
In 2010, Alec Johnson presented his father Michael with a Christmas list with a number of high-priced items. Wanting to show his son what really _______ in life, Michael and his wife Mehmaz brought Alec and his best friend Luke to downtown San Diego, where they _______ home-made burritos(墨西哥玉米卷饼)to the people living on the streets.

At first, Alec viewed the exercise as a ________. But after communicating with the _______ in San Diego, Michael says, “The boys had such a great time that they asked if they could do it _______ ” The project quickly grew bigger,

_____ more and more of Alec’s friends got involved.

Over the years, the boys have ________ a lot about not only themselves but the people they’re helping to ________ as well. One volunteer told People that taking part in the project has changed his sense of those less ________. “When you go out there you see they’re just people who have had a hard ________ of luck.”

On Sundays, Michael’s day _______ as early as 4:30 a.m., when he heads to a local restaurant ________ to begin preparing ingredients(配料)that will soon be used to make over 600 burritos. As the morning ________, more and more people come to ________ their services. They quickly create these warm meals. _______ the burritos are all made around 8:30, the _______ pack up and drive to two different

_____ locations in downtown San Diego. _______ round burritos, the group gives out drinks to those in need.

“Our goal is to get people ________ the streets and provide them with a little nutrition, a little hope and a little ________,” says Michael.

1.A. matters B. succeeds C. lacks D. happens

2.A. picked up B. begged for C. handed out D. ate up

3.A. course B. punishment C. relaxation D. reward

4.A. hopeless B. stateless C. nameless D. homeless

5.A. again B. well C. once D. hard

6.A. unless B. as C. if D. although

7.A. attempted B. shared C. conveyed D. learned

8.A. free B. feed C. save D. cure

9.A. intelligent B. anxious C. guilty D. fortunate

10.A. turn B. role C. trial D. plan

11.A. breaks B. comes C. pauses D. begins

12.A. kitchen B. reception C. counter D. court

13.A. catches on B. works on C. wears on D. carries on

14.A. acknowledge B. lend C. purchase D. consume

15.A. Because B. Even though C. Once D. In case

16.A. volunteers B. employees C. waiters D. customers

17.A. production B. camp C. market D. distribution

18.A. In case of B. On account of C. In addition to D. In response to

19.A. into B. off C. near D. on

20.A. confidence B. belief C. pity D. dignity


Some people say that city living in the 21 st century is stressful and offers no advantages, but I don’t agree with them completely.

With the development of high-tech and the improvement of living qualities, more and more people crowded into city, which leads to the uncontrollable urbanization (城市化). Because of this, some of the largest cities must be fairly oppressive(压抑的) places in which to live if you are short of money or unemployed. However, for those with much income, a city provides colorful environment which enables people to enjoy their modern life. In that case, I believe the advantages of urban living far outweigh from its shortcomings.

Regarding shopping, as for me, rather than click on the Internet to get what I want, I prefer to windowshop. All kinds of shopping malls and supermarkets located in city centre really content me. What’s more, a large city’s service even covers numbers of the surrounding towns and benefits many people.

In terms of entertainment, city residents are usually spoiled for choice, from amusement park to sport stadium, whoever you are will find exactly what you need. Maybe going to a concert tonight and visiting museums tomorrow. City always contains various activities and full of energy.

City also provides better opportunities with so many choices and challenges. Cities with universities offer high-standard education so that graduates from these places always get ideal jobs with considerable salary. Every day in the business district, you can see a fierce competition among those large companies, while there are exactly places that may give birth to talents.

Many people may complain about the traffic jam or pollution in the city, but I think with some useful measures to take, our city will be more habitable rather than stressful.

1.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?

A. City living in the 21 st century is stressful.

B. City provides more conveniences and pleasures.

C. City living brings great trouble to the youth..

D. City is gradually dying out as a matter of fact.

2.The advantages of urban living are________.

A. much income and colorful environment

B. quantities of population and shopping centers

C. great entertainments and better education

D. strong measures and fresh air

3.City residents are usually spoiled for choice because they______.

A. have no more choices for amusement

B. can hardly find what they like to do

C. are so many kinds of entertainment

D. will spend more money in a way

4.What’s the attitude of the author to the disadvantages in city?

