
2.Law School Essays that Made a Difference
Price:US   13.95
Paperback 256 pages
The Princeton Review
Face it,and a lot of students have great LSAT scores.The best way for you to stand out in a crowd of applicants to top law schools is to write an exceptional(特别的,出众的) personal statement.This book puts you in the admissions office's seat.It gives you the intimate details一test scores,GPAs (grade point average),demographic inform ation,and personal statements一of 34 law school hopefuls,then shows you why they got into the colleges they applied to,and why some didn't.It's invaluable information that will help students evaluate (评估)their own chances of admission to the most selective law schools in the United States.
Business School Essays that Made a Difference
Price:US   13.95
Paperback 304 pages
The Princeton Review
What makes business school applications so brutal (无情)?For most applicants,it's the number,length,and complexity(复杂性) of the essays they have to writ e when applying for a course.Most top schools require multiple essays and this book is your best bet for succeeding with them.It contains:1.Forty-four real-life essays critiqued (评论) by admissions officers from schools like Tuck,Chicago,and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.2.Eight case studies of business school applicants saying what worked for them and what did not.3.Translations of essay questions telling you what they are really asking.
College Essays that Made a Difference
Price:US   13.95
Paperback 384 pages
The Princeton Review
This book helps students get into the college they want by showing them what essays helped actual students achieve their dreams.The book tells you what colleges want to see using interviews with actual admissions officers.The book has sections on the basics of essay writing-grammar and punctuation (标点符号>一as well as the sections looking at what topics you should write about and how you should communicate your personality in your work.It finishes by looking at the work of a great many successful applicants to America's top colleges,and some unsuccessful students to tell you what to avoid.
13.With the three books,the Princeton Review aims atB.
A.offering students guides in making a difference in their jobs after university graduation
B.of fering guides on the writing of application essays for American universities
C.showing students how to pass LSA T in the US
D.showing college graduates what helped actual students achieve their dreams
14.LSAT is most probablyA.
A.an admission test given by a law school    
B.a test for admitted law students
C.information on business and college             
D.information on GPA
15.What's the purpose of writing the three texts?A
A.To sell the books.
B.To make the books easier to read.
C.To show the importance of the schools.
D.To introduce new authors.

分析 本文是一则关于介绍新书的广告,具体介绍了三本书的内容要点.

解答 BAA
13.B 考查细节理解.根据"Forty-four real-life essays critiqued (评论) by admissions officers from schools like Tuck,Chicago,and Massachusetts Institute of Technology"可知,Princeton Review 这本书是关于美国大学申请论文写作的指南.故选B.
14.A 考查细节理解.根据"a lot of students have great LSAT scores.The best way for you to stand out in a crowd of applicants to top law schools is to write an exceptional(特别的,出众的) personal statement"可知,LSAT是指一所法学院的入学考试.故选A.
15.A 考查作者意图.本文简述了三本书的内容,所以可推断出本文是为了卖书而写的.故选A.

