
20.A Swedish man was dug out alive after being snowed in his car on a forest track for two months with no food,police and local media reported on Saturday.
The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday,February17,too weak to say more than a few words.
He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a ruined car until they dug their way to a window and saw movement inside.
The man,who was lying in the back seat in a sleeping bag,said he had been in the car since December 19.
"Just incredible that he's alive considering that he had no food,but also since it's been really cold for some time after Christmas,"a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens-Kuriren,which broke the news.Ebbe Nyberg,duty officer at the Umea police,said police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.
"We would not make up something like this.The rescue services were on site too and saw the same as us."he told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.Umea University Hospital,where the man is recovering after being rescued by police and a rescue team,said in a statement he was doing well considering the circumstances.
Doctors at the hospital said humans would normally be able to survive for about four weeks without food.Besides eating snow,the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like(休眠似的) state,physician Stefan Branth told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.
"A bit like a bear that hibernates.Humans can do that."he said."He probably had a body temperature of around 31 degrees which the body adjusted to.Due to the low temperature,not much energy was used up."
"Why the man ended up under the snow in the forest remains unknown,"police said.
24.Who found the Swedish man in the snow?A
A.Snowmobilers.B.The police.C.A rescue team.D.Local people.
25."Police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time."Implies thatB.
A.police didn't think it true               
B.police were sure of the fact
C.police had some doubt on the fact      
D.police had reasons to doubt the fact
26.The reason why the man could survive was most probably thatC.
A.he was only forty-five years old       
B.he slept in the sleeping bag
C.he was in a dormant-like state
D.he did not use any energy
27.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?D
A.A Traffic Accident                 
B.A Successful Rescue
C.A Long Sleep in Winter             
D.An Incredible Survival

分析 本文讲述的是一位让人难以相信的幸存者,被埋在雪中的汽车里,竟然在没有食物的情况下生存了2个月.

解答 24--ABCD
24.A 细节理解题.根据第三段第一行He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers可知,故选A.
25.B 推理判断题.Police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time可知,指警察没有理由怀疑这件事情,也就是说警察对于这个事实很确信,和有把握.故选B.
26.C 细节理解题.根据倒数第2段the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like(休眠似的)state可知,故选C.
27.D 主旨大意题.文章讲述的是一位让人难以相信的幸存者,竟然在没有食物的情况下生存了2个月.故选D.

点评 人物故事类阅读理解文章是高考英语常考材料之一.这类文章一般可分为人物传记和短篇故事两类.这两类阅读材料一般较长,即词数多,而且命题也较多,特别是推理判断题和事实细节题多.在做此类阅读理解题时往往是材料看得懂,题目不好做的感觉.因此,在阅读材料时要重点放在事情发展的过程和结果上,注意把握事件的发展进程及人物之间的关系,细节与主题的关系,用以说明人物性格特点的事实、作者的态度等,这些内容往往是推理判断题的命题点.至于事实细节题的解答,切忌想当然或者凭印象,一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.

A.The benefit of Smart Grid technology to daily life
B.Background for the emerging of Smart Grid technology
C.The side-effects Smart Grid technology causes
D.People's attitudes towards Smart Grid technology
E.The supporting system of Smart Grid technology
F.The challenges Smart Grid technology meet with
There are increasing fears of global warming.Consequently,many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy.This shift will lead to major changes in the supply and use of electricity.To meet these challenges,countries are investing in Smart Grid (智能电网) technology.This system aims to provide the electricity industry with a better understanding of power generation and demand to create a more efficient power network.
Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the electricity network.The computer system can be used to collect information about supply and demand and improve engineer's ability to manage the system.With better information about electricity demand,the network will be able to increase the amount of electricity delivered per unit generated,leading to potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions (排放).
Smart Grid technology is profitable to consumers too.They will be able to collect real-time information on their energy use for each appliance.Varying tariffs (收费标准) throughout the day will give customers the motivation to use appliances at times when supply greatly exceeds (超过) demand,leading to great reductions in bills.
With these changes comes a range of things to be overcome.The first involves managing the supply and demand.Sources of renewable energy,such as wind,wave and solar,are unpredictable,and nuclear power,which is also set to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources,is inflexible.A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located in remote areas,such as windy uplands and coastal regions.
Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy,experimental plans to promote and test it are already underway.Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity use.Cities are investing money into smart energy,due to the high population density and high energy use.It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first,making use of a range of sustainable (可持续的) power sources,transport solutions.
11.Here's a new warning from health experts:Sitting is deadly.Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods-even if you also exercise regularly-could be(36)Afor your health.And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place-at the office,at school,in the car or before a computer or TV-just the overall number of hours it(37)B
Research is preliminary,but several studies(38)Cpeople who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat,have a heart attack or even die.
In an editorial(39)Dthis week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine,Elin Ekblom-Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences suggested that authorities rethink how they define(40)Bactivity to highlight the dangers of sitting.
While health officials have issued guidelines(41)Cminimum amounts of physical activity,they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated(42)D
"After four hours of sitting,the body starts to send(43)Asignals,"Ekblom-Bak said.She explained that genes regulating the amount of glucoseand fat in the(44)Cstart to shut down.
Even for people who(45)D,spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful.Tim Armstrong,a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization,said people who exercise every day(46)Cstill spend a lot of time sitting-might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day.(47)Ain a single bout.
That wasn't(48)Dnews for Aytekin Can,31,who works at a London financial company,and spends most of his days sitting(49)Ca computer.Several evenings a week,Can also teaches jiu jitsu,a Japanese martial art(50)Bwrestling,and also does Thai boxing.
"I'm sure there are some detrimental(51)Aof staying still for too long,but I hope that being(52)Bwhen I can helps,"he said."I wouldn't want to think the sitting could be(53)Ddangerous."
Still,in a study published last year that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years,researchers found people who sat(54)Chad a higher death risk,independently of whether or not they exercised.
Figures from a US survey in 2003-2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting,from working at their desks to sitting in cars.
Experts said more research is needed to(55)Djust how much sitting is dangerous,and wha t might be possible to offset those effects.

