers went to the (53)C and said,"My god!what great misfortune!Your son has broken his leg; now he can't  (54)B you in the fields."One day later,government troop (军队) went to the village  (55)Ayoung men to join the (56)C.They (57)Dleave the boy behind because his leg was broken.Again,the villagers came and said,"My god!what great (58)C!"The farmer replied,"It is neither fortune (59)Bmisfortune."
Then one day the farmer's (60)A  horse jumped over the fence and ran away.The villagers came and said,"What great misfortune that your horse has run away."Two or three days later,the horse (61)D with a dozen wild horses (62)B it.The villagers came and said,"What great fortune that your horse came back with twelve (63)B."
The farmer was (64)Aenough to know that nothing was either fortune or misfortune.Everything (65)C happens has a purpose and meaning beyond  (66)D  appearances of the events.So many times,we are (67)D  by the feelings we have about the events in our lives.Remember:"Nothing is long or short,hot or cold,good or bad."There is no  (68)Ain thinking of something as good or bad,because we(69)B know what will happen next.The best thing we can do is to (70)Cit.
52.A.came upB.fell downC.broken downD.ended up
55.A.looking forB.thanking forC.asking forD.waiting for
57.A.didn'tB.mustC.couldD.had to
16.Hard to believe that that something as simple as making a pizza can change a life.But that's exactly what's happening behind the walls of the Cook County Jail(监狱).
It's all part of a program called Recipe for Change.The man behind the program is well-known Chicago Chef(大厨) Bruno Abate.Besides running his own restaurant,Abate spends 5 days a week in jail teaching prisoners the art of pizza and change."The prisoners are human.They deserve a chance and they deserve to change their life,"Abate said.And that's one reason he started his Recipe for Change three years ago.
And in the Cook County Jail,help comes in the from of pizza.Chef Abate and his team donate their time to teach prisoners how to cook the pies.Those pizzas are then sold to other prisoners in the jail.There are six to choose from,all costing 5 to 7 dollars.It is a big win for prisoners like Sterling,who has dreams of opening his own restaurant."I want to start my own restaurant and maybe hire some of these guys to help me out,"Sterling said.And that's what this is really about,giving prisoners the skills needed to land a job once they get out.
Like Sterling,Karim also has dreams of running a restaurant."Growing up I really didn't have a father figure growing up.But Abate always talked about change and mistakes.When you fall,there is nothing but up."Karim said.
And helping those who fall get back up is a task that Chef Abate hopes everyone will support."All the restaurant in Chicage,supermarkets,if you need some people,I can teach them for you.Let me know what you need.Here we are."Abate said.
22.Abate started Recipe for change toD.
A.make himself well-known
B.sell his pizza to the prisoners
C.earn more money for the prison
D.give prisoners a chance to change
23.The underlined"these guys"in paragraph 3 probably refers toB.
A.chefs like Abate
B.the fellow prisoners
C.workers in the prison
D.Abate's team members
24.From the last two paragraph we learn AbateC.
A.once made mistakes himself
B.is looking for a new business partner
C.wants more people to help those who fall
D.intends to open more restaurants in Chicage
25.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?C
A.Life in the Cook County Jail
B.A Well-known Chicago Chef
C.Pizza Changing Prisoners'Life
D.Dreams of Running a Restauran.
6.Hachiko is a national hero to the Japanese.Several movies have been made about him and his moving story.
The amazing story of Hachiko took place in the 1920s.After being adopted in 1923 by Eizaburo Ueno,a professor at Tokyo University,Hachiko soon became the best friend with his new owner.Eizaburo loved his dog above all and treated him as his son.The two of them were inseparable (亲密无间的).
As Hachiko grew older,he started to see his owner off to work in the morning at the Shibuya Train Station and went to pick him up in the afternoon.On May 21,1925,the two-year-old Hachiko was sitting by the exit at the train station waiting for Eizaburo as usual.Sadly,his owner never showed up.
It turned out that Eizaburo had suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage (脑出血) and died unexpectedly while at work.
Hachiko moved in with a former gardener of the Ueno family.However,throughout the rest of his life,he kept going to the Shibuya Train Station every day,regardless of the weather,waiting fruitlessly for the return of his beloved owner.
A major Japanese newspaper picked up the story in 1932.Soon,Hachiko became well known all over the country.In 1934,a statue of Hachiko was put up in front of the Shibuya train station.One year later,on March 8,1935,Hachiko passed away peacefully on the street outside the train station.
Hachiko is now on display at the National Science Museum in Tokyo.In front of the Shibuya train station,where the faithful dog waited patiently to meet his master every day for ten years,Hachiko's statue has been a popular attraction.Every day,hundreds of people come to learn about the dog's moving story and have their photographs taken with him.

