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How I became a good badminton player is freshly in my mind£®The first day I go to school£¬I found some of my classmates p laying badminton£®Amazing at how skilful they were£¬I made up my mind to be good at it£®Late on£¬I often watched him carefully to learn their techniques£®I kept practicing after I felt confident enough to challenge the good p layers in my class£®In middle of the term£¬I became one of the best player in my school£®
I take great pride of this experience because it not on ly he lps m e realize that I can achieve my potential through hard work£¬but makes m e to know the proverb"Practice makes perfect"£®
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½â´ð How I became a good badminton player is freshly in my mind£®The first day I go to school£¬I found some of
fresh went
my classmates playing badminton£®Amazing at how skilful they were£¬I made up my mind to be good at it£®
Late on£¬I often watched him carefully to learn their techniques£®I kept practicing after I felt confident
Later them until
enough to challenge the good players in my class£®In¡Ämiddle of the term£¬I became one of the best player in
the players
my school£®
I take great pride of this experience because it not only helps me realize that I can achieve my potential
through hard work£¬but makes me to know the proverb"Practice makes perfect"£®
1£®freshly-fresh ¸Ã¾äΪ"Ö÷ϵ±í"½á¹¹£¬Ïµ¶¯´ÊºóÓ¦ÓÃÐÎÈݴʶø·Ç¸±´Ê×÷±íÓ¹Êfreshly¸ÄΪfresh£»
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8£®player-players one of ÒâΪ"¡ÖÐÖ®Ò»"£¬¸Ã´îÅäºóÐè½Ó¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê¸´Êý£¬¹Êplayer¸ÄΪplayers£»
9£®of-in take pride inΪ¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ"ÒԡΪ×ÔºÀ"£¬¹ÊofÓ¦¸ÄΪin£»
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Best for young children LeapPad Explorer 2£¬£68 ![]() Aimed at chil dren between three and nine £¨though a nine-year-old might find it a little simple£©£¬it comes in pink or blue and with five built-in education games £¨you can buy more£©£®Besides£¬the LeapPad does not allow access to the internet-so it is impossible for your child to stumble across anything inappropriate£® Pros£ºThe education games are well-designed£¬the built-in video camera is a fun way to play at being a film director£® Cons£ºSome of the games are shockingly expensive£®And the power adaptor is not included£® | Best for teenagers iPad 4th generation£¬£399-£659 ![]() The iPad is still the market leader£¬and for good reason£®If the teenager in your house enjoys playing computer games£¬the latest offering from Apple is the one to choose£® Pros£ºNo other tablet can compete with the near one million¡®apps'£¨the name Apple created for specially-designed downloadable programs£© available for the iPad£®Simple to use£¬even for those who usually struggle with technology£® Cons£ºConsiderably more expensive than most competitors£® |
Best for working parents Microsoft Surface£¬£399-£559 ![]() Tablets are brilliant for leisure-but what if you want to do a bit of work£¿No tablet can yet compete with a full-size laptop computer£¬but this is the only tablet that allows you to use Microsoft Word£¬Excel and Powerpoint £¨they are all pre-installed and included in the price£© and you can buy a pretty lovely mini-keyboard for typing letters and emails£¬which also doubles up as the cover£® Pros£ºThe Surface is good for watching movies-a bonus when stuck in the airport on a business trip-and surfing the internet£® Con£ºThe keyboard is an expensive add-on-costing up to£109£®It might be cheaper to buy a laptop £¨though a tablet is much smaller and lighter£©£® | Best for bookworms Amazon Kindle Paperwhite£¬£109 ![]() Nearly all tablets let you download books£®It's a great way to take a mountainous pile of hardbacks on holiday without stuffing your suitcase£® But most tablets have a shiny screen-which can be very distracting when you're trying to read£®The Paperwhite is different£ºits matt screen and crisp black lettering imitate the look of words on paper brilliantly£®And yet you can still read the words in the dark£® Pros£ºEasy on the eye£¬excellent battery life£¬180£¬000 free books £¨if you subscribe to the Amazon Prime customer loyalty service£© plus hundreds of thousands more to buy£® Cons£ºNo TV£¬films£¬games£¬internet or camera£® |
A£®meet with B£®quarrel with C£®compare with D£®compete with
71£®Which of the following about Surface is NOT TRUE£¿C
A£®The keyboard will add to the cost£®