47.A.rather thanB.other thanC.more thanD.less than
49.A.behindB.backC.in front ofD.forward
55.A.leave outB.bring outC.hold outD.figure out
8.Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also cause damage to physical and mental well-being,according to a Canadian study.
For years studies have shown people in lower-status jobs generally have higher rates of heart disease and other illnesses and die earlier than those in higher-status positions while job authority has shown no relationship with workers'health.
But University of Toronto researchers,using data from 1,800US workers,found the health of people in higher positions is affected by work as they are more likely to report conflicts with co-workers and say work disturbs their home life.
However,the positive aspects of having a power position at work,such as higher status,more pay and greater independence,seemed to cancel out the negative aspects when it came to people's physical and psychological health.
These latest findings,reported in the journal Social Science & Medicine,suggest that the advantages and disadvantages authority positions basically cancel each other out,giving the general impression that job authority has no health effects.
For the study,the researchers surveyed participants about various aspects of their work,life and well-being.Job authority was judged based on whether a person managed other employees and had power over hiring,firing and pay.
Physical health complaints included problems like headaches,body aches,heartburn and tiredness.Psychological complaints included sleep problems,difficulty concentrating and feelings of sadness,worry and anxiety.
"This isn't to suggest that having authority is‘bad'-in fact,we show it has benefits…but it is important to identify the negative sides and deal with them."researcher Scott Schieman said.
Schieman said conflicts with co-workers or involvement of work into home life may destroy at physical and mental well-being by creating stress.
"These are key stressors that can tax individuals'ability to function effectively,"Schieman said.

