
3.With a lot of difficult problem _____,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.(  )
A.settledB.settlingC.to settleD.being settled

分析 有许多困难的问题有待解决,新当选的总统现在正处于一段艰难的时期.

解答 答案是C.本题考with的复合结构.with的复合结构是"with+sb./sth.+宾语补足语",复合结构中非谓语动词做宾语补足语时,分词的选择是看分词和宾语之间的关系:分词和宾语之间是主谓关系(主动关系)、表示进行,用现在分词;分词和宾语之间是动宾关系(被动关系)、表示完成,用过去分词;动词不定式做宾语补足语时表示动作将要发生.本题中problem需要解决,动作尚未发生,所以选用动词不定式,答案选择C.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现,然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.要关注常见非谓语动词的搭配.

19.It seems the more time we have,the longer we put off living the life we see in our heads,because we feel like we've got some time to kill.
I know where you think I'm going with this,and I also know you've heard it all before:seize the day,make the most of it,live life to its fullest,and so on.But that's the problem.You've heard it all before.These ideas have their impact and have become a cliché.Luckily,that's not my thing.
The real answers wake something up inside you.They make you think.That's what I want to give you today,the story of Bobby Darin,which wakes you up to the truth.
If you haven't heard of the man,I know you've heard his songs.Among his many hits are Mack the Knife,Beyond the Sea,Dream Lover,and Splish Splash.
If seven years,Darin had several top ten hit songs,was nominated(提名) for four Grammy Awards (winning two),nominated for four Golden Globes (winning one),and even nominated for an Oscar.
So what was his secret?
All his life,Darin had a heart condition that developed from a childhood illness.The doctors at the time said he would be lucky to live to 16.In other words,his time was limited.And this was secret.He knew the truth.He knew that we all have such a hard time accepting:Life is short.You can't just say it; you can't just hear it.You have to know it,believe it,and feel it.Because Darin knew his time was limited,he packed as much life as he could into the time he had.But he had an unfair advantage.He knew,without a doubt,his time was limited.
There was no fooling himself,no putting it off.It was now or never.

1.Why do we all have the habit of delaying doing things?A
A.Because we think we have time to count our thumb.
B.Because we want to live our life to its fullest.
C.Because we think time and tide wait for no man.
D.Because it takes time to build castle.
2.The underlined word"cliché"in the second paragraph probably meansC.
C.often-made remark
D.long-lost verse
3.What can we know about Bobby Darin from the passage?D
A.He was nominated and won the Oscar Reward.
B.He committed suicide at home at last.
C.He got involved I not only music field but directing.
D.He took a positive attitude towards his illness.
4.What is the secret to Bobby Darin's success?A
A.He knew his life expectancy was short.
B.He was too eager to become famous.
C.He was so devoted to music.
D.He was talented.
3.An app that does nothing but send a simple notification(提醒) of"Yo"to recipients is the most popular app right now in the US.
The app,named Yo,reached No.1on the Apple App Store in the US last week,after The Financial Times broke the story on June 18that the app has received﹩1 million (6.23 million yuan)in investment funding.
Created in just eight hours by Arbel,a 32-year-old app development from Tel Aviv,Israel,Yo claims to be the"simplest and most efficient communication tool in the world".With a single tap,users can send the word"Yo"to one another in a voice notification-and nothing else.
Arbel said about his app in an interview with The New Yorker that,"It's a whole new way of communication.A hundred and forty characters is way too much these day…It's lightweight,easy,you don't have to open a message-the notification itself is everything you need."
When Yo was launched on April Fools'Day this year,the Apple App Store at first rejected on the grounds that it lacked substance.Many people still see the app as a joke.
Arbel calls Yo"context-based(基于语境的) communication"and some people are beginning to"get it".Jordan Crook,from Tech Crunch,explains why the context of a"Yo"says much more than two little letters:As with anything,a"Yo"can just be a"Yo".But you'll feel a very real difference between a"Yo"get in the morning from a friend and a"Yo"you get in the evening from a board friend.Trust me.And that's the magic.
But people don't always want to load their"Yos"with meaning.David Shapiro,from The New Yorker,says now when he thinks about someone,he just"Yos"them instead of spending time starting and carrying on a conversation.He says it's a great way of saying:"I'm thinking about you but I don't have anything in particular to say."Social media constantly demands our time and attention.Not responding to text message and e-mail can hurt relationships.But,Shapiro says a"Yo"doesn't seem to demand a reply,"What a relief,"he says.

