
【题目】This fourth of July I moved into a new house with my wife, Nicole. Nicole and I met through a series of coincidences that would be unlikely without some unbelievable force causing them to happen.

The day Nicole and I met, we talked about the Yankees. In the restaurant where we sat, the first game between the Yanks and Tampa Bay was being shown on television. Nicole was happy I was a baseball fan, and she told me that was an important reason when she considered dating (约会) me. My dad wouldnt like me dating anyone who isnt, she said.

Nicoles dad, Ira, used to be a coach for the Yankees. Many years ago, a colleague (同事) of his was leaving and packing up his office. The only thing left unpacked was a photo on the wall. It was a picture of Sparky Lyle, a famous baseball player. Sparky had signed the photo on the bottom.

“You’re not taking that?” Ira asked. “You want it?” his colleague offered. “Sure!” Ira said. He jumped at the chance to have a signed photo from a great player who had helped the team win two World Series.

Ira told me the story after the movers had gone. He then said to me, “Adam, when I first learned who was dating my daughter, that photo came into my mind,” he said. “But by now, I know for sure you’re meant to have it.” He then presented me with a box. I tore it open. Inside was the signed photo of Sparky Lyle which I had lost years ago.

To Adam, Best Wishes, Sparky Lyle. It was picked up by Nicoles dad years before Id even met her. The perfect gift a sign only making me believe what I already knew ... I was meant for Nicole and her family all along.

【1】What does the underlined word “coincidences” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. New things.

B. Important things.

C. Things that happened long ago.

D. Things that happened by chance.

【2】A big reason why Nicole agreed to be Adam’s girlfriend was that _____.

A. he was able

B. he was a baseball fan

C. he got a new house

D. they had much in common

【3】Ira got the photo of Sparky Lyle from _____.

A. Sparky Lyle B. Nicole

C. his colleague D. Adam

【4】We can infer from the text that _____.

A. Adam did not like the gift

B. Nicole found the lost picture

C. Adam and Nicole will love each other forever

D. the picture of Sparky Lyle was first owned by Adam







试题分析:本文是一篇记述文,讲述了Adam和他的妻子Nicole相识是因为Nicole知道Adam是一个棒球迷,Nicole的父亲Ira曾经是Yankees棒球队的教练,Ira因同事留下的著名棒球运动员Sparky Lyle的签名照片而使Ira带领队伍获得两次冠军,恰巧这个签名照是Adam曾经遗失的。

【1】D词义推测题。由第一段“that would be unlikely without some unbelievable force causing them to


【2】B细节理解题。由第二段Nicole was happy I was a baseball fan, and she told me that was an important reason when she considered dating me. Nicole同意成为Adam的女朋友的重要原因是Adam是个棒球迷,故选B。

【3】C推理判断题。由第四段“You want it?” his colleague offered.可以判断Ira从他的同事得到了这张照片,故选C。

【4】D推理判断题。由最后一段To Adam, Best Wishes, Sparky Lyle.可以判断这个由Sparky Lyle签名的照片最先是属于Adam的,故选D。


【题目】【原创】As Mr.T steadily pawed his way into our hearts, Colin and I identified for the first time in our lives, as .My husband was a reasonable and generous father, and l was a sensitive, fussy mom .Colin tried to the world through Mr. T's eyes, adding a solid wooden door to Mr. T's home when he how much he liked his privacy .Meanwhile ,I cared about Mr. T's ,fearing that every nap or failed attempt to mount the coffee table some terrible illness.

I felt our world conforming to Mr. T's needs - and I it. Colin and I____ going out to dinner as often and instead spent evenings in our living room, smiling proudly as Mr. T dragged apples and socks into his house with great seriousness. Some nights, we on the sofa until 2,3,4 in the morning, waiting for Mr.T ,who was active at night, to and walk downstairs. We stopped traveling together so one of us could always be home to keep him .

A few years earlier, we had struggled to find even a(n) hour in the day – but Mr.T taught us how to make in our lives for the future we wanted, to be more empathetic, more patient. He taught us to love . We'd found Mr. T in one of life's intervals, between dating and marriage, coupledom and .If it had been a lost dog or a deserted cat on our way home that night, there would be no____ to tell. We would have brought the animal to a shelter. that nobody would do that for a rat made us bring Mr.T into our home, and doing so made all the .

Some of our friends and family just didn't Mr.T.They never understood how we could love a .We never understood how, if you had the 0f meeting him, it was possible not to.

【1】A. servants B. guides C. tutors D. parents

2】A. see B. change C. clarify D. believe

3】A. puzzled B. explained C. realized D. guaranteed

4】A. mood B. health C. diet D. progress

5】A. signaled B. shifted C. struck D.designed

6】A. hated B. regretted C. loved D. understood

7】A. stopped B. continued C. risked D. delayed

8】A. held out B. stayed up C. set off D.came over

9】A. greet B. perform C. rise D. exercise

【10】A. expectation B. justice C. display D. company

【11】A. tight B. urgent C. particular D. spare

【12】A. room B. motivation C. inspiration D. beauty

【13】A. sincerely B. toughly C. unconditionally D. consciously

【14】A. neighborhood B. parenthood C. childhood D. adulthood

【15】A. difference B. truth C. story D. detail

【16】A. Knowing B. Denying C. Hiding D. Contenting

【17】A. contribution B. difference C. contradiction D. reception

【18】A. get B.recall C. serve D. motivate

【19】A.cat B. dog C. bear D.rat

20】A. courage B. expectation C. pleasure D. temptation

【题目】In the United States, many low income (低收入) parents cannot afford to buy enough food for their children. A program called Kids Café is helping some of these children by providing free nutritious (有营养的) snacks and meals during after-school programs.

At a community (社区) center in Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C., children make a snack as part of their afterschool program. The snack is very healthy for your body, but the main thing is that it tastes really, really good, Keith Clements tells them. He runs the Kids Café program.

The children are between the ages of 5 and 11 and are from several local schools. About half have parents from Ethiopia. Many of the children eat their traditional food at home. Kids Café, with food offered free by a food bank, gives them an opportunity to try different types of food.

Its good, says one girl. But Rebecca Nance, whose parents are from the US, is not so sure. The taste is weird. Her mother, Daffany Nance has two children in the program. Shes glad her kids are getting nutritious food. Even in my house we dont have much junk food,” she says, “so it’s very important that it’s healthy and continues to help them grow better.”

The charity (慈善机构), Feeding America, started the national Kids Café program in 1993. The charity says more than 16 million children in the United States do not have enough healthy food to eat.

Kids Café became part of the afterschool program at this community center five years ago. Lori McFail heads the afterschool program. She says some children do not eat good evening meals because their parents work late or cannot afford healthy food. She hopes the children will make full use of what they’ve learned about nutrition in their lives.

【1】What is the purpose of starting Kids Café?

A. To provide poor children with nutritious food.

B. To raise money for some poor children.

C. To develop the afterschool program.

D. To help poor children learn new skills.

【2】The underlined word “weird” is the closest in meaning to _____.

A. delicious B. unusual

C. terrible D. strong

【3】What can we learn about Daffany Nance?

A. She is from Ethiopia and has two children.

B. She cared little about her children’s diet before.

C. She believes the program is good for her children.

D. She hopes more types of food can be offered for free.

【4】 Who leads the afterschool program?

A. Lori McFail.

B. Keith Clements.

C. Feeding America.

D. A community center in Virginia.

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