
19.I had no idea how to deal withloneliness(孤独)when I just began to study abroad.

分析 当我在国外求学时我不知道该如何面对孤独.

解答 答案:loneliness.
分析句子可知deal with后面缺少宾语,由汉语提示可知本句考查名词,故答案为loneliness.

点评 注意辨别loneliness的形容词lonely(孤独,寂寞,有感情色彩)和alone(独自的,单独的,中性词,无感情色彩).

A.artificial    B.especially    C.substitute      D.extra       E.preventing     F.concerns
G.rotten      H.enduring     I.inadequately    J.approved    K.evidence
Are Sweeteners (甜味剂) Safe and Healthy?
For many of us,the relationship we have with sugar is love at first taste,and that love usually lasts a lifetime.But what price do we have to pay for this truly addictive,sugary love?Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病)?Heavier bodies?Raised blood sugar levels?Or even(41)Gteeth?
Time to quit perhaps?Easier said than done.What's the alternative?Many would suggest using sweeteners as a(42)C.But are sweeteners healthier than sugar?
Sweeteners are usually low-calorie (卡路里) or calorie-free substances that have a similar taste to sugar.It is estimated that more than a quarter of British households buy(43)Asweeteners to help cut their sugar intake.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has(44)Jsome of the health claims food manufacturers have made about sweeteners such as xylitol,sorbitol and sucralose.These include(45)Etooth decay and controlling blood sugar levels.
According to the National Health Service in the UK,sweeteners are safe to use and are(46)Bhelpful for those who are diabetic.Sioned Quirke,a spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association says,"As a dietician,I support and promote the use of sweeteners in cooking and diet."She also says that"There is no(47)Kto suggest that low-calorie sweeteners,such as saccharin,aspartame and sucralose,are harmful or bad for you."
But many have(48)Fover the long-term effects caused by using sweeteners.Dr Robert Lustig,author of‘Fat Chance:The Bitter Truth About Sugar'would not accept sweeteners as an alternative to sugar because,"We lack data".According to Dr Lustig,organisations like EFSA only require studies which test whether something will poison a person in a short period of time,which is known as acute toxicity (急性毒性) studies.But we still don't know what the(49)Heffects are.
Dietician Emma Carder says on the NHS Choices website,"While more research is needed,sweeteners continue to have a useful role in offering a sweet taste without adding(50)Dcalories."

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