
19.His most excitinginvitation(邀请)was to perform on a TV programme.

分析 最令他激动的邀请是参加一个电视节目表演

解答 invitation考查名词.根据句意:最令他激动的邀请是参加一个电视节目表演.此处应该用名词邀请,invitation是名词邀请.

点评 本题考查名词的词义.名词词义题一直都是高考考查的一个热点,它注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语的能力.由于英语词汇丰富,且用法多变,考生掌握起来有较大难度,因此在平时应注意词汇的积累,理解词语的含义及其常见的习惯搭配,再联系句子所表述的意义和语境,选出正确的答案.

4.A man was looking for things of old times.One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl which looked very old.The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it.A farmer,the owner of the cat,was lying beside the bowl.In order not to draw the farmer's attention to the value of the bowl.The man said to him in a soft voice,"What a nice cat you have!Won't you sell it to me?''
"How much would you give me for it?"the farmer opened his eyes and asked.
"Twenty dollars.Would it be enough?"
A few minutes later,the farmer agreed.After he paid the farmer,the man said,"My cat will certainly feel thirsty.May I take the bowl so that the cat can have milk?"But the farmer said,"I'm sorry I can't give it to you.Thanks to the bowl,I have already sold twenty cats."

1.The man likedA.
A.keeping old things
B.travelling from village to village
C.meeting farmers
D.buying cats
2.After he bought the cat,the man asked for the bowl,because he thoughtC.
A.the bowl should go with the cat
B.the bowl had a beautiful color
C.the farmer didn't know the value of the bowl
D.the cat couldn't live without the bowl
3.The farmer kept the bowl so that he couldB.
A.let another cat use it
B.sell more cats
C.sell more bowls
D.use the bowl himself
4.From the story we can see the farmerD.
A.had only one bowl
B.was very poor
C.didn't like cats
D.was clever.
5.My husband and I are saving thousands of dollars every year by growing our own vegetables in our backyard.We learn something new every year and this website has been made to share tips with other people that would like to grow some of their own food.
It's true that if you are starting from fresh,it will cost a little bit of money to get started.However,once everything is set up,the cost is very small and the rewards are huge.The size of your family and how many vegetables you eat determine exactly how much money you can save every year.We do a lot of juicing,so we are saving thousands of dollars by growing some carefully selected greens.
There is an amazing sense of accomplishment when you grow your own vegetables.Vegetables out of your vegetable garden don't get any fresher,tastier or more satisfying.The whole family can get involved in this hobby and kids will learn where food comes from and appreciate nature even more.
Our approach to vegetable gardening is completely different from the normal one.We are doing it in the lazy way with zero digging and fertilizing(施肥).The way we grow our vegetables is to emulate natural ecosystems.No rows of carrots can be found in our garden beds.Rain forests seem to do just fine without human interference(干预) or having plants sown in rows,so we have applied the same principle to our vegetable garden and we care producing more vegetables than ever.
By copying nature we spend little time working in the vegetable garden but get a much better crop than previous years when we followed the rules.What can I say?We're such rebels.(叛逆者)

