
11.as a result结果、因此.

分析 as a result结果、因此

解答 答案是"结果、因此";考查词义识记;as a result结果、因此;如:As a result,daily output has doubled.结果日产量翻了一番.

点评 对于单词短语的识记,要从词义着手,理解词性和常见用法或搭配,并能在语境中灵活运用.

2.Law School Essays that Made a Difference
Price:US   13.95
Paperback 256 pages
The Princeton Review
Face it,and a lot of students have great LSAT scores.The best way for you to stand out in a crowd of applicants to top law schools is to write an exceptional(特别的,出众的) personal statement.This book puts you in the admissions office's seat.It gives you the intimate details一test scores,GPAs (grade point average),demographic inform ation,and personal statements一of 34 law school hopefuls,then shows you why they got into the colleges they applied to,and why some didn't.It's invaluable information that will help students evaluate (评估)their own chances of admission to the most selective law schools in the United States.
Business School Essays that Made a Difference
Price:US   13.95
Paperback 304 pages
The Princeton Review
What makes business school applications so brutal (无情)?For most applicants,it's the number,length,and complexity(复杂性) of the essays they have to writ e when applying for a course.Most top schools require multiple essays and this book is your best bet for succeeding with them.It contains:1.Forty-four real-life essays critiqued (评论) by admissions officers from schools like Tuck,Chicago,and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.2.Eight case studies of business school applicants saying what worked for them and what did not.3.Translations of essay questions telling you what they are really asking.
College Essays that Made a Difference
Price:US   13.95
Paperback 384 pages
The Princeton Review
This book helps students get into the college they want by showing them what essays helped actual students achieve their dreams.The book tells you what colleges want to see using interviews with actual admissions officers.The book has sections on the basics of essay writing-grammar and punctuation (标点符号>一as well as the sections looking at what topics you should write about and how you should communicate your personality in your work.It finishes by looking at the work of a great many successful applicants to America's top colleges,and some unsuccessful students to tell you what to avoid.
13.With the three books,the Princeton Review aims atB.
A.offering students guides in making a difference in their jobs after university graduation
B.of fering guides on the writing of application essays for American universities
C.showing students how to pass LSA T in the US
D.showing college graduates what helped actual students achieve their dreams
14.LSAT is most probablyA.
A.an admission test given by a law school    
B.a test for admitted law students
C.information on business and college             
D.information on GPA
15.What's the purpose of writing the three texts?A
A.To sell the books.
B.To make the books easier to read.
C.To show the importance of the schools.
D.To introduce new authors.
16.A Frenchman was once traveling in England.He could not speak English at all.One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table.When the waiter came up,he opened his mouth,put his finger in his mouth and took it out.He wanted to showed,"Bring me something to eat."
The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea.The man shook his head and put his finger in and out of his mouth again.The waiter understood him and took the tea away.In a moment he came back with a cup of coffee.But the man refused it.He shook his head again and again whenever the waiter brought him something to drink,for drinks were not food.
When the Frenchman was going away,he saw another foreigner came in.This new comer saw the waiter,and put his hand on his stomach(肚子,腹部).That was enough.In a few minutes there was a large plate meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.
24.The Frenchman signed (做手势) to the waiterD.
A.to show he was thirsty
B.to tell him bring a cup of tea
C.to refuse the coffee
D.to ask him for some food
25.The waiter took the tea away becauseB.
A.the Frenchman was angry at the him
B.he was sure that the Frenchman wanted coffee
C.he understood what the Frenchman wanted
D.the Frenchman told him to bring some thing to eat
26.Another man came in.By putting his hands on his stomach,he meantB.
A.he was quite full
B.he was hungry
C.he had a stomachache
D.he wanted something to drink
27.We can infer(推断出) from the story thatC.
A.the Frenchman went away with an empty stomach
B.the waiter could not understand what the man said
C.the Frenchman was at last able to get what he wanted
D.the other man helped bring the Frenchman the food.
20.Channel Islands
The two main islands,Jersey and Guernsey,are remarkable in that( 因 为 ) they present a combination of enjoyment peace and quiet.Neither island is very big (only ten miles long) and
so all parts of these coasts are easily reached from the main centers-St.Helier and St.Peter
Port.In both these towns and particularly in Jersey's St.Helier are concentrated ( 集 中 ) the amusements  of  really  big  resorts  ( 休 养 地 ).The  nearness  of  France  gives  a  continental
atmosphere; the weather is far better than that in England.The other three islands,Jethou,Herm and Sark are small and quiet.
Isles of Scilly
The islands are really small and quiet; and the weather is warm but windy.The islands are excellent for those who enjoy exploring (探险) small inlets (水湾),creeks (小溪) and bays on
foot,or even better in a boat.
Isle of Wight
The island is 24miles across and therefore quite large.The scenery is good and varied.The resorts are neither overlarge nor showy.The crowds seem content with entertaining but quieter holidays.The island has the best sunshine record in Britain.
Isle of Man
An island with unique atmosphere-in some indefinable (难以描述的) way it is different from England,Scotland or Wales.Thirty miles long,with good roads and good public transport,the mountains,hills and glens (幽谷) are easily reached.Douglas is a major British resort and
other resorts are lively.

25.Which is the largest of the islands mentioned?B
A.Herm.B.The Isle of Man.
C.The Isle of Wight.D.Jersey.
26.If you want to be fairly sure you would have a lot of sun on holiday,which island would you choose?C
A.The Channel Islands.
B.The Isle of Man.
C.The Isle of Wight.
D.The Scilly Isle.
27.If you are having a holiday on Jersey,where would you go for amusement?C
C.St.Helier.D.St.Peter Port.
28.In which way are the Channel Islands different from all the other island holiday places.D
A.The coasts are easily reached from the main centers.
B.There are more islands there.
C.There is something French about them.D.The weather is better.

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