
20.After having checked all the windows and doors were closed and________ all the lights
were turned off,the teacher left the Classroom.(  )

分析 检查完门窗都关好了,所有的灯也都关了后,老师离开了教室.

解答 答案:B 
题干中all the windows and doors were closed 和all the lights were turned off都充当动词check的宾语;宾语从句中的连词that通常可以省略,但为了避免歧义时,不可省略.故选B.

点评 本题考查了宾语从句中连词that的特殊用法.宾语从句中连词that通常可以省略,但如果引起歧义则不能省略.本题如果省略了that句意就有了两种解释:一种是all the windows and doors were closed 和all the lights were turned off都充当动词check的宾语;另一种是After having checked all the windows and doors were closed和all the lights were turned off并列,很明显句意就错误了.

5.When you're in high school,it can be difficult to find a job.You may not have much,or any,formal work experience and there aren't many jobs available for teenagers.However,if you're looking for a job,there are things you can do to help get your application noticed and help yourself get hired.(36)F
•Don't be shy.
Tell everyone you know you are looking for a job.Many jobs aren't advertised and you may be able to get a good job lead from a friend or family member.
One good way to get experience is to start by working for friends and neighbors.Babysitting,garden work,doing cleaning,and pet sitting all can be included on your resume(简历).
•Keep an open mind.
(38)D This is a tough market and you may not be able to find a job doing what you want to do.The more flexibility you have,the more opportunities you'll be able to apply for.Plus,even if the job wasn't your first choice,it may turn out to be better than you expected.
•Check the rules.
There are only certain jobs you can do and hours you can work.(39)G The minimum age you can work at paid non-agricultural employment is 14.
•Write a resume.
A resume may not be required by employers.(40)E Even though you may not have much information to include,a resume shows that you're serious about your job search.
A.Start close to home.
B.Be always optimistic.
C.You can count on the following chance.
D.Don't limit yourself to certain types of jobs.
E.But it can help you stand out from the competition.
F.These job search tips will help you get your job search started.
G.Check the Child Labor Law regulations to see how they apply to you.
A.artificial    B.especially    C.substitute      D.extra       E.preventing     F.concerns
G.rotten      H.enduring     I.inadequately    J.approved    K.evidence
Are Sweeteners (甜味剂) Safe and Healthy?
For many of us,the relationship we have with sugar is love at first taste,and that love usually lasts a lifetime.But what price do we have to pay for this truly addictive,sugary love?Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病)?Heavier bodies?Raised blood sugar levels?Or even(41)Gteeth?
Time to quit perhaps?Easier said than done.What's the alternative?Many would suggest using sweeteners as a(42)C.But are sweeteners healthier than sugar?
Sweeteners are usually low-calorie (卡路里) or calorie-free substances that have a similar taste to sugar.It is estimated that more than a quarter of British households buy(43)Asweeteners to help cut their sugar intake.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has(44)Jsome of the health claims food manufacturers have made about sweeteners such as xylitol,sorbitol and sucralose.These include(45)Etooth decay and controlling blood sugar levels.
According to the National Health Service in the UK,sweeteners are safe to use and are(46)Bhelpful for those who are diabetic.Sioned Quirke,a spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association says,"As a dietician,I support and promote the use of sweeteners in cooking and diet."She also says that"There is no(47)Kto suggest that low-calorie sweeteners,such as saccharin,aspartame and sucralose,are harmful or bad for you."
But many have(48)Fover the long-term effects caused by using sweeteners.Dr Robert Lustig,author of‘Fat Chance:The Bitter Truth About Sugar'would not accept sweeteners as an alternative to sugar because,"We lack data".According to Dr Lustig,organisations like EFSA only require studies which test whether something will poison a person in a short period of time,which is known as acute toxicity (急性毒性) studies.But we still don't know what the(49)Heffects are.
Dietician Emma Carder says on the NHS Choices website,"While more research is needed,sweeteners continue to have a useful role in offering a sweet taste without adding(50)Dcalories."

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