B£®The keyboard can serve as a cover£®
C£®You have to pay extra to install Microsoft Word£®
D£®You can watch movies or surf the Internet with it£®
72£®If you are a game lover£¬which tablet is least likely to be your choice£¿D
A£®LeapPad Explorer 2£®
B£®iPad 4th generation£®
C£®Microsoft Surface£®
D£®Amazon Kindle Paper
73£®If you want to add something to your prepared PPT for a presentation at a meeting£¬which tablet is most helpful£¿C
A£®LeapPad Explorer 2£®
B£®iPad 4th generation£®
C£®Microsoft Surface£®
D£®Amazon Kindle Paper£®
Earn Money This Summer with Sunny Libraries! Do you have too much free time this summer vacation£¿Do you need a summer job to earn extra money£¿Do you want to be involved in your community £¨ÉçÇø£©£¿Sunny Area Library System £¨SALS£© has job opportunities for high school students£®These are good chances to get work experience£® | |
Book Theater brings children's book stories to life£®It has shows at all Sunny Libraries£®Applicants should enjoy performing in front of an audience and working with young children£® Work Hours£º Practice£ºFridays 4£º00pm-6£º00pm Performance£ºTuesdays 10£º00am Rate of Pay£º©†16/performance | Computer Tutor helps guests to deal with technology problems£¬involving Internet searches and using the SALS Website to find materials£®Applicants should have computer skills£® Work Hours£º Monday-Friday 9£º00am-5£º00pm Rate of Pay£º©†8/hour |
Bookmobile helps the driver find the routes to libraries£®The truck you work in is air-conditioned£¬and the driver is friendly£®Applicants must be able to lift heavy boxes£® Work Hours£º Sunday and Friday 9£º00am-4£º00pm Rate of Pay£º©†10/hour | Reader Desk provides service with a smile while checking materials in and out to guests£®Friendly attitude and ability to work on library data system required£® Work Hours£º Monday-Tuesday 8£º00am-4£º00pm Rate of Pay£º©†7.50/hour |
A£®Book Theater B£®Bookmobile
C£®Computer Tutor D£®Reader Desk
57£®If you get the job of"Bookmobile"£¬you are expected toB£®
A£®work with young children B£®lift heavy boxes
C£®check materials for guests D£®repair computers
58£®The purpose of the advertisement is toD£®
A£®attract students to libraries
B£®raise money for libraries
C£®introduce new books
D£®offer job opportunities£®
While most visitors spend at least one night on Stewart Island£¬it is also readily accessible by ferry as a day excursion from Invercargill and Bluff£®
Experience Foveaux Strait in comfort and style on board our express catamarans£®During the one-hour crossing between Bluff and Stewart Island keep a lookout for wildlife£¬especially seabirds£®Watching mollymawks £¨albatross£© soaring behind the ferry is a fantastic sight£®
Interesting landmarks commonly seen include Dog Island Lighthouse£¬Ruapuke Island£¬Titi Islands and Mt Anglem-Stewart Island's highest point£®
?Free tea and coffee on board
?Interpretation handouts are available £¨English only£©£®
?Wheelchair access available
?Personal baggage is carried free on the ferries-max£®two bags per person £¨one stowed and one small carry-on£©£®Additional baggage is by prior arrangement£®
?Vehicle parking available at Bluff £¨extra cost-reservations recommended£©
FERRY TO STEWART ISLAND Depart Bluff All year 9£º30am Sep-May 5£º00pm Oct-Apr 11£º00am Jun-Aug 4£º30pm Late Dec-mid Jan8£º00am | FERRY TO BLUFF Depart Stewart Island All year 8£º00am Sep-May 3£º30pm Oct-Mar 6£º00pm Apr 5£º00pm Jun-Aug 3£º00pm Late Dec-mid Jan 9£º30am |
Other departures as locally advertised Duration 1hr Check-in 30minutes prior to the scheduled departure time£®£¨Check-in and boarding gates are closed 10minutes prior to times stated above£®£© |
Buy 2or more different excursions and SAVE 20% off all lower priced!
Kids Go FREE on selected departures during NZ School Holidays!
Kids Go FREE for travel 20April-5May 2013£®
69£®If leaving a car at Bluff£¬a traveler had betterC£®
A£®refer to the handouts first
B£®use wheelchair access
C£®make a reservation
D£®park it 30minutes before departure time
70£®John£¬who went to Stewart Island on Dec.28th£¬got to the ferry dock at 7£º55am£®When did heB most probably leave Bluff£¿
A£®At 8£º00a£®m£®
B£®At 9£º30a£®m£®
C£®At 11£º00a£®m£®
D£®At 3£º00p£®m£®
71£®Which of the following is false about the ferry services£¿D
A£®Tea and coffee are free for passengers£®
B£®Children go free for travel for about 15days£®
C£®Travelers are sure to see some seabirds during the crossing£®
D£®Passengers have to pay extra cost for extra pieces of luggage£®