A. Disappointed B. Hopeful

C. Amazed D. Cold-hearted

Imagine that you’re looking at your company-issued smartphone and you notice an e-mail from Linkedln: “These companies are looking for candidates like you!” You aren’t necessarily searching for a job, but you’re always open to opportunities, so out of curiosity, you click on the link. A few minutes later your boss appears at your desk. “We’ve noticed that you’re spending more time on Linkedln lately, so I wanted to talk with you about your career and whether you’re happy here,” she says. Uh-oh.

It’s an awkward scene. Attrition (损耗) has always been expensive for companies, but in many industries the cost of losing good workers is rising, owing to tight labor markets. Thus companies are making greater efforts to predict which workers are at high risk of leaving so that managers can try to stop them. Methods range from electronic monitor to well-designed analyses of employees’ social media lives.

Some of this work may be a reason to let employees to quit. In general, people leave their jobs because they don’t like their boss, don’t see opportunities for promotion or growth, or are offered a higher pay; these reasons have held steady for years.

New research conducted by CEB, a Washington-based technology company, looks not just at why workers quit but also at when. “We’ve learned that what really affects people is their sense of how they’re doing compared with other people in their peer group, or with where they thought they would be at a certain point in life, says Brian Kropp, who heads CEB’s HR practice. “We’ve learned to focus on moments that allow people to make these comparisons.”

Technology also provides clues about which star employees might be eyeing the exit. Companies can tell whether employees using work computers or phones are spending time on (or even just opening e-mails from) career websites, and research shows that more firms are paying attention to these things. Large companies have also begun searching for badge swipes (浏览痕迹)---- employees’ use of an ID to enter and exit the building or the parking garage---to identify patterns that suggest a worker may be interviewing for a job.

1.What can we infer about Linkedln in the text?

A. an e-mail B. a job from the Internet

C. a world-famous company D. a professional social network

2.According to the passage, how can companies prevent workers from quitting?

A. Companies can analyze workers’ social media lives.

B. Companies need to find out workers likely to quit.

C. Companies must try to reduce the cost of losing good workers.

D. Companies should be stricter with workers.

3.According to the research by CEB, which of the following might be the most probable reason for workers to quit their jobs?

A. Workers are always doing comparisons.

B. Not seeing opportunities for promotion.

C. To find a higher-paid job.

D. They don’t like their bosses.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To show a new trend in the job market.

B. To stress the role of new technologies.

C. To make a review on a phenomenon.

D. To tell us the leader’s concerns.

The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Series

A pass is your ticket to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites. Each pass covers entrance fees at national parks and national wildlife refuges as well as standard amenity(便利设施)fees and day use fees for a driver and all passengers in a personal vehicle at per vehicle fee areas at national forests and grasslands, and at lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Children aged 15 or under are admitted free. The following passes make up the series:

Annual Pass

● $ 80

● Available to everyone.

● Can be obtained in person at a federal recreation site, right here online, or contact us.

● Non-transferable(不可转让的).

Senior Pass

● $ 10, lifetime pass

● For U. S. citizens or permanent residents aged 62 or over.

● May be obtained online, in person at a federal recreation site or through the mail using this application form. Applicants must provide documentation of age and residency or citizenship.

Access Pass

● Free

● For U. S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities.

● May be obtained in person at a federal recreation site or through the mail using this application form. Applicants must provide documentation of permanent disability and residency or citizenship.

Volunteer Pass

● Free

● For volunteers who acquire 250 service hours with the federal agencies that participate in the Interagency Pass Program.

● Contact your local federal recreation site for more information about volunteer opportunities or visit Volunteer, gov.

1.Which pass is suitable for a healthy U. S. citizen in his seventies?

A. Annual Pass. B. Senior Pass.

C. Access Pass. D. Volunteer Pass.

2.What do we know about the pass series?

A. Only U. S. citizens can access the series.

B. Ownership of Annual Pass can be handed over.

C. Access Pass can be got through two ways.

D. Volunteering guarantees Volunteer Pass.

3.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A report. B. A poster.

