
A.artificial    B.especially    C.substitute      D.extra       E.preventing     F.concerns
G.rotten      H.enduring     I.inadequately    J.approved    K.evidence
Are Sweeteners (甜味剂) Safe and Healthy?
For many of us,the relationship we have with sugar is love at first taste,and that love usually lasts a lifetime.But what price do we have to pay for this truly addictive,sugary love?Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病)?Heavier bodies?Raised blood sugar levels?Or even(41)Gteeth?
Time to quit perhaps?Easier said than done.What's the alternative?Many would suggest using sweeteners as a(42)C.But are sweeteners healthier than sugar?
Sweeteners are usually low-calorie (卡路里) or calorie-free substances that have a similar taste to sugar.It is estimated that more than a quarter of British households buy(43)Asweeteners to help cut their sugar intake.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has(44)Jsome of the health claims food manufacturers have made about sweeteners such as xylitol,sorbitol and sucralose.These include(45)Etooth decay and controlling blood sugar levels.
According to the National Health Service in the UK,sweeteners are safe to use and are(46)Bhelpful for those who are diabetic.Sioned Quirke,a spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association says,"As a dietician,I support and promote the use of sweeteners in cooking and diet."She also says that"There is no(47)Kto suggest that low-calorie sweeteners,such as saccharin,aspartame and sucralose,are harmful or bad for you."
But many have(48)Fover the long-term effects caused by using sweeteners.Dr Robert Lustig,author of‘Fat Chance:The Bitter Truth About Sugar'would not accept sweeteners as an alternative to sugar because,"We lack data".According to Dr Lustig,organisations like EFSA only require studies which test whether something will poison a person in a short period of time,which is known as acute toxicity (急性毒性) studies.But we still don't know what the(49)Heffects are.
Dietician Emma Carder says on the NHS Choices website,"While more research is needed,sweeteners continue to have a useful role in offering a sweet taste without adding(50)Dcalories."

分析 本文讲述了糖对人体的危害,但是甜味剂虽然没有明显的证据表明对人体有害,但是从长久来看,其影响还是不确定.

解答 41.G 42.C 43.A 44.J 45.E 46.B 47.K 48.F 49.H 50.D
42.C.前面说What's the alternative?所以接下来就是许多人建议使用甜味剂来替代糖,后面的But are sweeteners healthier than sugar?也是提示;故选C.
43.A.根据have a similar taste to sugar可知甜味剂和糖的味道是几乎一样的,又根据后面句子中的做目的状语的不定式to help cut their sugar intake(减少糖分的摄入),所以有四分之一多的英国家庭购买人造的甜味剂;故选A.
 44.J.根据后面的宾语some of the health claims (一些健康声明)可知,这是欧洲食品安全委员会批准了遮羞声明;故选J.
45.E.由and后面的controlling blood sugar levels可知,这是甜味剂的功效之一即控制血糖水平,那么对牙齿的防护自然就是防止蛀牙(preventing tooth decay );故选E.
46.B.sweeteners are safe to use和are(46)helpful for those who are diabetic两者之间应该是一种递进关系,所以用especially来修饰;故选B.
47.K.前面一句I support and promote the use of sweeteners in cooking and diet说明她是认可对甜味剂的使用的,接下来就是陈述她的理由:因为低热量的甜味剂是否对人体有害还是有不良影响是没有相关证据的;故选K.
49.H.Dr Robert Lustig的观点是短期内甜味剂对人体是没有明显的影响的,但是就其持久的影响则是不为人知的;故选H.
50.D.最后Emma Carder指出,尽管需要进一步研究,但是在不额外增加其卡路里含量的情况下,为人们提供甜食方面还是有着有用的作用的;故选D.

点评 在做十一选十的选词填空题时,很重要的一点就是要确认空格处所要填的词的词性,然后根据句子的语法规则,也是就是句法来判断所要填的词.

14.Norm lives in a rural area some distance from the nearest city and a much longer distance from the nearest big hospital so when his wife got cancer several years ago Norm was faced with a four and a half hour drive to where she could be treated.That meant lots of expense for meals,fuel,hotels and so on but in the end the cancer took his wife anyway.
Norm was obviously very stricken by his wife's passing but he was also very angry because he realized that other people were facing the same sorts of hardships.He wanted to do something but he didn't want to give money to the charities(慈善机构)that support cancer research because he didn't know how much of it would actually get to the researchers.What he did was start to hold parties.
About every three weeks on Saturday evenings there is a party in Norm's garden.Neighbours,friends and relatives come and bring snacks and drinks;many bring instruments,there is music and lancing and at some point during the evening Norm tells about a family he has found who are having difficulties meeting the cost of supporting a cancer patient undergoing treatment far from home.Then a honey-pail is passed around and the money collected,every cent of it,goes directly to that family.
Norm's passion to help the families of other cancer patients was born out of his grief but Norm's personal loss has resulted in an act of kindness that honours the memory of the wife he has lost.He makes the world a better place.

24.What do we know about Norm's wife?C
A.She died for lack of money.   
B.She worked in a distant hospital.
C.She lost the battle against cancer.
D.She took good care of her family.
25.How does Norm help others?D
A.By giving money to charities.    
B.By supporting cancer researchers.
C.By telling stories to his friends.
D.By raising money through parties.
26.At Norm's party,the"honey-pail"is used to containD.
A.snacks    B.drinks    
C.honey     D.money
27.Through what he does,Norm probably wants toA.
A.remember his wife    
B.hide his anger
C.regain his personal loss 
D.change the world.

During my childhood, one of my favorite fruits was watermelon. Because I loved it so much, I was _____to grow my own. When I told my mother, she ______. She told me that it would never grow in such a cold climate, yet I_______to give up.

Lacking my mother’s support. I________my grandmother instead. She told me that if I wanted to ______watermelons, then I should just do it. I can still remember her ______, “Jeanne Marie, if you_______something in life, you have to work for it. If you don’t reach for your ______, they’ll fly away.” She spoke to my heart,_______me. I became more determined. I dried the ______from one of my pieces of fruit, and then ______them in the earth behind my home. Day after day, I ______and checked the soil for any signs of growth; ______, day after day, I was ____. My grandmother ______me not to give up. She said, “In today’s world, Jeanne Marie, your dream is the thing that no one can take away.”

Though what my grandmother said sounded reasonable, I was still_______. Then, just as I was about to give up my hope, a ______came up. I watched its growth by the minute and ______every inch it grew until one day I was eating my home-grown watermelon _____.

My grandmother has a great influence on my life. She teaches me if one has the________to do something, he will achieve it in good time.

1.A. determined B. surprised C. excited D. honored

2.A. cried B. laughed C. shouted D. agreed

3.A. asked B. hoped C. refused D. decided

4.A. turned to B. referred to C. looked after D. belonged to

5.A. sell B. enjoy C. eat D. grow

6.A. words B. reasons C. stories D. answers

7.A. want B. limit C. accept D. understand

8.A. gifts B. dreams C. fruits D. goods

9.A. preventing B. challenging C. inspiring D. protecting

10.A. flowers B. roots C. seeds D. leaves

11.A. planted B. cut C. destroyed D. hid

12.A. mixed B. trained C. controlled D. watered

13.A. however B. thus C. so D. besides

14.A. amazed B. worried C. disappointed D. curious

15.A. encouraged B. promised C. forced D. ordered

16.A. angry B. happy C. puzzled D. brave

17.A. chance B. problem C. watermelon D. plant

18.A. recorded B. found C. concluded D. explained

19.A. quickly B. proudly C. smoothly D. gently

20.A. desire B. ability C. opinion D. time

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