
“Paul must have been trying to carry his waste paper to garbage can and dropped a few pieces.” I______picking them up. _______later I found more pieces. No quiet sighing this time. I _____ ,“Who is throwing garbage?” No answer. Instead, I saw more bits of paper silently floating______from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my seven-year-old son, Paul.

“Stop making a mess.” “It’s not a mess. They’re______ .” “Sorry, what did you say?” I hadn’t heard him clearly.

He didn’t answer me. Paul has autism (自闭症) and_______answers a question, especially when he’s _______attentively on something else. He ran down the stairs. “Where are my other butterflies?” he asked,_______around. Every time Paul _______five or more words together, my heart says a _______of thanks. But lately he seems to _______that the benefits of forming complete sentences when communicating are________of the effort.

Butterflies. Of course. I rushed to_______them from the garbage,_______them off and handed them to my young artist. “Want to see them________again?” he asked with a shy smile. “Oh yes! They’re beautiful.” I whispered. He ran back upstairs to float his _____ down again. They really did look like beautiful butterflies.

That day Paul _______me to look up at ______instead of down at garbage. How many other masterpieces (杰作) do I miss because I’m too caught up in my _______to take time to appreciate what’s right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us. It’s ______we look at it. Now, I look up.

1.A. laughed B. sighed C. amazed D. shouted

2.A. Days B. Years C. Moments D. Weeks

3.A. called out B. turned up C. got in D. added to

4.A. up B. down C. away D. off

5.A. planes B. papers C. leaves D. butterflies

6.A. rarely B. frequently C. willingly D. eagerly

7.A. devoted B. depended C. focused D. addicted

8.A. showing B. looking C. playing D. drawing

9.A. spells B. puts C. pushes D. accumulates

10.A. sound B. remark C. report D. prayer

11.A. refuse B. hear C. mind D. realize

12.A. worthy B. aware C. fond D. typical

13.A. hide B. destroy C. rescue D. remove

14.A. tore B. dusted C. cut D. seized

15.A. throw B. flow C. land D. fly

16.A. masterpieces B. schoolwork C. inventions D. imagination

17.A. reminded B. forced C. intended D. permitted

18.A. mistakes B. weaknesses C. beauty D. scenery

19.A. amusement B. housework C. communication D. homework

20.A. when B. whether C. where D. how


Like many young people, I dreamed of growing up and becoming a successful writer one day. My first part-time job came when I was 18 years old. I was working in a paint factory. Because of the terrible smell of paint, it became normal for me to temporarily pass out during my lunch hour.

All of my spare time was spent writing and sending stories to any publisher that would read them, dreaming that one day losing consciousness while eating my ham sandwiches would no longer be a part of my daily routine.

I discovered content mills, where a writer could devote his time to writing soul-destroying online copy. It provided a little pay, but I wouldn’t faint(昏厥). So, I quit my day job. But it is difficult to work from home. At times, I would lose all passion for writing 500 words about an advertisement for a bed for a few pounds, but the terrible smell of paint reminded me to get back to writing.

Several months later, the money got better. I was given a job writing for one of the largest entertainment websites in the world. The job was simple: I complained about everything that was wrong with society and they paid me ?50 for each article. A guy from the website asked if I’d be interested in leaving my small town life to move to the big city of Manchester to become a professional writer for them. I accepted.

After a pretty successful year, I was offered a promotion. Just 18 months earlier, I was suffering from the smell of paint on a daily basis and now I was managing a team of nine writers.

1.What does the underlined part mean in the passage?

A. Losing heart. B. Losing one’s memory.

C. Feeling sleepy. D. Becoming unconscious.

2.What once weakened the author’s love for writing?

A. The unpleasant smell in the factory.

B. Being given consistent writing work.

C. Something’s being wrong with society.

D. Writing advertisements at a low price.

3.What message does the author deliver in the passage?

A. Never give up nor stop trying.

B. A good beginning is half done.

C. Behind bad luck comes good luck.

D. A man can do no more than he can.

◆Open Monday to Saturday 10:00 to 17:00 and Sunday 12:00 to 17:00. Last admissions at 16:30 each day.

◆Personal Admission: Adults,£5; Seniors/Students,£4.

◆Group Admission (Ten or more): Adults£4.5 per person; Students/Seniors£3.50 per person.

◆Payment for groups must be made together.

Welcome to the James Joyce Centre

The James Joyce Centre is to promote an understanding of the life and works of James Joyce. In doing so, the Centre tries to work with institutions to celebrate Ireland’s rich cultural heritage (遗产). The James Joyce Centre provides the casual visitor with a rewarding and memorable experience.

The Centre’s home is a restored 18th century townhouse in the north of Dublin, the city of Joyce’s birth and the setting for all his works. From this central place in Joyce’s heartland, the Centre aims to develop an appreciation of this most remarkable and significant literary figure of the 20th century.

No. 35 North Great George’s Street was built in 1784 and decorated with fine plasterwork (灰泥) by Michael Stapleton. The house was restored in the 1980s and opened as the James Joyce Centre in 1996, run by members of Joyce’s sister’s family.

The Kenmare Room is used for lectures and has a small show of reproductions of Joyce family pictures. In addition, this room provides details of Joyce’s life and times, a reading table where visitors can sit and read works by and about Joyce, and a show of some of the many translations of Joyce’s works.