C. A newspaper. D. A webpage.

There is always something that happens in the world that everyone fears will happen to their town, city or country: natural disasters. The scariest part of it is that no one will ever see it coming. Though technology helps us prepare, but it never actually tells the people when it's going to hit. It is always estimated but the result is never 100% accurate.

However, that is not the point of this article. Two different natural disasters in two different parts of the world have happened in the past few weeks. One was a major flood that has hit Louisiana in the United States. The other was an earthquake that hit Amatrice, Italy. However, there is a major difference in the news coverage of the two tragedies.

As for the flooding in Louisiana, it is reported that this disaster is the worst to hit the United States since Super-storm Sandy and it'll cost at least $30 million. In only the first couple of weeks, 13 people had died. However, like me, many people did not hear about this tragic event. I did not learn about it until about three weeks after it happened.

In Italy, however, it covered all media instantly. The earthquake in Italy happened on Tuesday morning. That same day, I was on Twitter and that was all that was over the news feed. Every other post was about the earthquake. Some would have the opinion that Amatrice, Italy was one of the most beautiful towns in that country. I got in deep sorrow because there were more people killed in this quake than the flooding. So far, they have a total of 73 dead and over one hundred missing.

I understand that technically the earthquake in Italy was worse than the floods in Louisiana. However, I believe that if a natural disaster happens, they all should be equally covered and taken equally seriously. We are one world united and should be there for all of the people who are in need of help. We may not be able to accurately predict disasters but, we can surely lend a hand out for the needy.

1.What really concerns the author about the two natural disasters?

A. The death and the injured. B. The media report.

C. The government's responsibility. D. Their economic loss.

2.Why did the author learn about the flood so late?

A. He didn’t care about the flood.

B. He felt nervous about the news.

C. The media didn’t cover it in time.

D. The flood frightened the author a lot.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Italy isn't good at predicting the natural disasters.

B. All natural disasters should be covered equally.

C. The world should be united into one instantly.

D. America should help Italy predict natural disasters.

4.How is the text mainly developed?

A. By making a comparison. B. By following the time order.

C. By listing some examples. D. By analyzing the causes.

I was 17 when I walked into Carley's bookstore in Ashland. As I was looking at_______on the shelves, the shop owner asked if I'd like_______. I needed to start________for college, so I said yes. I worked after school, and the job helped________my yearly tuition. I would work many other jobs: making coffee in the Students Union; a hotel maid and______ making maps for a company. But selling books was one of the most_______.

One day a woman asked me for books on cancer. She seemed fearful. I showed her almost everything_______ and found other books we could order. She left the store less______. I've always remembered the________I felt in having helped her.

Years later, as a _______in Los Angles, I heard about an immigrant child born ______his fingers connected. His family couldn't afford a corrective operation, and the boy lived in ______, hiding his hand in his pocket.

I_______ my boss to let me do the story. After the story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the_______ for free.

I visited the boy soon after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his _______hand and said, "Thank you." I felt a sense of_______

In the past, while I was_______, I always sensed I was working for the customers, not the store. Today it's the________ Fox pays my salary,________I feel as if I work for the_______, helping them make sense of the world.

1.A. maps B. articles C. reports D. titles

2.A. a book B. some tea C. a job D. any help

3.A. planning B. saving C. preparing D. studying

4.A. pay for B. fit for C. run for D. enter for

5.A. so B. yet C. even D. still

6.A. boring B. satisfying C. surprising D. disappointing

7.A. in need B. in all C. in order D. in store

8.A. worried B. satisfied C. interested D. puzzled

9.A. surprise B. failure C. regret D. pride

10.A. doctor B. TV reporter C. bookseller D. store owner

11.A. with B. in C. by D. for

12.A. horror B. honor C. shame D. danger

13.A. advised B. persuaded C. forced D. permitted

14.A. action B. program C. treatment D. operation

15.A. repaired B. connected C. injured D. improved

16.A. humor B. interest C. pleasure D. excitement

17.A. at the TV station B. in the Students Union C. at the US Forest Service D. at Carley's bookstore

18.A. opposite B. same C. different D. right

19.A. so B. and C. but D. because

20.A. viewers B. readers C. customers D. passengers

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