
Grandma is ninety this Christmas.I remember once visiting her,crying when my big sister told me“There is no Santa Claus!”,because I knew she always told the ____.

“No Santa Claus?” she snorted(哼着说).“Ridiculous! Don’t ____ it.That rumor has been going around for years.Now,put on your coat,and let’s go.”

“Go?Go where,Grandma?” I asked.

“Where” ____ to be Kerby’s General Store.As we walked in,Grandma ____ me twenty dollars.“Take the money,” she said,“and buy something for someone who needs it.I’ll wait for you outdoors.”

I was only eight years old,and had never shopped for anything ____.For a few moments I just stood there,____,wondering what to buy,and ____ on earth to buy it for.

I thought of everybody I knew:my family,friends,classmates...Suddenly I thought of Bobbie,a kid sitting behind me in the classroom.He didn’t have a ____; he never went out during the winter.I held the bill ____.I would buy Bobbie a coat.I saw a red one with a hat to it.It looked really ____.He would like that.

That ____,Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and write,“To Bobbie,From ____”on it.Then she drove me to Bobbie’s house.Grandma ____ down the street,and we hid in the bushes by his front walk.Then Grandma pushed me gently.“All right,Santa Claus,get going!” she ____.

I took a deep breath,____ for his front door,threw the ____ down,rang his doorbell and flew back.Together we waited ____ in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it did,and there stood Bobbie.

Forty years haven’t ____ the thrill of those moments.That night,I realized those awful ____ about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said:they were ____.Santa was alive and well,and we were on his team.

1.A. story B. truth C. joke D. lie

2.A. believe B. ignore C. suspect D. admit

3.A. seemed B. supposed C. proved D. imagined

4.A. borrowed B. delivered C. threw D. handed

5.A. alone B. lonely C. special D. expensive

6.A. bored B. depressed C. frightened D. confused

7.A. when B. how C. who D. what

8.A. money B. coat C. friend D. hat

9.A. excitedly B. nervously C. anxiously D. thoughtfully

10.A. new B. warm C. cheap D. beautiful

11.A. morning B. weekend C. evening D. afternoon

12.A. Grandma B. classmates C. friends D. Santa Claus

13.A. parked B. slowed C. rode D. walked

14.A. shouted B. whispered C. complained D. ordered

15.A. searched B. dashed C. waited D. started

16.A. paper B. bill C. present D. bush

17.A. delightedly B. cheerfully C. willingly D. breathlessly

18.A. weakened B. strengthened C. reminded D. informed

19.A. secrets B. discussions C. rumors D. sayings

20.A. unusual B. incredible C. strange D. ridiculous


Baseball was always where my heart lay. However, my father did not care for baseball. Two recreational activities he enjoyed were golfing and fishing, neither of which I considered a real sport. He didn’t talk much and he wasn’t good at expressing himself. Frankly, I wasn’t entirely certain he cared about me. In a way, my father was like a familiar stranger I saw every day.

One day, watching the play on television made me want a glove of my own. To my surprise, my father said he wanted one, too. He was on the portly side, but then again, one of the famous pitchers (投手) on the Mets was even fatter. So I thought, why not?

We bought two gloves, and that evening, he suggested we go out to the courtyard and toss (掷) the ball around. I’d already practiced catching and throwing at school, but I could tell this was the first time for my father, because every time he caught the ball, it landed directly in his palm. If you’ve ever caught a ball with a baseball glove, you know how much this hurts.

But my father caught ball after ball this way. Slap! Slap! He winced (龇牙咧嘴). After about five minutes, I told him I’d had enough. It wasn’t out of mercy, but for my own self-interest. Neighborhood kids were watching and would no doubt tease me later for having an old man who didn’t know how to properly catch a baseball do that. When my father took the glove off, his palm was red and swollen.

Dad, who passed away 11 years ago, never told me he loved me. But that sound of the baseball landing in the soft flesh of his hand, over and over again—it spoke its own tender language, though at the time, all I felt was shame.

1.What does the underlined word “portly” mean in Paragraph 2?

A. Experienced. B. Cool.

C. Famous. D. Fat.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The father didn’t feel hurt when catching the ball.

