
13.Robert would let nothingstand/stay/get/be in his path/way (妨碍) once he had set his head on what he wished to do.

分析 一旦Robert决心做什么,什么也阻挡不了他.

解答 答案是stand/stay/get/be in his path/way.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语;stand/stay/get/be in his path/way挡道;妨碍;题干中还考查了let sb.do 让某人做某事,故空格处需要动词原形,答案是stand/stay/get/be in his path/way.

点评 翻译填空要在理解句子的结构和含义的基础上根据汉语意思选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意所选词的形式变化.

    My classmate,Joseph,is at present in hospital
with a breaking leg.He was walking to school thebreaking-broken                         
other day while a bicycle run right into him.He never watchesran-run   
where he is going,so he often gets into the trouble.去掉trouble前的the                  
But he is having a nice time there.He has a comfortable√             
room,patiently nurses,and a great deal of time to read.patiently-patient               
Some friends of hers go to see him every day,they bring在they bring him前加上and
him lots of good book and fresh fruit.He is not losingbook-books
any time from school because he is busy study what he hasstudy-studying
missed in class.The doctor says he is recovering fastfast-faster
than expected and will be out of hospital a few weeks.a few 前加上in.
4.Conventional wisdom says that hardship can make us old before our time.In fact,a new study suggests that violence not only leaves long-term scars on children's bodies,but also changes their DNA,causing changes that are equal to seven to ten years of premature aging.
Scientists measured this by studying the ends of children's chromosomes(染色体),called telomeres,says Idan Shalev,lead author of a study published in Molecular Psychiatry.
Telomeres(端粒) are special DNA sequences (基因序列)which prevent the DNA in chromosomes from separating.They get shorter each time a cell divides,until a cell cannot divide any more and dies.
Several factors have been found to shorten telomeres,including smoking,radiation and psychological stresses such as being treated badly when young and taking care of a chronically(长期地) ill person.
In this study,researchers examined whether exposure to violence could make children's telomeres shorten faster than normal.They interviewed the mothers of 236 children at ages 5,7 and 10,asking whether the youngsters had been exposed to domestic violence between the mother and her partner; physical maltreatment by an adult; or bullying.Researchers measured the children's telomeres-in cells obtained by swabbing the insides of their cheeks-at ages 5 and 10.
Telomeres shortened faster in kids exposed to two or more types of violence,says Shalev.Unless that pattern changes,the study suggests,these kids could be expected to develop diseases of aging,such as heart attacks or memory loss,seven to 10 years earlier than their peers.
Shalev says there is hope for these kids.His study found that,in rare cases,telomeres can lengthen.Better nutrition,exercise and stress reduction are three things that may be able to lengthen telomeres,he says.
The study confirms a small but growing number of studies suggesting that early childhood adversity imprints itself in our chromosomes,says Charles Nelson,a professor of pediatrics and neuroscience at Harvard Medical School.

