
Like many young people, I dreamed of growing up and becoming a successful writer one day. My first part-time job came when I was 18 years old. I was working in a paint factory. Because of the terrible smell of paint, it became normal for me to temporarily pass out during my lunch hour.

All of my spare time was spent writing and sending stories to any publisher that would read them, dreaming that one day losing consciousness while eating my ham sandwiches would no longer be a part of my daily routine.

I discovered content mills, where a writer could devote his time to writing soul-destroying online copy. It provided a little pay, but I wouldn’t faint(昏厥). So, I quit my day job. But it is difficult to work from home. At times, I would lose all passion for writing 500 words about an advertisement for a bed for a few pounds, but the terrible smell of paint reminded me to get back to writing.

Several months later, the money got better. I was given a job writing for one of the largest entertainment websites in the world. The job was simple: I complained about everything that was wrong with society and they paid me ?50 for each article. A guy from the website asked if I’d be interested in leaving my small town life to move to the big city of Manchester to become a professional writer for them. I accepted.

After a pretty successful year, I was offered a promotion. Just 18 months earlier, I was suffering from the smell of paint on a daily basis and now I was managing a team of nine writers.

1.What does the underlined part mean in the passage?

A. Losing heart. B. Losing one’s memory.

C. Feeling sleepy. D. Becoming unconscious.

2.What once weakened the author’s love for writing?

A. The unpleasant smell in the factory.

B. Being given consistent writing work.

C. Something’s being wrong with society.

D. Writing advertisements at a low price.

3.What message does the author deliver in the passage?

A. Never give up nor stop trying.

B. A good beginning is half done.

C. Behind bad luck comes good luck.

D. A man can do no more than he can.


Have you ever heard of blogs (博客)? If you haven’t, you should have. It’s here, it’s growing and it’s having an influence on our life. Surf the Internet and you’ll find blogs everywhere. A blog, shortened from “weblog”, is a public Internet journal written by one person or a group of people. It is a website in which a person or a group can place news, personal thoughts, text, photos, video or audio files, or links upon which visitors can comment. A blog lets you post on the Internet without having to know web design or be technical. You are given an environment to make dated entries on the topic of your choice which are “published”, so other people can read them.

Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Blogging has revolutionized Internet publishing in the last several years because it gives everyone with Internet access the opportunity to become an online writer. Objects, such as “text and photos” in a blog can be called “blog posts”, “posts”, or “entries”. The person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”.

Now, somewhere around the world, a blog is created almost every 6 seconds. Because it’s great potential, Bill Gates views it as important as e-mail, BBS, and MSN. He’s trying to make blogs the important tools for future business communications.

1.A blog is .

A. a comment B. an Internet journal

C. a design D. a link

2.A person can do the following things in a blog EXCEPT _______.

A. talk to others B. give comments

C. read articles D. enjoy photos

3.Who is a blogger?

A. A person who posts letters.

B. A person who writes articles.

C. A person who posts text or photos in a blog.

D. A person who is an online publisher.

4.According to the passage, the reason why blogs are so popular is that they ____.

A. give everyone the chance to be an online writer

B. can be created by people without much knowledge of computer technology

C. enable a blogger to place news, personal thoughts, text and photos and give comments

D. all of the above

We all know that early birds get more things done by making the most out of their mornings and setting the day right for successful completion of all goals and tasks. 1. Successful people not only have healthy morning habits, they also know how to finish off their day right. Here are some habits that can help plan a more productive tomorrow:

1. Read a book. Successful people read daily. 2. By reading daily, they can achieve better results in their professional and personal lives. Reading will not only make you more likely to succeed, but if you do it before going to bed, it can really help you to reduce stress and progressively calm you down.

2. Unplug from social media. At the end of each working day, the most important thing is to switch off distractions such as WeChat, emails and messaging to create some time for yourself.

3. Go to bed earlier, take a bath, go to that cooking class you have been putting off for so long, or spend quality time with the person you love.

3. Organize the following day. 4. It is really difficult to remember all the things you need to do, so why not write them all down in a journal or a to-do list? Successful people know the importance of a well-planned day and this allows them to enjoy themselves in the evening. So before you go to bed, grab a planner or a notebook and write down your 3 most important goals for tomorrow. 5.