56.Work will have a negative effect on job authority's health probably becauseD.
A.they are not fit for their work
B.they have power over hiring and pay
C.they are faced with severe competition
D.they don't get on well with their co-workers
57.Most people don't see that bosses have health effects becauseD.
A.their health problems are not serious enough to see
B.they have enough money to keep themselves healthy
C.their problems are quite different from those of workers
D.the advantages and disadvantages of their status work against each other
58.From the passage we can infer that the study aims toB.
A.warn people not to be a boss for ever
B.remind the boss to deal with the bad effects of their work
C.show that having authority is harmful to one's health
D.prove that being a boss can benefit a lot
59.The best title for this passage might beB.
A.Lower-status can affect health
B.Authority can affect health
C.Positive aspects of a power position
D.Disadvantages of being a boss.
15.If you're a male and you're reading this,congratulations!You're a survivor.According to statistics,you're more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS.Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term,about 78 years for men in Australia,you'll die on average five years before a woman.
There're many reasons for this--typically,men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly,men don't go to the doctor.
"Men aren't seeing doctors as often as they should,"says Dr.Gullotta."This is particularly so
for the over-40s,when diseases tend to strike.According to a recent survey,95%of women aged between 15 and early 49s see a doctor once a year,compared to 70%of men in the same age group.
"A lot of men think they're unbeatable,"Gullotta says."They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think,Geez,if it could happen to him …"
Then there's the ostrich(鸵鸟)approach."Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,"says Dr.Ross Cartmill.
"Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,"Cartmill says.He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.
"Prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases.Besides,the final cost is far greater,it's called premature death."
64.Why does the author congratulate male readers at the beginning of the passage?C
A.They can live longer than they expected.
B.They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.
C.They have lived long enough to read this article.
D.They are more likely to survive serious diseases now.
65.Which of the author's statements is the most important reason that men die five years earlier on average than women according to the passage?B
A.Men drink and smoke much more than women.
B.Men don't seek medical care as often as women.
C.Men are more likely to suffer from deadly diseases.
D.Men aren't as cautious as women in face of danger.
66.Which of the following best completes the underlined sentence"Geez,if it could happen to him…"(in Para 4)?A
A.it could happen to me,too.
B.it would be a big misfortune.
C.I should avoid playing golf.
D.I should consider myself lucky.
67.What does Dr.Ross Cartmill mean by"the ostrich approach"(in Para 5)?D
A.A casual attitude towards one's health conditions.
B.A new treatment for certain psychological problems.
C.Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved.
D.Unwillingness to find out about one's disease because of fear.
5.Of the many unpleasant emotions we can experience,fear may top the list.(16)F.Fear can also keep us from pursuing the things in life that really matter--like following our dreams,and developing important relationships.I have some ideas,though,of how to be free from fear.
•Experience fear.
I used to be very afraid of speaking in front of people.I would get sweaty palms and my stomach would be so tied up that I wouldn't be able to eat.However,each time I spoke,I noticed afterwards that it wasn't that bad.Things I fear are never as bad in reality as I make them out in my mind.(17)D.
•Create space.
The first and most important step to being fearless is to create some space between ourselves and the emotion of fear.This isn't accomplished by ignoring the fear,or trying to talk ourselves out of it.(18)A.In fact,a recent research shows that by simply admitting the emotion we actually begin to reverse the"fight or flight(逃避)"response in the body.
•Control the breath and feel the fear.
Once we acknowledge the presence of fear,the second step is to control the breathing so that it becomes slower and gentler.We try to make the breath just a little bit longer,and feel how fear manifests(展现) in the body.(19)G.
With practice,we can create enough space between us and the emotion of fear so that we're able to replace a fearful thought with a positive one.(20)B.For instance,before I get up to speak in front of a group of people,I imagine that the audience is positively impressed by what I say and that I manage to complete the speech successfully.