59.The new study found thatC.
A.hardship can change a child's aging
B.violence leaves scars on a child's mind
C.violence can speed up a child's aging
D.hardship has a long term effect on a child's mind
60.According to the text,telomeresB.
A.are at the ends of people's chromosomes
B.can help prevent DNA from separating
C.can make a cell die quickly
D.become shorter before they die
61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?C
A.Violence can cause quick cell division in children's body.
B.Researchers measured the children's telomeres from their legs in the study.
C.Being treated badly will make a child's telomeres shorten faster.
D.Children who have shorter telomeres may have a heart attack earlier.
62.What is the best title for the text?A
A.Violence Aging Children's DNA
B.Children's Changing DNA Patterns
C.Violence and Telomeres
D.The Function of Telomeres.
1.Sometimes we can get so caught up in the stress and worry of our personal lives that our minds become too confused to operate effectively.This is especially dangerous in a test-taking situation.After hours of reading and studying,our brains can lock up in a state of overload.
In a stressful situation it's often a must to clear your mind completely to allow your brain to refresh itself and recalibrate all of its functions.But when you're tense,clearing your mind isn't so easy!Try this relaxation technique if you think your brain has seized up from information overload.
1.Set aside at least five minutes for quiet"clearing"time.If you're at school,see if you can put your head down somewhere or find an empty room or quiet space.If necessary,set a watch (or phone) alarm or ask a friend to tap you on the shoulder at a designated time.
2.Think of a time or place that puts you into a complete state of peace.This place will vary from person to person.Have you ever sat on the beach watching the waves come in and realized you've"zoned out"fora while?This is the sort of experience you're looking for.Other experiences that make us zone out could be:Sitting in the dark and staring at Christmas tree lights-remember how peaceful that feels?
3.Cover your eyes and go to your"place".If you are at school preparing for a test before class,you may simply rest your elbows on the desk and put your hands over your eyes.For some people,it may not be a good idea to put your head down.(You might fall asleep!)
Don't let any thoughts creep into your head.As soon as you start to think about a test problem,clear away the thought and concentrate on your peaceful place.
4.Snap out of it!Remember,this is not nap time.The point here is to refresh your brain.After five or ten minutes of clearing time,take a brisk walk or take a drink of water to re-energize your mind and body.Stay relaxed and resist the urge to think about the things that are stressing you out or clogging your brain.Don't let your brain go back to freeze-out.
Now go on with your test or study session refreshed and ready!
Title:How to clear your mind to stay relaxed?
Present situation●We are stuck in stress and worried about our personal lives,stopping our brains working(71)effectively.
●If you feel stressed,it's often(72)necessaryto clear your mind to leave your brain refreshed.
(73)Approachesto clearing your mind1.Set aside at least five minutes for quiet"clearing"time.
●When at school,see if you can put your head down somewhere or stay in a quiet space.
●If necessary,set a watch (or phone) alarm or ask a friend to tap you on the shoulder at a designated time.
 2.Think of a time or place allowing you to feel completely(74)peaceful.
●This place will vary from person to person.
 3.(75)Coveryour eyes and go to your"place".
●When making(76)preparationsfor a test at school,you could cover your eyes with your hands to have a rest.
●If you put your head down,you will fall(77)asleep.
●Make sure not to be(78)disturbed/distractedby any thoughts and concentrate on your place.
 4.Snap out of it!
●Clearing time does not(79)meannap time.
●Stay relaxed and avoid the things that made you stressed out.
ConclusionIt's time you(80)continuedyour test or study session refreshed and ready!
2.Aerial(空中的)performer Jennifer Bricker was born without legs,but she never let it stop her.
Wrapped in a loop(圈)of red silk hung from the ceiling Jennifer Bricker climbs and twists to the music.Her head hangs down and her strong arms let go as she balances on her back,high above the ground a move-that's all the more daring because she has no legs.
Jennifer was a few months old when she was adopted by Sharon and Gerald Bricker.She had big brown eyes,a bright smile,and huge amounts of energy.When a doctor advised her adoptive parents to carry her around in a kind of bucket(桶),they refused.
Jennifer soon learned to walk-and run-on her hands and bottom,and grew up fearlessly climbing trees and bouncing on the trampoline (蹦床)with her three older brothers."My parents didn't treat me differently so I didn't grasp the concept that I was different.I knew I didn't have legs but that wasn't stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do."
At the age of three she was fitted with artificial legs,but she never really took to them-she moved more freely without.
In 1996 the Olympic Games took place in Atlanta.Jennifer loved to watch the women's gymnastics team,and especially adored the 14-year-old Dominique Moceanu who competed for the US.When Moceanu and the women's team won gold,Jennifer decided she was going to be a gymnast,too.She took up power tumbling,which involves performing floor exercises down a runway.But Jennifer did not want any allowances to be made for her disability.
At the age of 10 she took part in the Junior Olympics and by age 11 she was tumbling champion for the state of Illinois.
Jennifer now travels the world as an inspirational speaker and acts as an aerial performer.

21.What do we know about Jennifer Bricker?B
A.She felt embarrassed without legs.
B.She was brought up as a normal child.
C.She was carried in a bucket as a baby.
D.She lost her legs when she was adopted.
22.Why did Jennifer determine to be a gymnast?D
A.She knew that she was different from others.
B.She wanted to make allowances for her disability
C.She was eager to participate in the Junior Olympics.
D.She was greatly influenced by Dominique Moceanu.
23.Which of the following can best describe Jennifer Bricker?A
24.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.The sufferings of a gymnast.
B.The memory of an aerial performer.
C.The experiences of an adoptive family.
D.The growing process of a disabled person.
3.Education Does Count
----Bill GatesHundreds of students send me e-mail each year asking for advice about education.They want to know what to study,or whether it's OK to drop out of college since that's what I did.
My basic advice is simple and heartfelt."Get the best education you can.Take advantage of high school and college.Learn how to learn."
It's true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft,but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping out--and I'd love to have the time to go back.As I've said before,nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime.And even then they should reconsider.
In my company's early years we had a bright part-time programmer who threatened to drop out of high school to work full-time.We told him no.
Quite a few of our people didn't finish college,but we discourage dropping out.
Having a diploma certainly helps someone who is looking to us for a job.
There's not a perfect correlation(相连关系) between attitudes in high school and success in later life,of course.But it's a real mistake not to take the opportunity to learn a huge range of subjects,to learn to work with people in high school,and to get the grades that will help you get into a good college.
The Author/Bill Gates is often asked to give advice about education due to his successful experience.He thinks it is unwise to drop out and that learning is sure to be beneficial
Some students want to drop out of school,believing schooling has nothing to do witha successful career,because there are many cases where people who don't finish their schooling are successful,such as Bill Gates.Besides,the high tuition of college educationis too much for ordinary families.Dropping out to find a job helps them to lighten the heavy financial burden on theirparents.Furthermore,experience counts most for a career and no wonder some would like to accumulate experience by takinga job at an early age.
"Knowledgeis power."Without knowledge,by no means canwe achieve our life goal.Schools are where people become knowledgeable.As for me,it is a wise option to concentrate on study from now on.I will make full use of time to complete my schooling and realize my dream..

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