A.But what about the evening habits?

B.Do something you love every night before you sleep.

C.It is also really useful for improving your creative thinking.

D.They all know the importance of educating themselves every single day.

E.Having a well-written plan can really benefit the tasks you have set for the day.

F.Simply lying down and focusing on your breath and body is a significant stress reliever.

G.Be honest with yourself in setting the right amount of time to achieve each individual goal.

“Paul must have been trying to carry his waste paper to garbage can and dropped a few pieces.” I______picking them up. _______later I found more pieces. No quiet sighing this time. I _____ ,“Who is throwing garbage?” No answer. Instead, I saw more bits of paper silently floating______from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my seven-year-old son, Paul.

“Stop making a mess.” “It’s not a mess. They’re______ .” “Sorry, what did you say?” I hadn’t heard him clearly.

He didn’t answer me. Paul has autism (自闭症) and_______answers a question, especially when he’s _______attentively on something else. He ran down the stairs. “Where are my other butterflies?” he asked,_______around. Every time Paul _______five or more words together, my heart says a _______of thanks. But lately he seems to _______that the benefits of forming complete sentences when communicating are________of the effort.

Butterflies. Of course. I rushed to_______them from the garbage,_______them off and handed them to my young artist. “Want to see them________again?” he asked with a shy smile. “Oh yes! They’re beautiful.” I whispered. He ran back upstairs to float his _____ down again. They really did look like beautiful butterflies.

That day Paul _______me to look up at ______instead of down at garbage. How many other masterpieces (杰作) do I miss because I’m too caught up in my _______to take time to appreciate what’s right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us. It’s ______we look at it. Now, I look up.

1.A. laughed B. sighed C. amazed D. shouted

2.A. Days B. Years C. Moments D. Weeks

3.A. called out B. turned up C. got in D. added to

4.A. up B. down C. away D. off

5.A. planes B. papers C. leaves D. butterflies

6.A. rarely B. frequently C. willingly D. eagerly

7.A. devoted B. depended C. focused D. addicted

8.A. showing B. looking C. playing D. drawing

9.A. spells B. puts C. pushes D. accumulates

10.A. sound B. remark C. report D. prayer

11.A. refuse B. hear C. mind D. realize

12.A. worthy B. aware C. fond D. typical

13.A. hide B. destroy C. rescue D. remove

14.A. tore B. dusted C. cut D. seized

15.A. throw B. flow C. land D. fly

16.A. masterpieces B. schoolwork C. inventions D. imagination

17.A. reminded B. forced C. intended D. permitted

18.A. mistakes B. weaknesses C. beauty D. scenery

19.A. amusement B. housework C. communication D. homework

20.A. when B. whether C. where D. how

Apple Seeds

Circulation (发行量):1 Year, 9 Issues

Cover Price:$44.55

Price for You:$33.95

Product Description:Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you ----- it’s being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.

Better Life

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: $44.55

Price for You:$15.00

Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle. Better life is an America’s complete home and family service magazine. If offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management and education.

Humor Times

Circulation:1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: $36.00

Price for You: $ 11.95

Product Description:Humor Times is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today’s world, you need a reason to laugh. So let’s find it in Humor Times.

News China

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price:$ 47.88

Price for You:$19.99

Product Description: News China is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.

1.What do we know about Apple Seeds?

A. The soft cover enables it to be read and kept long.

B. It can be purchased as an award for your children.

C. You can receive it every month if you purchase it.

D. The magazine is going to surprise you for many years.

2.Better Life can help you in ________.

A. beautifying your house B. ordering food from restaurant

C. learning about sports and travels D. finding interesting stories for your kids

3.What kind of people may buy News China?

A. People who want to enlarge the knowledge of their kids

B. People who have a strong sense of humor and love to laugh

C. People who have an interest in personal lifestyle of the English

D. People who are interest in China’s politics business and culture

4.Which magazine may best help relieve your work stress?

A. Apple Seeds B. Better Life

C. Humor Times D. News China

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