
【题目】单词拼写 请根据首字母及汉语提示填写所缺单词。


【1】Paris, l_____________(坐落)on the River Seine, is regarded as the capital of Europe.

【2】It is important that we keep positive when f____________(面对)difficulties and challenges.

【3】 In the earthquake, many a_____________ (古代) buildings in the country were ruined.

【4】Both sides had o_________(相反) views on the question, so they failed to reach an agreement.

【5】Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western c____________(文明).

【6】Currently, many people in Africa are still living in p____________ (贫穷).

【7】All the r___________ (代表)from different countries voiced their opinions on global warming.

【8】I have offered to do the cooking in e____________ (交换) for a week’s accommodation.

【9】Surprisingly, there are lots of s____________ (相似点) between most twins.

【10】During holidays, all the scenic spots in China are c_________ (拥挤) with people.

【11】The economy in this region experienced fast growth in the p___________ (以前的)5 years.

【12】The Tsunami caused great d___________ (破坏) to the city and lots of people were homeless.

【13】To help the poor children in western parts of the country, we held a c__________(慈善) evening last week to collect money.

【14】The international society is actively taking m_____________(措施) to offer assistance to the people in Nepal.

【15】These products will be t_____________(运输) to Shanghai by ship next Monday.

【16】We had a heated discussion in a relaxed a___________ (气氛) yesterday.

【17】The earthquake victims are in u____________ (紧急的) need of medicine and food.

【18】Immediate action must be taken to deal with the pollution of e_____________ (环境).

【19】H___________(满怀希望), all the kids across the world have the chance to receive education.

【20】Being caught in a sandstorm is really a t____________(可怕的) experience.

【21】As for me, there is much p___________(可能性) of my passing the exams.

【22】This Hollywood movie has successfully enjoyed w______________ (全世界的) popularity.

【23】Sandstorms have been a m__________ (主要的) problem for centuries in China.

【24】Ancient China has given the world lots of i___________(有影响力的) philosophers.

【25】All the governments should work together to make a c__________(贡献) to the improvement of the environment.

【26】The firm has received some letters c___________(投诉) about the quality of their products.

【27】All the countries in the world, big or small, should enjoy the e___________(平等).

【28】At present, many new subway lines are under c_____________(建设) in Shenzhen.

【29】The 5-star hotel can a_____________(容纳) up to 5,000 guests at a time.

【30】Driving on the highway is extremely dangerous when it’s f___________ (有浓雾的).







【6】 poverty



【9】 similarities


【11】 previous










【21】 possibility

【22】 worldwide










【1】located 考查非谓语动词。句意:坐落于塞纳河畔的巴黎被认为是欧洲的中心;

【2】facing 考查非谓语动词。句意:当面对挑战和困难是保持乐观的态度是非常重要的;

【3】ancient 考查形容词。句意:在地震中,许多古代的建筑受到破坏;

【4】opposite 考查形容词。句意:双方就这个观点都持相反的观点,因此他们没有达成一致;

【5】civilization 考查名词。句意:雅典,是希腊的首都,因为是西方文明的发源地而闻名;

【6】 poverty 考查名词。句意:当前,非洲许多人们仍然遭受贫穷;

【7】representatives 考查名词。句意:许多来自不同国家的代表们就全球变暖发表自己的看法;

【8】exchange 考查名词。In exchange for 交换。。

【9】 similarities 考查名词。句意:令人吃惊地是,双胞胎之间有许多的相似之处;

【10】crowded 考查动词短语。Be crowded with 充满。。

【11】 previous 考查形容词。句意:这个地区的经济在最近的五年有了巨大的增长国

【12】damage 考查名词。Cause damage to 破坏;

【13】charity 考查名词。句意:为了帮助西部贫困地区的孩子,我们举办一个慈善晚宴来筹集钱;

【14】measures 考查名词。Take measures to do 采取措施做某事;

【15】transported 考查动词。句意:下周一这些产品 将通过船运输到上海;

【16】atmosphere 考查名词。句意:明天我们在放松的气氛中进行热烈的讨论;

【17】urgent 考查形容词。句意:地震中的受害者迫切的需要药品和食物;

【18】environment 考查名词。句意:立刻采取措施来处理环境污染;

【19】Hopefully 考查副词。句意:满怀希望地,全世界的孩子有机会得到受教育的机会;

【20】terrifying 考查形容词。句意:遭遇暴风雨是非常可怕的经历;

【21】 possibility 考查形容词。句意:对于我来说,很有可能通过考试;

【22】 worldwide 考查形容词。句意:好莱坞的电影受到全世界的欢迎;

【23】major 考查形容词。句意:沙尘暴成为近年来中国主要的问题;

【24】influential 考查形容词。句意:古代的中国出了很多 有影响力的哲学家;

【25】contribution 考查名词。Make a contribution to 对。。做出贡献;

【26】complaining 考查非谓语动词。句意:公司最近收到许多的信来投诉产品的质量问题;

【27】equality 考查名词。句意:全世界所有国家,无论大小,都是平等的;

【28】construction 考查名词。Under construction正在建议;

【29】accommodation 考查动词。句意:这个五星级酒店能同时容纳5000客人。

【30】foggy 考查形容词。句意:在浓雾的情况下在高速公路开车是非常危险的;


【题目】Expensive and new gloves allow chatterboxes(话匣子)to take the term “handsfree” to a new levelby talking into them as they make a call. The gloves are known as “Talk to the Hand” and cost 1,000 a pair. They fixed a speaker unit into the thumb and a microphone into the little finger that can be connected to any mobile handset using Bluetooth.

