
【题目】Expensive and new gloves allow chatterboxes(话匣子)to take the term “handsfree” to a new levelby talking into them as they make a call. The gloves are known as “Talk to the Hand” and cost 1,000 a pair. They fixed a speaker unit into the thumb and a microphone into the little finger that can be connected to any mobile handset using Bluetooth.

Artist Sean Miles designed the new gloves that double as a phone in part of his project that shows the possibilities of gadget(小装置,小机械) recycling. He uses outdated gloves and combines them with parts from mobile handsets recycled through O2, which commissioned(承担)the project. Mobile phone users will be able to keep their hands warm while they chat without taking their phones out of their pockets or handbags.

Mr Miles designed two pairs of the new gloves—one in pink and the other in brown and yellow. They will appear in an exhibition this July and visitors will be able to win the gloves. If demand is high, they will then be produced on a larger scale. O2 Recycle, which backed the project, estimates that there are already 70 million unused mobile handsets in the UK. The service pays up to 260 to those who recycle gadgets including phones, handheld consoles, MP3 players and digital cameras.

Designer Sean Miles hopes his work will get people thinking about recycling. The 41-year-old said, “I hope that my ‘Talk to the Hand’ project will get people to think again about the waste created by not recycling gadgets. If a few more people recycle their gadgets rather than send them to trash, I think this project will have fulfilled its aim.”

Bill Eyres, head of O2 Recycle, urges people to recycle their phone responsibly. He said, “There’s a pressing need for all of us to look at outdated handsets, and all the gadgets that we move on from or upgrade each year. Whether they are consoles or cameras, we should think of them as a resource that we need to recycle responsibly rather than throw them away.”

【1】 The underlined word “O2” in Paragraph 2 is probably the name of ______.

A. an artist B. a company

C. a mobile D. an exhibition

【2】Consumers can buy the “Talk to the Hand” gloves ______.

A. in the exhibition

B. from Mr Miles

C. when they are mass produced

D. after they recycle the gadgets

【3】 The purpose of the project is to _______.

A. promote the technology of IT

B. enable people to talk to their hands

C. raise people’s awareness of recycling

D. attract visitors’ attention in the exhibition

【4】What is the passage mainly about?

A. New mobiles that are fashionable.

B. Outdated handsets that are upgraded.

C. Outdated gadgets that can be used for recycling.

D. New gloves that can be used for making phone calls.








【1】B推理判断题。根据第二段第二句话He uses outdated gloves and combines them with parts from mobile handsets recycled through O2, which commissioned(承担)the project.意思是他使用了过时的手套,把它们和手机的零件组装起来,手机零件是从O2回收过来的,O2承担了这个项目,可以推断出O2是个公司,其他选项均不符合情理。故选B。

【2】C推理判断题。 根据第三段第三句话If demand is high, they will then be produced on a larger scale.可以知道消费者能买到这种手套,当它们大量生产出来的时候。故选C。

【3】C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句话和最后一句话Designer Sean Miles hopes his work will get people thinking about recycling.If a few more people recycle their gadgets rather than send them to trash, I think this project will have fulfilled its aim.可以知道这个项目的目的是提高人们回收利用废弃物的意识。故选C。



【题目】 Indeed,” George Washington wrote in his diary in 1785, “some kind of fly, or bug, had begun to eat the leaves before I left home.” But the father of America was not the father of bug. When Washington wrote that, Englishmen had been referring to insects as bugs for more than a century, and Americans had already created lightning-bug(萤火虫). But the English were soon to stop using the bugs in their language, leaving it to the Americans to call a bug a bug in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The American bug could also be a person, referring to someone who was crazy about a particular activity. Although fan became the usual term, sports fans used to be called racing bugs, baseball bugs, and the like.

Or the bug could be a small machine or object, for example, a bug-shaped car. The bug could also be a burglar alarm, from which comes the expression to bug, that is, “to install an alarm”. Now it means a small piece of equipment that people use for listening secretly to others’ conversation. Since the 1840s, to bug has long meant “to cheat”, and since the 1940s it has been annoying.

We also know the bug as a flaw in a computer program or other design. That meaning dates back to the time of Thomas Edison. In 1878 he explained bugs as “little problems and difficulties” that required months of study and labor to overcome in developing a successful product. In 1889 it was recorded that Edison “had been up the two previous nights discovering ‘a bug’ in his invented record player.”

【1】 We learn from Paragraph 1 that __________________.

A. Americans had difficulty in learning to use the word bug

B. George Washington was the first person to call an insect a bug

C. the word bug was still popularly used in English in the nineteenth century

D. both Englishman and Americans used the word bug in the eighteenth century

【2】What does the word “flaw” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Explanation. B. Finding.

C. Origin. D. Fault.

【3】The passage is mainly concerned with__________________.

A. the misunderstanding of the word bug

B. the development of the word bug

C. the public views of the word bug

D. the special characteristics of the word bug

【题目】单词拼写 请根据首字母及汉语提示填写所缺单词。


【1】Paris, l_____________(坐落)on the River Seine, is regarded as the capital of Europe.

【2】It is important that we keep positive when f____________(面对)difficulties and challenges.

【3】 In the earthquake, many a_____________ (古代) buildings in the country were ruined.

【4】Both sides had o_________(相反) views on the question, so they failed to reach an agreement.

【5】Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western c____________(文明).

【6】Currently, many people in Africa are still living in p____________ (贫穷).

【7】All the r___________ (代表)from different countries voiced their opinions on global warming.

【8】I have offered to do the cooking in e____________ (交换) for a week’s accommodation.

【9】Surprisingly, there are lots of s____________ (相似点) between most twins.

【10】During holidays, all the scenic spots in China are c_________ (拥挤) with people.

【11】The economy in this region experienced fast growth in the p___________ (以前的)5 years.

【12】The Tsunami caused great d___________ (破坏) to the city and lots of people were homeless.

【13】To help the poor children in western parts of the country, we held a c__________(慈善) evening last week to collect money.

【14】The international society is actively taking m_____________(措施) to offer assistance to the people in Nepal.

【15】These products will be t_____________(运输) to Shanghai by ship next Monday.

【16】We had a heated discussion in a relaxed a___________ (气氛) yesterday.

【17】The earthquake victims are in u____________ (紧急的) need of medicine and food.

【18】Immediate action must be taken to deal with the pollution of e_____________ (环境).

【19】H___________(满怀希望), all the kids across the world have the chance to receive education.

【20】Being caught in a sandstorm is really a t____________(可怕的) experience.

【21】As for me, there is much p___________(可能性) of my passing the exams.

【22】This Hollywood movie has successfully enjoyed w______________ (全世界的) popularity.

【23】Sandstorms have been a m__________ (主要的) problem for centuries in China.

【24】Ancient China has given the world lots of i___________(有影响力的) philosophers.

【25】All the governments should work together to make a c__________(贡献) to the improvement of the environment.

【26】The firm has received some letters c___________(投诉) about the quality of their products.

【27】All the countries in the world, big or small, should enjoy the e___________(平等).

【28】At present, many new subway lines are under c_____________(建设) in Shenzhen.

【29】The 5-star hotel can a_____________(容纳) up to 5,000 guests at a time.

【30】Driving on the highway is extremely dangerous when it’s f___________ (有浓雾的).

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