
17.The thief was caughton the spot(在现场).

分析 那个贼当场被抓住.

解答 on the spot,考查固定搭配,表示"在现场"使用短语on the spot.

点评 对于翻译填空这种题,要分析句子意思,再从结构上和意义上对答案进行确定.

8.BEING an astronaut sounds cool,doesn't it?In space,they get to do some pretty amazing things,like floating in zero gravity(重力).
However,there are also plenty of things that astronauts can't do because of their weightless environment,and that's very sad.What's worse,they can't even let their sadness show-because it's impossible to cry in zero gravity.
Of course,astronauts can still produce tears.But crying is much more difficult in space,reported The Atlantic in January.Without gravity,tears don't flow downward out of the eyes like they do here on Earth.This means that when you cry in space,your tears have nowhere to go-they just stick to your eyes.
In May 2011,astronaut Andrew Feustel experienced this during one of his spacewalks."Tears,"he said,"don't fall off of your eye…They just kind of stay there."
Besides making your vision unclear,this can also cause physical pain.Back on Earth,tears are supposed to bring comfort to the eyes.But that's not the case in space.The space environment dries out astronauts'eyes,and when tears suddenly wet the eyes,it can cause pain rather than comfort."My right eye is painful like crazy."Feustel told his teammate during the walk.
Since gravity doesn't work in space,astronauts need some extra help to get rid of the tears.Feustel chose to rub his eyes against his helmet to wipe the tears away.Another choice is to just wait-"When the tears get big enough they simply break free of the eye and float around,"astronaut Ron Parise told The Atlantic.
There are lots of small things-things like crying-that we are so used to on Earth.We usually take them for granted,until they become a problem in a totally different environment,like space.There,astronauts can't talk to each other directly.They also can't eat or drink in normal ways.They can't even burp (打嗝),because there is no gravity to hold the food down in their stomach.If they do burp,they just end up throwing up (呕吐) everything in their stomach,according to the UK National Space Center.
Thus,perhaps it's only space explorers who can honestly say:"Gravity,you're the best."
24.What can we conclude from paragraphs 2 and 3?D
A.Astronauts are unable to feel sad in space.
B.Astronauts produce fewer tears in space.
C.Tears produced in space flow down more slowly.
D.Tears produced in space don't flow downward.
25.What effect do tears have on astronauts?A
A.They cause physical pain.
B.They bring comfort to them.
C.They make their vision clearer.
D.They float around and cause trouble.
26.What can the astronaut do to get rid of the tears?D
A.Rub his eyes against his helmet to let the tears float forward.
B.Rub his eyes by hand to let the tears float around.
C.Get the tears big enough to fall off of his eyes.
D.Get the tears big enough to break away from his eyes.
27.What's the second-to-last paragraph mainly about?B
A.Suggestions on how astronauts can stay comfortable in space.
B.Other basic things that are difficult to do in space.
C.Why burping is impossible in space.
D.Things that humans can't do without gravity.
12.You've probably heard of working dogs that help police officers,or horses that help farmers.Did you know that carrier pigeons(信鸽)can be trained to help people too?Here are some examples.
Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people.The note is placed into a small can.The can is tied to the pigeon's leg.Then the pigeon flies off with the note.
From high up in the sky,specially trained pigeons can find orange life jackets in the ocean.Sometimes it is difficult for humans to find people lost at sea,especially when the weather is bad.However,pigeons can fly quickly over a large area of water to look for people.
Many years ago,carrier pigeons were used to help our ountry during wars (战争)."Spy pigeons"had small cameras that were tied to their feet.As a pigeon flew over enemy (敌人)land,the camera took photos of the land below.This would allow our soldiers to see where the enemies were and what they were doing.
So next time you see a pigeon,stop and watch it closely.What might look like an ordinary bird to most people,might actually be helpful.
5.What kind of people can the carrier pigeons find?A
A.The people in orange life jackets at sea.
B.The people in red jackets in the boats.
C.The people swimming in the ocean.
D.The people lost in the mountains.
6.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.A pigeon could predict what the weather would be like.
B.A pigeon was tied with a small camera around its leg.
C.A pigeon could help us to know the number of the enemy.
D.A pigeon carried the camera to take photos of the enemy land.
7.What kind of jobs are mentioned for a carrier pigeon?A
A.A mailman,a lifeguard and a spy.
B.A trainer,a spy and a police officer.
C.A soldier,a police officer and a mailman.
D.A farmer,a weather reporter and a lifeguard.
8.What is the purpose of writing this article?C
A.To make readers like pigeons more.
B.To teach readers about the lives of wild pigeons.