28.What does the author think about people growing their own vegetables?A
A.It is a rewarding activity.
B.It is costly in the beginning.
C.People should devote many efforts.
D.People should share their tips.
29.What does the underlined word"emulate"in paragraph 4mean?B
A.Create.B.Imitate(模仿).C.Protect        D.Improve.
30.Why does the author call her and her husband"rebels"?A
A.They use unconventional ways to grow vegetables.
B.They don't buy vegetables from the market.
C.They even try to grow vegetables in the rain forests.
D.They don't grow ordinary vegetables.
31.Which of the following shows the structure of the text?(P:Paragraph)D
8.Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to?Try some of these places:
●Visit art museums
They offer various activities to excite your kids'interest.Many offer workshops for making land-made pieces,traveling exhibits,book signings by children's favorite writer,and even musical performances and other arts
•Head to a natural history museum
This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky.Also,ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.
●Go to a Youtheater
Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors.Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts-Puppet(木偶)making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.
●Try  hands-on science museum
Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country.These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike.They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons,experimenting,and building.When everyone is tired,enjoy a fun family science show,commonly found in these museums.
25.If a child is interested in the universe,he probably will visitC.
A.a Youtheater
B.an art museum
C.a natural history museum
D.a hands-on science museum
26.What can kids do at a Youtheater?B
A.Look at rock collections
B.Watch puppet making
C.See dinosaur models
D.Give performances
27.What does"hands-on science"mean in the last paragraph?B
A.Science games designed by kids
B.Learning science by doing things
C.A show of kids'science work
D.Reading science books.
4.Our planet Earth is comparatively small,with only about 24,902miles around the equator (赤道).Its surface area may seem largest at 196,935,000sq.miles,but of this,70% is covered by sea.The actual land surface covers some 57,500,000sq.miles-29% of the total surface area.
Once again,this seems vast until we take into account the largely uninhabited(未居住的)regions such as the huge wastes of the Arctic and Antarctic,the deserts and wetlands.These regions are not always totally uninhabited,but they can usually support only very small populations.
At present there is still enough space on Earth for humans and wildlife,but what of the future?Our world cannot grow any larger,yet the human population keeps growing every year!As of July 2008,there were almost 6.7billion people on the planet,and current estimates (估计) suggest that the population could be as high as 9.1billion by as soon as 2050.
While the birthrate is slowing a little in parts of the Northern Hemisphere(半球),in many other parts of the world,including developing countries,populations continue to grow.This population explosion is responsible for most world environmental problems today; so whether our main concern is to breathe cleaner air,to drink purer water,to eliminate (消除) pollution,to protect wildlife and countryside,to produce more food to eat or to reach a higher standard of living generally,our chances of achieving any of these things become faint as the population increases sharply.The Earth's resources are vast but limited.We have a tendency to look to the short-term,rather than seeing the bigger picture of the future.
This is why it is so important that young people learn about looking after the planet-so that future generations of adults act responsibly with regard to(关于) the environment and create a future that is continuable,both for humans and all the other species with which we share our world.
29.What does the author worry aboutA
A.Whether there is enough space for creatures in the future.
B.The Earth is turning smaller and smaller.
C.How to find ways to live in uninhabited regions.
D.What people will live on in the future.
30.According to the text,we can infer thatA.
A.the population will increase by 0.6billion every ten years
B.the birthrate around the equator is a little low
C.population explosion is caused by environmental problems
D.more population brings more resources
31.What does the underlined word"faint"meanC
32.Which of the following ideas is suggested by the authorB
A.Taking strong measures to control the birthrate.
B.Calling on the young to care for the planet.
C.Saving the Earth's natural resources.
D.Protecting the endangered species.
11.I live in a city,and I like quiet life.I hate nosy (爱管闲事的) neighbors but it's very unlucky that I had one for myself.They moved in a couple of months ago and although I never felt that they were a strange family,I've always hated the way they get"too close"to me,my house,my garden,and even my garbage cans.
One day,my neighbors were mowing their lawn (草坪).My garbage cans were near their lawn.For some strange reason,I found the wife looking through my garbage cans.I felt angry but since they were from a different culture,I thought that maybe it was"normal"from their ideas.
That afternoon,the couple knocked on my front door.When I opened,they gave me a plastic bag.Inside were my old daily bills,credit cards and bank statements,and an old birthday card that my old uncle sent.They said that they were returning them to me because these documents contained very private information that may be used by others.
I've heard of it before.I asked them how those documents can be used by others and they started telling me their very own experience,which forced them to leave their home and move next door to us.The wife told me that she never destroyed the bills.They also had a"nosy neighbour"who looked through their garbage cans which they actually thought was pretty strange.Little did they know that this"nosy neighbor"was collecting their personal information from their rubbish.Then all their money was taken out from the bank by their neighbor.
It was a very painful experience for all of them and they wanted to leave it all behind so they left.I was very thankful.They were not nosy neighbors.They simply didn't want us to experience the same thing that they did.
1.What made the author angry?D
A.His neighbors came to knock at his door at night.
B.His neighbors were mowing their lawn one morning.
C.His neighbors got too close to his own home.
D.His neighbor's wife was looking through his rubbish.
2.Why did the couple come to the author's home?A
A.To return the documents to the author.
B.To get to know each other better.
C.To introduce themselves to the author.
D.To borrow some money from the author.
3.The neighbors moved to live next door to the author becauseB.
A.they no longer had money to live in their former home
B.their personal documents were used by their former neighbor
C.they didn't want to live in such a noisy home as before
D.they thought the author was much better than their former neighbor
4.Which of the following can we infer from the last paragraph?B
A.The author was kind and helpful to the neighbors.
B.The author changed his idea about his neighbors.
C.The neighbors didn't have enough money.
D.The neighbors had to move from place to place.
8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之问交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
Trying to come to a decision complete on your own can be risky.Some decisions are so important that they shouldn't made without talking to others first.There have several advantages if you consult the persons you trust.For one thing,they can give you valuable advice and they may point out some things you may have been overlooked.For another,friends may stop you from make big mistakes.
When consulting others about importance decisions,you should keep two things in mind.The first one is that you need to find someone whom you respected enough to trust their judgment.The second thing to consider is how to do if you disagree with this person.Maybe turning to a third or fourth person for help is the best option.In a word,making any big decision alone can lead in problems.Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea.

