
The World Health Organization(WHO)has made an appeal to scientists, drug manufacturers and governments. The WHO wants them to work together1.(develop) drugs to fight 12 bacteria. These bacteria2.(be) able to resist3.(power) antibiotic(抗生素)drugs. The resistance is so unusually strong that all 12 have been given a special name:" superbug.”

The United Nations agency reported this week the 12 superbugs are a threat to human4. (healthy).It said they have5.ability to turn easily treatable infections into killers. The WHO says superbugs can also pass along genetic material6.helps other bacteria become resistant to drug treatment.

Marie-Paule Kieny is the U.N.agency's assistant director-general. She said“antibiotic resistance is growing and we are fast running out7.treatment options.”She urged governments to give drug companies reasons to develop new treatments. "If we leave it to market forces alone, the new antibiotics we most8.(urgent)need are not going to be developed in time," she said.

Antibiotic drugs can lose their effectiveness when people take more or less of than the amount9.(require) by doctors. When this happens, infections that10.(treat) at one time easily become resistant.


The Oxford Dictionary has announced its word of the year. It's spelled... Actually, it isn't spelled at all, because it contains no letters, just a “face with tears of joy” emoji.

“The fact that English alone is proving not enough to meet the needs of 21st-century digital communication is a huge change,” says Caspar Grathwohl, president of Oxford Dictionaries. When one of his dictionary colleagues suggested using an emoji instead of the word “emoji”, “lightbulbs went off”. Until recently, Grathwohl, who is 44, avoided using emojis altogether because he worried that he would look as if he “was trying to get in on teen culture”. “I felt inauthentic. But I think there was a tipping point this year. It's now moved into the mainstream.”

Some 76% of the UK adult population owns a smart phone, and of those, between 80% and 90% use emojis. Worldwide, six billion are sent daily. The “face with tears of joy” is the most used, representing 20% of all UK and 17% of all US emoji use. It has overtaken the standard smiley-face emoji in popularity, which may mean that emoji users are moving towards exaggeration or irony or fun, or that all this emoji use has brought everyone to a higher emotional plane. Even if you don't send emojis yourself, you will probably receive them.

How far do emojis function as a language? “There's a lot of prejudice against emojis,” Vyvyan Evans, a professor in linguistics at Bangor University, says. “A lot of people think they are a backward step, but this misunderstands the nature of human communication.” The picture is more complicated, with emojis offering both greater freedom and limitations than verbal language. “Emoji isn't a language as such. They don't develop in the way that the natural language does. But they are working according to the same principles of communication as the spoken language. What is the value of an emoji? I think I can prove this with an ordinary sentence.” There is a pause. “I love you,” he says. “Crikey(哎呀), I love you.” He says it again. The first time I think he means it; the second time we both know he doesn't. “The meaning is coming from extra-language factors,” he says. “Emojis are performing the same function in digital speech.”

Like any sort-of language, emoji is evolving. “I do think they are subtle(微妙) and rich,” Grathwohl says. “They can mean different things to different people. The fact that we are using emoji in combination to express more complex ideas and experiences is one of the most fun and playful parts of the whole words. Will emoji finally come to look something more like traditional language that we understand?” he asks. “That would be interesting.”

1.The sentence “lightbulbs went off” (Para. 2) means that     .

A. the president became embarrassed and annoyed

B. the president suddenly realized he was outdated

C. the suggestion was immediately adopted

D. the suggestion started a heated discussion

2.The “face with tears of joy” is more popular than smiley-face emoji, which means that     .

A. emoji is changing constantly

B. smiley-face emoji is too traditional

C. adults have more sorrow than joy in their daily life

D. people like to express their emotions in a richer way

3.Vyvyan Evans uses the sentence “I love you” as an example (Para. 4) to prove that     .

A. emoji can express the real meaning behind words

B. emoji is different from the natural language

C. people feel free to use emoji in communication

D. emoji will limit people in expressing their feelings

4.Which of the following statements might Grathwohl agree with?

A. Emoji is too childish for adults.

B. People have the same explanation for an emoji.

C. Using emoji can add fun to communication.

D. Emoji won't develop into a language.

You may need to give first aid. First aid is defined(下定义) as the emergency care given to a sick or injured person. The goals of first aid are to prevent death and to prevent injuries from becoming worse.

Each emergency condition is different. However, the following rules apply to any kind of emergency.

☆ Be aware of your limitations. Do not try to do more than you are able to. Nor should you do things if you are unfamiliar with them. Do what you can under the conditions at the time.

☆ Stay calm. Acting calmly will help the victim feel safe.

☆ Take a quick look to see if the victim is bleeding, and if there is a pulse.

☆ Keep the victim lying down and do not move him or her.You could make an injury worse if you move the victim.

☆ Take necessary emergency steps.

☆ Call for help or ask someone to make the EMS system(急救系统)start.

☆ Do not remove clothing unless you have to.If clothing must be removed,tear the clothes along the seams(线缝).

☆ Keep the victim warm. Cover the victim with a blanket. Coats and sweaters can be used if a blanket cannot be found.

☆ Reassure the victim. Explain what is happening and that help has been called.

☆ Do not give the victim any food or fruits.

☆ Keep the bystanders away from the victim. Bystanders want to have a look, offer advice, and say something about the victim's condition. The victim may believe that the condition is worse than it really is.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You should help an injured person in any condition.

B. Don't remove the clothing of the injured person whatever happens.

C. It is necessary to cover the victim with a blanket.

D. If the injured person feels hungry, you should give him or her some food.

2.Why should bystanders be kept away from the victim?

