
【题目】Last night's TV news said that by then the death of the missing people __________ yet.

A. had not been proved B. had not proved

C. have not been proved D. have not proved




【题目】Many people rely on a cup of coffee or two to wake them up in the morning or refresh them during the working day, but now a chemist has come up with a speedy alternative to drinking coffee.

U.S. biochemist Ben Yu has created ‘Sprayable Energy’, which claims to be the world's first caffeine - based topical energy spray.

He said tired workers can spray a 'shot' of caffeine onto their skin without experiencing a strong noise, taking in unnecessary calories or being stuck with a nasty aftertaste like they might get from drinking energy drinks or coffee.

The tasteless caffeine spray is absorbed through the skin and spread through the body over a number of hours to deliver a caffeine hit that lasts longer than drinking a cup of coffee. The only active ingredient in the spray is caffeine, which is very similar to nicotine in structure. Each spray Sprayable Energy contains around a quarter of the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee, but apparently has the same effect as a full cup.

The website said: “The reason for this is our product isn't entirely metabolized(新陈代谢) by the liver before entering your system and becoming available to your body.” Sprayable Energy's website recommends that users apply the spray in places where they normally spritz perfume, such as wrists, the neck or behind the ears, but warns users not to exceed 20 times a day.

It claims that after spraying the product on the skin, users will feel awake and focus withut being over-excited, which is common with coffee and energy drinks.

【1】Compared with an energy drink or a coffee, what is good about “Sprayable Energy”?

A. It makes no noise.

B. It contains lower calories.

C. It has a good taste.

D. It contains many active ingredients.

【2】Which of the body may not be suitable to apply “Sprayable Energy”?

A. The neck. B. Behind the ears. C. Wrists. D. Mouth.

【3】What can we infer from the text?

A. “Sprayable Energy” contains caffeine as well as nicotine.

B. The liver can metabolize in caffeine before it enters your system.

C. Whenever you feel tired, you can spray the product.

D. After spraying “Sprayable Energy”, you’ll get rid of tiredness.

【题目】This fourth of July I moved into a new house with my wife, Nicole. Nicole and I met through a series of coincidences that would be unlikely without some unbelievable force causing them to happen.

The day Nicole and I met, we talked about the Yankees. In the restaurant where we sat, the first game between the Yanks and Tampa Bay was being shown on television. Nicole was happy I was a baseball fan, and she told me that was an important reason when she considered dating (约会) me. My dad wouldnt like me dating anyone who isnt, she said.

Nicoles dad, Ira, used to be a coach for the Yankees. Many years ago, a colleague (同事) of his was leaving and packing up his office. The only thing left unpacked was a photo on the wall. It was a picture of Sparky Lyle, a famous baseball player. Sparky had signed the photo on the bottom.

“You’re not taking that?” Ira asked. “You want it?” his colleague offered. “Sure!” Ira said. He jumped at the chance to have a signed photo from a great player who had helped the team win two World Series.

Ira told me the story after the movers had gone. He then said to me, “Adam, when I first learned who was dating my daughter, that photo came into my mind,” he said. “But by now, I know for sure you’re meant to have it.” He then presented me with a box. I tore it open. Inside was the signed photo of Sparky Lyle which I had lost years ago.

To Adam, Best Wishes, Sparky Lyle. It was picked up by Nicoles dad years before Id even met her. The perfect gift a sign only making me believe what I already knew ... I was meant for Nicole and her family all along.

【1】What does the underlined word “coincidences” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. New things.

B. Important things.

C. Things that happened long ago.

D. Things that happened by chance.

【2】A big reason why Nicole agreed to be Adam’s girlfriend was that _____.

A. he was able

B. he was a baseball fan

C. he got a new house

D. they had much in common

【3】Ira got the photo of Sparky Lyle from _____.

A. Sparky Lyle B. Nicole

C. his colleague D. Adam

【4】We can infer from the text that _____.

A. Adam did not like the gift

B. Nicole found the lost picture

C. Adam and Nicole will love each other forever

D. the picture of Sparky Lyle was first owned by Adam

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