
19.Icompared(比较)  the copy with the original,but there wasn't much difference.

分析 我比较了复印件和原件,但是差别不是很大.

解答 答案是compared.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语的适当形式.compare vt.比较;由but后的wasn't判断空格中需要过去时,故答案是compared.

点评 翻译填空要根据所提供的汉语意思结合语境和句子结构选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意句子结构和所选词的形式变化.

9.Fear can be a wonderful feeling in our lives,protecting us from dangerous situations and keeping us safe.But fear can also limit our lives significantly.While it may not be conscious,fear may make us think we are unacceptable or that what we have to offer isn't valuable.Fear may make us feel that we are not safe being ourselves.
To avoid feeling fear,we may limit our lives greatly,living in tiny boxes.Living this way gives us the illusion(假象) of safety but leaves us with an unfulfilling life of no passion.If we shine a light on many of our fears,we see they have a very limited view of what is"safe"and how to"protect"us.Many of our fears are concerned only with protecting us from humiliation(羞辱) and failure.While these fears are doing their jobs incredibly well,they are doing so with faulty and outdated programming.Many fears we have as adults are trying to protect us as they protected us when we were children.Indeed,many of our current,automatic reactions to fear were actually formed when we were children.
Even so,it's important not to judge ourselves for feeling these types of fears.If we judge ourselves,we will bury our fears or disguise them.By denying our fears,however,we also deny our energy,creativity and passion.
So what do we do with fear?We recognize the fear for what it is---a feeling we've experienced many times in the past and a feeling we will experience many times in the future.We become very familiar with our own particular brand of fears and how we allow them to control our lives.It is especially beneficial for each of us to become aware of the particular behavior patterns we've adopted when we feel fear,so we can look at our reactions with a sense of humor and compassion.Then,if we wish,we can choose a different response,which can be a scary yet very exciting experience.
5.According to the first paragraph,fear sometimesD.
A.protect us when we've made mistakes
B.makes sure our feelings are not hurt
C.brings great change to our everyday life
D.makes us lose confidence in ourselves
6.According to the author,the ways we react to fearB.
A.vary from person to person
B.have been formed since childhood
C.develop during our growth
D.will not change until we get old
7.The last paragraph mainly tells usC
A.what is the essence of fears
B.usual reactions we have when feeling fear
C.how to deal with fears reasonably
D.the importance of humor and compassion
8.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Is fear managing your life?
B.Be calm when feeling fear
C.What do you fear most?
D.Passion,chance and fear.
7.Why does most of the world travel on the right side today?Theories differ,but there's no doubt Napoleon was a major influence.The French have used the right since at least the late 18th century.Some say that before the French Revolution,noblemen drove their carriages on the left,forcing the peasants to the right.Regardless of the origin,Napoleon brought right-hand traffic to the nations he conquered,including Russia,Switzerland and Germany.Hitler,in turn,ordered right-hand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1930s.Nations that escaped right-hand control,like Great Britain,followed their left-hand tradition.
The U.S.has not always been a nation of right-hand drivers; earlier in its history,carriage and horse traffic travelled on the left,as it did in England.But by the late 1700s,people driving large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses began promoting a shift (改变) to the right.A driver would sit on the rear (后面的) left horse in order to wave his whip (鞭子) with his right hand; to see opposite traffic clearly,they travelled on the right.
One of the final moves to firmly standardize traffic directions in the U.S.occurred in the 20th century,when Henry Ford decided to mass-produce his cars with controls on the left ( the reason was stated in a 1908 catalog:the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge,especially if there is a lady to be considered).Once these rules were set,many countries eventually adjusted to the right-hand standard,including Canada in the 1920s,Sweden in 1967 and Burma in 1970.The U.K.and former colonies such as Australia and India are among the Western world's few remaining holdouts(坚持不变者).Several Asian nations,including Japan,use the left as well-though many places use both right-hand-drive and left-hand-drive cars.
9.Why did people in Switzerland travel on the right?C
A.They had used the right-hand traffic since the 18th century.
B.Rich people enjoyed driving their carriages on the right.
C.Napoleon introduced the right-hand traffic to this country.
D.Hitler ordered them to go against their left-hand tradition.
10.Of all the countries below,the one that travels on the right isA.
11.Henry Ford produced cars with controls on the leftB.
A.in order to change traffic directions in the U.S.
B.so that passengers could get off conveniently
C.because rules at that time weren't perfect
D.though many countries were strongly against that
12.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?C
A.Before the French Revolution,all the French people used the right.
B.People in Britain and the U.S.travel on the same side nowadays.
C.The Burmese began to travel on the right in 1970.
D.All the Asian nations use the left at present.
8.Hello,Listeners.Welcome to Henton Hospital Radio.Before our music programme at four,I'm going to repeat  some of our hospital rules.
The hospital can sleep 800 patients.There're 8 beds in each ward (病房).The visiting hours are in the afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 and in the evening from 7:00 to 8:00.But remember only two people can see you at the same time.Sorry about that,but you can see what would happen if we didn't have these rules.
The other rules are about our hours.We start quite early---you might not be used to that.We wake you at 6 o'clock,and breakfast is at 8 o'clock,lunch is at noon.
There's tea at 3:30 and supper is at 6 o'clock.
You can see the non-smoking sign---we don't allow smoking in the wards.I'm sure you understand why.However,if you do need to smoke,there are some smoking rooms where It is allowed.
You will find the radio switch (开关) on the wall near your bed,with your own headphones,if you want to listen.It's our own hospital radio wishing you a quick recovery (康复).
25.Who do you think the listeners might be?A  
26.How many wards are there in this hospital?C 
27.Which is Not allowed in the hospital?B
A.Listening to the hospital radio.
B.Visiting patients in the morning.
C.Smoking in smoking-rooms.
D.Getting up early in the morning.
28.What programme will follow this radio talk?D
A.Hospital rules.
B.A weather report.
C.A free talk.
D.A music programme.

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