
10.The two brothers decided to go to America to try their fortune.

分析 这弟兄两决定到美国去碰运气.

解答 答案是fortune.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词的适当形式.fortune n.(某人的)命运; 富有; 幸运;try one's fortune碰运气;故答案是fortune.

点评 首字母填空必须在对语境整体理解的基础上抓住指向答案的关键线索、固定句型或搭配等,结合首字母选用恰当的词,同时注意所选词的形式变化.


Clara Barton became known as "The Angel(天使)of the Battlefield" during the American Civil War.Born in Oxford,Massachusetts in 1821,Clara Barton's interest in helping soldiers on the battlefield began when she was told army stories from her father.Another event that influenced her decision to help soldiers was an accident her brother had.His injuries were cared for by Barton for 2 year.At the time,she was only 11 years old.Barton began teaching school at the age of 15.She taught for 18 years before.she moved to Washington,D.C in 1854.

The Civil War broke out 6 years later.Right away,Barton started war service by helping the soldiers with their needs.At the battle of Bullrun,Clara Barton received permission from the government to take care of the sick and hurt.Barton did this with great kindness.She recognized each soldier as a person.When the war ended in 1865,she used 4 years of her life to help the government in searching for soldiers who were missing during the war.

In 1869,while she was on vacation in Europe,she got to know the International Red Cross,an

organization set up by the Geneva Convention in 1864.Clara Barton realized that the Red Cross would be a best help to die United States.After she returned to the United States,she worked very hard to create an American Red Cross. She talked to government leaders and let American people know about the Red Cross.In 1881,the National Society of the Red Cross was finally established in Washington,D.C. Clara Barton managed its activities for 23 years.

1.Which of the following is true of young Barton Clara?

A. She had an accident when she was 11.

B. She helped her father when he was a soldier.

C. She helped her brother who got hut in an accident.

D. She made a decision to live with her brother for 2 years.

2.The underlined part "did this" in Paragraph 2 refers to " ".

A. considered each soldier as a person.

B. helped search for the missing soldiers.

C. nursed the sick and hurt.

D. received permission.

3.What does the author talk about the American Red Cross?

A. It was brought to Europe by Barton.

B. Barton tried to have it set up in America.

C. The Americans were not interested in it..

D. It was first established in the Unites States.

4.What can be the best title of the text?

A. The Angle of the Battlefield.

B. The America Red Cross.

C. The American Civil War.

D. The International Red Cross.

Spider monkeys have long, thin arms with hooklike hands that allow them to swing through the trees. They do not have opposable thumbs(对生拇指).

The brown-headed spider monkey has a prehensile(缠绕性的)tail, which means it can grasp and can be used like a fifth leg to grab trees. During the day, the spider monkey searches for fruits, which make up the main part of its diet. They will also eat flowers, seeds, leaves, and small insects during the dry season when fruits aren’t available. They spend most of the daylight hours climbing and swinging through the high branches of trees.

The brown-headed spider monkey lives in a large community of about 20 to 100 male and female monkeys. They split into smaller groups for feeding. Females usually give birth to only a single baby each year or two. Young monkeys are carried on their mothers’ stomachs until about 16 weeks old. Then they are strong enough to ride on their mothers’ backs. All brown-headed spider monkey babies are born with a pink face and ears.

Spider monkeys hug each other and wrap their tails around each other. They are very intelligent and have strong memories. They were named spider monkeys because they look like spiders as they hang upside down from their tails with arms and legs swinging. Their genus (属)name is Ateles, which means “imperfect”. This refers to the fact that they don’t have thumbs.

Hunting the brown-headed spider monkey is now barred in Ecuador, a country in northwestern South America, but humans have killed them for their meat for hundreds of years.

1.Spider monkeys live mostly on ________.

A. insects B. fruits

C. flowers D. leaves

2.What can we learn about spider monkeys?

A. They have five legs

B. They live in small groups

C. Their tails can take their weight

D. Their genus is the same as spiders’

3.What does the underlined word “barred” in the best paragraph refer to?

A. Permitted B. Forbidden

C. Encouraged D. Ignored

4.Where do newly-born spider monkeys stay?

A. In a large community

B. In trees with high branches

C. On their mothers’ backs

D. On their mothers’ stomachs

15.Experts recently suggested that teens should start adopting early bedtimes.Before you dismiss it as a habit suited only for young kids,consider that there are serious advantages in being well-rested.And now,even more research suggests that putting phones away before going to sleep is important to teens'well-being.
A new study from Seton Hall University School of Health and Medicine Science found that 62percent of kids used their smart phones before bed,and it's causing less sleep and poor performance in school.
Those teens who text(发短信) before bedtime tend to go to sleep later,and get up later in the morning.Such behavior can be associated with mental health issues like depression or anxiety.Besides,once teens do receive a text,experts found,they tend to respond right away.Then the text conversation continues----resulting in an even later bedtime.
The study's co-author Dr.Peter Polos says this leads to excessive stimulation(过度刺激) at night.Light from electronic devices can block the secretion(分泌) of melatonin---a hormone(荷尔蒙) that promotes sleep,which makes sleep difficult in the face of overuse of smart phones at night.It's true!More screen time means less sleep time; other studies have suggested the same idea.
As for a final piece of advice,Dr.Sushanth Bhat says,since getting the proper amount of sleep is very important for brain development and learning in the teenage years,our study should encourage parents and guardians (监护人) to limit adolescent smart phone usage at night.Keep in mind that teens aren't the only ones addicted to their phones!Adults can also benefit from setting a tech curfew(宵禁) for themselves.After all,kids learn by example!
32.What is the text mainly about?D
A.How to promote sleep.
B.How kids learn from their parents.
C.The advantages of going to bed early.
D.The disadvantages of phone usage before bed.
33. Who are likely to go to sleep later according to the text?A
A.Kids having text conversations before bed.
B. Kids putting their phones away at night.
C.Kids studying their lessons hard at school.
D.Kids exercising with friends after school.
34.Melatonin canC.
A.make sleep difficult                 
B.lead to later bedtimes
C.help people fall asleep               
D.wake people from a sleep
35.The author advises parents toC.
A.learn from their kids
B.get rid of smart phones
C.set a good example to their kids
D.try to benefit from hi-tech development.

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