
   Maybe you can't call the far side of the moon “the dark side” anymore. The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite,1. is equipped with NASA* s camera,is orbiting between the earth and the sun at a distance 2.1 million miles.

   The camera on DSCOVR shot a(n) 3.(attract) view of the moon crossing in front of the earth. The image clearly shows the moon's far side 4. (light) up by the sun — though even in full sunlight,the earth is far brighter. aIt is surprising how much brighter the earth is than the moon ,” DSCOVR project scientist Adam Szabo said. “Our planet is a(n) 5. (true) brilliant object in dark space compared to the lunar surface.”

   Though the moon's so-called dark side can't be seen from the earth 一 thanks to the moon always presenting the same side to 6. (it) neigh- bor —it's far from the first time we’ve seen it.

   In 1959,the Soviet Union sent a probe(航天探测器) 7. (photograph) the far side,and it 8. (follow) up with another probe in 1965.Astronauts from Apollo 8 ,in 1968,were the first 9. (human) to view it,and most other Apollo missions also viewed it.

   “The back side looks like a sand pile my kids have played in. It's just a lot of bumps and holes,” noted Apollo 8's William Anders. “Its not a(n) 10. (inspire) sight."

1. which。考查关系词。设空处引导 非限制性定语从句修饰satellite ,且 在从句中作主语,故填which。

2. of。考查介词。at a distance of 意 为“在……远的地方”。

3. attractive。考查形容词作定语的用 法。设空处作定语,表示“吸引人 的”,故填 attractive。

4. is lit。考查一般现在时的被动语 态。由句意可知,moon's far side 和light up构成被动关系,且该现 象为客观真理,故填is lit。

5. truly。考查副词。设空处修饰形容 词 brilliant ,故填 truly。

6. its。考查代词。由前面的the moon always presenting the same side to可知,设空处意为“它的”,故 填 its。

7. to photograph。考查不定式作状语 的用法。the Soviet Union 与. photograph之间是逻辑上的主谓关 系,且设空处表目的,故填to photograph .

8. followed。考查一般过去时。由in 1965可知应用一般过去时。

9. humans。考查名词。主语是 Astronauts ,故表语也需用复数。

10. inspiring。考查形容词作定语的 用法。设空处作定语修饰sight, 且由语境可知,在此表示“振奋人 心的”,故填inspiring。


   We've all experienced test anxiety right before a big test. When you’ re sitting at the desk,it's a little too late to manage your stress physically. 1 But the toughest test anxiety war can happen in your head. The following test anxiety tips will help get those nerves settled right before you take the big test.

   2 You may never score perfectly on all big tests and you know what? That's okay!Drop the image of who you think you should be. Before you head to the testing center,just set a realistic goal for yourself. Practice with a test booklet,so you know what you can and can't do. Part of your test anxiety may be coming from too high expectations.

   Use positive imagery. Obviously,the most relaxing place in the world is not a classroom. But you' 11 be surprised how much test anxiety you will reduce by just imagining yourself being in a place without a ticking clock. For example,bury your toes in imaginary sand. 3 Listen for the lap of waves breaking against a warm beach.

   Repeat a positive phrase. 4 Since your cheering section can't sit with you during the test,you’ re going to have to raise your own morale (士气) . What is a good strategy? Try a positive phrase like,u\ can do this,” or “I deserve to achieve my goals." Who knows the result? You may just start believing it.

   Accept mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. 5 Learning to tolerate small failures and mistakes — like the one you made in the math pop quiz 一 is a valuable skill.

   A. Take care of yourself.

   B. Set realistic expectations.

   C. They can contribute to your anxiety.

   D. Feel the warmth of the sun on your shoulders.

   E. Sure,you can take some calming breaths to reduce some stress.

   F. Much of our test anxiety comes from our own lack of confidence.

   G. You may have even heard teachers refer to mistakes as learning opportunities.

   If chocolate were found to be seriously addictive,then the UK would need to find a way to kick the habit. The British lead the world in their love of the cocoa-based treat. As a product,chocolate has a lot of advantages,appealing to all ages,both sexes and all income groups.

   Although Eastern Europe provides another promising market,few markets challenge the UK in terms of current confectionery (甜食) consumption. In the US,each American eats a mere 10 kg of confectionery per person a year,whereas UK consumers each manage 16 kg. In Europe,where the chocolate market is considered to be worth over $18. 5 billion,the UK accounts for almost a third of that total,followed some way behind by Germany,France and Italy.

   Around 60% of all confectionery is bought without planning. Impulse buying makes the development of a strong brand image vital,and large long-established brands control the market. Building up these brands costs serious money. Media cost on confectionery is higher than that for any other impulse market.

   Innovation (创新) is also very important for ongoing success,despite the chocolate market being controlled by consistent performers. The chocolate company Mars once launched(投放市场) fFlyte’claiming to be their first mainstream brand to address the demand for lower fat products. Another Mars launch,Celebrations,is claimed by the company's annual review to be showing signs of ‘revolutionising the boxed chocolates market by attracting new,younger customers'. ‘Traditionally,he boxed chocolates market hasn't changed very much. People who buy these products tend to be older and female. With Celebrations,we are finding that younger people and men are buying because the chocolates don't come in the traditional-shaped box — they look different” a Mars spokesman says.

   One feature of the chocolate industry in recent years has been the emergence of special editions. Producers believe that special editions offer the consumer a new and exciting variation of a product,while suggesting the same consistent quality they associate with familiar brands. Since special editions are only available for a few weeks,they also have a unique quality about them. Far from reducing sales of the straight version,limited editions appear to simply increase overall sales.

6. What's the author's attitude towards the British's chocolate addiction?

   A. Uncaring. B. Doubtful.

   C. Objective. D. Dissatisfied.

7. Paragraph 2 is mainly developed by.

   A. listing numbers   B. using examples

   C. explaining reasons   D. making comparisons

8. The underlined words “Impulse buying” in Paragraph 3 refer to buying something.

   A. suddenly when you see it

   B. quickly when you need it G. because it is famous

   D. because it is cheap

9. Who are most likely to buy “Flyte”?

   A. Fashion followers.

   B. Middle-aged men.

   C. Regular customers.

   D. Weight-conscious women.

10. We know from the last paragraph that special editions .

   A. are of higher quality than ordinary ones

   B. sell better than ordinary ones.

   C. are available all year round

   D. are newly appearing things

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