


According to the True Colors system people who choose gold as their primary color like to fit in or belong. They tend to be reliable people who enjoy serving others. Things like tradition, home are very important to them. They need order and structure. They don’t like waste or change.


People who choose orange as their primary color need a lot of variety and freedom. They take pride in being highly skilled. They enjoy “hand-on” work and often are good in a crisis. They are risk taker, seeking challenges.


People who choose yellow as their primary color are curious about everything. They are confident and knowledgeable. They love sports very much and they work high efficiently.


People who choose green as their primary color are competent and want to control the realities of life. They are analytical and enjoy solving problems and developing systems. They love intelligence and logic. They are often critical of themselves and others.


People who choose blue as their primary color enjoy close relationships. Harmony and integrity are very important. These people are often very creative or they enjoy the creative work of others.


People who choose red as their primary color are always full of vigor and they tend to be confident all the time. It seems like they are ready to do anything and they will be successful. And they have a strong desire for power.


【1】Creating a warm and personal working atmosphere; establishing a peaceful working environment and trying to avoid conflict; allowing them the freedom to express their feeling; praising their creative approach to the job; praising them with their good jobs.

【2】Assigning work which needs detailed planning; defining the tasks in clear terms; providing a stable work environment and avoiding sudden change; giving standard rules and regulations and setting a good examples; praising them with their good jobs.

【3】Assigning work which needs analytical thinking and problem solving; encouraging them to think independently and taking their ideas to the next step; praising them with their good jobs.

【4】Assigning work which is action-packed; providing opportunities to be skillful and adventurous; allowing them the freedom to the job in their own ways; praising them with their good jobs.

【5】Assigning work which needs full energy; providing opportunities for job competition; if he does well, let him know he is very likely to get promotion; praise them with their good jobs.









【1】E根据所给信息praising their creative approach to the job和BLUE描述信息These people are often very creative or they enjoy the creative work of others.相吻合故选E

【2】A这段的providing a stable work environment and avoiding sudden change; giving standard rules and regulations and setting a good examples; praising them with their good jobs和A项的They need order and structure.They dont like waste or change是符合的选A。

【3】D 项的They are analytical and enjoy solving problems and developing systems.和这段的句子Assigning work which needs analytical thinking and problem solving; 是符合的。选D69.【4】B 项的a lot of variety and freedom.They take pride in being highly skilled和这段的providing opportunities to be skillful and adventurous; allowing them the freedom to the job in their own ways;相符合,选B。

【5】F这段的providing opportunities for job competition; if he does well, let him know he is very likely to get promotion; praise them with their good jobs.和F项的they tend to be confident all the time.It seems like they are ready to do anything and they will be successful.And they have a strong desire for power.是一致的。选F



Have you been asked for money by some beggars who have disabilities while you’re

enjoying shopping? Do you have any pity for that kind of people or just feel afraid? For whatever reasons the number of disabled beggars bumming(行乞) along the street has increased rapidly.

Why are there so many disabled people begging in the street? The reasons are so various that we don’t need to understand. But we know that they do not lead an easy life. So we should help them in some ways.

The treatment for disabled people should go like this: First,accept them. Don’t be afraid of looking at the terrible shape of disabled. Try to treat

them equally. Because they are a part of the society.we can’t abandon them. The second is to help them as much as we could. If you can be a volunteer and do some work for the disabled people that would be very nice. That does good not only to disabled people but also to yourself,because you will feel good after your kind action.

So give an air of warmth to disabled people,and the world would be much better.


1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120词就 “How to care for the disabled” 这一话题发表你的看法,内容包括:

(1) 对待残疾人的正确态度;

(2) 你认为应该如何帮助残疾人;

(3) 残疾人也应该享有平等的权利。


1. 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中句子;

2. 文中不能出现考生真实姓名和学校名称。







If you are reading this article in class, you are probably trying to read it quickly. You have been taught to skim a scan, to look for key words so as to understand the main idea of the article and the important points in the article .Skimming and scanning is a good strategy when you are pressed for time, such as when you are taking an exam, but today, many people skim and scan everything and they have lost the ability to enjoy reading.

In response to this, something called the" slow reading movement" has become popular. The idea is that people should shut off their computers and mobile phones for half an hour or forty-five minutes each day and enjoy the pleasure reading a good book slowly! In many cities there are even slow reading clubs where members go to a cafe, not discuss books, but to sit quietly with each other, drink coffee and just read.

Researchers have found that reading slowly, especially books of fiction, helps people concentrate, relax and think about what they are reading. It also helps people empathize. This last point is important. When you read a novel slowly ,you get to understand the characters' emotions and to see the world through their eyes.

Reading, of course, isn't easy. You have to sit still, for one thing. And it can seem boring when compared to the excitement of playing video games. But, for me, reading has been an enduring pleasure in my life. From the age of ten, when I got my first library card, I've enjoyed the company of pirates and heroes, of evil criminals and clever detectives, of thousands of interesting people I would have never met in real life. Reading provided me with escape, but it also enabled me to understand the world around me. It was an education in a classroom that had no walls.

In your classroom, you have learned to read " fast". Outside of the classroom, you should try to learn to read " slowly . You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

【1】When you are having an exam, it's acknowledged that ___________.

A. reading slowly is the best way

B. reading word for word is a good method

C. reading fast is a good strategy

D. reading casually is a wonderful choice

【2】Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of " slow reading movement" ?

A. Enjoying the pleasure of reading a good book slowly.

B. Helping people refresh and relax.

C. Understanding the characters' emotions more accurately.

D. Getting the main idea of the article quickly.

【3】It can be inferred from the passage that the writer is a person who___________.

A. doesn't like reading fast

B. can't tell the difference between reading fast and reading slowly

C. likes to seek comfort from reading slowly

D. benefits a lot from reading

【4】Why does the writer call reading “an education in a classroom that had no walls ”?

A. Because there is no need to build walls for the books.

B. Because reading enables people to better understand the world them.

C. Because a library card is what you need to enjoy reading in the library.

D. Because there are thousands of interesting people in the books who can help you escape.

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