62.Which of the following is TRUE about the app Yo?D
A.It is a better type of social media than micro-blogging.
B.It was launched on April Fools'Day this year as a joke.
C.Because it is simple to use,it has become an instant success.
D.Though it enjoys great popularity in the US,opinions on it are still divided.
63.The underlined word"substance"in Paragraph 5 probably meansC.
A.adequate investment
B.necessary technique support
C.the quality of being meaningful
D.the quality of being fashionable
64.According to David Shapiro,YoB.
A.has more meanings than two letters.
B.is an efficient way to connect with others.
C.is the best way to indicate that you're missing someone.
D.is useful when you want to start a conversation but don't know what to say.
65.The main purpose of the article is toC.
A.tell the story of how Yo was created
B.present people's opinions of Yo
C.give a brief introduction of Yo
D.attract potential customers to Yo.
10.Most people think about donating blood.However,very few actually do it.Even the most consistent ones donate an average of just three to four times during their lifetime.Now the officials in Sweden are trying to change the trend with the help of modern-day technology.
The encouragement to donate again begins shortly after the donor leaves the clinic when he/she receives a"thank you"text.Though that certainly helps them feel appreciated,what is even more pleasing is the text they receive each time their blood is used to help someone in need.
Karolina Wiberg,manager of the Stockholm blood service,believes this small gesture not only results in repeat donors,but helps bring in new ones.The programthat was started in Stockholm has received such positive feedback that it is now being rolled out across the country.
However,Swedish officials are not stopping there.They are also encouraging local clinics to publish the exact levels of the different blood groups they have at any given time on their websites.This allows potential donors to realize that their blood can make a difference in saving someone's life.
While all these outreach(外展服务 ) programs are great,busy citizens,even the ones with the best intentions have to be occasionally reminded.In order to jog their memories,officials ask people for authorization(授权) to send them text,Facebook,and e-mail reminders.Though that may sound disturbing,the citizens do not seem to mind,given that the messages are light-hearted and fun-things like"We won't give up until you bleed."
Though Sweden is currently the only country using modern technology to urge more donations,don't be surprised if more join in,especially if the Nordic country's blood banks start to overflow!
28.Why is another text sent to blood donors after a"thank you"one?B
A.To ask them for authorization.
B.To inform them their blood is used.
C.To remind them to donate blood immediately.
D.To tell them the levels of blood groups.
29.What does"The program"in Paragraph 3 refer to?C
A.Publishing information about blood donation.
B.Giving Facebook reminders to citizens.
C.Sending text messages to blood donors.
D.Providing people with blood service.
30.What do people think of blood donation reminders?D
31.What can we infer from the last paragraph?C
A.Sweden will stop urging blood donation.
B.Sweden has benefited little from its program.
C.More countries may follow Sweden's example.
D.Nordic blood banks are in great need of blood.
7.Things to know when you write an e-mail message
For most of the twentieth century,people communicated by telephone or by mail.This is now changing,and e-mail is becoming the preferred method of communication.It's faster than traditional mail.(36)BAs e-mail is becoming popular,here are several rules we need to know.
Be polite and friendly.
Start your message with a greeting.If you are writing to a friend,you can begin with hi,Sandra.If you are writing to your teacher,begin your message with dear Mr.Atonso.(37)EMany people just type their names.Others say Bye,Cheers,or use abbreviations(缩写),like BFN (bye for now).
Look good.
    When someone receives an e-mail message from you,they might not know anything about you.They will judge you from your e-mail message,so make yourself look good.(38)DSometimes sentences seem clear when you write them,but don't make sense when you read them back(39)A.
If you start to use your e-mail several times a week,your messa ge box will soon fill with mail.After a few weeks,you can have a list of 60 or 70 messages!It's easy to delete(删除)the messages you don't want any more.If your messages are important,you can save them in folders(文件夹).(40)F

A.Organize your e-mail.
B.It's cheaper than a phone call.
C.The e-mail must b e addressed correctly.
D.Type your message,and then read it again.
E.You need a closing at the end of your e-mail.
F.If you don't know how to do that,just ask a friend.
G.One of the most commonly used e-mails are business e-mails.

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