25.What made Hachiko a Japanese national hero?D
A.Movies about his story.
B.A major Japanese newspaper.
C.A gardener of the Ueno family.
D.His devotion to his owner.
26.What can we learn from the passage?A
A.Hachiko's body is kept in a museum in Tokyo.
B.Hachiko stayed at the train station for ten years.
C.Hachiko lost his owner the year he was adopted.
D.The statue was set up one year after Hachiko died.
27.W hat's the purpose of the passage?C
A.To attract more foreign tourists to Japan.
B.To advise people to see movies about Hachiko.
C.To tell the story behind a famous attraction in Japan.
D.To show that dogs have a close relationship with humans.
13.In many cases,you ability to understand the local language directly affects the quality of your travel experience.For some travelers,the challenge of learning a new tongue is one of the joys of travel,and as a result,they spend much of their time in conversations with local citizens.Others will find that just learning to read the most common signs and use every-day greetings is enough?
No matter which view you agree with,it's necessary to take some time to learn some of the simple phrases of the new language before you go.One way of finishing this task is by listening to the new language.A phrase book can help expand your vocabulary,but hearing the sounds of the different spoken words is an excellent activity that can be done right in the comfort of your home.You can see movies in the new language or listen to the tapes or CDs.You can also download some listening material from the Internet.Just spending 15minutes a night will improve your language skills.
When you arrive in the new land,begin by greeting new friends in their own tongue.This may come easy or it could take some time to learn,but it's interesting.If you can't do this,then it means that you will need more practice and patience to learn these very important words.You can go out during the day and begin one-one-one conversations with shop owners,business-men hand taxi drivers.This should not be one until you have learned some of the most common phrases,but one you begin to go shopping in a second language your communication skills will start to improve rapidly.You can also watch the local TV or listen to the local radio.For example,the advertisements(广告)will help you recognize the correct pronunciation of local street names.

25.What does the underlined word"tongue"in Paragraph 1 refer to?A
A.language             B.sign           C.vocabulary         D.greeting
26.When could a traveler start one-one-one conversations with local people?D
A.When he has mastered enough grammar rules
B.The moment he steps in the place he is visiting
C.After he has many movies in the local tongue
D.Once he has learned some of the most common phrases
27.What's the last paragraph mainly about?C
A.How to prepare for traveling
B.How to enjoy oneself during traveling
C.How to learn a new language during traveling
D.How important it is to learn a new language well.
10.I became a gardener when I was twelve.My early intension of (41)Cmay not have originated from my love for nature.I was to (42)D my parents.
At that time,we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood.But my mother often looked with (43)Aat this work of natural art.Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her,"something else to (44)C!"Seeing the neighbors busy with gardening,my father even thought it a waste of time.
At that age,I always did something (45)D to whatever my parents did!If gardening were something they found (46)C,I would plant a garden!
I planted some lily (西合花) seeds in the yard.Bui they failed to (47)A.I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses.Wild (48)B joy,I found the first rose bloom (开花).One by one,the flowers bloomed their heads off.(49)D,I was touched by this land of wonder.
(50)B,my parents showed no interest in my garden.My father even (51)Aat me because he found it was (52)B to move around my garden to the driveway.To my mother's (53)B,I put in her vase my real roses which,in her eyes,were simply weeds (54)C flowers.
Regardless of their (55)A,I kept on planting my garden and (56)C to enjoy the pleasure of gardening.Plants make such good companions:they breathe,they bloom,they (57)C to care and love.
It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to (58)D my parents.Today I become known as Mrs.Greenthumbs,teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show which makes my parents feel very (59)A.And now I could say it is my (60)D for nature that makes me a real gardener.
44.A.collect upB.care aboutC.clean upD.come in
47.A.come upB.break outC.hold onD.get through
54.A.other thanB.more thanC.rather thanD.less than

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