
The rain was sudden and heavy on a cold night. My bus was not going along its __ route and had stopped at the station because of the __. With 2km still to go, I was running out of __ to pick up my daughter from her childcare centre. I arrived at the day care wet through. __ I was glad to be only a few minutes late. Now I could face the __ problem. There were no buses and I couldn’t afford a __. Home was too far to __ in the rain with a young child and it was getting dark. We stood outside the childcare centre staring at the rain pouring down with no __ of stopping. I just barely noticed __ parent pull up and race inside to __ his child ten minutes later. I did not recognize him.

Having recently gone through an unpleasant __, I was a single mother with no family and no close friends I could __ in Canada. I had to do something; we could not stand on the steps all night. I had to get us somewhere __ some protection. Suddenly there came a __ from behind, “How far are you going?”

I __ to face the parent who’d arrived late. I could hardly believe that there was a chance of a __ and I told him where I lived. He then __ offered to take us,saying “I’m going that way.” I nervously informed him that I was very __ . But he didn’t seem to mind, and was __ happy to do us a favour.

To this day I am still grateful, for we were in trouble __ the kindness of this stranger.

1.A. main B. common C. normal D. ordinary

2.A. light B. thunder C. flood D. wind

3.A. money B. time C. courage D. strength

4.A. for B. so C. or D. but

5.A. entire B. previous C. original D. next

6.A. taxi B. ticket C. phone D. bicycle

7.A. move B. walk C. head D. leave

8.A. sign B. symbol C. signal D. mark

9.A. that B. either C. another D. each

10.A. adopt B. collect C. find D. gather

11.A. place B. marriage C. atmosphere D. trip

12.A. call B. make C. meet D. believe

13.A. with B. from C. to D. under

14.A. whisper B. scream C. voice D. yell

15.A. turned around B. looked up C. went over D. came around

16.A. rescue B. return C. surprise D. lift

17.A. casually B. easily C. excitedly D. thoughtfully

18.A. tired B. grateful C. happy D. wet

19.A. briefly B. commonly C. hardly D. simply

20.A. regardless of B. instead of C. but for D. except for


As a leading Chinese language school and a cultural exchange institute in China, Global Exchange Education Center has been providing Mandarin (or Putonghua) language courses and cultural exchange programs for over a decade.

How to apply for our programs

■In order to apply for all of our programs, you must be 

at least 18 years old. 

in good health, 

a senior high school graduate. 

■Application Procedure for Chinese Language Programs

Step 1. Send us a completed application form by email or fax. 

Step 2. Send us $ 60 application fee after receiving our email confirmation. 

Step 3. Arrange the payment transfer. 

Step 4. Plan the trip to Beijing. 

■Application Procedure for Chinese Business Internship (实习)Program 

Step 1. Send us a completed application form with your CV and personal statement for the program by email or fax.

Step 2. Send us $ 310, including $60 application fee and $ 250 internship placement deposit, after receiving our letter of acceptance for the program. 

Step 3. Arrange final payment transfer after receiving our second confirmation. 

Step 4. Plan the trip to Beijing. 

■Personal Statement for applicants for Chinese Business Internship Program

You should state why you want to take this program and what your expectations of the program are. How you will make use of this program in your future career.


The applications for most programs are reviewed on a rolling basis. You are encouraged to submit your application ahead of the application deadlines.


Having received your application, Global Exchange Education Center usually sends out an email confirmation for the booking within 2-5 working days.

1.The text is probably written for ______.

A. junior high graduates B. job seekers

C. international students D. language trainers

2.If you apply for both of the programs, the total application fees will be ______.

A. $ 120 B. $310

C. $25 D. $ 370

3.If you want to apply for Chinese Business Internship program successfully, you'll ______.

A. send the application form by post B. send personal statement and CV only

C. have to get confirmed at least twice D. have to make a travel plan in Beijing

4.Which of the following is not necessarily included in applicants,personal statement?

A. Their purposes of taking the program. B. Their expectations of the program.

C. Their future practice of the program. D. Their feedbacks on the program.

“Paul must have been trying to carry his waste paper to garbage can and dropped a few pieces.” I______picking them up. _______later I found more pieces. No quiet sighing this time. I _____ ,“Who is throwing garbage?” No answer. Instead, I saw more bits of paper silently floating______from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my seven-year-old son, Paul.

“Stop making a mess.” “It’s not a mess. They’re______ .” “Sorry, what did you say?” I hadn’t heard him clearly.

He didn’t answer me. Paul has autism (自闭症) and_______answers a question, especially when he’s _______attentively on something else. He ran down the stairs. “Where are my other butterflies?” he asked,_______around. Every time Paul _______five or more words together, my heart says a _______of thanks. But lately he seems to _______that the benefits of forming complete sentences when communicating are________of the effort.

Butterflies. Of course. I rushed to_______them from the garbage,_______them off and handed them to my young artist. “Want to see them________again?” he asked with a shy smile. “Oh yes! They’re beautiful.” I whispered. He ran back upstairs to float his _____ down again. They really did look like beautiful butterflies.