Do you like spicy food?

What’s your opinion on spicy food? Some people cannot handle even the smallest amount of chili-red pepper-in their dinner while others can’t get enough of it.

Scientists have long been puzzled by why some people love chili while others loathe it. Plenty of research has been done on the subject, dating as far back as the 1970s. Previous results showed that a love of chili is related to childhood experiences, and cultural influences affect our taste buds too. But the latest study has found that a person’s love of spicy food may be linked to his or her personality more than anything else, CBC News reported.

‘We have always assumed that liking drives intake-we eat what we like and we like what we eat. But no one has actually directly bothered to connect these personality traits with intake of chili peppers,’ said Professor John Hayes from Pennsylvania State University, who led the study.

But before you look at the study, you should first know that “spicy” is not a taste, unlike sour, sweet, bitter and salty. It is, in fact, a burning sensation that you feel on the surface of your tongue. This got scientists thinking that maybe a love of spicy food is brought about by people’s longing for thrill, something they usually get from watching action movies or riding a roller coaster.

In the study, 97 participants, both male and female, were asked to fill out questionnaires about certain traits of their personality, for example, whether they like new experiences or tend to avoid risks. They were then given a glass of water with capsaicin, the plant chemical that makes a chili burn, mixed into it.

By comparing the answers to the questionnaire and what participants said they felt about the spicy water, researchers found that those who tended to enjoy action movies or take risks were about six times more likely to enjoy the spicy water.

Interestingly, we used to believe that the reason some people can withstand spicy food is that their tongues have become less sensitive to it. However, this latest study has found otherwise. “It’s not that it doesn’t burn as badly, it’s that you actually learn to like the burn,” Hayes explained.

1.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “loathe” in the second paragraph?

A. dislike B. fear

C. put up with D. adapt to

2.What did Professor John Hayes and his team discover from their study?

A. what we eat actually helps to develop our personalities

B. Males are more likely to enjoy spicy food than females

C. Those trying to avoid risks tend to be less interested in spicy food

D. People are wrong to treat spicy as a kind of taste rather than a feeling

3.Why do some people like spicy food according to the recent study?

A. Because their taste buds have become less sensitive

B. Because they love the burning sensation

C. Because they want to challenge themselves

D. Because the more they try spicy food, the less it burns

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. What he or she likes to eat mainly decides on his or her personality

B. That a person enjoys spicy food depends largely on the personality

C. His or her childhood experiences decide on his or her personality

D. His or her cultural background decides on his or her personality

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