

1Where does the man spend most of his evenings?

A.Stay at home.

B.Go to street.

C.Go to the school theater club.

2Where did the man use to live?

A.In the city.B.In the village.C.In the street.

3What does the woman think of the city?

A.It's noisy.B.It's colorful.C.It's crowded.







W: What do you do in the evening. John?

M: I go to the school theater club every Tuesday evening. The rest of the week I usually stay home. I don’t like the city very much.

W: Why don’t you like the city?

M: Before I moved here, I lived in a village. I knew all the people in my neighborhood.

W: Life is different in the city.

M: I know. But the village was quiet and there was only a little traffic. I hate the noise and the busy roads here.

W: So do I. I live near a busy road. Sometimes the noise keeps me awake at night.

M: I hate crossing the road the most. There are bikes, motorbikes and cars coming from every direction. They really scare me.


【题目】Why Radio Stations Always Start With a "K" or "W"

It seems that whenever you switch on the radio in the morning all you hear is "Time to wake up with K98.3," or "WBLS will be right back after this commercial break".1The majority of radio stations start with the letter "K" or "W".

All radio stations have a four-letter identification code(代码). The hosts of the show typically come up with a more catchy(易记的)station name than just the four letters, but you still hear it sprinkled in with their morning announcements and other advertisements.2In 1912, several countries attended a conference to discuss international radiotelegraphs. One of the things that came out of that meeting was the assignment(分配)or specific letters to identify each country's radio and television signals.3

The letters "N" and "A" were given to military stations, but "K" and "W" were assigned out for commercial use.4And stations west of the Mississippi started with "K".

5Sometimes they represent the networks that own the radio station for example, WABC, KCBS, and WTBS. Sometimes it's the actual station number, like in KTWO or KFOR. And other times it's an acronym(缩写)such as WTTW for "Windows to the World." But the station that takes home the prize for the best four-letter combination is a sports radio station out of St. Louis that chose the name KRAP.

A. The United States was given the letters W, K, N, and A.

B. The three letters after the "K" Or "W" can mean a few different things.

C. If you listen closely you'll notice that they all have something in common.

D. Radio stations east of the Mississippi River had to start their stations with "W".

E. The two letters you consistently hear date back to when people used to send telegrams.

F. There is some inconsistency since radio stations weren't required to change their name.

G. Try decoding these common acronyms that you probably never knew and figure out what they stand for.

【题目】 There was a clever man in a village. He knew a lot of things. Unfortunately he was_______ He did not have a house, and he got his meals with great _______. Even his clothes were very much worn out.

So the man had to_______ for his meals .On seeing his old clothes, many people thought that he was _______. Saying“ Go away.” They _______ the door.

Once he somehow _______new clothes. Wearing those new clothes, he went to the very first house. The host said _______. "Sir, please come in and have some food in my house. _______soup and sweet meals were served.

Having prayed(祈祷)first, the man _______ a piece of meat and began to __________his new clothes, saying, "Eat, eat!”

Seeing that, the host was __________ and was not able to understand. Then he asked, “The clothes do not eat. Why do you __________ food to them”

The old man answered. "Just because of my new __________ . you gave me food today, but yesterday you asked me to go away. I obtained food due to these clothes, so I am __________ to them. This is why I am feeding them. The host was a little __________ .







7A.impatientlyB.sadlyC.anxiousD. politely







14A. grateful B.usedC.friendlyD.devoted


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