C.To tell readers about real jobs held by carrier pigeons.
D.To share science fictions about pigeons helpin people.
9.Each new school year brings fresh reminders of what educators call the summer learning gap.Some call it the summer learning setback.Simply speaking,it means the longer kids are out of school,the more they forget.The only thing they might gain is weight.
Most American schools follow a traditional nine-month calendar with winter and spring breaks and about ten weeks of summer vacation.Some schools follow a year-round calendar.They hold classes for about eight weeks at a time,with a few weeks off in between.The National Association for Year-Round Education says there were fewer than 3,000such schools at last count.They were spread among forty-six of the fifty states.
But many experts point out that the number of class days in a year-round school is generally the same as in a traditional school.Lead researcher Paul von Hippel said,"Year-round schools don't really solve the problem of the summer learning setback.They simply spread it out across the year."
Across the country,research shows that students from poor families fall farthe behind over the summer than other students.Experts say this can be prevented.They note that many schools and local governments offer programs that can help.
But calling them"summer school"could be a problem.The director of the summer learning center at Johns Hopkins,Ron Fairchild,said research with groups of different parents in Chicago and Baltimore found that almost all strongly disliked the term"summer school".In American culture,the idea of summer vacation is connected to beliefs about freedom and the joys of childhood.The parents welcomed other terms like"summer camp,""extra time"and"hands-on learning."
28.According to the first paragraph,the summer learning gapD
A.helps children to gain weight         
B.leads children to work harder
C.improves children's memories        
D.affects children's regular studies
29.Which of the following statements is true?A
A.Students from poor families often fall behind after the vacation.
B.Year-round schools can solve the problem of the learning gap.
C.There are schools in each state following a year-round calendar.
D.Nothing can help the students who fall behind after the vacation.
30.Why did almost all parents dislike the term"summer school"?A
A.They attach importance to the children's rights of reedom very much.
B.They are worried about the quality of the"summer school".
C.They want their children to be forced to make up the gap.
D.They can't afford the further study during the vacation.
31.What would be the best title of this passage?D
A.Opening Summer Camp               
B.Forbidding Summer Schools
C.Spreading Year-Round Education        
D.Minding the Summer Learning.
6.Black-tailed godwits (黑尾塍鹬),a migrating bird that can be found in Europe,Asia,north Africa and north Australia,fly south every winter.Then,they return home to spend the summer months with their life long partner.Now,scientists have found,pairs of godwits often return to their summer breeding grounds within three days of each other,even though they spend the entire winter apart.
Researchers in England,put colored leg bands on the birds.Then,they asked birdwatchers around Europe to report by email when and where they saw the birds during the winter.The simplest way for birds to return at the same time would be to spend the winter together.After all,if they're in different places,they can't call each other on the phone and talk about when they'll meet again.But,the survey found that couples usually spent their winters in different countries up to 1,000kilometers apart.One male,for example,spent the winter on the coast of Ireland while his mate was in France.
These findings are important for protecting the birds,scientists say.Black-tailed godwits live for up to 25years.They spend their summers in Iceland,where they mate,but they spread all over other parts of Europe in winter.Once a pair mates,there's a 90per cent chance that they'll return to mate with each other again the next year.So,protection of their wide web of holiday destinations is very important.
29.Black-tailed godwits are birds thatC.
A.live in five continents                
B.feed on fish
C.make a long journey in winter          
D.all gather in England in winter
30.The passage tells us thatC.
A.pairs of godwits have fixed the date of migration in advance
B.British researchers spend plenty of time watching godwits
C.British researchers learn the local position of godwits by email
D.scientists have found out how godwits arrange their date of return
31.Why are the findings about godwits important?D
A.To help people observe them.
B.To help godwits find their mates.
C.To help them to find their destination
D.To help people protect their habitats.
32.The best title for the passage isD.
A.The brief introduction of godwits'life
B.The migration of godwits interests scientists
C.Godwits are well protected
D.Godwits come back home for love.

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