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Trying to come to a decision complete on your own can be risky£®Some decisions are so important that they shouldn't made without talking to others first£®There have several advantages if you consult the persons you trust£®For one thing£¬they can give you valuable advice and they may point out some things you may have been overlooked£®For another£¬friends may stop you from make big mistakes£®
When consulting others about importance decisions£¬you should keep two things in mind£®The first one is that you need to find someone whom you respected enough to trust their judgment£®The second thing to consider is how to do if you disagree with this person£®Maybe turning to a third or fourth person for help is the best option£®In a word£¬making any big decision alone can lead in problems£®Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea£®

·ÖÎö ±¾ÎĸæËßÎÒÃÇÓöµ½Ò»Ð©ÊÂÇé×Ô¼º×ö¾ö¶¨¿ÉÄÜ»áÓзçÏÕ£¬¿ÉÒÔÏòÄãÐÅÈεÄÅóÓÑÕ÷ÇóÒ»ÏÂÒâ¼û£¬Èº²ßȺÁ¦£¬ÕâÑù»áÓаïÖúµÄ£®

½â´ð Trying to come to a decision complete on your own can be risky£®Some decisions are so important that they shouldn't¡Ämade without talking to others first£®There have several advantages if you consult the persons you trust£®For one thing£¬they can give you valuable advice and they may point out some things you may have been overlooked£®For another£¬friends may stop you from make big mistakes£®
When consulting others about importance decisions£¬you should keep two things in mind£®The first one is that you need to find someone whom you respected enough to trust their judgment£®The second thing to consider is how to do if you disagree with this person£®Maybe turning to a third or fourth person for help is the best option£®In a word£¬making any big decision alone can lead in problems£®Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea£®
1£®complete¸ÄΪcompletely£»¿¼²é¸±´Ê£¬´Ë´¦Óø±´Ê×÷×´ÓïÐÞÊνé´Ê¶ÌÓïon your own£®
3£®have¸ÄΪare£»¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍ£¬´Ë´¦ÓÃϵ¶¯´Êare¹¹³Éthere be ½á¹¹£®
9£®in¸ÄΪto£»¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣬lead toÊǹ̶¨¶ÌÓÒâΪ"µ¼ÖÂ"£®
10£®are¸ÄΪis£»¿¼²éÖ÷νһÖ£¬¶¯Ãû´Ê¶ÌÓïTalking to friends or family members ×öÖ÷ÓνÓﶯ´ÊÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽ£®

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13£®Teens have a busy morning schedule as they need to wake up and get moving very early in order to catch a bus and get to school by the required time£®This means teens need to get their rest the night before or they will be too tired to learn anything at school£®£¨66£©B
When a teen falls asleep in class£¬two things happen£ºhe/she misses what is being taught and he/she loses the respect for the teacher£®He/She may also receive a consequence from the school£¬depending on the classroom discipline policy£®£¨67£©C
To prevent your teen from being sleepy in class£¬try these three tips£º
*Set a time for"lights out"on school nights£®This is never be any later than 10 p£®m£®and preferably 9 p£®m£®£¨68£©DSoft music can be on and used to help calm your teen£®
*Help your teen develop a night-time routine that involves activities that slow them down for the end of the day£®£¨69£©A Turning off the computer and disconnecting from friends and the excitement of the day an hour before bedtime will also help your teen relax£®
*£¨70£©GThis will reinforce£¨ÔöÇ¿£©what it feels like to be rested and capable of accomplishing what he/she wants£®

A£®Taking a bath and reading are two activities that work well£®
B£®What's worse£¬they may even fall asleep in class£®
C£®All of these things affect your teen's academic success and can be avoided£®
D£®"Lights out"means the computer£¬television£¬lights and cell phone should be off£®
E£®While your teen keeps his/her goals in line with your expectations£¬he/she may have his/her own goals£®
F£®Set a good example and show him/her your love for learning£®
G£®Point out the positives after your teen has had a good night's rest£®
16£®Eating too much fatty food£¬exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of heart disease£®But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately£ºthe air you breathe£®
Previous studies have linked high exposure £¨±©Â¶£©to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problem£¬but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke £¨Öз磩within as little as a few hours after exposure£®
In one review of the research£¬scientists found that people exposed to high levels of pollutants £¨ÎÛȾÎwere up to 5% more likely to   suffer a heart attack within days of exposure than those with lower exposure£®A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U£®S£®Environmental Protection Agency £¨EPA£© considers to be of"moderate"£¨Á¼ºÃ£©quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure£®
The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure£®However£¬it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choices£®So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health£®
9£®The text mainly discusses the relationship betweenD£®
A£®heart problems and exercising     
B£®heart problems and fatty food 
C£®heart problems and smoking     
D£®heart problems and air quality
10£®The underlined word"modest"in Paragraph 3 most probably meansB£®
A£®extremely high             
B£®relatively low  
C£®extremely low                  
D£®relatively high
11£®What can we learn from the text£¿D
A£®Eating fatty food has immediate effects on your heart£®
B£®Moderate air quality is more harmful than smoking£¬
C£®The EPA conducted many studies on air quality£®
D£®Stricter regulations on pollutants should be made£®
12..The author's purpose of writing the text is most likely toB£®
3£®A Dutch artist and designer has come up with a device which he hopes will get rid of pollutants from Beijing's smog skies£¬creating clean air for the city's mask-wearing people£®An electromagnetic £¨µç´Å£©field will pull particles£¨Î¢Á££© in the smog to the ground where they can be easily cleaned£®"
It's like when you have a balloon which has static£¨¾²µç£© and your hair goes toward it£®Same with the smog£¬"says artist Daan Roosegaarde£®
His studio has reached an agreement with the Beijing government to test the technology in one of tile capital's parks£®
With its skies regularly covered by dirty gray smog£¬Beijing this week announced a series of emergency measures to handle the problem£®
Roosegarde says an indoor model device has already proven it works and is confident that the results-with the help of a team of scientists and engineers-can be replicated outside£®
"Beijing is quite a good place because the smog in Beijing is quite low£®It lies in a valley so there's not so much wind£®It's a good environment to explore this kind of thing£®"
"We'll be able to purify the air and the challenge is to get the top of the smog so you can see the sun again£®"
Roosegaarde acknowledges that projects like this are a way of drawing attention to the problem£¬rather than a practical solution to Beijing's awful air pollution£®
"This is not the real answer for smog£®The real answer has to do with clean cars£¬different industry and different lifestyles£®"
However£¬he hopes the project will make a"fundamental statement"by allowing the city's people to realize the difference between breathing clean and smog-filled air£®