Artist Sean Miles designed the new gloves that double as a phone in part of his project that shows the possibilities of gadget(小装置,小机械) recycling. He uses outdated gloves and combines them with parts from mobile handsets recycled through O2, which commissioned(承担)the project. Mobile phone users will be able to keep their hands warm while they chat without taking their phones out of their pockets or handbags.

Mr Miles designed two pairs of the new gloves—one in pink and the other in brown and yellow. They will appear in an exhibition this July and visitors will be able to win the gloves. If demand is high, they will then be produced on a larger scale. O2 Recycle, which backed the project, estimates that there are already 70 million unused mobile handsets in the UK. The service pays up to 260 to those who recycle gadgets including phones, handheld consoles, MP3 players and digital cameras.

Designer Sean Miles hopes his work will get people thinking about recycling. The 41-year-old said, “I hope that my ‘Talk to the Hand’ project will get people to think again about the waste created by not recycling gadgets. If a few more people recycle their gadgets rather than send them to trash, I think this project will have fulfilled its aim.”

Bill Eyres, head of O2 Recycle, urges people to recycle their phone responsibly. He said, “There’s a pressing need for all of us to look at outdated handsets, and all the gadgets that we move on from or upgrade each year. Whether they are consoles or cameras, we should think of them as a resource that we need to recycle responsibly rather than throw them away.”

【1】 The underlined word “O2” in Paragraph 2 is probably the name of ______.

A. an artist B. a company

C. a mobile D. an exhibition

【2】Consumers can buy the “Talk to the Hand” gloves ______.

A. in the exhibition

B. from Mr Miles

C. when they are mass produced

D. after they recycle the gadgets

【3】 The purpose of the project is to _______.

A. promote the technology of IT

B. enable people to talk to their hands

C. raise people’s awareness of recycling

D. attract visitors’ attention in the exhibition

【4】What is the passage mainly about?

A. New mobiles that are fashionable.

B. Outdated handsets that are upgraded.

C. Outdated gadgets that can be used for recycling.

D. New gloves that can be used for making phone calls.

【题目】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to Love Your Parents

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents.

【1】 A gentle “good morning and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world. Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them when you’re off on your own. It’s OK to get angry but angry actions don’t help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings, or talk to a friend. 2

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it’s cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.3 Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them. 4 Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

Some people simply may not be able to love their parents.5 Seek help if you are being abused(虐待) in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

A. Forgiveness is the key.

B. Tell them you love them every morning.

C. Parents will in turn express their love to you.

D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.

E. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.

F. Please remember parents are as important as friends.

G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.


Food makes us feel good, but some people eat when they aren’t really hungry and eat to simply feel good. This kind of eating habit is called emotional eating, which does not affect adults but also young children. It isn’t a good thing.

A child’s eating habits can develop right from childhood. As we know, a baby cries out if he doesn’t get milk at the usual time of the day. However, sometimes parents immediately stick a bottle in a child’s mouth without trying to find out if the child is really hungry. In fact, children may cry for other reasons. Even as children grow up and start going to school, parents sometimes give them a chocolate bar if they become really unhappy. As the children further grow up, they may become used to having a snack whenever they’re upset or low.

Therefore, they’d like to eat an emotional snack when they have the feeling of unhappiness and boredom. Even when they don’t get high grades, aren’t popular at school or made fun of by others, they will want something to eat. After having the snack, they feel a lot better.

Emotional eating in young children is a thing that needs to be taken seriously. To protect your children from emotional eating, you should satisfy your child’s emotional needs in the best possible way. This includes spending time with your child every day, taking an interest in his school work, helping your child study, providing a health environment without tension at home, etc. Don’t make the child lose face by scolding him. Develop confidence in your child. Make your child eat enough once in a while. Reward him for his achievements.

All this will help your little one develop a healthy eating habit. And always remember love and care is the key to help you child out of trouble and grow up happily.

Title: 1 in Young Children


Eating for feeling good instead of for 2.


forming the habit when they are 3


feeling getting low grades and feeling 5

being made fun of by others


staying with your child for some time every day

being 6 in your child’s studies and help him study

providing a healthy environment without tension at home

avoiding 8 to make him ashamed

making your child 9 in himself

giving your child enough to eat once in a while

giving your child reward for what he has achieved


Love and care helps children out of trouble.


【1】Many reasons ______ _______ _______ _________ to account for

Napoleon's fame.


【2】________ ________you put the sun there ____________the movements of the

other planets in the sky____________ ____________.


【3】Some children become _______ ________ ________ the foreign snacks that

they will go eating whenever possible.


【4】___________ ____________ ____________ that the industrial cities built in

the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.


【5】The two countries have much____________ ____________.


【6】Little Tom was not __________ __________ _______ the accident. After all,

he is only a child.

那次事故怪不得 Tom,毕竟他还是个孩子。

【7】However, I ________ __________ __________ Wang Ping because of too

many carriages flying by.


【8】____________(exhaust), I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

我感到累极了, 爬上床很快就睡着了。

【9】We should try our utmost to _______ _________ ________ _________the

development of our motherland.


【10】Both Australia and New Zealand _________ __________ wool industry.


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