B. The father didn’t understand his child at all.

C. The author didn’t realize his father’s love for him back then.

D. The author criticized his father when playing baseball together.

3.What could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Crying Shame for Baseball

B. Saying “I Love You” with Baseball

C. A Loving Father and His Son

D. Living a Happy Life with Baseball

The first Europeans to occupy Canada's Prince Edward Island were the French in the 1500s. At that time, its name was Ile Saint-Jean. When the British took over in 1758, they changed the name to its current one in honor of Prince Edward, the first son of Britain's King George Ⅲ.

Today many communities find their places in Prince Edward Island, but Charlottetown is the only one that can call itself a metropolitan(大都市)area, despite the fact that it is a small one. About 60,000 people live in the city and surrounding area. The city's center area remains relatively unchanged from its 19th century beginnings. Charlottetown's boardwalk runs alongside the water,past docks,boats,shops and restaurants. Historic homes line the streets. During summer months, costumed characters walk around the city and tell of it history.

Cavendish beach welcomes beach lovers. The gulf streams makes the water warm and wonderful for swimming, and the island's 1,760-kilometer coastline means a beach is never far away.

Nine of PEI's 63 lighthouses will welcome visitors in the summer. Besides enjoying stunning views from the tops, visitors can browse in the small museums and learn about the island's history.

The most popular time to visit PE I is July to August, when the average temperature reaches 23℃ during the day. From January to February, the average daytime high is only -3.3°C. Each winter, an average 318.2 centimeters of snow fall on the island, covering it with a white blanket.

Considering the island's many visitors, it's no surprise that tourism is important there. Other key industries on the island are agriculture, fishing and information technology. With so much to offer, the island is naturally a desirable place to live as well.

1.What does this island's current name refer to ?

A. A legendary story about its founder

B. A member of the British royal family.

C. A central province of Canada.

D. A fine victory over the French.

2.According to this article, how do other communities compare with Charlottetown?

A. There are nearly double its size. B. They are slightly larger.

C. They are approximately the same size. D. They are much smaller.

3.Where can people walk in Charlottetown according to Paragraph 2?

A. Across the highway. B. Through a field.

C. Beside a harbor. D. Around a factory.

4.Which of the following conclusions can we draw from the text?

A. This article mainly describes the island’s climate.

B. This article implies that farming is an important industry on the island.

C. All PEI’s lighthouses are open to visitors in summer.

D. All PEI’s museums are too small to attract visitors.

There are an unbelievable number of reasons to go to Greece;just like there are an unbelievable number of things to do once a traveler arrives there.Here is a look at just some of the great historical things to see when vacationing in Athens,Greece.


Agora lies in ruins now,but during its glory days it was a lively and active open marketplace where Greeks came to buy,sell,and exchange their goods and services.Agora has ties to common people of ancient Greece.Guided tours are available and there is also a small museum with many artifacts from this area on display.


One of the most famous landmarks in Athens is the legendary Parthenon.This building is still today admired by architects who are appreciative of the decorative design,as well as the engineering involved in its construction.Those interested in history will be impressed beyond belief with the opportunity to see this historic structure up close and personal.

Temple of Olympian Zeus

One of the most impressive monuments to see up close is the Temple of Olympian Zeus.Many people see this monument from far away,or even from the window of a taxi,and never stop for a firsthand look themselves.This is a huge mistake as the size of it cannot truly be appreciated without visiting it up close.

Odeum of Herodes Atticus

Built into the hillside and providing a nice view of Athens is the Odeum of Herodes Atticus.This theater was constructed in the second century and was an important gathering place for both the upper and lower classes.It holds a little over 5,000 people,is located just below the Acropolis,and is still used for performances to this day.

1.What did the ancient Greeks do in Agora?

A. They did business. B. They toured around.

C. They visited museums. D. They prayed for blessings.

2.Who will show the most interest in Parthenon?

A. Electrical engineers. B. Building designers.

C. Ordinary visitors. D. Religious people.

3.How can visitors fully appreciate the Temple of Olympian Zeus?

A. By approaching it. B. By looking in the distance.

C. By taking a bird’s-eye view. D. By seeing through a taxi window.

4.In what way is Odeum of Herodes Atticus different from the others?

A. It has great historical value. B. It has ties to common people.

C. It is famous for its architecture. D. It still serves its original purpose.

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