25£®The device works byB£®
A£®helping keep the particles out with more masks
B£®pulling pollutants to the ground with an electromagnetic field
C£®absorbing hair with a balloon with static
D£®creating clean air and let it out into the sky
26£®According to the passage£¬C£®
A£®the Beijing government has agreed to use the technology in Beijing
B£®they have provn the results of the device both indoors and outdoors
C£®the results of the air-cleaning device can be expectable
D£®the Beijing governmenthas never done anything to handle the air pollution
27£®What does Roosegaarde really mean by saying"Beijing is quite a good place¡­"£¿C
A£®The air pollution in Beijing is not quite serious£®
B£®The weather in Beijing is good for foreigners to live in£®
C£®Beijing is quite fit for using the air-cleaning device£®
D£®It is easy to get the top of the smog in Beijing£®
28£®Roosegaarde appeals to people in Beijing toA£®
A£®pay attention to air pollution and solve the problem finally
B£®invent more devices to clean the smog in Beijing
C£®drive modern cars and try different lifestyles
D£®realize how serious the pollution they're facing is£®
20£®Repeated exposure to social networking sites leaves users with an¡®¡®identity crisis"£¬wanting attention in the manner of a baby saying£¬'¡®Look at me£¬Mummy£¬I've done this£®"
Professor Baroness Greenfield believes the growth of internet"friendships"£¬as well as greater use of computer games£¬could effectively¡®'rewire"the brain£¬
This can result in reduced concentration£¬a need for instant satisfaction on poor non-verbal skills£¬such as the ability to make eye contact during conversations£®
More than 750million people across the world use Facebook to share photographs and videos and post regular updates of their movements and thoughts£®Millions have also signed up to Twitter£¬the"micro-blogging"service that lets members circulate short text and picture messages about themselves£®
Baroness Greenfield said£¬"What concerns me is the banality of so much that goes out on Twitter£¬"Why should someone be interested in what someone else has had for breakfast£¿It reminds me of a small child saying£¬"Look at me Mummy£¬I'm doing this"£¬"Look at me Mummy£¬I'm doing that"£®
"It's almost as if they're in some kind of identity crisis£®"The academic suggested that some Facebook users feel the need to become"mini-celebrities£¬"who are watched and admired by others on a daily basis£®They do things that are"Facebook worthy"because the only way they can define themselves is by people knowing about them£®
"It's almost as if people are living in a world that's not a real world£¬but a world where what counts is what people think of you or £¨if they£© can click on you£¬"she said£®
"Think of the implications for society if people worry more about what other people think about them than what they think about themselves£®"
Her views were supported by Sue Palmer£¬a literary expert and author£¬who said girls in particular believe they are"goods they must sell to other people"on Facebook£®
She said£®"People used to have a portrait painted but now we can more or less design our own picture online£¬it's like being the star of your own reality TV show that you create and put out to the world£®"
59£®People who often use Facebook and Twitter willD£®
A£®develop strong online friendship with other users
B£®improve their ability to focus their attention on things
C£®develop non-verbal skills to communicate with each other
D have a childlike desire for constant feedback on their lives
60£®The underlined word"banality"in the passage may mean something that isA£®
61£®The purpose of the passage isA£®
A£®to advise people to use less social networking
B£®to warn people not to be cheated on Facebook
C£®to introduce the functions of Facebook and Twitter
D£®to explain the identity crisis of Facebook and Twitter£®

You don't need superpowers to commit to being healthier.Check out these tips.

Write it and measure it.1.Writing down your goals is not only a great way to accomplish them,but your list can also help you figure out the exact steps needed to get there."I want to lose weight"is a pretty common resolution£¨·½°¸£©,but how exactly do you go from point A to point B?2.For instance:"I want to lose 10 pounds over the next six weeks by going to the gym three to four times per week."

Make resolutions manageable.A resolution shouldn't be a fantasy.The key to sustainable resolutions is to make small changes gradually.So if your goal is to go from never running to finishing a half-marathon,start training gradually.3..

4.Not knowing how to do a certain exercise is no excuse to write it off completely.If you're curious about new techniques,book a session with a personal trainer to clear up confusion and help prevent injury.

Think outside the box.5.If your resolution is to simply be more active and bum more calories every day,there are plenty of creative ways to achieve that goal.You can fit extra movement into the day by walking during phone conversations or even volunteering for household chores.

A.Ask for help£®

B.Choose the right tech.

C.Instead,try setting a more specific goal.

D.Exercise doesn't have to be a formal activity.

E.Resolutions should be both specific and measurable.

F.Begin by walking a few miles,and steadily increase it to jogging,and then running.

G.The reason is that the brain just likes measurable old habits over new,different ones.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