That day Paul _______me to look up at ______instead of down at garbage. How many other masterpieces (杰作) do I miss because I’m too caught up in my _______to take time to appreciate what’s right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us. It’s ______we look at it. Now, I look up.

1.A. laughed B. sighed C. amazed D. shouted

2.A. Days B. Years C. Moments D. Weeks

3.A. called out B. turned up C. got in D. added to

4.A. up B. down C. away D. off

5.A. planes B. papers C. leaves D. butterflies

6.A. rarely B. frequently C. willingly D. eagerly

7.A. devoted B. depended C. focused D. addicted

8.A. showing B. looking C. playing D. drawing

9.A. spells B. puts C. pushes D. accumulates

10.A. sound B. remark C. report D. prayer

11.A. refuse B. hear C. mind D. realize

12.A. worthy B. aware C. fond D. typical

13.A. hide B. destroy C. rescue D. remove

14.A. tore B. dusted C. cut D. seized

15.A. throw B. flow C. land D. fly

16.A. masterpieces B. schoolwork C. inventions D. imagination

17.A. reminded B. forced C. intended D. permitted

18.A. mistakes B. weaknesses C. beauty D. scenery

19.A. amusement B. housework C. communication D. homework

20.A. when B. whether C. where D. how

Apple Seeds

Circulation (发行量):1 Year, 9 Issues

Cover Price:$44.55

Price for You:$33.95

Product Description:Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you ----- it’s being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.

Better Life

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: $44.55

Price for You:$15.00

Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle. Better life is an America’s complete home and family service magazine. If offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management and education.

Humor Times

Circulation:1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: $36.00

Price for You: $ 11.95

Product Description:Humor Times is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today’s world, you need a reason to laugh. So let’s find it in Humor Times.

News China

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price:$ 47.88

Price for You:$19.99

Product Description: News China is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.

1.What do we know about Apple Seeds?

A. The soft cover enables it to be read and kept long.

B. It can be purchased as an award for your children.

C. You can receive it every month if you purchase it.

D. The magazine is going to surprise you for many years.

2.Better Life can help you in ________.

A. beautifying your house B. ordering food from restaurant

C. learning about sports and travels D. finding interesting stories for your kids

3.What kind of people may buy News China?

A. People who want to enlarge the knowledge of their kids

B. People who have a strong sense of humor and love to laugh

C. People who have an interest in personal lifestyle of the English

D. People who are interest in China’s politics business and culture

4.Which magazine may best help relieve your work stress?

A. Apple Seeds B. Better Life

C. Humor Times D. News China

International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning



International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2017


November 17--19, 2017 Place

Hilton Hotel Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia


Institute of Modem Languages and Communications (IMLC), Multimedia University, Malaysia


Innovating (创新) Minds, Communicating Ideas: Reinventing Language Teaching & Learning


* To bring together academics, researchers,teachers and experts to share,collaborate (合作) on and study current new ideas, practices and developments in language teaching and learning;

* To create academic links and long-term partnerships and collaborations among the participants in terms of both teaching and research.

Conference speakers

Malachi Edwin Vethamani, president of Malaysian English Language Teaching Association

Liam Brown, training and development manager for English & Exams Division, British Council

Call for papers

* Teaching of English as a Second Language

* Foreign Language Teaching

* Language Teaching and Learning Theories

* Research in Language Teaching and Learning

* Multi Media in Language Teaching and Learning

* Computer Assisted Language Learning

* Testing and Evaluation

* Intercultural Awareness in the Language Classroom

Deadline for submission of abstracts

July 31, 2017

Deadline for participation registration

October 15, 2017


For more information, go to http://imcicon.mmu.edu.my

1.What is the purpose of the conference?

A. To ask participants to teach and learn together.

B. To create a long term relationship among teachers.

C. To practice language teaching and learning.

D. To encourage sharing, studying and cooperating.

2.How many topics of the papers are closely related to hi-tech teaching aids?

A. 2. B. 3.

C. 4. D. 5.

3.What is required before attending the conference?

A. Submission of papers. B. Participation registration.

C. Contact with the organizer. D. Going to http://imcicon.mmu.edu.my.

“How are things back at the office?” one of the gentlemen in my bicycle tour group asked me as we were nearing the end of another lengthy ride through Croatia’s scenic countryside.

“I assume they are going fine,” I said. “I haven’t had any contact and I don’t plan to.”

“Your phone isn’t on?” he asked, incredulously. “You haven’t checked your email?”

“My phone is off and no, I’m not planning on checking email,” I said.

My wife Heidi and I took my children, Daniel and Rachel, on a two-week trip to Croatia, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. We made the choice to spend some of our money on this wonderful experience so we could spend time bonding with each other and the kids.

Why would I destroy the environment we had traveled thousands of miles to create by bringing my work environment into it? That would be counter-productive to everything I wanted out of this trip. If I worked during this experience, I would be taking time away from my family and sending them the message that work takes priority over them.

In addition to sharing this incredible experience, I wanted to take us all out of the activity-driven world we live in. If I had my cell phone on and was constantly searching out a wireless connection to keep up with office, I would just bring that hyper-connected environment into the peaceful, meaningful world I was trying to create.