点评 阅读理解考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

12.Have you played it?It's a game for a person or for a carload.
Someone begins,"I'm grateful to God for…"And he or she shares something.Then the next person gives gratitude for something.This goes on for 5 minutes or more until you reach your destination.There's no loser.Everyone feels happy after expressing gratitude.And sometimes you discover amazing things.
My 5yearold granddaughter and I played the gratitude game when she visited us.I found out she was grateful to her friend Josh…and"the other Josh".She was grateful to go swimming at the pool.She was grateful to have a daddy who played with her and to a nice mommy.
She would begin the gratitude games as soon as we settled into the car to drive somewhere.Playing it with her,I tried to be honest and not just say something fast.I really stopped to think.What was I grateful for at the moment?That our country was not at war.That we had plenty to eat.Playing the game made me more aware of the good things in my life.
A friend of mine was having a tough time seeing that there wasn't any good in his life.I[来源:学科网]suggested to my friend that he take a few minutes before going to bed and write down all the good things he could think of that happened during the day.
Later he told me what happened.He couldn't think of anything good.But he persisted until he was able to write a few things down.The next morning he decided to look for signs of good during the day.He sat down on his front steps.A robin(知更鸟) landed on the grass.In his words,it began"doing a little dance",preening(整理羽毛) and cleaning itself.He watched the entire show.It was delightful.He realized that if he hadn't been really looking for good,he would never have noticed the robin and would have missed what to him was a remarkable display.
That evening he filled several pages with recordings of good that had happened during the day and things he was grateful for.Gratitude had made a huge difference!
28.The purpose of the gratitude game is to.B
A.let people share their gratitude to God
B.make people realize the good things around them
C.discover amazing things in life
D.practice people's skill of expressing themselves
29.What was the problem with the writer's friend?B
A.He had lost his purpose of life.
B.He saw nothing worth his appreciation.
C.He had trouble remembering what had happened during the day.
D.He found it hard to play the game.
30.In which way has the game helped the writer's friend?B
A.It made him interested in birds
B.It opened his eyes to nothing good in life.
C.It taught him the necessity of giving gratitude.
D.It inspired him to play the gratitude game every day.
31.The story of the writer's friend tells us thatC.
A.life is meaningless to a person who doesn't know how to give gratitude
B.one can always find relief in nature when he is in depression
C.it's not difficult to find good things in life if one starts looking for them
D.gratitude plays an important role in changing a person's character.
13.A.recently        B.affects        C.pattern        D.varies      E.movesF.warm          G.regularly       H.special       I.effect       J.evidence
Big climate changes in the last million years might have come from something very small:dust from outer space.Earth changes between ice ages and warm periods in a (n)(36)C that includes several cycles,including a(37)H one that lasts 100,000years.Scientists(38)A suggested this cycle might be due to changes in the inflow of cosmic dust.
The idea is that Earth(39)E above and below the imaginary orbit that runs through the sun and Jupiter,completing a cycle every 100,000years.So maybe it(40)G meets amounts of dust during each cycle that produce the climate trend.
Now there is some(41)J,from ancient cosmic dust near the Azores islands west of Portugal.The large quantity of the dust rises and falls with a wonderful 100,000year cycle during the period 253,000years to 458,000years ago.Periods of more dust are related to(42)F climates.
But that is a long way from showing that the dust(43)B climate.Some scientists argue that it is not clear how cosmic dust would make the climate warmer while dust from volcanoes is known to make it cooler.They say the cosmic dust is so thin that it is hard to see how it could have any climate(44)I.
17.Ever since I was a kid I had a 6second rule.That means that if I had something I needed to do but didn't want to,I'd count till 6 and do it anyway.My personal rule was to just never ever break that rule,that at 6,I HAD to get it going.Most of the time I'd use it to get out of bed or get out of the bath.Sometimes I'd also use it to restrict my time playing"ok in 6seconds I'll stop playing with my dolls."
As I grew older,I'd use it as a motivation to get it going with my homework,get off messenger,etc.It really worked well,the same rule applied;whatever happens,don't cheat the"rule of 6."Most of the time,I wouldn't even have to count till 6 because I knew it would just mean I d have to do it,so I'd just do it anyway.As an adult,I've pretty much conditioned myself to do things by the rule of 6.I've pretty much mastered most usual things in my life but the rule of 6never fails me when I start something new.Exercising,running,getting cooking,starting reading,it just works for me.
At the time,when I was 6,6 was my favorite number.So just go ahead and pick a number from 1-10 (although Id suggest 3-10)and try it.The important thing is not just to let yourself down.Like any other trick,it only works if you allow it to.

29.As a kid,the author,C.
A.played with his dolls all the time
 B.hated to get out of bed very early
C.formed a good habit by the rule of 6
D.always needed to do something unwillingly
30.The main idea of the second paragraph isC.
A.The rule was not useful as he grew older 
B.Cheating the rule means that he can't do anything well
C.The rule works well for him all the time  
D.The rule never fails him when he starts something new
31.Which one in the following sentence is WRONG?B
A.The author would use the rule to get out of bed.
B.As the author grew older,he gave up the rule.
C.6was the author's favourite number.
D.The 6second rule is useful and helpful to the author.
32.What can be a suitable title for the text?A
A.A 6Second Rule                        
 B.The Most Useful Habit
C.My Favorite Number                   
D.A Meaningful Story.
7.Why does most of the world travel on the right side today?Theories differ,but there's no doubt Napoleon was a major influence.The French have used the right since at least the late 18th century.Some say that before the French Revolution,noblemen drove their carriages on the left,forcing the peasants to the right.Regardless of the origin,Napoleon brought right-hand traffic to the nations he conquered,including Russia,Switzerland and Germany.Hitler,in turn,ordered right-hand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1930s.Nations that escaped right-hand control,like Great Britain,followed their left-hand tradition.
The U.S.has not always been a nation of right-hand drivers; earlier in its history,carriage and horse traffic travelled on the left,as it did in England.But by the late 1700s,people driving large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses began promoting a shift (改变) to the right.A driver would sit on the rear (后面的) left horse in order to wave his whip (鞭子) with his right hand; to see opposite traffic clearly,they travelled on the right.
One of the final moves to firmly standardize traffic directions in the U.S.occurred in the 20th century,when Henry Ford decided to mass-produce his cars with controls on the left ( the reason was stated in a 1908 catalog:the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge,especially if there is a lady to be considered).Once these rules were set,many countries eventually adjusted to the right-hand standard,including Canada in the 1920s,Sweden in 1967 and Burma in 1970.The U.K.and former colonies such as Australia and India are among the Western world's few remaining holdouts(坚持不变者).Several Asian nations,including Japan,use the left as well-though many places use both right-hand-drive and left-hand-drive cars.
9.Why did people in Switzerland travel on the right?C
A.They had used the right-hand traffic since the 18th century.
B.Rich people enjoyed driving their carriages on the right.
C.Napoleon introduced the right-hand traffic to this country.
D.Hitler ordered them to go against their left-hand tradition.
10.Of all the countries below,the one that travels on the right isA.
11.Henry Ford produced cars with controls on the leftB.
A.in order to change traffic directions in the U.S.
B.so that passengers could get off conveniently
C.because rules at that time weren't perfect
D.though many countries were strongly against that
12.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?C
A.Before the French Revolution,all the French people used the right.
B.People in Britain and the U.S.travel on the same side nowadays.
C.The Burmese began to travel on the right in 1970.
D.All the Asian nations use the left at present.

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