A.Space is created only when we can honestly acknowledge that fear exists.
B.We can imagine a positive outcome for whatever we're about to do.
C.Fear,if left uncontrolled,can even destroy our life.
D.So one way to get rid of fear is to simply push ourselves to do things that we fear.
E.When we can see a positive outcome in our mind,fear no longer holds us back.
F.But fear is more than just physically unpleasant.
G.As we pay attention to the physical symptoms of fear,we can see fear objectively.
12.Women who own cats are more likely to have mental health problems and kill themselves because they can be infected by a common parasite that can be caught from cat litter,a study has found.
Researchers found women infected with the Toxoplasma gondii (T.gondii) parasite(刚地弓形虫),which is spread through contact with cat waste or eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables,are at increased risk of attempting suicide.
The study involved more than 45,000women in Denmark.About a third of the world's population is infected with the parasite,which hides in cells in the brain and muscles,often without producing symptoms.
The infection,which is called toxoplasmosis(弓形虫病),has been linked to mental illness,such as schizophrenia(精神分裂症),and changes in behavior.
The study's senior author Doctor Teodor Postolache,an associate professor of psychiatry(精神病学) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in the United States,said,"We can't say with certainty that T.gondii caused the women to try to kill themselves,but we did find a predictive association between the infection and suicide attempts later in life that deserves additional studies."
Doctor Albert Reece,vice president of medical affairs at the University of Maryland,said,"T.gondii infection is a major public health problem around the world,and many people don't realize they're infected.
"Dr Postolache is a leading expert on suicide neuroimmunology(神经免疫学).Suicide is a critically important mental health issue.About one million people commit suicide and another 10million attempt suicide worldwide each year.We hope that this type of research will one day help us find ways to save many lives that now end too early in suicide."
Dr.Postolache's research team at the University of Maryland was the first to report a connection between T.gondii and suicidal behavior in 2009.He is cooperating with researchers in Denmark,Germany and Sweden to confirm and investigate the way leading to this association.
The T.gondii parasite thrives in the intestines of cats,and it is spread through their waste.All warm-blooded animals can become infected through contact with it.Humans can become infected by changing their infected cats'litter boxes,eating unwashed vegetables,drinking water from a polluted source,or by eating undercooked or raw meat.
Not washing kitchen knives after preparing raw meat before handling another food item also can lead to infection.Pregnant women can pass the parasite directly to their unborn babies and are advised not to change cat litter boxes to avoid possible infection.
Babies don't produce antibodies to T.gondii for three months after they are born,so the antibodies present in their blood represented infection in the mothers.The scientists studied Danish health patients to determine if any of these women later attempted suicide,including cases of violent suicide attempts which may have involved guns,sharp instruments and jumping from high places.
The study found that women infected with T.gondii were one and a half times more likely to attempt suicide compared to those who were not infected,and the risk seemed to rise with increasing levels of the T.gondii antibodies.
Dr Postolache noted limitations to the study,such as the inability to determine the cause of the suicidal behavior.
The findings were published online in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
50.The objects of the research are women fromA.
A.Demark B.the USA C.Germany D.Sweden
51.The common way which is more likely to be infected with the disease isB.
A.to eat unwashed vegetables or undercooked meat
B.to clean a place where a cat once lived for a time
C.to pass the infection to her unborn baby during a woman's pregnancy
D.to reuse kitchen tools which have been used to cut raw meat
52.What is the consequence if a woman is infected with the parasite in the passage?B
A.Having a high fever.
B.Doing deliberate self-harm.
C.Keeping a depressed mood.
D.Becoming bad tempered.
53.What can be inferred from the passage?C
A.Women have a higher risk to be infected by the parasite than men.
B.The result of the research may help the scientists to find ways to stop suicide in advance.
C.The scientists will continue their research into the possible connection.
D.The risk of being infected seems to rise with the decreasing levels of the antibodies.
54.Which of the following statements would probably be the best title of the passage?D
A.Why are women more likely to commit suicide?
B.Women should keep away from cats.
C.Ways found to deal with women's mental problems.
D.Are women who own cats at a suicide risk?
3.In the more and more competitive service industry,it is no longer enough to promise customer satisfaction.Today,customer"delight"is what companies are trying to achieve in order to keep and increase market share.
It is accepted in the marketing industry,and confirmed by a number of researchers,that customers receiving good service will promote business by telling up to 12 other people; those treated badly tell tales of worse to up to 20 people.Interestingly,80 percent of people who feel their complaints are handled fairly will stay loyal.
New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain goods and services through telephone call centers and the Internet.For example,many companies now have to invest a lot of money in information technology and staff training in order to cope with the"phone rage"-caused by delays in answering calls,being cut off in mid-conversation or left waiting for long periods.
"Many people do not like talking to machines,"says Dr,Storey,Senior Lecturer in Marketing at City University Business School."Banks,for example,encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them.The aim is to make the customer feel they know you and that you can trust them-the sort of comfortable feelings people have during face-to-face chats with their local branch manager."
Recommended ways of creating customer delight include:under-promising and over-delivering (saying that a repair will be carried out within five hours,but getting it done within two); replacing a faulty product immediately; throwing in a gift coupon as an unexpected"thank you"to regular customers; and always returning calls,even when they are complaints.
Airlines face some of the toughest challenges over customer care.Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool,while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather,unclaimed luggage and technical problems.
For British Airways staff,a winning telephone style is considered vital in handling the large volume of calls about bookings and flight times.The Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff are taught to regard each other as customers requiring the highest standards of service.
Customer care is obviously here to stay and it would be a foolish company that used slogans such as"we do as we please".On the other hand,the more customers are promised,the greater the risk of disappointment.

41.We can learn from Paragraph 2 thatD.
  A.complaining customers are hard to satisfy
  B.unsatisfied customers receive better service
  C.satisfied customers catch more attention
  D.well-treated customers promote business
42.The writer mentions"phone rage"(Paragraph 3)to show thatC.
  A.customers often use phones to express their anger
  B.people still prefer to buy goods online
  C.customer care becomes more demanding
  D.customers rely on their phones to obtain services
43.What does the writer recommend to create customer delight?

  A.Calling customers regularly.   B.Giving a"thank you"note.
  C.Delivering a quicker service.  D.Promising more gifts.
44.Customer delight is important for airlines becauseB.
  A.their telephone style remains unchanged
  B.they are more likely to meet with complaints
  C.the services cost them a lot of money
  D.the policies can be applied to their staff
45.Which of the following is conveyed in this article?C
  A.Face-to-face service creates comfortable feelings among customers.
  B.Companies that promise more will naturally attract more customers.
  C.A company should promise less but do more in a competitive market.
  D.Customer delight is more important for air lines than for banks.

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