The centre’s permanent and temporary exhibitions show various aspects of Joyce’s life and work. Through shows and three films, you may dig into the novel about its historical background and learn more about Joyce’s life. The Centre also hosts International Joyce, an exhibition that provides a wonderful introduction to the life and works of James Joyce.

Walking Tours

Our walking tours are available every Saturday at 11 am and 2 pm, and by advanced booking on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 am and 2 pm (with at least four people). Adults£10; Seniors/Students£8. For bookings, contact info@jamesoyce.ie. We look forward to your visit.

1.According to the text, the James Joyce Centre ________.

A. has a history of about 30 years B. is run by Dublin’s government

C. is on the North Great George’s Street D. has been well protected since its construction

2.It can be inferred from the text that in the James Joyce Centre, you can _______.

A. see some movies about James Joyce

B. listen to James Joyce’s lectures

C. learn every event of James Joyce’s times

D. have the walking tours by yourself

3.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To comment on the James Joyce Centre.

B. To tell the history of the James Joyce Centre.

C. To briefly introduce the James Joyce Centre.

D. To attract potential tourists to the James Joyce Centre.

Every March, the country celebrates the accomplishments of women in American history. Even though these accomplishments go back a long way, most schools didn’t start focusing on women pioneers and their achievements until recently. Today, most colleges offer classes in women’s history and most schools teach kids about the many contributions women have made to our country.

On March 19, 1911,a German woman named Clara Zetkin organized the very first International Women’s Day. Inspired by American working women, the annual event took on the causes of peace and women’s rights. In the 1960s, the women's movement caused women to wonder why they weren’t included in the history books.

By the 1970s, more female historians began to look back at the contributions of women in history. In 1978,a California school district started Women’s History Week to promote the teaching of women’s history. School officials picked the week of March 8 to include International Women's Day. It was so popular that, in 1981, Congress passed a law making the week a celebration for the entire country. The concept of studying women's history continued to grow in popularity. In 1987, a group of women asked Congress to amplify the celebration. That same year, Congress declared the entire month of March National Women's History Months

Today, schools and communities across the country celebrate the month with special lessons and activities designed to teach the ways women have helped shape the U.S. The women who have worked hard to make women’s History Month a reality would like to see women’s history all year, not just every March. In 1996, the National Women’s History Museum was founded. It’s a non-profit organization devoted to preserving and celebrating the various contributions of women in history. The organization is working with Congress to open a permanent museum site in Washington, D. C.

1.What does the first paragraph imply?

A. Women's achievements used to be ignored in America.

B. More women pioneers are needed in America.

C. Celebrating women's achievements has a long history in America.

D. Few American schools pay attention to women s contributions.

2.According to the text, International Women’s Day ________.

A. is held every second year

B. has a history of over a century

C. was started by an American

D. was a product of women's movement

3.Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “amplify” in Paragraph 3?

A. organize B. support

C. expand D. protect

4.What can we know about the National Women’s History Museum from the text?

A. It was set up less than two decades ago.

B. It focuses on women’s historic contributions.

C. It is an organization aimed at making profits.

D. It has a permanent site in Washington, D. C.

The rain was sudden and heavy on a cold night. My bus was not going along its __ route and had stopped at the station because of the __. With 2km still to go, I was running out of __ to pick up my daughter from her childcare centre. I arrived at the day care wet through. __ I was glad to be only a few minutes late. Now I could face the __ problem. There were no buses and I couldn’t afford a __. Home was too far to __ in the rain with a young child and it was getting dark. We stood outside the childcare centre staring at the rain pouring down with no __ of stopping. I just barely noticed __ parent pull up and race inside to __ his child ten minutes later. I did not recognize him.

Having recently gone through an unpleasant __, I was a single mother with no family and no close friends I could __ in Canada. I had to do something; we could not stand on the steps all night. I had to get us somewhere __ some protection. Suddenly there came a __ from behind, “How far are you going?”

I __ to face the parent who’d arrived late. I could hardly believe that there was a chance of a __ and I told him where I lived. He then __ offered to take us,saying “I’m going that way.” I nervously informed him that I was very __ . But he didn’t seem to mind, and was __ happy to do us a favour.

To this day I am still grateful, for we were in trouble __ the kindness of this stranger.

1.A. main B. common C. normal D. ordinary

2.A. light B. thunder C. flood D. wind

3.A. money B. time C. courage D. strength

4.A. for B. so C. or D. but

5.A. entire B. previous C. original D. next

6.A. taxi B. ticket C. phone D. bicycle

7.A. move B. walk C. head D. leave

8.A. sign B. symbol C. signal D. mark

9.A. that B. either C. another D. each

10.A. adopt B. collect C. find D. gather

11.A. place B. marriage C. atmosphere D. trip

12.A. call B. make C. meet D. believe

13.A. with B. from C. to D. under

14.A. whisper B. scream C. voice D. yell

15.A. turned around B. looked up C. went over D. came around

16.A. rescue B. return C. surprise D. lift

17.A. casually B. easily C. excitedly D. thoughtfully

18.A. tired B. grateful C. happy D. wet

19.A. briefly B. commonly C. hardly D. simply

20.A. regardless of B. instead of C. but for D. except for

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