I'm very sorry to have missed the first two lesson this morning£®I got up early as usually in the morning£¬but when I was ready to leave I find my bicycle's front tyre flat£®I wanted to take bus or taxi to school£¬and I didn't have any money with me£®I had to look for a place along the street to get my bicycle repairing£®Unluckily£¬there were not any bicycle repair shops was open in the early morning£®So I had to walk to school£¬carrying my bicycle all the way£®That's what I was late for school£®Please don't worry with my lessons£¬Mr£®Li£®I will make up for it and turn to teachers for help if necessary£®
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½â´ð I'm very sorry to have missed the first two lesson this morning£®I got up early as usually in the morning£¬but when I was ready to leave I find my bicycle's front tyre flat£®I wanted to take bus or taxi to school£¬and I didn't have any money with me£®I had to look for a place along the street to get my bicycle repairing£®Unluckily£¬there were not any bicycle repair shops was open in the early morning£®So I had to walk to school£¬carrying my bicycle all the way£®That's what I was late for school£®Please don't worry with my lessons£¬Mr£®Li£®I will make up for it and turn to teachers for help if necessary£®
2£®usually¸ÄΪusual£»¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣬as usualÊǹ̶¨¶ÌÓÒâΪ"ÏñÍù³£Ò»Ñù£¬ÕÕÀý"£®
6£®repairing¸ÄΪrepaired£»¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣬get sth doneÊǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ"ʹijʱ»×ö¡¢Çë±ðÈË×öijÊÂ"£®
9£®with¸ÄΪabout£»¿¼²é½é´Ê£¬worry aboutÊǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ"µ£ÐÄ¡"£®
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Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers£®You may find the information you need£®
Global English Center *General English in all four skills£ºlistening£¬speaking£¬reading£¬and writing£® *3-month£¨700yuan£©£¬6-month£¨1£¬200yuan£©and one-year£¨2£¬000yuan£©courses£® *Choice of morning or evening classes£¬3hours perday£¬Mon-Fri£® *Experienced college English teachers£® *Close to city center and bus stops£® Tel£º67705272¡¡¡¡Add£º105Ahongshan Road£¬100082 |
Modem Language School *Special courses in English for business£¬travel£¬banking£®hotel management and office skills£® *Small classes£¨12-16students£©on Sat£®& Sun£®from 2£º00-5£º00p£®m£® *Native English teachers from Canada and USA£® *Language lab and computers supplied£® *3-month course£º1£¬050yuan£»6-month course£º1£¬850yuan£® Write or phone£»Modem Language School£¬675Park Road£®100056 Tel£º67353019 |
The 21st Century English Training Centre *We specialize in effective teaching at all levels£® *We offer morning or afternoon classes£¬both three months and a half at a cost of 800yuan£® *We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation class during winter and summer holidays£® *Entrance exams£ºJune 1and Dec£® *Only 15-minute walk from city center£® Call 67801642for more information£® |
The International House of English *Three/Six-month English courses for students of all levels at very low cost£º60yuan for 12hours per week£»convenient class hours£º9£º00-12£º00a£®m£®and 2£º00-5£º00p£®m£® *A four-month evening programme for developing speaking skills £¨same cost as day classes£©£® *Free sightseeing and social activities£® *Very close to the Central Park£®For further information call 67432308£® |
A£®Global English Center and Modem Language School£®
B£®The 21st Century and the International House£®
C£®Modern Language School and the 21st Century£®
D£®Global English Center and the International House£®
22£®The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in thatA£®
A£®it requires an entrance examination¡¡
B£®it is nearest to the city center
C£®its courses are more advanced¡¡¡¡
D£®its teaching quality is better
23£®You will probably prefer to go to the International House because itB£®
A£®offers free sightseeing and social activities
B£®has a special course in spoken English
C£®costs less than the other schools
D£®has native English teachers£®
Here is an unfortunate truth£ºFor far too many incoming freshmen£¬college-any college-is not worth it£®Year after year£¬students fail to get the full value of their tuition£®
Many critics blame this cost/value problem on the universities£¬though each critic might point to a different reason£ºteachers always think of difficult research£¬the high costs of athletics£¬or the popularity of majors that are supposedly not suited to the new job market£¬to name some of their favorites£®
But these are symptoms and not the illness itself£®In our experience£¬the source of the wasted university experience begins with the student£®Too often£¬students make bad choices or£¬frankly£¬just not enough great choices£®
Too often we meet students who are so exhausted by the business of getting into college that they don't work hard once they arrive-one of the most common wastes of time and tuition£®A poorly constructed transcript £¨³É¼¨µ¥£© can be destructive to a student's education£®Failure to engage and build professional working relationships with professors in office hours £¨which may lead to continued study£¬internships and more£© also hurts the student's experience£®
Another mistake is failing to make use of the many support networks on today's college campuses£®It's almost embarrassing how many good offerings are rolled into each tuition dollar£¬but most students don't know they exist£®
Another common point of failure is filling the schedule with too many extracurricular activities as students once did in high school£¬rather than getting intensely involved in one or two at most£®The same can be said of overburdened course loads£®
The final great failure we frequently see is the approach students £¨and their parents£© take to selecting a major and accurately seeing its impact on a future career£®University systems are not vocational schools£®While critics nowadays complain about the attraction of useless majors-and some do exist-more frequently we see too many students pursue a course of study that is not their strength£¬simply because it seems to have obvious connections to a potential job after graduation£®
Rather than perform poorly in a"practical"major and be of little interest as a future job candidate£¬we say it is better to major in a subject where a student would do well and master the tools of communication and analysis£®Students who choose a unique major should complement £¨Ê¹¸ü¾ßÓÐÎüÒýÁ¦£© that with some well-chosen skill courses£¬internships and other co-curricular activities that help with career opportunities after college£®
So£¬is college worth it£¿It can be£®Studies show that college graduates have many advantages-material£¬social and emotional-that can lead to greater success later in life£®
To get the full value out of college£¬students must be as diligent and creative about getting out of college as they were about getting in£®After all£¬the most beautiful£¬Olympic saltwater pool does you no good if you don't know how to swim£®
Introduction | Students in college are £¨71£©unable/unlikely to get the full value of the constantly rising tuition£®Critics hold that the universities are responsible for the problem£¬but actually it is students themselves that are to £¨72£©blame£® |
Students' Mistakes | ¡ñStudents tend to stop working hard after £¨73£©admission/going to college£® |
¡ñStudents fail to take advantage of £¨74£©resources/support that colleges provide£® | |
¡ñStudents spread themselves too thin by £¨75£©participating/joiningin too many extracurricular activities£® | |
¡ñStudents can't adopt a correct £¨76£©method/way to select a major and accurately see its future potential£® | |
Author's Advice | ¡ñTake personal interest and £¨77£©strength£¨s£©/advantage£¨s£©/merit£¨s£©into account£® |
¡ñLearn the skills of communication and analysis£® | |
¡ñChoose some skill courses£¬internships and other co-curricular activities to £¨78£©increase/boost future career chances£® | |
¡ñMost importantly£¬£¨79£©diligent and creativity count£® | |
£¨80£©Conclusion | Students£¬and only students themselves£¬can get the best out of college£¬as long as they learn the skills to swim in the beautiful pool of college£® |