How to help children improve the ability to study

Children often have trouble studying because they haven't developed good study habits. Teaching your child study skills early will give those skills to become habits.1..

Create a Positive Learning Space. To increase concentration, set up a workspace for your child.2.. His or her desk should have as few distractions as possible and be well equipped with school supplies, like pencils, erasers, rulers, calculators, loose leaf paper and even a computer if your child is at a grade level where a computer is helpful or necessary. The environment should also be cheery and fun so that he or she has a good mental association with it.

Maintain a Reliable Schedule. Make sure your child studies at the same time every evening. This habit keeps children from wasting time ,and helps them focus. 3.. Most children have trouble focusing for more than an hour. Encourage your child to take a brief break can help him or concentrate more deeply when it’s time to do so.

4..Encourage your child to turn off his or her cell phone, video games and computer unless the computer is needed for the task at hand. These devices often distract children and can lead to wasting time. You should also be reasonably quiet and calm while your child is studying. Avoid noisy activities like talking loudly on the phone, vacuuming or watching television while your child is studying.

Give Positive Reinforcement(强化).Positive reinforcement is not simply a matter of rewarding good study habits or high test scores, but also of acknowledging a child’s progress no matter how small. 5..It will help to improve his or her study skills in effective ways.

A. Studies show kids and teens are more willing to study when praised.

B. A loving, caring and optimistic reaction will often be just the thing that your child needs.

C. The following tips can help your child study better.

D. Keep your child away from electronic devices.

E. If possible, only use the space to complete homework.

F. Avoid Distractions.

G. Also, let your child take a brief break every hour or so.

Grandma is ninety this Christmas.I remember once visiting her,crying when my big sister told me“There is no Santa Claus!”,because I knew she always told the ____.

“No Santa Claus?” she snorted(哼着说).“Ridiculous! Don’t ____ it.That rumor has been going around for years.Now,put on your coat,and let’s go.”

“Go?Go where,Grandma?” I asked.

“Where” ____ to be Kerby’s General Store.As we walked in,Grandma ____ me twenty dollars.“Take the money,” she said,“and buy something for someone who needs it.I’ll wait for you outdoors.”

I was only eight years old,and had never shopped for anything ____.For a few moments I just stood there,____,wondering what to buy,and ____ on earth to buy it for.

I thought of everybody I knew:my family,friends,classmates...Suddenly I thought of Bobbie,a kid sitting behind me in the classroom.He didn’t have a ____; he never went out during the winter.I held the bill ____.I would buy Bobbie a coat.I saw a red one with a hat to it.It looked really ____.He would like that.

That ____,Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and write,“To Bobbie,From ____”on it.Then she drove me to Bobbie’s house.Grandma ____ down the street,and we hid in the bushes by his front walk.Then Grandma pushed me gently.“All right,Santa Claus,get going!” she ____.

I took a deep breath,____ for his front door,threw the ____ down,rang his doorbell and flew back.Together we waited ____ in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it did,and there stood Bobbie.

Forty years haven’t ____ the thrill of those moments.That night,I realized those awful ____ about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said:they were ____.Santa was alive and well,and we were on his team.

1.A. story B. truth C. joke D. lie

2.A. believe B. ignore C. suspect D. admit

3.A. seemed B. supposed C. proved D. imagined

4.A. borrowed B. delivered C. threw D. handed

5.A. alone B. lonely C. special D. expensive

6.A. bored B. depressed C. frightened D. confused

7.A. when B. how C. who D. what

8.A. money B. coat C. friend D. hat

9.A. excitedly B. nervously C. anxiously D. thoughtfully

10.A. new B. warm C. cheap D. beautiful

11.A. morning B. weekend C. evening D. afternoon

12.A. Grandma B. classmates C. friends D. Santa Claus

13.A. parked B. slowed C. rode D. walked

14.A. shouted B. whispered C. complained D. ordered

15.A. searched B. dashed C. waited D. started

16.A. paper B. bill C. present D. bush

17.A. delightedly B. cheerfully C. willingly D. breathlessly

18.A. weakened B. strengthened C. reminded D. informed

19.A. secrets B. discussions C. rumors D. sayings

20.A. unusual B. incredible C. strange D. ridiculous

A man worked in a post office.His job was to handle(处理) all ______ that had unclear addresses.One day he came across a letter which was ______ to God.He opened it and it ______,“Dear God,I am an 83?year?old woman and I live on a very small pension(养老金).Yesterday someone stole my ______.There was a hundred dollars in it,which was all the money I had ______ until my next pension comes.Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day,and I have invited my last two friends for ______.Without that money,I have ______ to buy food with.I have no family to ______,and you are my only ______.Can you please help me?” The man was ______,and went around showing the letter to all the other workers.Each of them ______ their wallets and donated a few dollars.By the time he ______ his showing,he had collected 96 dollars.______then he sent it to the old woman.Thanksgiving Day came and went.The workers _______forgot about it.Then one day,there came another letter from the old lady to God.All the ______ gathered around when the letter was ______.It read,“Dear God,how can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me?Because of your kindness,I was able to ______ a lovely dinner for my friends.We had a very ______ day,and I told my friends about your ______ gift.Thank you very much!” Seeing this,all the workers felt ______ with the nice thing they had done.They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

1.A. stamps B. money C. mail D. postcards

2.A. spoken B. written C. recorded D. pointed

3.A. noticed B. talked C. read D. told

4.A. clothes B. purse C. house D. food

5.A. borrowed B. wished C. paid D. left

6.A. dinner B. fun C. business D. picnic

7.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

8.A. live in B. live on C. turn to D. turn back

9.A. family B. hope C. friend D. partner

10.A. excited B. amazed C. surprised D. moved

11.A. gained B. earned C. searched D. explored

12.A. finished B. planned C. started D. toured

13.A. Or B. As C. And D. But

14.A. gradually B. usually C. especially D. easily

15.A. friends B. workers C. officers D. guests

16.A. sent B. replied C. accepted D. opened

17.A. bring B. choose C. prepare D. enjoy

18.A. nice B. strange C. common D. formal

19.A. traditional B. wonderful C. expensive D. extra

20.A. annoyed B. confident C. pleased D. hopeful

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