A. Because bystanders can prevent the victim from receiving first aid

B. Because what they say can make the victim think the condition is very bad.

C. Because the victim doesn't want to accept the advice of bystanders.

D. Because the victim hates being surrounded by bystanders.

3.The main purpose of the passage is to tell ________.

A. how to save a person

B. what to do when an accident happens

C. how to call for help

D. how to give first aid

“When I was a boy of 14,my father was so ignorant (无知的) that I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in 7 years. “—Mark Twain

My 23-year-old daughter and I are the female version of the above quote. When I left her father about 12 years ago she chose to stay with him. Her father was quite angry at our breakup and so was my daughter. She exactly had nothing to do with me for about 5 years, no contact, no presents to me, no overnight stays. It broke my heart.

Now she works near my home. She has often slept on the sofa in my home and I so love this.

Last week I turned my study into a bedroom for her. Today a new bed and mattress(床垫) arrived and I went to Belfast to buy quilts, pillows, cushions, curtains, lampshade etc to make this into the room my daughter should have had in my home 12 years ago. She has really loved being able to input into this room for her and I have really loved creating a little special personal space for her in my home.

In the end, l worked it out but I can tell you I really learned so much by way of practicing patience in those painful early days.

I hope my little daughter who is now a young 23-year-old woman never distances herself from me again, no child should be without a Mother’s love.

1.What do you know about Mark Twain?

A. He didn’t realize his father’s good characters.

B. He didn't admire his father in his childhood.

C. He couldn't learn knowledge from his father.

D. He regretted leaving his father as a child.

2.Why did the author furniture the room so considerately?

A. To make up for love to her daughter.

B. To recover what the room used to be.

C. To attract her daughter to live there.

D. To meet her daughter’s tastes.

3.Which can replace the underlined phrase “distances herself from" in Paragraph 6?

A. lives close to B. struggles against

C. thinks highly of D. keeps a distance from

American women who work as computer programmers, chefs and dentists earn 28 percent less than men doing the same jobs. Those are the jobs with the biggest wage differences between men and women, according to a new study.

Overall, the study found that women earn 5. 4 percent less than men for doing the same job, in the same location and for the same employer. The wage differences between women and men were similar in the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and France.

5.4 percent is a big difference in pay between men and women because it cannot be explained by women and men taking the same kinds of jobs. It can only be explained by bias(倔见)against women, or other causes, such as women not being good at asking for pay.

Research suggests that women do not negotiate(交涉)as well as men when it comes to pay.

And women are generally more uncomfortable asking fellow employees how much they make, sothey can see if they are being paid fairly.

According to the study, women earned at least 15 percent less than men in these job categories:psychologists,pharmacists,physicians,opticians,pilots and game artists.

But in the fields of social work, selling merchandise, research assistants and physician advisors, women earn more than men. In social work, women earned 7. 8 percent more than men, the report said. That was the job category with the biggest advantage for women. It was still far less than the 28 percent pay advantage for men in some fields.

Comparing salaries for full-time workers, women earn only 79 percent as much as men. Over a lifetime, that much of a difference in pay can amount to a large amount of money.

Women only earned 57 percent as much as men in 1975. It is now up t0 79 percent. That is

progress, the report says, but not enough.

1.Which of the following has the biggest pay differences between women and men?

A. A pilot. B. A game artist.

C. A research assistant. D. A computer programmer.

2.Why do women earn less than men when doing the same job?

A. They don’t try their best to fight for better pay.

B. They care less about their pay than men.

C. Bosses usually looks down upon women.

D. They don-t work as effectively as men.

3.How much income do full-time women workers lose compared with men?

A. 5.4%. B. 7.8%.

C. 21%. D. 28%.

4.What does the report think of the women's pay?

A. It is growing rather quickly. B. It is rising but not satisfying.

C. It is not fair for women workers. D. It is reasonable for present situation.

You might make a disgusted face when you notice that the person waiting in their car at the red light next to you is picking their nose,but admit it,you do it too.And while it might be the natural option when there isn't a box of tissues around,it can be bad for you.The main reasons people feel the need to pick their nose is to clear it of dried liquid,stop an itch(痒),or just because it feels good.Boogers(鼻屎)form when dried liquid and cilia,the tiny hairs that line the nostrils(鼻孔),trap the dust,dirt,and other things.When boogers build up in your nose,it can be uncomfortable,and sometimes just blowing into a tissue doesn't do the trick.

Otolaryngologist Erich P.Voigt,MD,told Business Insider that picking your nose can cause injuries and bleeding within your nostrils.That's not terribly damaging,but when the bacteria from your hands get into your body,it can cause a cold and flu.So doctors strongly suggest not picking the nose.

If dry winter air is causing the dirty liquid to harden in your nostrils,making you want to pick,consider damping the air at home,or taking a steam shower to soften things up in there.

Children,who are most famous for having a finger up their nose,sometimes don't realize how much injury they're causing,and sometimes it.can lead to nose bleeds.

So,next time you go to pick your nose,think about how many bacteria are on your hands and in your boogers, and maybe reach for a tissue instead.Even if you 're alone,and not waiting for the light to turn green,please,use a tissue.

1.Why do people pick their nose?

A. Because they want to disgust others.

B. Because they have the need to do it.

C. Because they have nothing else to do.

D. Because they don't have tissues around.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined part " do the trick" in Paragraph 1?

A. act B. work

C. play D. help

3.Which can help people avoid a cold and flu according to the text?

A. Stopping nose picking. B. Using tissues regularly.

C. Taking a shower every day. D. Keeping the air wet at home.

4.What should you do when you have to pick your nose?

A. Be careful not to cause bleeding.

B. Use a tissue instead of bare fingers.

C. Wait for the light to turn red if you are driving.

D. Wash up your hands and clear your fingernails.

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