In addition to creating life-long memories with my family, another wonderful thing happened as a result of this bike trip. As we were returning home, I was flooded with new ideas. I came up with concepts for nine blog posts and several ideas that I want to incorporate into my business.

Taking time off restored and rejuvenated me and allowed my creative spirit to really come to the surface. How can you accomplish that goal if you simply move the source of that stress to a different location?

1.From the conversation at the beginning of the text, we can infer that .

A. the author had no access to the Internet during the tour

B. the gentleman was quite concerned about the author’s work

C. the author’s phone was off because he didn’t want to be disturbed

D. the speakers both experienced an unpleasant bicycle tour in Croatia

2.One of the purposes of the author’s Croatia’s bicycle tour is .

A. to experience a primitive life without phone calls

B. to spend some time creating closer ties with his family

C. to tell his family that his work is more important for him

D. to escape from his boring work environment in the office

3.The underlined word “rejuvenate” in the last paragraph means “ ”.

A. drive one mad B. make one more energetic

C. get one exhausted D. cause one to lost temper

4.Which of the following may the author agree?

A. Playing delights us more than working.

B. Working is the foundation of happiness.

C. Cellphones and emails are helpful when we take a trip.

D. When working, work hard; when playing, play crazily.

Plan on traveling around the USA this summer? If you need help in arranging the trip, or want ideas about where to go and what to do, there are a number of outstanding websites that can make your American dream come true


The National Scenic Byways Program covers 150 memorable roads. Some are natural routes, such as Route 1 along the California coast. Others focus on history (such as Route 6) or man-made attractions (the Las Vegas Strip). For each, you are provided with a map, told the route’s length and how long is allowed, and given detailed suggestions on sights and stop-offs.


This is the best website for reviews of hotels in US cities and resorts. The reviews are impressively thorough, covering locations, rooms, cleanliness, food and so on. Importantly, these are not promotional photos by the hotels, but more honest and real ones taken by inspectors. Search facilities are excellent from the 243 hotels reviewed in the New York, you can narrow down what you are looking for by locations, facilities and styles, or just pick out a selection of the best.

www.101 usaholidays.co.uk

This is the latest offering that features 101 holiday ideas to the USA. It's an impressively diverse selection, ranging from touring in the footsteps of Martin Luther King to a golfing break in Arizona and a cycling and wine-tasting trip in California's Napa Valley. Narrow down what you are looking for — whether by price, region, theme and who will be traveling — and then just the photos of the relevant holidays remain on view. It’s a really clever design.


Walt Disney World in California can make dreams come true, but the price is not affordable for the majority of people.

So turn to long established Mouscsavers.com, dedicated to giving big discounts on tickets, hotels and dining at Walt Disney World. The website also offers general money — saving tips, suggestions for cheap and free stuff and brief coverage of other Florida and California theme parks.

1.If you are going to the USA for the man-made attractions, you can drive along ________.

A. Route 1 B. Route 6

C. the Las Vegas Strip D. the California coast

2.Why are the photos of the hotels in US cities and resorts real in www.oyster.com?

A. Because there are qualifications of the authority.

B. Because they are taken by inspectors of the website.

C. Because there are comments of customers on each photo.

D. Because they were taken by customers who once lived there.

3.Travel ideas for a big family with kids and the old are available at ________.

A. www.oyster.com B. http://byways.org

C. www.mousesavers.com D. www.101usaholidays.co.uk

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. California’s Napa Valley is famous for its wine.

B. www.mousesavers.com is a newly established website.

C. The National Scenic Byways Program covers all the roads in the USA.

D. Discounted tickets of Walt Disney World are not available for everyone.

5.Where does the text probably come from?

A. A news report. B. A tourist brochure.

C. A culture journal. D. A health column.


On the first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't know.I looked round when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady with a smile.She said, “Hi, handsome.My name is Rose.I'm eighty?seven years old.Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may !” She gave me a giant squeeze.“Why are you in college at such a young,innocent age?”I asked.“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!” she told me.After class we walked to the Student Union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.We became instant friends.

Every day of the next three months we would leave class together and talk non?stop.I was always listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon (偶像) and she easily made friends wherever she went.At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football dinner.I'll never forget what she taught us.“We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.Anybody can grow older.That doesn't take any talent or ability.The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunities in change.Have no regrets.The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose”.She challenged each of us to study the lyrics (歌词) and live them out in our daily life.At the year's end she finished the college degree she had begun all those years.One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.

1.What happened to the author on the first day of school?

A.He got to know an old professor.

B.He made the acquaintance of an old lady.

C.He joined the Student Union.

D.He had to share a milkshake with others.

2.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can find out the author's ________.

A.concern about age

B.respect for the old

C.curiosity about the lady

D.complaint about education

3.In the author's eyes,________.

A.Rose was innocent and generous

B.Rose was wise and skilled

C.Rose was talented and hard?working

D.Rose was courageous and her words were inspiring

4.Which saying might Rose possibly support ________.

A.One is never too old to learn.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.Rome wasn't built in a day.

D.It is no use crying over spilt milk.

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